953 resultados para SOUTHERN LAURENTIA


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This study describes the epidemiological and pathological aspects of an outbreak of acute fasciolosis in cattle in southern Brazil. Fifteen out of 70 three-year-old pregnant cows lost weight in the 30-40 days prior to calving. Clinical signs included diarrhea, weakness, mild anemia and jaundice. Dark yellow fluid in the abdominal cavity was observed at necropsy. Fibrin and clotted blood were adhered to the pericardium and lung, primarily in the diaphragmatic lobes. The liver was enlarged, and the capsular surface was irregular with clear areas and petechiae. At the cut surface, the liver was irregular, firm and edematous, and several hemorrhagic channels could be observed. Areas of fibrosis through the parenchyma and whitish thrombi occluding the great vessels were also observed. The livers of 10 cows that not died were condemned at slaughter for lesions of fasciolosis similar to those observed at necropsy. Microscopically, the liver showed areas of coagulation necrosis, extensive hemorrhages in the streaks or foci and disruption of the parenchyma with neutrophil and eosinophil infiltration. Fibrosis and bile duct proliferation were also observed. Immature Fasciola hepatica flukes were observed in the parenchyma surrounded by degenerated hepatocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and hemorrhages. The outbreak occurred on a farm located in an area endemic for fasciolosis, although the acute form of the disease is not common in cattle in this region. It is likely that the cows were infected by F. hepatica metacercariae released in the late fall or early spring in the rice stubble where the herd was grazing prior to calving. Although mortality due to fasciolosis in cattle is infrequent, outbreaks can occur and treatments that are effective in both the immature and adult forms of the parasite should be administered to prevent economic losses.


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This study aimed to describe the occurrence of Leptospira interrogans serovars Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola, in coastal zone and in southern grasslands of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In each one of the four analyzed farms blood samples were collected from free-living wild animals, domestic animals and humans to perform serological testing for leptospirosis. The presence of antibodies was verified by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). The criterion adopted to consider a serum as agglutination reactant was at least 50% of leptospira for a microscopic field of 100x. From 17 blood samples collected at Chuí, five (29.41%) were positive, three (60.00%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and two (40.00%) for Canicola. From 21 samples collected in the County of Santana da Boa Vista, six (28.57%) were positive, four (66.67%) for serovar Canicola and two (33.33%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae. From 32 samples collected at Alegrete, 10 (31.25%) were positive, seven (70.00%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and three (30.00%) foro serovar Canicola. From 17 blood samples collected in Cruz Alta, three (17.64%) were positive, two (66.67%) for serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and one (33.33%) for Canicola. It is necessary to improve sanitary practices on farms in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to achieve success in leptospirosis control programs.


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Campylobacter jejuniand C. colihave been associated with gastrointestinal disorders in human beings, due mainly to the consumption of chicken meat. Despite control measures for reducing contamination by these bacteria, the detection of Campylobacter in carcasses after chilling remains high.A total of 105 carcasses were assessed by the horizontal detection method in five federally inspected slaughterhouses in southern Brazil in 2012 and in the first three months of 2013. Campylobacterwas isolated in 37.1% of the carcasses, of which 97.5% contained C. jejuni and 2.5% were infected by C. coli. The rate of positive carcasses across the slaughterhouses ranged from 0 to 71.4%. Determining the occurrence of Campylobacteramong flocks is crucial for estimating the microbial load at specific points along the slaughtering process and for minimizing the risk of contamination of end products by Campylobacter.


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Abstract: Oestrus ovis is a botfly whose larvae cause nasal myiasis, an environmental-dependent disease in small ruminants, generating acute and chronic injuries in the cranial cavities of sheep. Chile is a country of the southernmost worldwide distribution of this parasite, and there is few information about. Whence, the objective of this study was to approximate the epidemiological situation of O. ovis infection in Chilean sheep. From December 2009 to March 2010, a total of 87 samples were obtained by necropsy for skull inspection. The larvae were collected, and microscopically identified. The prevalence in the sampled sheep was 60.9%. From those that were infected, 85.7% (18/21) of sheep were 1 to 3 years old, constituting the stratum with the highest prevalence. The difference of infection in females and males was not significant. The high risk of infection seems to be dependent upon the environmental conditions of this southern region, especially during summer when the first larval stage (L1) could be found as the evidence. Therefore, the disease should be considered as a significant problem for this kind of livestock production.


