A presença dos animais de companhia nos lares Portugueses é uma realidade cada vez mais significativa e que carece de uma maior consciencialização, sobre a pro-blemática dos parasitas externos e suas formas de controlo. A prevenção é a chave principal e a maneira mais fácil de diminuir a hipótese das infestações e transmissão de doenças. O aumento das temperaturas, o aumento do número de animais de companhia e o acréscimo na mobilidade dos cidadãos, são factores que todos os dias potenciam a proliferação de parasitas externos, que comprometem o bem-estar e a saúde de animais e de seres humanos. Esta dissertação de Mestrado investiga e concentra-se nos parasitas externos dos animais de companhia, nas práticas utilizadas e no processo de decisão de compra dos desparasitantes externos para o cão. O levantamento de dados foi realizado através de questionário estruturado construído para o efeito, e alvo de tratamento estatístico adequado. Tendo em consideração a informação recolhida juntos dos proprietários dos animais de companhia – cão, no Concelho de Oeiras, maioritariamente são Mulheres (58,64%), com habilitações ao nível da licenciatura, com idades compreendidas en-tre 45-54 anos. Sobre o animal de companhia – cão, destaca-se a faixa etária de 3-5 anos, sendo privilegiada a raça de porte médio (48%). Confirma-se que existe uma maior preocupação com a desparasitação externa (84%), face à desparasitação in-terna (76%). A maior influência na decisão de compra dos desparasitantes externos é dos Veterinários (53%) seguida do efeito da confiança na utilização do produto (13%) e do efeito de passa-palavra (11%). O local preferencial de compra é a Clíni-ca Veterinária (40%), seguida das Farmácias (31%), Pet-Shop (19%) e Grandes Su-perfícies (10%). Verificou-se a necessidade de implementação de um sistema de gestão de informa-ção para o mercado da Saúde Animal, à semelhança dos sistemas já existentes na saúde humana, face à pertinência do tema e seus impactos tanto económicos como na Saúde Publica.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Extract from "La Civilizacion," revista madrilena.
Este trabalho tem por objeto central páginas e suplementos literários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que buscou localizar, identificar e caracterizar páginas e suplementos literários, inseridos em jornais paulistanos de grande circulação e prestígio, no período entre 1920 e 1964. Os jornais escolhidos para este estudo foram: Correio Paulistano, O Estado de S. Paulo, Diário Popular, A Gazeta, Folha da Noite, Folha da Manhã, Folha da Tarde, Diário de S. Paulo e Última Hora. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, percebemos que os espaços para as artes e espetáculos, nos jornais analisados, se davam de diversas maneiras, e não apenas em páginas e suplementos literários, como a publicação de seções diárias de artes e espetáculos, cadernos de cultura, páginas sem títulos , rodapés de crítica literária, romances-folhetins, entre outros. Também verificamos que a prática de inserir suplementos literários, nos jornais paulistanos, iniciou-se no fim da década de 1920, com a publicação do Supplemento Dominical do Diário de S. Paulo. No entanto, foi no pós-1945 que a inclusão de páginas e suplementos literários, nos jornais da capital paulista, passou a ocorrer com maior freqüência. Localizados páginas e suplementos literários, analisamos a seção Resenha Bibliográfica do Suplemento Literário de O Estado de S. Paulo, com o objetivo de entender como estes veículos atuavam, enquanto divulgadores do mercado editorial.(AU)
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o nível de sociabilização no comportamento da criança/adolescente com deficiência intelectual em terapia assistida por animais, TAA, e por objetivos específicos levantar o perfil sócio-demográfico-clínico dessa população, observar o comportamento da criança em atendimento mediado pela TAA e verificar a opinião dos pais/responsáveis e profissionais sobre essa terapia. A TAA é uma técnica na qual o animal é parte integrante do processo terapêutico. Enquadra-se em uma abordagem multidisciplinar, que requer a intervenção de especialistas, na qual o cão ocupa uma posição mediadora entre o paciente e os objetivos terapêuticos. A pesquisa abrange 46 sujeitos, sendo 20 pacientes, 20 pais e/ou responsáveis e seis terapeutas, e desenvolve-se em uma clínica de Reabilitação Clínica de ONG em cidade de grande porte. Foram observadas 12 intervenções em TAA, aplicada a escala com foco em sociabilização baseada em Achenbach (ASEBA)e realizada entrevista junto aos pais/responsáveis e entrevistados os terapeutas em TAA. Os resultados dos instrumentos utilizados convergem no sentido de apontara validade da TAA como facilitadora da sociabilização das crianças/adolescentes com deficiência intelectual, com aumento da motivação e engajamento às intervenções, assim como, com repercussões positivas em sua autonomia, em seu humor e em sua organização cognitiva temporal e narrativa linguística. Os terapeutas ressaltam o componente lúdico presente nas intervenções, o qual facilita atingir seus objetivos terapêuticos. Já para os pais dos atendidos por essa abordagem, de forma unanime referem que filhos demonstram motivação e maior autonomia frente aos atendimentos. O estudo sugere novas investigações que possam dar suporte à divulgação dessa modalidade de terapia.
