1000 resultados para Schmidt-Assmann, Eberhard: Das allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht als Ordnungsidee
A resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas tornou-se preocupação mundial nas últimas décadas. Esse fenômeno caracteriza-se pela capacidade de um biótipo de sobreviver a um tratamento com herbicida que controla os demais indivíduos da mesma população em condições normais de campo e na dose recomendada pelo fabricante na bula. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar o nível de resistência de biótipos de Cyperus difformis a herbicidas inibidores da enzima ALS e do fotossistema II. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos herbicidas bispyribac-sodium e pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (inibidores da ALS) e bentazon (inibidor do fotossistema II), aplicados em sete doses múltiplas da dose comercial (0,0x, 0,5x, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x e 16x), sobre duas populações de plantas de C. difformis, quando estas apresentavam de quatro a seis folhas. O biótipo de C. difformis (CYPDI-10) apresentou resistência cruzada aos inibidores da ALS pyrazosulfuron-ethyl e bispyribac-sodium, enquanto o bentazon proporcionou controle eficiente das populações resistente e suscetível. Conclui-se que para manejo das populações de C. difformis resistentes aos inibidores da ALS, em áreas de arroz irrigado de Santa Catarina, devem-se utilizar herbicidas com diferentes mecanismos de ação, associado a outras práticas de manejo, para restringir a expansão das populações resistentes de C. difformis.
The continuous use of ALS-inhibiting herbicides has led to the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds worldwide. Greater beggarticks is one of the most troublesome weeds found in the soybean production system in Brazil. Recently, a greater beggarticks biotype that is resistant (R) to ALS inhibitors due to Trp574Leu mutation in the ALS gene was identified. Also, the adaptive traits between susceptible (S) and R to ALS inhibitors biotypes of greater beggarticks were compared. Specifically, we aimed to: (1) evaluate and compare the relative growth rates (RGR) between the biotypes; (2) analyze the seed germination characteristics of R and S biotypes under different temperature conditions; and (3) evaluate their competitive ability in a replacement series study. The experiments were conducted at the University of Arkansas, USA, in 2007 and at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), Brazil, in 2008. Plant proportions for replacement series studies were respectively 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100, with a total population of 150 plants m-2. There was no difference in RGR between R and S biotypes. The R-biotype germination rate was lower than that of the S biotype. However, at low temperature conditions (15 ºC), the reverse was observed. In general, there is no difference in the competitive ability between R and S greater beggarticks biotypes.
My dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between the Swiss peasants and nobles in Friedrich Schiller’s play Wilhelm Tell (1804). Changes to this relationship are of particular interest. Communication in the play is examined via a micro-analysis based on Penelope Brown’s and Stephen C. Levinson’s theoretical framework Politeness: Some universals in language usage. (1978, 1987). Brown and Levinson distinguish between positivepoliteness and negative-politeness strategies and their distinction is useful for my argument, since they claim that the use of positive-politeness strategies reflects the speaker’s intention to minimize the distance between the interlocutors (Brown and Levinson 1987: 103). Negative-politeness strategies, by contrast, result in social distancing (Brown and Levinson 1987: 130). In accordance with Brown’s and Levinson’s theory, it can be argued that the distribution of positive-politeness and negative-politeness strategies reflects changes in the distance between the fictional interlocutors as representatives of their social classes in Wilhelm Tell. The analysis of the communication in the play highlights that existing conflicts within the social groups are resolved and replaced with solidarity (cf. ‘Claim ’common ground’ and ‘Claim in-group membership with H’) before the peasants and noblemen appear on stage simultaneously in III, 3. In the scene in question, Geßler forces Tell to shoot the apple off his son’s head. Although both nobles and peasants are present, they do not communicate with each other. Thus, communication between the social classes occurs for the first time in IV, 2. This scene is crucial with regard to the changes in