975 resultados para Rituais e performances


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Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) can be cured when diagnosed in its early or precancerous (adenoma) stages. Mostly due to poor compliance towards invasive screening procedures, detection rates for adenoma and early CRCs are still low. Available non-invasive screening tests have unfortunately low sensitivity and specificity performances. Therefore, there is a large unmet need calling for a cost-effective, reliable and non-invasive test to screen for early neoplastic and pre-neoplastic lesions. Objective: To develop a routine screening test based on a nucleic acids multi-gene assay performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) that can detect early CRCs and adenomas. Methods: 116 patients (mean age: 55 years; range: 18 to 74 years; female/male ration 0.98) were included in this pilot, nonblinded, colonoscopy-controlled study. Colonoscopy revealed 21 patients with CRC, 30 patients with adenoma bigger than 1 cm, 24 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and 41 patients had no neoplastic or inflammatory lesions. Blood samples were taken from each patient the day of the colonoscopy and PBMCs were purified. Total RNA was extracted following standard procedures. Multiplex RT-qPCR was applied on 92 different candidate biomarkers. Different univariate and multivariate statistical methods were applied on these candidates, and among them, 57 biomarkers with significant p values (<0.01, Wilcoxon test) were selected, including ADAMTS1, MMP9, CXCL10, CXCR4, VEGFA and CDH1. Two distinct biomarker signatures are used to separate patients without neoplastic lesion from those with cancer (named COLOX 1 test), respectively from those with adenoma (named COLOX 2 test). Result: COLOX 1 and 2 tests have successfully separated patients without neoplastic lesion from those with CRC (sensitivity 70%, specificity 90%, AUC 0.88), respectively from those with adenoma bigger than 1cm (sensitivity 61%, specificity 80%, AUC 0.80). 6/24 patients in the IBD group have a positive COLOX 1 test. Conclusion: These two COLOX tests demonstrated an acceptable sensitivity and a high specificity to detect the presence of CRCs and adenomas bigger than 1 cm. The false positives COLOX 1 test in IBD patients could possibly be due to the chronic inflammatory state. A prospective, multicenter, pivotal study is underway in order to confirm these promising results in a larger cohort.


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Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are doping agents that are mostly used for improvement of strength and muscle hypertrophy. In some sports, athletes reported that the intake of AAS is associated with a better recovery, a higher training load capacity and therefore an increase in physical and mental performances. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, the effect of multiple doses of AAS on different physiological parameters that could indirectly relate the physical state of athletes during a hard endurance training program. In a double blind settings, three groups (n = 9, 8 and 8) were orally administered placebo, testosterone undecanoate or 19-norandrostenedione, 12 times during 1 month. Serum biomarkers (creatine kinase, ASAT and urea), serum hormone profiles (testosterone, cortisol and LH) and urinary catecholamines (noradrenalin, adrenalin and dopamine) were evaluated during the treatment. Running performance was assessed before and after the intervention phase by means of a standardized treadmill test. None of the measured biochemical variables showed significant impact of AAS on physical stress level. Data from exercise testing on submaximal and maximal level did not reveal any performance differences between the three groups or their response to the treatment. In the present study, no effect of multiple oral doses of AAS on endurance performance or bioserum recovery markers was found.


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Two retrospective epidemiologic studies have shown that cannabis is the main psychoactive substance detected in the blood of drivers suspected of driving under the influence of psychotropic drugs. An oral administration double-blind crossover study was carried out with eight healthy male subjects, aged 22 to 30 years, all occasional cannabis smokers. Three treatments and one placebo were administered to all participants at a two week interval: 20 mg dronabinol, 16.5 mg D9-tétrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 45.7 mg THC as a cannabis milk decoction. Participants were asked to report the subjective drug effects and their willingness to drive under various circumstances on a visual analog scale. Clinical observations, a psychomotor test and a tracking test on a driving simulator were also carried out. Compared to cannabis smoking, THC, 11-OH-THC and THC-COOH blood concentrations remained low through the whole study (&lt;13.1 ng THC/mL,&lt;24.7 ng 11-OH-THC/mL and&lt;99.9 ng THC-COOH/mL). Two subjects experienced deep anxiety symptoms suggesting that this unwanted side-effect may occur when driving under the influence of cannabis or when driving and smoking a joint. No clear association could be found between these adverse reactions and a susceptibility gene to propensity to anxiety and psychotic symptoms (genetic polymorphism of the catechol-O-methyltransferase). The questionnaires have shown that the willingness to drive was lower when the drivers were assigned an insignificant task and was higher when the mission was of crucial importance. The subjects were aware of the effects of cannabis and their performances on the road sign and tracking test were greatly impaired, especially after ingestion of the strongest dose. The Cannabis Influence Factor (CIF) which relies on the molar ratio of active and inactive cannabinoids in blood provided a good estimate of the fitness to drive.