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Abstract: This paper reports pythiosis in a sheep from southwestern Paraná, Brazil, confirmed by indirect ELISA (Enzime-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and immunohistochemistry, as well as it describes the macro and microscopic injuries, in order to understand the pathogenicity. A 4-year-old ewe from a flock of 30 Santa Inês sheep, raised semi-extensively with access to a weir, showed cachexia, bilateral enlargement in nasal region, a serous and bloody secretion with a fetid odor from its nose and swollen submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes. Blood collection was performed trough jugular vein puncture in order to make complete blood cell count (CBC) and to obtain serum for the subsequent serological examination. As the hematological counts were within the normal range for sheep, the animal was euthanized and submitted to necropsy. Indirect ELISA resulted positive for pythiosis. Necropsy revealed necrosis of the hard palate with a diameter of 3.5cm and extending up to the nasal cavity, forming a fistula. Submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes were enlarged and edematous on section. Microscopic findings for submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes consisted in moderate infiltration of eosinophils mainly in the subcapsular sinus, characterizing reactive eosinophilic lymphadenitis. The nasal cavity revealed rhinitis and oral cavity stomatitis with necro-eosinophilic and pronounced multifocal granulomatous infiltration and presence of hyphae. Hyphae found in palate and nasal cavity were positive for Pythium insidiosum by Grocott's method and immunohistochemistry, the last one considered to be confirmatory for the pathogen diagnostic. This report has an important epidemiological aspect, as it is the first case of pythiosis in sheep confirmed by serology in South Brazil and an alert of possible infection by the pathogen in floodplains.


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Abstract: Canid herpesvirus 1 (CHV-1) is a widespread pathogen of dogs and produces infertility, abortions and severe systemic disease in young puppies. Clinical data indicate the circulation of CHV-1 among Brazilian dogs yet definitive diagnosis has rarely been accomplished. This article describes the clinicopathological findings of four independent cases/outbreaks of neonatal disease by CHV-1 in Bulldog puppies followed by virus identification and genetic characterization. Three events occurred in a kennel holding dogs of different breeds at reproductive age (March 2013, October 2013 and April 2014). Puppies from three French or English Bulldog litters, aging 9 to 30 days were affected, presenting dyspnea, agonic breathing, pale mucous, abdominal pain and tension, evolving to death within about 24 hours. At necropsy, the puppies presented necrohemorrhagic hepatitis, multifocal and moderate necrohemorrhagic nephritis and fibrinonecrotic interstitial pneumonia. Virus isolation was positive in clinical specimens from one litter and CHV-1 DNA was detected by PCR in tissues from all four cases. Virus-neutralizing assays with samples of the affected kennel revealed 9/12 adult animals with high antibody titers to CHV-1. Nucleotide sequencing of glycoprotein B, C and D genes revealed 99-100% of identity among the viruses and with CHV-1 sequences available in GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses of gC sequences showed a segregation of the samples, even among three isolates from the same kennel. These findings support CHV-1 infection as the cause of disease and death in these dog litters, reinforcing the need for correct etiologic diagnosis, prevention and immunization against CHV-1 in dogs from Southern Brazil.


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Abstract The study was carried out to screen and analyze the genetic characteristics of antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter spp. from poultry sources. A total of 141 strains of Campylobacter isolated from samples of broilers of slaughterhouses in southern Brazil was identified by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Campylobacter isolates were evaluated for its antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of resistance genes. The strains were investigated for antimicrobial susceptibility against two agents (ampicillin and tetracycline) by disk diffusion method. PCR assay was used to confirm the specie and the presence of ampicillin (blaOXA-61), tetracycline tet(O), and the energy-dependent multi-drug efflux pump (cmeB) genes. Campylobacter jejuni was the most ubiquitous; its presence was determined in 140 samples out of 141 (99.3%), whereas Campylobacter coli was found only in one of the contaminated samples (0.70%). The results obtained showed 65% and 35.5% of Campylobacter isolates resistant to β-lactams and tetracyclines, respectively. The cmeB gene responsible for multidrug resistance was detected in 26 isolates out 141 strains (18.5%). Moreover, 36 out of 141 Campylobacter strains (25.6%) were found to be resistant to at least two different antimicrobia resistance markers (β-lactams and tetracyclines).


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Herbicide resistance was reported in Brazil almost ten years ago. One of the main weeds with herbicide resistance is wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla). This work evaluates the distribution of ALS-resistant E. heterophylla in two states in southern Brazil and determines the major contributing management causes for weed resistance selection in the area. E. heterophylla seeds from 148 sites located in Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul were sampled during 2001 and 2002. Farmers provided specific site data for weed control, tillage system, crop rotation and harvesting operations during previous years. ALS resistant E. heterophylla biotypes were found widely distributed in the survey area. Data analysis suggests seed dissemination is unlikely to explain the widespread distribution of resistance. The most probable factor for the selection of the resistant E. heterophylla is the persistent high use of ALS-inhibiting herbicides over time. Indirect evidence is presented demonstrating the need to educate legislators and farmers about the importance of herbicide mixtures as a strategy to prevent herbicide resistance.