the relationship between the social classes in the play. The younger generation, with Rudenz as a representative of the nobility and Melchthal as a representative of the peasants, break with the prevailing conventions and initiate a new type of cooperation based on mutual helping and equality in the right and the duty to protect the country from the violent oppressors representing Habsburg (cf. ‘Convey that S and H are cooperators’, ‘Claim reflexivity’ and ‘Claim reciprocity’). The linguistic analysis reveals the crucial role of the Swiss nobility in the development of the social utopia, as well as the non-contribution of Wilhelm Tell. In fact, Tell never communicates with the Swiss noblemen. The role of the nobility and the role of Wilhelm Tell are further investigated in a comparison between Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and four of Schiller’s historical sources. These sources, which contain earlier, non-dramatic versions of the establishment of the Swiss Confederation, are the following: Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft compiled by Petermann Etterlin (1507), Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten Landen vnd Völckeren Chronik wirdiger thaaten beschreybung (1548) written by Johann Stumpf, Chronicon Helveticum of Aegidius Tschudi (the publication of Iselin from 1734 and 1736) and Johannes von Müller’s Geschichten schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft (1786). Thecomparison sheds light on the fact that both Tschudi and von Müller emphasize unity among the Swiss and cooperation in their attempt to defeat the enemy. However, Schiller has reinforced the role of the nobility in the cooperation. In addition, the comparison between Schiller’s play and the historical sources reveals profound differences with regard to the role of Wilhelm Tell. In all of Schiller’s sources, Tell is present at Rütli, whereas he is absent from Rütli in Schiller’s play. In the play in general, Tell is conspicuously separated from the other peasants. Explanations of my linguistic results, which correspond to the above mentioned differences between the roles of the figures in Wilhelm Tell and the depictions in Schiller’s sources, are found by comparing the path of Schiller’s Swiss towards an egalitarian perspective with the kind of social evolution depicted by the German philosopher Johann Benjamin Erhard in his essay Über das Recht des Volks zu einer Revolution (1795). Aiming at considering Schiller’s social utopia within the larger cultural framework of the German response to the French Revolution, the comparison suggests that both authors depict the need for social change in terms of a change in social hierarchies (Erhard 1970: 95-96, cf. Foi 2005: 225). Erhard’s essay thus helps explain the political intention of Schiller’s play to keep the ideals of the French Revolution as crucial aims but profoundly change the means towards freedom and equality. In his attempt to claim the political resistance of the nobles and peasants as just, however, Schiller sacrificed the figure of Wilhelm Tell. Guilty of the murder of Geßler, Tell was no longer suitable for the righteous revolution imagined by Schiller (cf. Bloch 2008: 215 and Schulz 2005: 228). This explains Tell’s absence in the Rütli scene, his isolation in the plot, as well as his non-contribution to the social utopia. Together, the linguistic analysis and contextualisation of Schiller’s play support my hypothesis that Wilhelm Tell describes a process of change in the relationship between peasants and nobles. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic proved to be fruitful for all areas of the research involved.
Os testes utilizados para identificação de biótipos resistentes de plantas daninhas aos herbicidas variam segundo o tempo de execução e o grau de complexidade, sendo necessário determinar a eficácia de métodos rápidos e de simples execução. Foram realizados dois ensaios, simultaneamente, em laboratório, em delineamento completamente casualizado, empregando a imersão de folhas de E. heterophylla suscetíveis e resistentes a inibidores da ALS e da PROTOX em solução herbicida. A parte aérea das plantas foi submersa em solução herbicida com diferentes concentrações de imazethapyr, imazapyr e nicosulfuron (inibidores da ALS) e fomesafen, lactofen e carfentrazone (inibidores da PROTOX). O controle do biótipo suscetível foi crescente com o decorrer do tempo, e as doses comerciais dos inibidores da ALS e da PROTOX testados apresentaram controle eficiente. O biótipo resistente mostrou diferentes níveis de resistência em função do herbicida testado e da variável considerada. Os resultados encontrados respaldam a técnica da imersão foliar como adequada para a discriminação de biótipos suscetíveis ou com resistência múltipla a inibidores da ALS e PROTOX. A técnica demonstrou ser rápida o suficiente para a detecção precoce da resistência, o que possibilitaria a adoção de medidas de contenção ainda na mesma safra.