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Overall introduction.- Longitudinal studies have been designed to investigate prospectively, from their beginning, the pathway leading from health to frailty and to disability. Knowledge about determinants of healthy ageing and health behaviour (resources) as well as risks of functional decline is required to propose appropriate preventative interventions. The functional status in older people is important considering clinical outcome in general, healthcare need and mortality. Part I.- Results and interventions from lucas (longitudinal urban cohort ageing study). Authors.- J. Anders, U. Dapp, L. Neumann, F. Pröfener, C. Minder, S. Golgert, A. Daubmann, K. Wegscheider,. W. von Renteln-Kruse Methods.- The LUCAS core project is a longitudinal cohort of urban community-dwelling people 60 years and older, recruited in 2000/2001. Further LUCAS projects are cross-sectional comparative and interventional studies (RCT). Results.- The emphasis will be on geriatric medical care in a population-based approach, discussing different forms of access, too. (Dapp et al. BMC Geriatrics 2012, 12:35; http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2318/12/35): - longitudinal data from the LUCAS urban cohort (n = 3.326) will be presented covering 10 years of observation, including the prediction of functional decline, need of nursing care, and mortality by using a self-filling screening tool; - interventions to prevent functional decline do focus on first (pre-clinical) signs of pre-frailty before entering the frailty-cascade ("Active Health Promotion in Old Age", "geriatric mobility centre") or disability ("home visits"). Conclusions.- The LUCAS research consortium was established to study particular aspects of functional competence, its changes with ageing, to detect pre-clinical signs of functional decline, and to address questions on how to maintain functional competence and to prevent adverse outcome in different settings. The multidimensional data base allows the exploration of several further questions. Gait performance was exmined by GAITRite®-System. Supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF Funding No. 01ET1002A). Part II.- Selected results from the lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65 + ) Study (Switzerland). Authors.- Prof Santos-Eggimann Brigitte, Dr Seematter-Bagnoud Laurence, Prof Büla Christophe, Dr Rochat Stéphane. Methods.- The Lc65+ cohort was launched in 2004 with the random selection of 3054 eligible individuals aged 65 to 70 (birth year 1934-1938) in the non-institutionalized population of Lausanne (Switzerland). Results.- Information is collected about life course social and health-related events, socio-economics, medical and psychosocial dimensions, lifestyle habits, limitations in activities of daily living, mobility impairments, and falls. Gait performance are objectively measured using body-fixed sensors. Frailty is assessed using Fried's frailty phenotype. Follow-up consists in annual self-completed questionnaires, as well as physical examination and physical and mental performance tests every three years. - Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65 + ): design and longitudinal outcomes. The baseline data collection was completed among 1422 participants in 2004-2005 through self-completed questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, physical examination and tests of mental and physical performances. Information about institutionalization, self-reported health services utilization, and death is also assessed. An additional random sample (n = 1525) of 65-70 years old subjects was recruited in 2009 (birth year 1939-1943). - lecture no 4: alcohol intake and gait parameters: prevalent and longitudinal association in the Lc65+ study. The association between alcohol intake and gait performance was investigated.


