994 resultados para Senso de Posição Articular
An investigation of primary human cell sources and clinical scaffolds for articular cartilage repair
Damage to articular cartilage of the knee can be debilitating because it lacks the capacity to repair itself and can progress to degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis. The current gold standard for treating cartilage defects is autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). However, one of the major limitations of ACI is the use of chondrocytes, which dedifferentiate when grown in vitro and lose their phenotype. It is not clear whether the dedifferentiated chondrocytes can fully redifferentiate upon in vivo transplantation. Studies have suggested that undifferentiated mesenchymal stem or stromal cells (MSCs) from bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT) can undergo chondrogenic differentiation. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis was to examine BM and AT as a cell source for chondrogenesis using clinical scaffolds. Initially, freshly isolated cells were compared with culture expanded MSCs from BM and AT in Chondro-Gide®, Alpha Chondro Shield® and Hyalofast™. MSCs were shown to grow better in the three scaffolds compared to freshly isolated cells. BM MSCs in Chondro-Gide® were shown to have increased deposition of cartilage specific extracellular matrix (ECM) compared to AT MSCs. Further, this thesis has sought to examine whether CD271 selected MSCs from AT were more chondrogenic than MSCs selected on the basis of plastic adherence (PA). It was shown that CD271+MSCs may have superior chondrogenic properties in vitro and in vivo in terms of ECM deposition. The repair tissue seen after CD271+MSC transplantation combined with Alpha Chondro Shield® was also less vascularised than that seen after transplantation with PA MSCs in the same scaffold, suggesting antiangiogenic activity. Since articular cartilage is an avascular tissue, CD271+MSCs may be a better suited cell type compared to the PA MSCs. Hence, this study has increased the current understanding of how different cell-scaffold combinations may best be used to promote articular cartilage repair.
Data variability analysis has been the focus of a number of studies seeking to capture differences of patterns generated by biological systems. Although several studies related to gait employ the analysis of variability in their observations, we noticed a lack of such information for subjects with unilateral coxarthrosis undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA). To tackle this deficiency of information, we conducted a study of the gait on a treadmill with10 healthy subjects (30.7 ± 6.75 years old) from G1 and 24 subjects (65 ± 8.5 years old) with unilateral THA from G2. Thus, by means of two inertial measurement units (IMUs) positioned in the pelvis, we have developed a detection method of the step and stride for calculating these intervals and extract the signal characteristics. The variability analysis (coefficient of variation) was performed, taking into consideration the extracted features and the step and stride times. The average and the 95% confidence interval estimate for the average of the step and stride times to each group were in agreement with literature. The mean coefficient of variation for the step and stride times was calculated and compared among groups by the Kruskal-Wallis test with 95% confidence interval. Each component X, Y and Z of the two IMUs (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope) corresponded to a variable. The resultants of each sensor, the linear velocity (accelerometers) and the instantaneous angular displacement (gyroscopes) completed the set of variables. The characteristics were extracted from the signals of these variables to check the variability in the G1 and G2 groups . There were significant differences (p <0.05) between G1 and G2 for the average of the step and stride times. The variability of the step and stride, as well as the variability of all other evaluated characteristics were higher for the group G2 (p <0.05). The method proposed in this study proved to be suitable for the measuring of variability of biomechanical parameters related to the extracted features. All the extracted features categorized the groups. The G2 group showed greater variability, so it is possible that the age and the pathological condition of the hip both contributed to this result.