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas inibidores da ALS recomendados para arroz irrigado, quando aplicados em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento do arroz de terras altas. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, no município de Nova Xavantina-MT, no período de novembro de 2009 a abril de 2010. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 3, composto pelos tratamentos herbicidas penoxsulam (36 g ha-1), bispyribac-Na (50 g ha-1), pirazosulfuron-ethyl (20 g ha-1) e 2,4-D (670 g ha-1) e pela testemunha capinada. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em três épocas: 15, 30 e 45 dias após a emergência (DAE), perfazendo 15 tratamentos, com quatro repetições. Aos 7, 14 e 28 dias após a aplicação (DAA) dos herbicidas foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: fitotoxicidade à cultura, altura de plantas, fitomassa, quantidade de panículas por metro quadrado, grãos por panícula e produtividade. Os maiores índices de fitotoxicidade foram observados nas plantas tratadas com bispyribac-Na, aplicado aos 15 e 30 DAE. As plantas de arroz conseguiram se recuperar quanto à altura de plantas provocada pelos herbicidas a partir de 28 DAA. No que se refere aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS, o penoxsulam, aplicado aos 30 DAE, apresentou potencialidade para ser utilizado no arroz de terras altas, por não reduzir a produtividade de grãos.
A pesar de los avances logrados en el control de las malezas con el uso de herbicidas, el manejo de las mismas no se simplificó, sino que, al contrario, surgieron nuevos desafíos, como la aparición de resistencia a herbicidas. En 2007, se reportó en Lolium multiflorum el segundo caso de resistencia a glifosato detectado en Argentina. En el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires se registraron fallas de control a campo en poblaciones de Lolium multiflorum debido a su resistencia a distintos herbicidas de las familias de los inhibidores de ALS y de ACCasa y al herbicida glifosato. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar el nivel de resistencia a ciertos herbicidas inhibidores de la ALS y de la ACCasa y al glifosato en una población de L. multiflorum de Lobería (Bs As, Argentina) supuestamente resistente (LmR). Se realizaron bioensayos en cajas de Petri y se determinó la GR50 mediante la variación en la longitud de coleoptile. Las curvas de dosis-respuesta se obtuvieron por medio de la ecuación log-logística. El biotipo LmR presentó resistencia múltiple a herbicidas con tres modos de acción diferentes: glifosato, inhibidores de ALS y de ACCasa. Dicho ensayo demostró la aparición de un biotipo de L. multiflorum con resistencia a múltiples principios activos.
A utilização intensiva do glyphosate nas lavouras de soja Roundup Ready® (RR) no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), nos últimos anos, pode ter selecionado biótipos de leiteira (Euphorbia heterophylla) resistentes ao herbicida. Esse cenário dificultará ainda mais o manejo da espécie, já que permanecem indícios da presença de biótipos resistentes também em herbicidas inibidores da acetolactato sintase (ALS). Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a sensibilidade da leiteira a herbicidas inibidores da ALS e ao glyphosate, verificar a distribuição dos biótipos resistentes no RS e determinar os principais fatores agronômicos associados a falhas de controle. Para isso, amostras de sementes de plantas de leiteira foram coletadas em lavouras de soja RR localizadas em 56 municípios do Estado do RS. Por ocasião das coletas, os agricultores responderam a questionário que abordava o manejo das plantas daninhas na área. Usando-se as sementes coletadas, foram conduzidos dois experimentos em casa de vegetação: no primeiro, avaliou-se a resposta de 86 biótipos ao herbicida glyphosate, aplicado na dose de 2.160 g e.a. ha-1; e, no segundo, a resposta de 73 biótipos ao herbicida imazethapyr, aplicado na dose de 200 g i.a. ha-1. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que todos os biótipos de leiteira avaliados são suscetíveis ao glyphosate, porém existem biótipos resistentes aos inibidores da ALS. As respostas do questionário indicam que práticas de manejo como uso de subdoses e/ou utilização intensiva do glyphosate e a ausência de rotação de culturas favorecem falhas no controle de leiteira pelo herbicida glyphosate em soja.