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Summary : Due to anthropogenic impacts and natural fluctuations, fish usually have to cope with constantly changing and often hostile environments. Whereas adult fish have various possibilities to counteract unfavourable environmental conditions, embryos have much fewer options. Besides by their developing immune system, they are protected by the egg envelopes and several immune substances provided by their mothers. In addition to this, they may also adjust their hatching timing in reaction to various risks. However, individuals may vary in their defensive potential. This variation may be either based on their genetics and/or on differential maternal investments and may be dependent on the experienced stress. Nevertheless, in fish, the impact of such parental contributions on embryo and/or juvenile viability is still poorly investigated. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the importance of paternal (i.e. genetic) and maternal (i.e. genetic + egg investment) contributions to offspring viability under different environmental conditions and at different life stages. In order to investigate this, we used gametes of various salmonids for in vitro fertilisation experiments based on full-factorial breeding designs. The individual studies are summarised in the following chapters: In the first chapter, we tested the effectiveness of the embryonic immune system in Lake whitefish (Coregonus palaea). Namely, we investigated paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' tolerance to different kinds of pathogen exposure. Additionally, we tested whether an early sub-léthal exposure has a positive or a negative effect on an embryo's susceptibility to later pathogen exposures with the same pathogen. We found that pre-challenged embryos were more susceptible to future challenges. Moreover, pathogen susceptibility was dependent on maternal investments and/or the embryos' own genetics, depending on the challenge level. Chapter 2 summarises a similar study with brown trout (Salmo trutta). In addition to the previously described investigations, we analysed if genetic effects on offspring viability are mediated either by parental MHC genotypes or relatedness based on neutral microsatellite markers, and we tested if males signal their genetic quality either by their body size or their melanin-based skin colouration. We found that embryo survival was lower at higher stress levels and dependent on the embryos' genetics. Addirionally, parents with similar and/or, very common MHC genotypes had higher offspring viabilities. Finally, darker males produced more viable offspring. In the first two chapters we investigated the embryos' defensive potential based on their immune system, i.e. their pathogen tolerance. In chapter 3 we investigate whether hatching timing of Lake whitefìsh (C. palaea) is dependent on parental contributions and/or on pathogen pressure, and whether there are parental-environmental interactions. We found that whitefish embryos hatch earlier under increasing pathogen pressure. Moreover, hatching timing was affected by embryo genetics and/or maternally provided resources, but the magnitude of the effect was dependent on the pathogen. pressure. We also found a significant paternal-environmental interaction, indicating that the hatching efficiency of a certain sib group is dependent on the pathogen environment. Chapter 4 describes an analogous study with brown trout (S. trutta), with similar findings. In the former chapters, we only looked at offspring performance during the embryonic period, and only under semi-natural conditions. In chapter 5 we now test the performance and viability of embryonic and juvenile brown trout (S. trutta) under natural conditions. To measure embryo viability, we put them in brood boxes, buried them in the gravel of a natural river, and analysed survival after several months. To investigate juvenile survival and performance, wé reared embryos under different stress levels in the laboratory and subsequently released the resulting hatchlings in to a closed river section. Juvenile size and survival was then determined one year later. Additionally, we investigated if sires differ in their genetic quality, determined by embryo and juvenile survival as well as juvenile size, and if they signal their quality by either body size or melanin-based body darkness. We found hat juvenile size was dependent on genetic effects and on maternal investment, whereas this was neither the case for embryo nor for juvenile survival. Additionally, we found that offspring of darker males grew larger, and larger juveniles had also an increased survival. Finally, we found acarry-over effect of the early non-lethal challenge: exposing embryos to higher stress levels resulted in smaller juveniles. To evaluate the long-term performance of differently treated groups, mark-recapture studies are inevitable. For this purpose, effective mass-marking techniques are essential. In chapter 6 we tested the suitability of the fluorescent pigment spray marking method for the mass marking of European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), with very promising results. Our in vitro