This study emerged and founded itself with the aim to analyze the position taken by the family – and the implications in this subjective area – in attending children and adolescents in a Childhood Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSi). A secondary goal has come up as the comprehension surrounding the institutional representation made about the family and the service offered to children, adolescents and relatives. For such, the historical perspective on the relation between the State (laws and institutions) and the family was resumed, and the understanding of how it was reconciled by the medical knowledge and attended the ideological and political means. The social and ideological transformations of the 20th century culminated in the need of change required by the Psychiatric Reform and the achievement of patients on the right to return home and to their families. This new situation, permeated by the attempt of building an assistance model in Mental Health, presented a peculiarity–the close relationship between family and Mental Health services. The observations and conversations at CAPSi that were the investigation objects in this research, intended to learn on the quotidian of families and the possible treatment alternatives that would take into account the family circumstances. Conceiving the status of the families in Mental Health services is a germinal matter yet to be adjusted among the active knowledge in the post-Reform devices. The discussion about the family bonds, anchored in the theoretical perspective of Binding Psychoanalysis brought up elementary concepts such as psychic heritage, denial pact, unconscious alliances, the familiar psychic set, among other. The concept of family organizer helped to think of the family trajectories and stablishes a sort of identity for the family, as well as interferes in the establishment of its boundaries. The family path within the institution, as well as the status they establish facing the institutional approach, reflect the ghosts and the organizers shared by the group-family. It follows that the family is an important protagonist to be considered in the current therapeutic and political processes and, thus, is key to welcome the family bonds for the alliances act over the affective destinations, as well as try to remain sealed from the proposed changes.
The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the realization of the /R/ at the end of the syllable (coda) in the city of Uberlândia-MG, taking into account variationist aspects and possible phonological phenomena that permeates the variable realization of this segment. We used the labovian variationist methodology, that gave us the needed support to investigate and systematize the variation of one linguistic community. The corpus was compound by 5139 occurrences of /R/, which 2528 were retroflex realizations, 2480 were deletions and 132 were occurrences of other segments. The informants of this research were stratified by: sex; age group; scholarly; they were born in Uberlândia or they arrived in this city before fifth birthday. Beyond the extralinguistic variables (sex, age group and scholarty), we established as linguistic variables: following context; previous context; tonicity of syllable; lexical item; coda position in the syllable; and, at last, the word size. After the statistic analisis computed by the Goldvarb software, the favoring contexts to the retroflex realization were: coronal segments in the following context; labial segments in the previous context; unstressed syllables; nouns and others (non verbs); and words with one syllable. The favoring contexts to deletion were: dorsal segments int the following context and verbs. The extra linguistic variables favored the variation less scholarty. So, the factors male sex and age group from 26 to 49 years favored the retroflex variant, while the factors female and the age group with more than 49 years favored the deletion.
Diarthrodial joints are essential for load bearing and locomotion. Physiologically, articular cartilage sustains millions of cycles of mechanical loading. Chondrocytes, the cells in cartilage, regulate their metabolic activities in response to mechanical loading. Pathological mechanical stress can lead to maladaptive cellular responses and subsequent cartilage degeneration. We sought to deconstruct chondrocyte mechanotransduction by identifying mechanosensitive ion channels functioning at injurious levels of strain. We detected robust expression of the recently identified mechanosensitive channels, PIEZO1 and PIEZO2. Combined directed expression of Piezo1 and -2 sustained potentiated mechanically induced Ca(2+) signals and electrical currents compared with single-Piezo expression. In primary articular chondrocytes, mechanically evoked Ca(2+) transients produced by atomic force microscopy were inhibited by GsMTx4, a PIEZO-blocking peptide, and by Piezo1- or Piezo2-specific siRNA. We complemented the cellular approach with an explant-cartilage injury model. GsMTx4 reduced chondrocyte death after mechanical injury, suggesting a possible therapy for reducing cartilage injury and posttraumatic osteoarthritis by attenuating Piezo-mediated cartilage mechanotransduction of injurious strains.
What implies the conversion to fundamentalist Islam? What are the repercussions and implications of ‘political Islam’ in specific contexts? The relation between Islam, democracy and violence is often represented in a reductive or simplistic way. In order to contribute to a reasoned debate on these pressing questions, this essay covers some key dynamics stemming from long-term ethnographic observation regarding the conversion to neo Salafism among Arab Bedouin citizens in southern Israel, placing them in the context of contemporary developments of Islamic political thought. The ethnographic sensitivity, combined with the voices of some eminent Islamic intellectuals, allows to go beyond both the rhetoric of cultural complexity and the common-sense view that Islamic terrorism would be a kind of ‘anti imperialism of the losers’, arguments employed often to contest emerging neo-orientalist discourses. In this sense, the essay states the need to shed light on coordinates and interpretative categories that are not placed in an essentially different but in often unexpected ways.
Crítica descentrada para o senso comum: MUNIZ, Euzébia Maria de Pontes Targino; DANTAS, Juliana Bulhões Alberto; ALBANO, Sebastião Guilherme (Orgs). Amostragem da reflexão acerca da comunicação contemporânea realizada na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal, RN: EDUFRN, 2012.