Residential homegardens have environmental and social roles in the urban environment. These green spaces can potentially minimize the impacts caused by the growth of cities, being an alternative to connect fragmented areas or offer refuge to wildlife and therefore support the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, the homegardens demonstrate a leading role in increasing human well-being by promoting socialization opportunities, contact with nature, local culture as well as improvements in food security for the urban families. Nevertheless, it is still unclear what specific characteristics of homegardens can act effectively in the conservation of the biodiversity, as well as in the construction of food security and well being of the homegardeners and their families. The first chapter of this thesis analyzed the diversity of plant species (native and exotic) and assessed the contribution of different types of urban gardens (ornamental and forest gardens alike) in the presence of wildlife such as birds, monkeys and lizards. In the second chapter we evaluated the contribution of those gardens to the welfare and food security of their owners. In order to do this, 41 gardens were visited in Pium, a southern coastal town in the northeastern Brazil, which also happens to be in a periurban region undergoing rapid urban expansion and pressure from the real estate market. We surveyed the planned biodiversity and fauna associated with homegardens. The data related to food security and welfare were sampled through interviews with the person in charge of taking care of the gardens. These interviews covered issues on the supply of food from the garden and absence of chemical products, as well as aspects of the GNH indicator (Gross National Happiness). The results showed that these homegardens generally contribute little to the maintenance of native plant species (native species = 29/ total = 187). From its main features, the gardens were classified as ornamental, forest gardens and forest farms. These groups had a different effect on the presence of the animals studied and the last two contained most of the sampled native species. The diversity of plants and trees was a good predictor of the presence of birds and monkeys. Thus, the contribution of yards for the conservation of biodiversity depends on the type of garden: some even can have negative effects on conservation. These results can direct new approaches to detailed understanding of gardens and also of public policies applied to urban planning. The results of the second chapter showed that the two types of forest gardens contributed to household food security, for providing food and medicinal herbs, which mostly did not have pesticides and chemical 12 fertilizers. But the three groups of gardens are important components for the well being of their stakeholders. Gardens help promote the transmission of knowledge on agriculture, socialization, contact with nature and bring up feelings related to peace and harmony. Thus, forest gardens can be considered important means to get through public projects and policies designed to encourage biodiversity and promote food security and well-being in urban areas
Feeding is the primary selective pressure in all forms of animals. Nutritional ecological models predict consequences of preferred and non-preferred food consumption on behavioural, physiological and morphological adaptations. At same time, socioecological models infer socio-organizarion patterns based on feeding competition faced by animals. A list of preferred foods, and inferences regarding the intensity of feeding competition and its behavioural consequences are information of much importance for management of populations in fragments. In this work we observed the feeding behavior and spatial positioning of a group of more than 100 blond capuchin monkeys (Sapajus flavius) that inhabit a fragment of Atlantic forest, surrounded by sugarcane plantation. We compared the consumption of different food items with their monthly availability in the area to define the preferred and fallback food items. We recorded the vocalizations of aggression and the inter-individual distance (area of Minimum Convex Polygon/n individuals) to infer the type of food competition experienced by animals. In the year studied the fruit feeding time correlated with top consumed fruit productivity, indicating preference for fruits. Our data indicate that the species Elaeis sp., Cecropia palmata, Inga spp. and Simarouba amara are the preferred food items in the diet. Available all year round and uniformly distributed, sugarcane was a regular item in the diet and its was characterized as a staple fallback food for this group. Although fruits are preferential food items, direct competition rate did not correlate to fruit productivity in the area, maintaining the high rates throughout the year (2.45 events/ hour). The inter-individual distance index positively correlated with rain fall indicating scramble food competition. The number of neighbours of females carrying infants was smaller when fruit productivity is low, indicating that females carrying infants are suffering increased indirect competition. Our data indicates that blond capuchins in this fragment make use of sugar cane as a staple fallback food, which evidence the importance of sugar cane landscape for the survival of this critically endangered capuchin species in fragmented habitats in Northeast Brazil. A preliminary list of preferred and important foods is offered, and can assist in the choice of trees for reforestation, better fragments to be preserved and areas of release and translocation of animals. We did not observe an increase of contest competition while using preferred foods, but when using staple FBF. This may be due the altered environment, which results in high competition food throughout the year. Both the food preference as the social and behavioral consequences of high food competition experienced by animals in this fragment must be accompanied over the years to ensure the survival of this population.
