934 resultados para Schwartz, Shalom H
Tabla de contenidos: Los sistemas y los hombres / Lidia Rossi Casé, Olga Salanueva. Los conceptos límites en psicología : Explicación o incógnita? / Ricardo Ruiz, María Inés Botas. El amor loco y el valor del objeto / Graziela Napolitano. Un paranoico de genio / Rolando Karothy. El concepto de Verwerfung en Freud / Carlos J. Escars. Las historias clishés en las técnicas proyectivas : Implicancias metodológicas / Liliana E. Schwartz de Scafati. La evaluación del desarrollo psicológico : Especificidad del inventario. Informe preliminar / Telma Piacente. Constructividad : Una característica de lo psíquico / Ricardo Ruiz. Algunos problemas epistemológicos en las teorías del cambio conceptual / José Antonio Castorina.
La figura de Arturo Marasso imprimió en los estudios cervantinos la referencia erudita a la épica clásica y fue un atento estudioso de la cultura literaria de Cervantes a través de su familiaridad con las litera¬turas griega y latina cuyos pasajes abundaron en su obra crítica como fuentes de invención del Quijote.
Tabla de contenidos: La asociación de unidades académicas de psicología. El proyecto de mejoramiento de la calidad de la enseñanza de las carreras de psicología. Análisis del diseño e implementación del plan de estudios 1984. La elaboración y formulación de los planes de estudio. Desarrollo e implemetación de los planes de estudio en las unidades acadámicas. Planificación y ejercicio de la docencia en las unidades académicas. Las políticas de apoyo a los procesos de cambio e innovación curricular : Líneas de acción prioritarias.
We characterize the textural and geochemical features of ocean crustal zircon recovered from plagiogranite, evolved gabbro, and metamorphosed ultramafic host-rocks collected along present-day slow and ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs). The geochemistry of 267 zircon grains was measured by sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe-reverse geometry at the USGS-Stanford Ion Microprobe facility. Three types of zircon are recognized based on texture and geochemistry. Most ocean crustal zircons resemble young magmatic zircon from other crustal settings, occurring as pristine, colorless euhedral (Type 1) or subhedral to anhedral (Type 2) grains. In these grains, Hf and most trace elements vary systematically with Ti, typically becoming enriched with falling Ti-in-zircon temperature. Ti-in-zircon temperatures range from 1,040 to 660°C (corrected for a TiO2 ~ 0.7, a SiO2 ~ 1.0, pressure ~ 2 kbar); intra-sample variation is typically ~60-15°C. Decreasing Ti correlates with enrichment in Hf to ~2 wt%, while additional Hf-enrichment occurs at relatively constant temperature. Trends between Ti and U, Y, REE, and Eu/Eu* exhibit a similar inflection, which may denote the onset of eutectic crystallization; the inflection is well-defined by zircons from plagiogranite and implies solidus temperatures of ~680-740°C. A third type of zircon is defined as being porous and colored with chaotic CL zoning, and occurs in ~25% of rock samples studied. These features, along with high measured La, Cl, S, Ca, and Fe, and low (Sm/La)N ratios are suggestive of interaction with aqueous fluids. Non-porous, luminescent CL overgrowth rims on porous grains record uniform temperatures averaging 615 ± 26°C (2SD, n = 7), implying zircon formation below the wet-granite solidus and under water-saturated conditions. Zircon geochemistry reflects, in part, source region; elevated HREE coupled with low U concentrations allow effective discrimination of ~80% of zircon formed at modern MORs from zircon in continental crust. The geochemistry and textural observations reported here serve as an important database for comparison with detrital, xenocrystic, and metamorphosed mafic rock-hosted zircon populations to evaluate provenance.
We present newly acquired trace element compositions for more than 300 zircon grains in 36 gabbros formed at the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ridges. Rare earth element patterns for zircon from modern oceanic crust completely overlap with those for zircon crystallized in continental granitoids. However, plots of U versus Yb and U/Yb versus Hf or Y discriminate zircons crystallized in oceanic crust from continental zircon, and provide a relatively robust method for distinguishing zircons from these environments. Approximately 80% of the modern ocean crust zircons are distinct from the field defined by more than 1700 continental zircons from Archean and Phanerozoic samples. These discrimination diagrams provide a new tool for fingerprinting ocean crust zircons derived from reservoirs like that of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) in both modern and ancient detrital zircon populations. Hadean detrital zircons previously reported from the Acasta Gneiss, Canada, and the Narryer Gneiss terrane, Western Australia, plot in the continental granitoid field, supporting hypotheses that at least some Hadean detrital zircons crystallized in continental crust forming magmas and not from a reservoir like modern MORB.