fertilisation studies on whitefish may reveal new insights on potential genetic benefits of mate choice, but the mating system of whitefish under natural conditions is still poorly investigated. In order to study this, we installed underwater cameras at the spawning place of a Coregonus suidteri population, recorded the whole mating period and subsequently analysed the recordings. Confirmations of previous findings as well as exciting new observations are listed and discussed in chapter 7. Dus aux impacts anthropogéniques et aux fluctuations naturelles, les poissons doivent faire face à des environnements en perpétuel changement. Ces changements font que les poissons doivent s'adapter à de nouvelles situations, souvent hostiles pour eux. Les adultes ont différentes possibilités d'échapper à un environnement peu favorable, ce n'est par contre pas le cas des embryons. Les embryons sont protégés d'une part par leur système immunitaire en développement, d'autre part, par la coquille de l'eeuf et différentes substances immunitaires fournies par leur mère. De plus, ils sont capables d'influencer leur propre date d'éclosion en réponse à différents facteurs de stress. Malgré tout, les individus varient dans leur capacité à se défendre. Cette variation peut être basé sur des facteurs génétiques et/ou sur des facteurs maternels, et est dépendante du stress subi. Néanmoins, chez les poissons, l'impact de telles contributions parentales sur la survie d'embryons et/ou juvéniles est peu étudié. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a été d'approfondir les connaissances sur l'importance de la contribution paternelle (c.a.d. génétique) et maternelle (c.a.d. génétique + investissement dans l'oeuf) sur la survie des jeunes dans différentes conditions expérimentales et stades de vie. Pour faire ces analyses, nous avons utilisé des gamètes de divers salmonidés issus de croisements 'full-factorial'. Les différentes expériences sont résumées dans les chapitres suivants: Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons testé l'efficacité du système immunitaire des embryons chez les corégones (Coregonus palea). Plus précisément nous avons étudié la contribution paternelle et maternelle à la tolérance des embryons à différents niveaux de stress pathogène. Nous avons aussi testé, si une première exposition non létale à un pathogène avait un effet positif ou négatif sur la susceptibilité d'un embryon a une deuxième exposition au même pathogène. Nous avons trouvé que des embryons qui avaient été exposés une première fois étaient plus sensibles au pathogène par la suite. Mais aussi que la sensibilité au pathogène était dépendante de l'investissement de la mère et/ou des gènes de l'embryon, dépendamment du niveau de stress. Le deuxième chapitre résume une étude similaire avec des truites (Salmo truffa). Nous avons examiné, si la survie des jeunes variait sous différentes intensités de stress, et si la variance observée était due aux gènes des parents. Nous avons aussi analysé si les effets génétiques sur la survie des juvéniles étaient dus au MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) ou au degré de parenté des parents. De plus, nous avons analysé si les mâles signalaient leur qualité génétique par la taille du corps ou par leur coloration noire, due à la mélanine. On a trouvé que la survie des embryons était plus basse quand le niveau de stress était plus haut mais que la variation restait dépendante de la génétique des embryons. De plus, les parents avec des MHC similaires et/ou communs avaient des embryons avec une meilleure survie. Par contre, des parents avec un degré de parenté plus haut produisent des embryons avec une survie plus mauvaise. Finalement nous avons montré que les mâles plus foncés ont des embryons qui survivent mieux, mais que la taille des mâles n'a pas d'influence sur la survie de ces mêmes embryons. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous avons étudié le potentiel de défense des embryons basé sur leur système immunitaire, c.a.d. leur tolérance aux pathogènes. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la date d'éclosion des corégones (C. palea), pour voir si elle est influencée par les parents ou par la pression des pathogènes, et si il y a une interaction entre ces deux facteurs. Nous avons trouvé que les jeunes naissent plus rapidement lorsque la pression en pathogènes augmente. La date d'éclosion est influencée par la génétique des embryons et/ou l'investissement des parents, mais c'est la magnitude des effets qui est dépendante de la pression du pathogène. Nous avons aussi trouvé une interaction entre l'effet paternel et l'environnement, ce qui indique que la rapidité d'éclosion de certains croisements est dépendante des pathogènes dans l'environnement. Le chapitre 4 décrit une étude analogue avec de truites (S. truffa), avec des résultats sitzimilaires. Dans les précédents chapitres nous nous sommes uniquement concentrés sur les performances des jeunes durant leur stade embryonnaire, et seulement dans des conditions semi naturelles. Dans le chapitre 5 nous testons la performance et la viabilité des embryons et de juvéniles de truites (S. truffa) dans des conditions naturelles. Nous avons