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Availability of basic information on weed biology is an essential tool for designing integrated management programs for agricultural systems. Thus, this study was carried out in order to calculate the base temperature (Tb) of southern sandbur (Cenchrus echinatus), as well as fit the initial growth and development of the species to accumulated thermal units (growing degree days - GDD). For that purpose, experimental populations were sown six times in summer/autumn conditions (decreasing photoperiod) and six times in winter/spring condition (increasing photoperiod). Southern sandbur phenological evaluations were carried out, on alternate days, and total dry matter was measured when plants reached the flowering stage. All the growth and development fits were performed based on thermal units by assessing five base temperatures, as well as the absence of it. Southern sandbur development was best fit with Tb = 12 ºC, with equation y = 0,0993x, where y is the scale of phenological stage and x is the GDD. On average, flowering was reached at 518 GDD. Southern sandbur phenology may be predicted by using mathematical models based on accumulated thermal units, adopting Tb = 12 ºC. However, other environmental variables may also interfere with species development, particularly photoperiod.


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Perenniporia contraria, P. martius, P. medulla-panis, P. ohiensis, P. piperis, P. stipitata and P. tephropora are described in this paper. A key to these species is presented. Five species studied in culture are included, through the respective species code. P. tephropora is a new record from Southern Brazil. A check-list of names Perenniporia species known throughout the world is given.


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The paper records the first occurrence of the genus Microcrocis P. Richter (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria), represented by M. pulchella (Buell) Geitler, in Brazil. The species was found in two zones, one with freshwater and the other with brackish water, of a coastal lagoon of Rio Grande do Sul State (31°15’-31°30’ S and 50°54’-51°09’ W). Comparison between M. pulchella and its most closely related species is presented. Up to now this species had occurrence records limited to freshwater systems in temperate regions. Its presence in a subtropical coastal lagoon from southernmost Brazil, either in fresh or in brackish water, broadened the knowledge of the distribution area of M. pulchella.


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Cakile maritima occurs sporadically along the southern Brazilian coast, where it is restricted to more protected sites at the base of foredunes. Somatic dimorphism in C. maritima is manifested as morphologically distinct upper and lower fruit segments (silicules). The two morphs were tested for differences in size, number of seeds, dispersal ability and natural establishment. In the C. maritima population of southern Brazil, the lower silicule has more seeds than upper silicule, and lower seeds are more likely to abort than the upper ones. Seeds from upper segments were significantly larger than those from lower ones; however, their mass ranges overlap. The mean silicule mass was not significantly different from both segments, but the silicule/seed mass ratio from upper and lower segments was significantly different. Both segments had high ability to float in sea water, more than 50% were still afloat after 70 days. Nevertheless, dispersal occurs mainly to landward due to dominant wind action. Most of the seedlings were restricted to within a one-metre radius of the mother plant, and were principally derived from lower fruit segments.


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The effects of disturbances on plant community structure in tropical forests have been widely investigated. However, a majority of these studies examined only woody species, principally trees, whereas the effects of disturbances on the whole assemblage of vascular plants remain largely unexplored. At the present study, all vascular plants < 5m tall were surveyed in four habitats: natural treefall gaps, burned forest, and their adjacent understorey. The burned area differed from the other habitats in terms of species composition. However, species richness and plant density did not differ between burned area and the adjacent understorey, which is in accordance to the succession model that predict a rapid recovery of species richness, but with a different species composition in areas under moderate disturbance. The treefall gaps and the two areas of understorey did not differ among themselves in terms of the number of individuals, number of species, nor in species composition. The absence of differences between the vegetation in treefall gaps and in understorey areas seems to be in agreement with the current idea that the species present in treefall gaps are directly related to the vegetation composition before gap formation. Only minimal differences were observed between the analyses that considered only tree species and those that considered all growth habits. This suggests that the same processes acting on tree species (the best studied group of plants in tropical forests) are also acting on the whole assemblage of vascular plants in these communities.


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The "cerrado" sensu stricto is a savanna woodland physiognomy which occupies most of central Brazil, with the degree of canopy cover varying from 10% to 60% at a site with trees reaching up to seven meters high. It occurs mostly on deep and well-drained soils but can also be found on shallower ones. The diversity and structure of the "cerrado" sensu stricto on shallow and rocky Cambisols and Litosols were studied here. Sixteen 20 x 50 m² plots were sampled in a random design over patches of this vegetation in northern Goiás State and southern Tocantins. All stems from 5 cm diameter at 30 cm from the ground level were measured. Vouchers were collected and deposited at the IBGE herbarium. A total of 87 species in 65 genera and 33 families were found. Diversity index was 2.87 nats ind-1, density was 836 stems ha-1 with a basal area of 8.4374 m² ha-1. Sørensen's index indicated higher similarities between plots at the same site indicating a geographical gradient influencing the floristic composition of the "cerrado" sensu stricto on rocky soils. Czekanowski's index confirmed this trend. TWINSPAN classification final groups were defined by preferential species of more fertile soils, in opposition to those typical of dystrophic soils and to common species to gallery forests occurring on sloping terrains with gullies.