976 resultados para Salivary stone


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Background and Objectives: The measurement of salivary immunoglobulin A is a useful and non-invasive method for measuring stress. Personality traits and rumination act as possible mediators in the relationship between psychological stressors and the immune system. This study was aimed to evaluate the levels of salivary IgA under psychological stress and its relationship with rumination and five personality traits in medical students. Methods: In this cross- sectional study, 45 medical students who intended to participate in the final exam were selected by simple random sampling. Two months before the exam, in the basal conditions, the NEO Personality Inventory-Short Form and Emotional Control Questionnaire (ECQ) were completed. Saliva samples were taken from students in both the basal conditions and exam stress conditions. Salivary IgA was measured by an ELISA test. Data was analyzed using paired samples T-test, Pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise regression. Results: A significant reduction of salivary IgA levels was found in exam stress conditions. Also, a significant negative correlation was found between traits of neuroticism and rumination with salivary IgA, as well as a significant positive correlation between of openness to experience and emotional inhibition with salivary IgA. Openness to experience and emotional inhibition may predict a substantial variance (34%) of salivary IgA under exam stress. Conclusions: Salivary IgA is reduced in response to exam stress. In addition, the rumination and personality traits may reduce or increase stress effects on the immune system, particularly the salivary IgA.


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This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.


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Background: Saliva analysis is rapidly developing as a tool for the assessment of biomarkers of sports training. It remains poorly understood whether a short bout of sport training can alter some salivary immune biomarkers. Aim: To investigate the effect of acute exercise using football training session on salivary flow rate, salivary free Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) and Interleukin 10 (IL-10). Methods: Saliva samples were collected before and immediately after a football session. Salivary flow rates, salivary levels of free IGF-1 and IL-10 (using ELISA) were determined. Data was analyzed and compared using Related Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank test (non-parametric test). Relationships between salivary flow rate and levels of free IGF-1 and IL-10 were determined using Spearman correlation test. Results: There were 22 male footballers with a mean age of 20.46 years. Salivary flow rate reduced significantly (p = 0.01) after the training session while salivary levels of free IGF-1 and IL-10 did not show any significant change. Also, there were no correlations between salivary flow rates and salivary levels of free IGF-1 and IL-10 before and after exercise. Conclusion: These findings suggest that acute exercise caused significant reduction in salivary flow rate but no change in the levels of salivary free IGF-1 and IL-10.


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Poster presented at the First International Congress of CiiEM - From Basic Sciences To Clinical Research. Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 27-28 November 2015.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os níveis de cortisol sérico e salivar, alfa-amilase salivar (sAA) e fluxo de saliva não estimulada (UWS) em gestantes e não gestantes. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal realizado no centro de promoção da saúde de um hospital universitário. Nove gestantes e 12 não gestantes participaram do estudo. Foram coletados e analisados soro e UWS nos três trimestres gestacionais e duas vezes por mês durante o ciclo menstrual. A análise do cortisol salivar e sérico foi realizada com o uso de quimiluminescência e a atividade da sAA foi determinada por meio de analisador automático para bioquímica. RESULTADOS: Foi verificado que a mediana (intervalo interquartil) dos níveis de cortisol sérico no grupo de gestantes foi maior que 23,8 µL/dL (19,4-29,4) quando comparado ao grupo de não gestantes, que teve média de 12,3 (9,6-16,8; p<0,001). Os níveis de sAA seguiram o mesmo padrão, com médias de 56,7 U/L (30,9-82,2) e 31,8 (18,1-53,2; p<0,001), respectivamente. Foram observadas diferenças dos níveis de cortisol sérico e salivar (µL/dL) e de sAA entre a fase folicular versus a fase lútea (p<0,001). As medianas dos fluxos salivares (UWS) foram semelhantes em gestantes (0,26 [0,15-0,30] mL/min) e não gestantes (0,23 [0,20-0,32] mL/min). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre o cortisol salivar e o sérico (p=0,02) e entre o cortisol salivar e a sAA (p=0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os níveis de cortisol sérico de sAA durante a gestação elevam-se. Na fase lútea do ciclo ovariano, os níveis de cortisol salivar aumentam ao passo que os níveis de cortisol sérico e sAA diminuem. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Tämä tutkielma käsittelee Jeanette Wintersonin romaania The Stone Gods. Tutkielma käyttää keskeisenä teoreettisena kontekstinaan posthumanistisen ajattelua. Wintersonin romaani on science fictionia, se kuvaa erilaisia tulevaisuudenkuvia. Tutkielma ei tarkastele teosta ensisijaisesti tieteiskirjallisuutena, mutta hyödyntää alan tutkimuksen käsitteistöä, erityisesti Darko Suvinin novumin käsitettä teoksen narratiivisen fokuksen paikantamisessa. Teos käsittelee monipuolisesti ihmisyyttä ja ihmisen käsitettä suhteessa niin ei-inhimillisiin eläimiin kuin mekaanisiin entiteetteihin, robotteihin. Teos on vahvasti kriittinen erityisesti valistuksen ajattelua ja rationaalisen ihmissubjektin käsitteitä kohtaan. Tutkielma käsittelee teoksen kuvaamia maailmoja, niiden yhteiskuntia ja ajatusmaailmoja näistä näkökulmista. Keskeiseksi tutkimuskysymykseksi nousee ihmisyyden määrittelyn vaikeus ja kriittistä tarkastelua kestämättömät raja-aidat. Tutkielma toteaa, että teos maalaa kokonaisuudessaan varsin lohduttoman kuvan ihmiskunnan mahdollisuuksista selviytyä ja pitää kiinni elävästä ja hyvinvoivasta planeetasta, mikäli ajattelutapoihin ei tule merkittävää muutosta. The Stone Gods edustaa tieteiskirjallisuuden piirissä “Jos tämä kehitys jatkuu” -tarinoiden perinnettä. Vaikka teksti on paljon tämän päivän tieteen ulottumattomissa olevia tai jopa mahdottomia asioita, antaa teos välineitä myös tämän päivän ongelmien käsittelyyn.


