995 resultados para Sexual Differentiation
A modificação do comportamento de risco e o estudo dos factores psicossociais associados a esses comportamentos têm vindo a assumir um papel de grande importância no domínio da prevenção das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Contudo, têm sido vários os factores, nomeadamente de carácter social e psicossocial relacionada com as práticas de comportamentos sexuais de risco. São disso exemplo as normas sociais que ditam o comportamento sexual mais indicado para homens e para as mulheres (duplo padrão sexual) e, por outro lado, os factores relacionados com a adopção de comportamentos e estratégias de protecção contra as DST`s e o HIV/SIDA. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal verificar a relação entre o duplo padrão sexual e o conhecimento das DST`s. Ou seja, pretende-se ver como a influência do duplo padrão e dos estereótipos sociais influenciam o comportamento e prática sexual, os conhecimentos, atitudes e crenças dos jovens africanos (PALOP) estudantes da Universidade do Minho e da Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Braga. A amostra foi constituída por 107 participantes, predominantemente do sexo feminino (n=64) e masculino (n=43) com a idade compreendida entre os 17 e os 30 anos. Este estudo centrou a atenção numa população de jovens adultos com características específicas: “estudantes africanos”. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala do Duplo Padrão Sexual, traduzido e adaptado a população portuguesa por Nogueira, 2008 e o Questionário do Conhecimento das Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis adaptado a população portuguesa por Cruz e Nogueira, 2007. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para: a) a existência de um duplo padrão sexual tradicional; b) a não existência de relações significativas entre o grau de conhecimentos e as outras variáveis psicossociais; e c) um baixo nível do conhecimento das DST`s. Este estudo parece revelar-se de uma importância fundamental para a intervenção e prevenção das DST`s em particular do HIV/SIDA. Também parece evidenciar a potencial ineficácia de programas de prevenção das DST`s centrados único e exclusivamente na transmissão de conhecimentos, como sendo um único indicador da eficácia dos programas de prevenção e mudanças de atitudes e comportamentos.
Se presentan datos de madurez sexual promedio mensual de la anchoveta peruana, Engraulis ringens por longitudes y sexos, para las Regiones Norte (06°-10°S), Centro (10°-14° S) y Sur (14°-18°20 ' S) para el período 1961-87. Estos se obtuvieron usando los datos de madurez sexual colectados macroscópicamente de ejemplares procedentes de los desembarques a lo largo del litoral peruano.
AbstractText BACKGROUND: Profiling sperm DNA present on vaginal swabs taken from rape victims often contributes to identifying and incarcerating rapists. Large amounts of the victim's epithelial cells contaminate the sperm present on swabs, however, and complicate this process. The standard method for obtaining relatively pure sperm DNA from a vaginal swab is to digest the epithelial cells with Proteinase K in order to solubilize the victim's DNA, and to then physically separate the soluble DNA from the intact sperm by pelleting the sperm, removing the victim's fraction, and repeatedly washing the sperm pellet. An alternative approach that does not require washing steps is to digest with Proteinase K, pellet the sperm, remove the victim's fraction, and then digest the residual victim's DNA with a nuclease. METHODS: The nuclease approach has been commercialized in a product, the Erase Sperm Isolation Kit (PTC Labs, Columbia, MO, USA), and five crime laboratories have tested it on semen-spiked female buccal swabs in a direct comparison with their standard methods. Comparisons have also been performed on timed post-coital vaginal swabs and evidence collected from sexual assault cases. RESULTS: For the semen-spiked buccal swabs, Erase outperformed the standard methods in all five laboratories and in most cases was able to provide a clean male profile from buccal swabs spiked with only 1,500 sperm. The vaginal swabs taken after consensual sex and the evidence collected from rape victims showed a similar pattern of Erase providing superior profiles. CONCLUSIONS: In all samples tested, STR profiles of the male DNA fractions obtained with Erase were as good as or better than those obtained using the standard methods.
