999 resultados para Seminários católicos
This paper considers model worlds in which there are a continuum of individuaIs who form finite sized associations to undertake joint activities. We show that if there are a finite set of types and the commodity space contains lotteries, then the c1assicaI equilibrium results on convex economies can be reinterpreted to apply. Furthermore, in this lottery economy deterministic aIlocations (that is, degenerate lotteries) are generally not Pareto optimal, nor are they equilibria. In the interests of making the model seem more "natural," we show that the set of equilibria in a decentraIization in which individuaIs first gamble over vaIue transfers and then trade commodities in a deterministic competitive market economy are equivalent to those of our competi tive economy with a lottery commodity space.
We construct a model in which a first mover decides on its location before it knows the identity of the second mover; joint location results in a negative extemality. Contracts are inherently incomplete since the first mover's initial decision cannot be specified. We analyze several kinds of rights, including damages, injunctions, and rights to exclude (arising from covenants or land ownership). There are cases in which allocating any of these basic rights to the first mover-i.e., first-party rights-is dominated by second-party rights, and cases in which the reverse is true. A Coasian result (efficiency regardless of the rights allocation) only holds under a limited set of conditions. As corollaries of a theorem ranking the basic rights regimes, a number of results emerge contradicting conventional wisdom, including the relative inefficiency of concentrated land ownership and the relevance of the generator's identity. We conclude with a mechanism and a new rights regime that each yield the first best in all cases.
The role of judicial systems in determining economic perfonnance has gained increasingly attention in recent years. Nonetheless, the literature lacks a clearly articulated framework to examine how judicial systems influence the investment and production decisions of economic agents. This paper tries to till in this gap. It examines what constitutes a well-functioning judiciary, analyzes how dysfunctional judicial systems compromise economic growth, and reviews the relevant empirical literature. It concludes with some remarks about why, despite the widespread perception that well-functioning legal and judicial systems are key to the success of market-oriented reforms in developing and transition countries, judicial refonn has lagged so much behind other reforms.
In this paper we review the ten-year-old Brazilian experience with privatization. We start by describing the expansion in the last half century of the role played by state enterprises, and then the privatization effort in the Figueiredo and Sarney administrations. After that, we examine what haa changed with Collor and what the prospects for his privatization program are.
This paper examines the determinants of unemployment duration in the metropolitan region of São Paulo in 1997. The descriptive statistics show that around 52% of the unemployment lived with their parents, that their average age was 27 and that 80% had between 4 and 11 years of schooling. Moreover, 85% of the 1997 unemployed left this status in the following three months, although on1y half of them effectively found a new job. The econometric results show that unemployment duration if lower for heads and for those that worked before. Moreover, duration is higher for the more educated, for those that lost their previous job, for the older and for those with longer tenure in the previous work. Finally, the hazard rate is increasing with the duration of unemployment up to the sixth month, dec1ining afterwards.
A model of overlapping generations in continuous time is composed. IndividuaIs pass through two distinct time periods during their life times. During the first period, they work, save and have a death probability equal to zero. During the second, from the periods T after birth, their probability of death changes to p and then they retire. Capital stock and the stationary state in come are calculated for two situations: in the first, people live from their accumulated capital after retirementj in the second, they live from a state transfer payment through income taxo To simplify matters, in this preliminary version, it is supposed that there is no population growth and that the instantaneous elasticity substitution of consumption is unitary.
Impacto sobre a renda per capita de longo prazo de um sistema de aposentadoria de repartição simples
Este trabalho constrói um modelo de gerações sobrepostas em tempo contínuo de acumulação de capital. Os indivíduos passam por dois períodos de vida distintos. No primeiro, que transcorre entre o nascimento até a idade de T anos, os indivíduos ofertam trabalho inelasticamente, consomem e acumulam capital de forma ótima e se defrontam com uma probabilidade de morte nula. No segundo aposentam-se e passam a ter uma probabilidade de morte positiva, auferindo renda do patrimõnio acumulado ej ou recebendo transferências financiadas com imposto distorcido sobre a renda. Neste caso há um sistema de previdência de repartição simples. A partir da agregação das escolhas individuais, encontra-se uma equação para o capital de estado estacionário no sistema fundado e no sistema de repartição simples. Pode-se então calcular a renda de estado estacionário em cada um dos sistemas e a sensibilidade do diferencial de renda com ralação a diversos parâmetros.
Employing a embodied technologic change model in which the time decision of scrapping old vintages of capital and adopt newer one is endogenous we show that the elasticity of substitutions among capital and labor plays a key role in determining the optimum life span of capital. In particular, for the CD case the life span of capital does not depend on the relative price of it. The estimation of the model's long-run investment function shows, for a Panel data set consisting of 125 economies for 25 years, that the price elasticity of investment is lower than one; we rejected the CD specification. Our calibration for the US suggests 0.4 for the technical elasticity of substitution. In order to get a theoretical consistent concept of aggregate capital we derive the relative price profile for a shadow second-hand market for capital. The shape of the model's theoretical price curve reproduces the empírical estimation of it. \lVe plug the calibrate version of the long-run solution of the model to a cross-section of economies data set to get the implied TFP, that is, the part of the productivity which is not explained by the model. We show that the mo dei represent a good improvement, comparing to the standard neoc!assical growth model with CD production function and disembodied technical change, in accounting the world diversity in productivity. In addition the model describes the fact that a very poor economy can experience fast growth based on capital accumulation until the point of becoming a middle income economy; from this point on it has to rely on TFP increase in order to keep growing.