trouvé que la taille des juvéniles était dépendante d'effets génétiques et de l'investissement maternel, mais ceci n'était ni les cas pour les survie des embryons et des juvéniles. De plus, nous avons trouvé que les jeunes des mâles plus foncés devenaient plus grands et que les grands ont un meilleur taux de survie. Finalement nous avons trouvé un 'carry-over effect' d'une première exposition non létale à un pathogène: exposer des embryons à des plus hauts niveaux de stress donnait des juvéniles plus petits. Pour évaluer la performance à long terme de groupes traités dé manières différentes, une méthode de marquage-recapture est inévitable. Pour cette raison, des techniques de marquage en masse sont nécessaires. Dans le chapitre 6, nous avons testé l'efficacité de la technique `fluorescent pigment spray marking' pour le marquage en masse de l'Ombre commun (Thymallus thymallus), avec des résultats très prometteurs. Les études de fertilisations in vitro avec les corégones nous donnent une idée du potentiel bénéfice génétique que représente la sélection d'un bon partenaire, même si le système d'accouplement des corégones en milieu naturel reste peu connu. Pour combler cette lacune, nous avons installé des caméras sous-marines autour de la frayère d'une population de corégones (C. suidteri), nous avons enregistré toute la période de reproduction et nous avons analysé les données par la suite. Ainsi, nous avons été capables de confirmer bien des résultats trouvés précédemment, mais aussi de faire de nouvelles observations. Ces résultats sont reportés dans le septième chapitre, où elles sont comparées avec des observations antérieures.


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Combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners play a major role in medicine for in vivo imaging in an increasing number of diseases in oncology, cardiology, neurology, and psychiatry. With the advent of short-lived radioisotopes other than 18F and newer scanners, there is a need to optimize radioisotope activity and acquisition protocols, as well as to compare scanner performances on an objective basis. The Discovery-LS (D-LS) was among the first clinical PET/CT scanners to be developed and has been extensively characterized with older National Electrical Manufacturer Association (NEMA) NU 2-1994 standards. At the time of publication of the latest version of the standards (NU 2-2001) that have been adapted for whole-body imaging under clinical conditions, more recent models from the same manufacturer, i.e., Discovery-ST (D-ST) and Discovery-STE (D-STE), were commercially available. We report on the full characterization both in the two- and three-dimensional acquisition mode of the D-LS according to latest NEMA NU 2-2001 standards (spatial resolution, sensitivity, count rate performance, accuracy of count losses, and random coincidence correction and image quality), as well as a detailed comparison with the newer D-ST widely used and whose characteristics are already published.


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Ningú no dubte ja del canvi de mentalitat que s’ha produït en els darrers anys en els compradors pel què fa al mercat de l’automòbil. La seguretat i el respecte per el medi ambient, són actualment dos dels factors claus que el consumidor té en compte a l’hora de comprar un vehicle. D’altra banda en els darrers anys la Unió Europea, ha fixat tota una sèrie normatives per tal de reduir les emissions nocives a l’atmosfera. Així doncs, més seguretat i menys emissions, signifiquen vehicles que incorporin components i sistemas cada cop més sofisticats, els quals, a la vegada, necessiten de bancs d’assaig i equips de test per tal de ser validats. Aquest fet ha provocat una revolució dins dels sistemes de test per a vehicles, per als quals han augmentat enormement les exigències en quan a precisions i repetibilitat per tal d’intentar reproduir, amb la màxima fiabilitat possible, les condicions de treball que hauran de suportar els components durant el seu ús real. Les característiques dels motors elèctrics, resulten ideals per a accionar aquest tipus d’aplicacions, ja que permeten un control del parell molt acurat i una repetibilitat quasi perfecte enfront d’altres sistemas utilitzats fins no fa massa temps. Aquesta demanda creixent d’aquest tipus de màquines elèctriques, obra una nova oportunitat de negoci per a les empreses fabricants de motors elèctrics. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és identificar i satisfer les necessitats dels clients, dins d’un mercat industrial concret: el mercat dels motors elèctrics per a bancs de proves de components per a la indústria de l’automoció. La fita és doncs la de proporcionar les eines necessàries per tal de que una empresa, fabricant de motors elèctrics de velocitat variable, pugui realitzar el disseny, desenvolupament i llançament comercial d’un nou tipus de motor, específicament pensat per aquest mercat, amb les màximes garanties d’èxit. Com a principal conclusió, el treball argumenta que el nou producte representa una oportunitat de negoci força atractiva i rendible per a l’empresa, i permetrà diversificar la oferta de la companyia cap a un nou sector fins ara no explotat.