This paper studies oligopolistic competition in off-patent pharmaceuticalmarkets using a vertical product differentiation model. This model canexplain the observation that countries with stronger regulations havesmaller generic market shares. It can also explain the differences inobserved regulatory regimes. Stronger regulation may be due to a higherproportion of production that is done by foreign firms. Finally, a closelyrelated model can account for the observed increase in prices by patentowners after entry of generic producers.
Purpose: To evaluate whether parametric imaging with contrast material-enhanced ultrasonography (US) is superior to visual assessment for the differential diagnosis of focal liver lesions (FLLs). Materials and Methods: This study had institutional review board approval, and verbal patient informed consent was obtained. Between August 2005 and October 2008, 146 FLLs in 145 patients (63 women, 82 men; mean age, 62.5 years; age range, 22-89 years) were imaged with real-time low-mechanical-index contrast-enhanced US after a bolus injection of 2.4 mL of a second-generation contrast agent. Clips showing contrast agent uptake kinetics (including arterial, portal, and late phases) were recorded and subsequently analyzed off-line with dedicated image processing software. Analysis of the dynamic vascular patterns (DVPs) of lesions with respect to adjacent parenchyma allowed mapping DVP signatures on a single parametric image. Cine loops of contrast-enhanced US and results from parametric imaging of DVP were assessed separately by three independent off-site readers who classified each lesion as benign, malignant, or indeterminate. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for both techniques. Interobserver agreement (κ statistics) was determined. Results: Sensitivities for visual interpretation of cine loops for the three readers were 85.0%, 77.9%, and 87.6%, which improved significantly to 96.5%, 97.3%, and 96.5% for parametric imaging, respectively (P < .05, McNemar test), while retaining high specificity (90.9% for all three readers). Accuracy scores of parametric imaging were higher than those of conventional contrast-enhanced US for all three readers (P < .001, McNemar test). Interobserver agreement increased with DVP parametric imaging compared with conventional contrast-enhanced US (change of κ from 0.54 to 0.99). Conclusion: Parametric imaging of DVP improves diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced US in the differentiation between malignant and benign FLLs; it also provides excellent interobserver agreement.
En el Laboratorio de Huachipa del Instituto del Mar del Perú, en el período comprendido entre octubre de 1980 y agosto de 1982, se realizaron varios experimentos a fin de determinar el efecto del tipo de estanque, densidad de carga y calidad y cantidad de fertilizante en el crecimiento y la producción de Tilapia nilotica. Estos experimentos arrojaron una diferencia no significativa entre los tratamientos, por lo cual se halló una cifra general promedio de crecimiento y producción que permitió su comparación con las cifras de producción obtenidas en otras áreas del mundo, un peso individual promedio de 203.4 g, una producción total de 2,038 Kg/ha/272 días, y una producción neta de 5.6 Kg/ha/día. Cifras que quedan dentro del rango reportado por el ICA (International Center for Aquaculture) para clima templado; similares a las obtenidas en países de Europa Central y la China, y notablemente bajas comparadas con los 20 Kg/ha/día producidos en Israel. Se identifican la mala condición de los estanques utilizados, la baja densidad de carga aplicada, la baja calidad del fertilizante y el clima de la zona, específicamente la presencia de nubosidad, como los factores de mayor incidencia en los resultados poco satisfactorios.
The very diverse social systems of sweat bees make them interesting models to study social evolution. Here we focus on the dispersal behaviour and social organization of Halictus scabiosae, a common yet poorly known species of Europe. By combining field observations and genetic data, we show that females have multiple reproductive strategies, which generates a large diversity in the social structure of nests. A detailed microsatellite analysis of 60 nests revealed that 55% of the nests contained the offspring of a single female, whereas the rest had more complex social structures, with three clear cases of multiple females reproducing in the same nest and frequent occurrence of unrelated individuals. Drifting among nests was surprisingly common, as 16% of the 122 nests in the overall sample and 44% of the nests with complex social structure contained females that had genotypes consistent with being full-sisters of females sampled in other nests of the population. Drifters originated from nests with an above-average productivity and were unrelated to their nestmates, suggesting that drifting might be a strategy to avoid competition among related females. The sex-specific comparison of genetic differentiation indicated that dispersal was male-biased, which would reinforce local resource competition among females. The pattern of genetic differentiation among populations was consistent with a dynamic process of patch colonization and extinction, as expected from the unstable, anthropogenic habitat of this species. Overall, our data show that H. scabiosae varies greatly in dispersal behaviour and social organization. The surprisingly high frequency of drifters echoes recent findings in wasps and bees, calling for further investigation of the adaptive basis of drifting in the social insects.