The objective of this study was to determine the activity of the enzyme acetolactate synthase in biotypes of wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla) with multiple resistance to ALS- and Protox- inhibitors in the presence and absence of imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron. We conducted in vitro assay of ALS enzyme extracted from plants of Vitorino, Bom Sucesso do Sul and Medianeira biotypes (with multiple resistance) and a susceptible population in the absence and presence of imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron. In the absence of herbicides, biotypes with multiple resistance showed higher affinity for the substrate of the enzyme compared with the susceptible population. The herbicides imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron had little effect on the enzyme activity of ALS-resistant biotypes and, conversely, high inhibitory effect on ALS of the susceptible population. Resistance factors were very high, greater than 438, 963 and 474 for Vitorino, Bom Sucesso do Sul and Medianeira biotypes, respectively. The resistance to ALS inhibitors is due to the insensitivity of ALS to herbicides of both imidazolinone and sulfonylurea groups, characterizing a cross-resistance.
ALS-inhibiting herbicides usually provide adequate weed control in irrigated rice fields. After consecutive years of use, the Cyperaceae species, globe fringerush (Fimbristylis miliacea) began to show resistance to ALS (acetolactate synthase) inhibitors. Globe fringerush is one of the most problematic herbicide-resistant weeds in irrigated rice in the state of Santa Catarina in the South of Brazil. The objective of this research was to examine cross resistance of globe fringerush to ALS inhibitors, under field conditions. Two experiments were conducted in a rice field naturally infested with ALS-resistant globe fringerush in Santa Catarina, in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 cropping seasons. The experimental units were arranged in randomized complete block design, with five replicates, consisting of two factors (herbicide and dose) in a 4 x 5 factorial arrangement. ALS herbicides included bispyribac-sodium, ethoxysulfuron, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl and penoxsulam. Six-leaf globe fringerush was sprayed with herbicide doses of 0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4X the recommended doses in a spray volume of 200 L ha-1. The number of rice culm, filled and sterile grains, plant height, dry shoot biomass and grain yield were recorded. Globe fringerush control was evaluated 28 and 70 days after herbicide application (DAA); shoots were harvested at 13 weeks after herbicide application and dry weight recorded. Competition with globe fringerush reduced the number of culm and rice grain yield. The globe fringerush biotype in this field was resistant to all ALS herbicides tested. Penoxsulam had the highest level of activity among treatments at 28 and 70 DAA, but the control level was only 50% and 42%, respectively, in the second year of assessment. This was not enough to prevent rice yield loss. Alternative herbicides and weed control strategies are necessary to avoid yield losses in rice fields infested with ALS-resistant biotypes of globe fringerush.
ABSTRACTPanicoid grasses are major weeds of maize and sugarcane as well as of several other important grains, including sorghum, pearl millet, and foxtail millet. Pot trials were conducted to study the activity and potential interactions of topramezone in mixture with recommended rates of rimsulfuron or nicosulfuron on three annual panicoid grasses (i.e. Echinochloa oryzoides,E.phyllopogon, and Panicum miliaceum). Target weeds were treated at the four- to five-leaf growth stage. On the basis of fresh weight reduction, topramezone alone provided 78% control of E.oryzoides, 68% control of E.phyllopogon, and 99% control of P.miliaceum. Topramezone plus rimsulfuron or nicosulfuron provided decreased control of both Echinochloa spp. compared with topramezone alone. The decreased control of E.oryzoidesand E.phyllopogon was more pronounced with rimsulfuron as a companion herbicide in the mixtures. Slightly decreased control of P.milaceum was observed with topramezone plus rimsulfuron compared with topramezone alone, but this was not the case for topramezone plus nicosulfuron. Increased topramezone rates mixed with rimsulfuron or nicosulfuron did not improve control of E.oryzoides and E.phyllopogon compared with the lowest topramezone rate. Also, increased topramezone rates mixed with rimsulfuron or nicosulfuron showed decreased control of both Echinochloa spp. when compared with either rimsulfuron or nicosulfuron alone, suggesting a two-way interaction between topramezone and the ALS-inhibiting herbicides. The above-mentioned interaction was not observed in P.miliaceum, probably related with species sensitivity to the herbicides tested. Newly introduced or naturalized panicoid grasses in maize fields may complicate selection of companion herbicides and rates for effective weed control.