Feeding is the primary selective pressure in all forms of animals. Nutritional ecological models predict consequences of preferred and non-preferred food consumption on behavioural, physiological and morphological adaptations. At same time, socioecological models infer socio-organizarion patterns based on feeding competition faced by animals. A list of preferred foods, and inferences regarding the intensity of feeding competition and its behavioural consequences are information of much importance for management of populations in fragments. In this work we observed the feeding behavior and spatial positioning of a group of more than 100 blond capuchin monkeys (Sapajus flavius) that inhabit a fragment of Atlantic forest, surrounded by sugarcane plantation. We compared the consumption of different food items with their monthly availability in the area to define the preferred and fallback food items. We recorded the vocalizations of aggression and the inter-individual distance (area of Minimum Convex Polygon/n individuals) to infer the type of food competition experienced by animals. In the year studied the fruit feeding time correlated with top consumed fruit productivity, indicating preference for fruits. Our data indicate that the species Elaeis sp., Cecropia palmata, Inga spp. and Simarouba amara are the preferred food items in the diet. Available all year round and uniformly distributed, sugarcane was a regular item in the diet and its was characterized as a staple fallback food for this group. Although fruits are preferential food items, direct competition rate did not correlate to fruit productivity in the area, maintaining the high rates throughout the year (2.45 events/ hour). The inter-individual distance index positively correlated with rain fall indicating scramble food competition. The number of neighbours of females carrying infants was smaller when fruit productivity is low, indicating that females carrying infants are suffering increased indirect competition. Our data indicates that blond capuchins in this fragment make use of sugar cane as a staple fallback food, which evidence the importance of sugar cane landscape for the survival of this critically endangered capuchin species in fragmented habitats in Northeast Brazil. A preliminary list of preferred and important foods is offered, and can assist in the choice of trees for reforestation, better fragments to be preserved and areas of release and translocation of animals. We did not observe an increase of contest competition while using preferred foods, but when using staple FBF. This may be due the altered environment, which results in high competition food throughout the year. Both the food preference as the social and behavioral consequences of high food competition experienced by animals in this fragment must be accompanied over the years to ensure the survival of this population.
The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.
The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists of a non-toxic photosensitizing agent (FS) administration followed by a laser source resulting in a sequence of photochemical and photobiological processes that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damaging cells. The present work evaluated the effects of PDT nanoemulsion-aluminum chloride phthalocyanine (AlClFc) mediated on malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels, which represent indicators involved in oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses. For this purpose, this study used 120 female rats of the Rattus norvegicus species, Wistar race, divided into 5 groups: Healthy (H), with periodontal disease (PD), with periodontal disease and treatment with FS (F), with periodontal disease and treatment with the laser (L); and periodontal disease and treatment with PDT (FL). An experimental model for represent periodontal disease (PD) was induced by ligature (split-mouth). Seven days later the induction of PD, the treatments were instituted according to the groups. In the group treated with PDT was applied 40μl FS (5μM) followed by laser irradiation diode InGaAlP (660nm, 100J / cm2). The rats were sacrificed on the 7th and 28th day after treatment and tissue specimens were removed and subjected to histological, immunohistochemical methods and enzymatic colorimetric measurements with detection by UV / VIS spectroscopy. Inflammatory changes, connective tissue disorganization and alveolar bone loss were displaying in groups with PD induced. The enzyme dosages showed that MDA levels were higher in PD induced groups, with no statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). High levels of GSH were found in groups L (p = 0.028) and FL (p = 0.028) compared with PD group, with statistically significant differences. Immunohistochemistry for SOD showed higher immunostaining in L and FL groups, compared to the PD group without statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). GPx showed lower immunoreactivity in the DP group when compared to the other groups and statistically significant differences were observed between the DPxL groups (p <0.05). TFD administered in this experiment did not induce elevation of MDA levels significantly increased the GSH levels and showed intense immunostaining pada SOD and GPx, showing that this therapy does not accentuated lipid peroxidation, however, it was able to induce effects on the antioxidant defenses processes. The LBI therapy appeared to show photomodulatory promoting effects reduction of the MDA levels, increasing GSH levels and with intense immunostaining for SOD and GPx, demonstrating that laser therapy induced antioxidant effects.