Differentiation of female sexual organs in flowering plants is rare and contrasts with the wide range of male reproductive strategies. An unusual example involves diplostigmaty, the possession of spatially and temporally distinct stigmas in Sebaea (Gentianaceae). Here, the single pistil within a flower has an apical stigma, as occurs in most flowering plants, but also a secondary stigma that occurs midway down the style, which is physically discrete and receptive several days after the apical stigma. We examined the function of diplostigmaty in Sebaea aurea, an insect-pollinated species of the Western Cape of South Africa. Floral manipulations and measurements of fertility and mating patterns provided evidence that basal stigmas function to enable autonomous delayed self-pollination, without limiting opportunities for outcrossing and thus avoiding the costs of seed discounting. We suggest that delayed selfing serves as a mechanism of reproductive assurance in populations with low plant density. The possession of dimorphic stigma function provides a novel example of a flexible mixed-mating strategy in plants that is responsive to changing demographic conditions.
La fecundidad de la anchoveta del Perú (Engraulis ringens J.) ha sido investigada en 83 ovarios colectados en varias localidades de la zona pesquera de Chimbote, durante la estación de desove.La fecundidad, considerada aquí como el número de huevos que la anchoveta elimina en una puesta ha sido estimada determinando el número de ovas en el grupo del tamaño modal más avanzado.
Información sobre la madurez sexual de la Anchoveta peruana, que ha sido estudiado por el examen macroscópico de las gónadas durante 1961-1968, el material se recogió en Chimbote, Callao e Ilo y se comparó con datos similares de Chile. Las etapas más avanzadas de la madurez sexual fueron la base de la evaluación. El análisis pone de relieve las diferencias de tiempo de la temporada de desove entre las localidades en relación con la longitud y la edad. Los datos de Chimbote y Callao indican que la actividad sexual se extiende de agosto a marzo. Se producen dos picos de desove, uno en septiembre y otro en febrero. por otro lado, los datos de Ilo y Chile demuestran que la época de desove en la zona sur comienza en julio y termina en febrero. Estos resultados también demuestran dos puntos interesantes en relación con la longitud y la edad de anchovetas: el pico a la madurez sexual en verano es tan intenso como en el invierno, pero el predominante de pequeñas anchovetas durante el verano hace dificil de detectar la situación real y las anchovetas mayores desove durante un período más largo y con mayor intensidad que los más jóvenes. Por último, las anchovetas en la etapa más avanzada de madurez fueron más abundantes durante 1964, 1967 y que durante el resto de año cerca de Callao y Chimbote.
Genetic experiments established that p63 is crucial for the development and maintenance of pluristratified epithelia. In the RNA interference (RNAi) screening for targets of p63 in keratinocytes, we identified the transcription factor, High Mobility Group (HMG) box protein 1 (HBP1). HBP1 is an HMG-containing repressor transiently induced during differentiation of several cell lineages. We investigated the relationship between the two factors: using RNAi, overexpression, chromatin immunoprecipitations and transient transfections with reporter constructs, we established that HBP1 is directly repressed by p63. This was further confirmed in vivo by evaluating expression in p63 knockout mice and in transgenics expressing p63 in basal keratinocytes. Consistent with these findings, expression of HBP1 increases upon differentiation of primary keratinocytes and HaCaT cells in culture, and it is higher in the upper layers of human skin. Inactivation of HBP1 by RNAi prevents differentiation of keratinocytes and stratification of organotypic skin cultures. Finally, we analyzed the keratinocyte transcriptomes after HBP1 RNAi; in addition to repression of growth-promoting genes, unexpected activation of differentiation genes was uncovered, coexisting with repression of other genes involved in epithelial cornification. Our data indicate that suppression of HBP1 is part of the growth-promoting strategy of p63 in the lower layers of epidermis and that HBP1 temporally coordinates expression of genes involved in stratification, leading to the formation of the skin barrier.