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Aim: To investigate the relation between uncooperative behavior and salivary cortisol level in children who underwent preventive dental care. Methods: The sample was composed by 10 children of both sexes aged 40 to 52 months, presenting uncooperative behavior during dental preventive treatments. The saliva collection was performed using a cotton wheel and an Eppendorf tube (Sarstedt Salivete®) in 3 different moments: a) at home, on a day without dental treatment and at the same time on the day of the sessions treatment; b) 30 min after the end of the session, when there was manifestation of uncooperative behavior; c) 30 min after the end of the session, when there was a cooperative behavior of the child. A sample of saliva was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 2400 rpm, 1 of mL of saliva was pipetted in an Eppendorf tube and stored in a freezer at -20 ° C. For the determination of the levels of salivary cortisol was used an Active® kit for cortisol enzyme immunoassay (EIA) DSL-10-67100, composed of specific rabbit antibody anti-cortisol. Data were analyzed statistically for the uncooperative behavior issued in the beginning and at the end of sessions, using the paired t test (p<0.05) and for cortisol levels in saliva samples at home, after the beginning and at the end of sessions, using repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05). Results: During expression of uncooperative behavior in preventive dental care sessions the salivary cortisol level was significantly higher (0.65 ± 0.25 μg/dL) compared with expression of collaborative behavior (0.24 ± 0.10 μg/dL). Conclusions: It is possible to conclude that, even under preventive intervention, the stress must be controlled in order to reduce dental anxiety and fear.


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Saliva production is mainly regulated by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic); however studies indicate a possible hormonal influence on the control of salivary secretion. This study aims to assess if the induction of increased levels of circulating leptin influence the immunohistochemical expression of leptin at the level of major salivary glands in Wistar rats. It was found that the expression, in qualitative terms, of leptin has been positive, being more evident in submandibular and sublingual glands, either in the acini or ducts. However, through this technique, no obvious differences between groups could be observed. The results suggest that circulating leptin levels may not affect the expression of this hormone in the major salivary glands.


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The disintegration of stone materials used in sculpture and architecture due to the crystallization of salts is capable of irreparably damaging artistic objects and historic buildings. A number of phosphonates and carboxylates were tested here as potential crystallization modifiers for sodium carbonate crystallization. Precipitated phases during crystallization induced either by cooling or by evaporation tests were nahcolite (NaHCO3), natron (Na2CO3∙10H2O) and thermonatrite (Na2CO3∙H2O), identified using X-ray diffraction. By using the thermodynamic code PHREEQC and the calculation of the nucleation rate it was demonstrated that nahcolite had to be first phase formed during both tests. The formation of the other phases depended on the experimental conditions under which the two tests were conducted. Nahcolite nucleation is strongly inhibited in the presence of sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate (CA), polyacrylic acid 2100MW (PA) and etidronic acid (HEDP), when the additives are dosed at appropriate concentrations and the pH range of the resulting solution is about 8. Electrostatic attraction generated between the deprotonated organic additives and the cations present in solution appears to be the principal mechanism of additive-nahcolite interaction. Salt weathering tests, in addition to mercury intrusion porosimetry tests allowed to quantify the damage induced by such salts. FESEM observation of both salts grown on calcite single crystals and in limestone blocks subjected to salt crystallization tests allowed to identify the effect of these additives on crystal growth and development. The results show that PA seems to be the best inhibitor, while CA and HEDP, which show similar behaviors, are slightly less effective. The use of such effective crystallization inhibitors may lead to more efficient preventive conservation of ornamental stone affected by crystallization damage due to formation of sodium carbonate crystals.