Tomando como objeto de análise documentos e/ou textos missionários e observações feitas durante a realização de trabalho de campo, será discutida a noção de religião que perpassa esses escritos, ressaltando-se a influência de concepções veiculadas pelo padre Schmidt, um dos expoentes da Escola Histórica de Viena. Além disso, será feita uma pequena análise sobre as interconexões entre a chamada etnologia confessional do padre Schmidt e a antropologia acadêmica.
Julkaisussa: De groote nieuwe vermeerderde zee-atlas of te water-werelt
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Tämä teorialähtöinen, hermeneuttinen tutkimus sijoittuu käännöstieteen sekä uskonnon- ja kielifilosofian rajapintaan. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan kristinuskon tekstimaailmaa relevantin tulkintakehyksen kautta sekä esitetään tekstimaailman tulkintaan soveltuva lähestymistapa ammattikääntäjän eli välittävän vastaanottajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimus pureutuu käännösprosessin hermeneutiikkaan eli lähdetekstin ja sen maailman tulkintaan, ymmärtämiseen ja selittämiseen liittyviin aspekteihin. Tutkimuksessa ei esitetä käännösratkaisuja. Tutkimus nostaa esiin filosofisen ja teologisen hermeneutiikan peruskysymyksiä. Niitä ovat Raamatun tekstien vaikutushistoria, erilaiset todellisuus- ja kielikäsitykset, kirkon oppi, teologian pääsuuntaukset, uskonnolliset yhteisöt ja niiden perinteet, inhimillinen kulttuuri ja aika. Ne ovat ulottuvuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat kääntäjän tekstin- ja maailmantulkintaan ja vaativat laajojen kontekstien huomioonottamista sekä lähestymistä monista eri näkökulmista. Ludwig Wittgensteinin myöhäisfilosofiaan liittyvän kielipelin idea tarjoaa ajatusmallin, jonka avulla uskonnon käsite-, merkki- ja tekstimaailmalle voidaan luoda moninäkökulmainen tulkintakehys. Kielipelin käsitettä käytetään tässä tutkimuksessa tekstien samankaltaisuutta ja erilaisuutta kokoavana järjestelmänä, joka toimii intratekstuaalisesti eli sillä on omat pelisääntönsä, tulkinnan lähteensä sekä tunnistettava identiteetti. Järjestelmän keskiössä ovat uskonnon konstituioivat käsitteet ja kertomukset, jotka ovat muiden tulkintojen eli metatekstien lähde. Kääntäjän varsinaisina tulkintakohteina ovat metatekstit, eivät raamatunkääntämiseen liittyvät kysymykset suoranaisesti. Tutkimuksessa luodaan kuitenkin tulkintamalli, jonka mukaan metatekstejä ja raamatun tekstejä luetaan rinnakkain. Ymmärtäminen ja ongelmanratkaisu rakentuvat tekstuaalisen kommunikaation pohjalta. Tekstejä luetaan sekä sääntöteorian että narratiivisen teorian valossa. Kertomus puhuttelee vastaanottajaa eri tavalla kuin sääntö. Tulkintamallissa yhdistyvät sekä analyyttinen että luovan mielikuvituksen sallima lukutapa. Molemmat toimivat yhdessä kääntäjän tekstin- merkin- ja maailmantulkinnan apuna. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan myös tekstiteorettisia kysymyksiä, tekstin ja merkin käsitteitä sekä niiden toimintadynamiikkaa. Tulkinnan mekanismi esitetään semioosin käsitteen avulla. Teksti määritellään heuristiseksi ja eksemplaariseksi kuvaukseksi maailmasta, ja se edustaa vain osaa tulkintakokonaisuudesta. Kääntäjän hermeneuttinen kenttä ulotetaan tekstinulkoiseen maailmaan, käytäntöön ja elämänmuotoon.