Esta pesquisa monográfica, ora apresentada, visa analisar e compreender os factores que os funcionários da ENAPOR percepcionam como estando na origem do assédio moral e sexual nas relações de trabalho, bem como as atitudes dos mesmos perante o fenómeno. Os aspectos apresentados derivam de interpretações feitas durante a investigação sobre a temática em estudo, assédio moral e sexual nas relações de trabalho, tendo como bases as autoras BARRETO (2000) e FREITAS (2001). Estas são as autoras nas quais pretendemos centralizar, mas, outras abordagens teóricas darão suporte a esta nossa investigação. Pretendemos estudar o tema com base na análise documental, Pesquisas na Internet e aplicação das entrevistas aos directores e outros funcionários de outro escalão. A escolha destas duas autoras como suportes teóricos para esta pesquisa tem a ver, sobretudo, com o facto de elas estarem intrinsecamente relacionadas com os objectivos que norteiam a nossa investigação. Utilizaremos também como suporte teórico as contribuições de outros autores em relação à problemática do assédio moral e sexual nas relações de trabalhos. As mesmas razões apresentadas nos parágrafos anteriores em relação às outras contribuições teóricas dos outros autores também se aplicam de forma específica a este autor. Para uma análise aprofundada desta pesquisa, recorreu-se ao método qualitativa para a análise de resultados, utilizando como instrumentos de recolha dos dados a entrevistas. Esta pesquisa monográfica está estruturada em cinco capítulos: no primeiro capítulo, uma reflexão sobre a definição do objecto de estudo e da metodologia; no segundo, assédio moral e sexual; no terceiro, temos as estratégias, motivos que encoraja a pratica do assédio, as atitudes e as politica de prevenção. No quarto, capítulo procede-se à apresentação, análise e interpretação dos resultados obtidos, por último, as principais conclusões a que se chegou nesta pesquisa e as considerações finais do mesmo.
Does ethical differentiation of products affect market behavior? We examined this issue in triopolistic experimental markets where producers set prices. One producer s costs were higher than the others. In two treatments, the additional costs were attributed tocompliance with ethical guidelines. In the third, no justification was provided. Manyparticipants playing the role of consumers reduced their experimental gains by purchasing the ethically differentiated product at a higher price whether or not they knew the amount of extra cost. Individual differences were important (students of business/economics paid smaller premia than others). Finally, we speculate about the observed demand function for ethics and emphasize the use of experimental methodology to complement empirical studies designed to assess the potential market for ethically differentiated products.
Da a concer la presencia de una callosidad en la aleta dorsal, como carácter sexual secundario, existente en algunas hembras de cachalote capturadas frente a Paita, Perú. El período de estudios comprensió del 19 de junio de 1959 al 28 de agosto de 1963, en el cual se trabajaron 785 especímenes hembras, clasificándilas con callosidad presente y ausente; paralelamente se realizó observaciones de las glándulas mamarias, cantidad de cuerpo lúteos y albicans, determinando la condicións sexual.
Allele frequencies for 17 STR loci were analyzed in a sample of unrelated males from the Cabo Verde Archipelago. The samples were gathered in such a way that the origin of the subjects was perfectly identified, and they could be included in one of the leeward or windward groups of islands. This study reveals that there are significant differences between both groups of islands, and between Cabo Verdeans and other populations from sub-Sahara Africa including the Guineans, the most probable source population for Cabo Verdeans. This study confirms mtDNA data and, together with HLA and Y chromosome data already published, shows that the Cabo Verde population is substructured and atypical, diverging substantially from mainland sub-Saharan populations. Overall these differences are most probably due to admixture between sub-Saharan slaves brought into the islands and other settlers of European origin. In the absence of a clear indication of a different ethnic composition of the first sub-Saharan settlers of Cabo Verde, the differentiation exhibited in both groups of islands can be most probably be attributed to genetic drift.