1. Introduzione 1 2. La commedia all’italiana 2 2.1 La nascita della supercazzola 3 3. Il contesto conversazionale 7 4. La supercazzola 9 5. La metasemantica 15 5.1 Il grammelot 18 6. Conclusione 20
La degeneración de las articulaciones axiales y periféricas va unida al propio envejecimiento del ser humano. Es responsable del dolor e impotencia funcional, y su fisiopatología es compleja y no del todo conocida. El denominador común en la artrosis es la degeneración del cartílago articular, junto a otras alteraciones secundarias. Su abordaje y manejo del dolor supone todo un reto para las Unidades del Dolor. Históricamente, el tratamiento intervencionista se llevó a cabo mediante infiltraciones a ciegas de diferentes sustancias que alivian el dolor. En la actualidad, la fluoroscopia, y más recientemente los ultrasonidos, son los métodos de elección para la guía de nuestros procedimientos. En cuanto a los fármacos utilizados más comúnmente en nuestras técnicas invasivas articulares destacaremos el ácido hialurónico (AH) y el plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP). Los esteroides siguen siendo, en prácticamente todos los estudios, el estándar de oro o fármaco de referencia y sobre los que se comparan el resto de familias de fármacos. Una exploración exhaustiva del paciente, y un algoritmo de decisiones en cuanto a la decisión de realización de estas técnicas, se antoja necesario, adecuándose a cada lugar de trabajo.
El desarrollo de los territorios y sujetos rurales necesita de nuevas formas de abordar la compresión de sus problemáticas. La universidad y la Unión de campesinos organizados de San Dionisio (UCOSD) llevan desde el 2013 un proceso de diálogo transdisciplinario para generar estrategias de desarrollo económico, humano y de adaptación al cambio climático desde las familias de trece comunidades rurales. A partir de la matriz de necesidades y satisfactores se lograron detectar las principales carencias y potencialidades desde cada comunidad para así identificar los satisfactores sinérgicos y las patologías principales. La destrucción del tejido comunitario, por la desconfianza y la falta de coherencia personal del liderazgo. Esta información se analizó a la luz del plan estratégico de la organización y se obtuvieron unos aprendizajes y líneas de acción: La necesidad de afrontar los conflictos que cada persona arrastra para poder fortalecer la organización, el papel que la asociatividad juega en esa sanación personal, la necesidad de diálogo entre la memo- ria organizativa con las expectativas del relevo generacional. Este diálogo continúa y aspira a clarificar el futuro de la ruralidad en el territorio de San Dionisio y Matagalpa.
The objective of this study is to determine if the effects of a high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate (HA) alone or in combination with triamcinolone acetate (TA) can mitigate chondrocyte proteoglycan catabolism caused by interleukin-1 (IL-1) administration. Chondrocytes were collected from fetlock joints of ten horses euthanized for reasons unrelated to joint disease. Chondrocyte pellets were treated with media (negative control); media containing IL-1 only (positive control); or media containing IL-1 with HA only (0.5 or 2.0 mg/mL), TA only (0.06 or 0.6 mg/mL), or HA (0.5 or 2.0 mg/mL) and TA (0.06 or 0.6 mg/mL) in combination. Chondrocyte pellets were assayed for newly synthesized GAG, total GAG content, total DNA content, and mRNA levels of collagen type II, aggrecan, and COX-2. The high concentration of HA (2.0 mg/mL) increased GAG synthesis while the high concentration of TA (0.6 mg/mL) decreased loss of GAG into the media. Both the high concentration of HA and TA increased the total GAG content within the pellet. There was no change in pellet DNA content with either treatment. TA reduced COX-2 mRNA levels as well as aggrecan and collagen type II expression. Treatment with HA had no effect on mRNA levels of COX-2, aggrecan or collagen type II. These results indicate that the high concentration of HA or TA alone or in combination will mitigate effects of IL-1 administration on proteoglycan catabolism of equine articular chondrocytes.