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This thesis focuses on finding the optimum block cutting dimensions in terms of the environmental and economic factors by using a 3D algorithm for a limestone quarry in Foggia, Italy. The environmental concerns of quarrying operations are mainly: energy consumption, material waste, and pollution. The main economic concerns are the block recovery, the selling prices, and the production costs. Fractures adversely affect the block recovery ratio. With a fracture model, block production can be optimized. In this research, the waste volume produced by quarrying was minimised to increase the recovery ratio and ensure economic benefits. SlabCutOpt is a software developed at DICAM–University of Bologna for block cutting optimization which tests different cutting angles on the x-y-z planes to offer up alternative cutting methods. The program tests several block sizes and outputs the optimal result for each entry. By using SlabCutOpt, ten different block dimensions were analysed, the results indicated the maximum number of non-intersecting blocks for each dimension. After analysing the outputs, the block named number 1 with the dimensions ‘1mx1mx1m’ had the highest recovery ratio as 43% and the total Relative Money Value (RMV) with a value of 22829. Dimension number 1, also had the lowest waste volume, with a value of 3953.25 m3, for the total bench. For cutting the total bench volume of 6932.25m3, the diamond wire cutter had the lowest dust emission values for the block with the dimension ‘2mx2mx2m’, with a value of 24m3. When compared with the Eco-Label standards, block dimensions having surface area values lower than 15m2, were found to fit the natural resource waste criteria of the label, as the threshold required 25% of minimum recovery [1]. Due to the relativity of production costs, together with the Eco-Label threshold, the research recommends the selection of the blocks with a surface area value between 6m2 and 14m2.


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This study investigated the effect of simulated microwave disinfection (SMD) on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins under different polymerization cycles. Metal dies with referential points were embedded in flasks with dental stone. Samples of Classico and Vipi acrylic resins were made following the manufacturers' recommendations. The assessed polymerization cycles were: A-- water bath at 74ºC for 9 h; B-- water bath at 74ºC for 8 h and temperature increased to 100ºC for 1 h; C-- water bath at 74ºC for 2 h and temperature increased to 100ºC for 1 h;; and D-- water bath at 120ºC and pressure of 60 pounds. Linear dimensional distances in length and width were measured after SMD and water storage at 37ºC for 7 and 30 days using an optical microscope. SMD was carried out with the samples immersed in 150 mL of water in an oven (650 W for 3 min). A load of 25 gf for 10 sec was used in the hardness test. Charpy impact test was performed with 40 kpcm. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in length in the A and D cycles for all periods, while the Vipi resin was steady in the A, B and C cycles for all periods. The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in width in the C and D cycles for all periods, and the Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. The hardness values for Classico resin were steady in all cycles and periods, while the Vipi resin was steady only in the C cycle for all periods. Impact strength values for Classico resin were steady in the A, C and D cycles for all periods, while Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. SMD promoted different effects on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins submitted to different polymerization cycles when after SMD and water storage were considered.


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This study investigated the effect of simulated microwave disinfection (SMD) on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins under different polymerization cycles. Metal dies with referential points were embedded in flasks with dental stone. Samples of Classico and Vipi acrylic resins were made following the manufacturers' recommendations. The assessed polymerization cycles were: A) water bath at 74 ºC for 9 h; B) water bath at 74 ºC for 8 h and temperature increased to 100 ºC for 1 h; C) water bath at 74 ºC for 2 h and temperature increased to 100 ºC for 1 h; and D) water bath at 120 ºC and pressure of 60 pounds. Linear dimensional distances in length and width were measured after SMD and water storage at 37 ºC for 7 and 30 days using an optical microscope. SMD was carried out with the samples immersed in 150 mL of water in an oven (650 W for 3 min). A load of 25 gf for 10 s was used in the hardness test. Charpy impact test was performed with 40 kpcm. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in length in the A and D cycles for all periods, while the Vipi resin was steady in the A, B and C cycles for all periods. The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in width in the C and D cycles for all periods, and the Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. The hardness values for Classico resin were steady in all cycles and periods, while the Vipi resin was steady only in the C cycle for all periods. Impact strength values for Classico resin were steady in the A, C and D cycles for all periods, while Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. SMD promoted different effects on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins submitted to different polymerization cycles when after SMD and water storage were considered.


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To determine the most adequate number and size of tissue microarray (TMA) cores for pleomorphic adenoma immunohistochemical studies. Eighty-two pleomorphic adenoma cases were distributed in 3 TMA blocks assembled in triplicate containing 1.0-, 2.0-, and 3.0-mm cores. Immunohistochemical analysis against cytokeratin 7, Ki67, p63, and CD34 were performed and subsequently evaluated with PixelCount, nuclear, and microvessel software applications. The 1.0-mm TMA presented lower results than 2.0- and 3.0-mm TMAs versus conventional whole section slides. Possibly because of an increased amount of stromal tissue, 3.0-mm cores presented a higher microvessel density. Comparing the results obtained with one, two, and three 2.0-mm cores, there was no difference between triplicate or duplicate TMAs and a single-core TMA. Considering the possible loss of cylinders during immunohistochemical reactions, 2.0-mm TMAs in duplicate are a more reliable approach for pleomorphic adenoma immunohistochemical study.