The seed size used for seeding has caused doubts among soybean producers. The study aimed to determine whether there may be differences between seed size with respect to depth of fertilizer deposition. The field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Area UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, using a precision seeder for direct seeding. The design was a randomized blocks, with five repetitions. The treatments were composed by the combination of two seed sizes (large seed with 6,5 mm and 5,5 mm with small seed) and two fertilizer deposition depths in relation to the seed (fertilizer near the seed with about 3 cm away and fertilizer distant from the seeds with about 10 cm). Data were subjected to analysis of variance. When the test value F was significant at 5% probability was applied to the Duncan test for comparison of means. The shallower depth of fertilizer deposition provided larger number of pods per plant and increased number of grains per plant. Already the largest depth of fertilizer deposition provided greater plant height at 30 days after sowing and R2 stage, greater ground area mobilized, higher plant population in all periods, greater depth of deposition of seeds and a higher rate of emergency speed.
The morphometric relations allow describing dimensions of trees without prior knowledge of the age, it help the forest planning and implementation of silvicultural treatments, especially when needs to make sustainable use of forests. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to model and comparising the morphometric relations araucaria trees in social position dominant, codominant and dominated in native forest remnant, located in Lages, SC. A total of 294 trees distributed in dbh classes were intentionally selected inside of forest. In each tree was measured dbh, total height, bole height, crown diameter by eight radius, as well as the classification of social position. Simple and multiple linear regression models were used to describe the relation h/d, the proportion of the crown and formal crown in function of diameter at breast height with simple transformation, quadratic, cubic, inverse and logarithmic form. The analysis of covariance with dummy variables were used to describe the social position and tested the parallelism and slope of regression indicating need or not of the use independent regressions. The results indicated that even with great variability in the shape and size of the crown due to growth and competition process, the morphometric relations of araucaria can be accurately estimated by regression models. The relation h/d, proportion of the crown and formal crown can be described by individual model for social position dominant, codominant and dominant, or alternatively a single model with the use of dummy variables that differentiate trees group dominated for the relation h/d and formal crown. The proportion of crown presented difference in dimensions of the trees, being necessary to use dummy variable for each social stratus or use the individual models.
O ballet baseia-se na precisão e harmonia dos movimentos. Requerendo um alto nível de desenvolvimento de algumas qualidades físicas, o equilíbrio é um fator decisivo para a execução graciosa de movimentos. No entanto, para que se consiga realizar com perfeição todos os movimentos exigidos, muitas são as dificuldades e limitações encontradas pelo bailarino, potenciando assim o surgimento de um grande número de lesões neste grupo (Salles, 2008). Para este trabalho foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica, onde se determinou a entorse da articulação tibiotársica como sendo a lesão mais comum no ballet bem como a importância de um programa de treino propriocetivo com a finalidade de a prevenir. A proprioceção é uma entidade complexa, que engloba diversas variações de modalidade, sendo elas: a sensação de posição, velocidade de resposta e a capacidade de deteção do movimento (Leporace, Metsavaht, & Sposito, 2009). O treino propriocetivo visa restabelecer estabilidade articular (Dias, Pezarat-Correia, Esteves, & Fernandes, 2010).Objetivos. Estudou o efeito de um programa de treino propriocetivo na estabilidade da tibiotársica e no controlo postural nos alunos de danças do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra. Método. Estudo de natureza experimental. Os participantes não tiveram acesso aos resultados das avaliações, até ao final do estudo. A amostra foi de conveniência, de entre os alunos do 1.º curso de dança do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra, tendo-se previsto a inclusão da totalidade do grupo, constituído por 22 alunos (11 no grupo experimental; 11 no grupo de controlo). Resultados. A utilização de testes paramétricos e não paramétricos mostrou que houve diferença estatística significativa entre os dois grupos para as posições bipodal, unipodal meia ponta direita, unipodal meia ponta esquerda e intragrupo para a posição unipodal direita (p<0,05), antes e depois do programa de treino propriocetivo. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos para o risco de entorse (p>0,05), mas houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o grupo controlo e grupo experimental para a perceção da instabilidade (p<0,05). Conclusão. O programa de treino propriocetivo na preparação do bailarino possibilita um aumento qualitativo do controlo da postura e da perceção da instabilidade da tibiotársica, no entanto não apresenta nenhuma alteração no risco de entorses.
Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014