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Three-dimensional analysis of the entire sequence in ski jumping is recommended when studying the kinematics or evaluating performance. Camera-based systems which allow three-dimensional kinematics measurement are complex to set-up and require extensive post-processing, usually limiting ski jumping analyses to small numbers of jumps. In this study, a simple method using a wearable inertial sensors-based system is described to measure the orientation of the lower-body segments (sacrum, thighs, shanks) and skis during the entire jump sequence. This new method combines the fusion of inertial signals and biomechanical constraints of ski jumping. Its performance was evaluated in terms of validity and sensitivity to different performances based on 22 athletes monitored during daily training. The validity of the method was assessed by comparing the inclination of the ski and the slope at landing point and reported an error of -0.2±4.8°. The validity was also assessed by comparison of characteristic angles obtained with the proposed system and reference values in the literature; the differences were smaller than 6° for 75% of the angles and smaller than 15° for 90% of the angles. The sensitivity to different performances was evaluated by comparing the angles between two groups of athletes with different jump lengths and by assessing the association between angles and jump lengths. The differences of technique observed between athletes and the associations with jumps length agreed with the literature. In conclusion, these results suggest that this system is a promising tool for a generalization of three-dimensional kinematics analysis in ski jumping.


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The state-space approach is used to evaluate the relation between soil physical and chemical properties in an area cultivated with sugarcane. The experiment was carried out on a Rhodic Kandiudalf in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Sugarcane was planted on an area of 0.21 ha i.e., in 15 rows 100 m long, spaced 1.4 m. Soil water content, soil organic matter, clay content and aggregate stability were sampled along a transect of 84 points, meter by meter. The state-space approach is used to evaluate how the soil water content is affected by itself and by soil organic matter, clay content, and aggregate stability of neighboring locations, in different combinations, aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the relation among these variables in the soil. Results show that soil water contents were successfully estimated by this approach. Best performances were found when the estimate of soil water content at locations i was related to soil water content, clay content and aggregate stability at locations i-1. Results also indicate that this state-space model using all series describes the soil water content better than any equivalent multiple regression equation.


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La prise en charge des voies aériennes est un aspect majeur de l'anesthésie dont le défaut de gestion reste la première cause de mortalité per-anesthésique. La fibroscopie reste à l'heure actuelle une technique clé pour la gestion des situations d'intubation difficiles, mais les fibroscopes standards réutilisables sont couteux, fragiles et doivent être nettoyés et désinfectés entre chaque utilisation. L'apparition sur le marché de l'Ambu ®aScope?2, vidéoscope souple à usage unique pourrait servir d'alternative si ses capacités d'intubation dans des situations cliniques difficiles étaient démontrées. Plusieurs études existaient démontrant l'efficacité de cet appareil sur des mannequins en situation standard ou difficile simulée, mais aucune n'avait testé son efficacité dans des situations difficiles sur patients réels, l'expérience dans se domaine se limitant à quelques case reports. Le but de cette étude était de comparer l'Ambu ®aScope?2 au fibroscope conventionnel dans des situations d'intubation difficiles sur patients réels. Après leur accord, 100 patients prévus pour une chirurgie élective nécessitant une intubation oro-trachéale ont été répartis de façon aléatoire en deux groupes homogènes de 50. La difficulté d'intubation était induite par la mise en place d'une minerve semi-rigide après anesthésie générale, empêchant ainsi toute mobilisation cervicale et limitant grandement l'ouverture de bouche. Les points de comparaisons étaient : Succès ou échec d'intubation, temps nécessaire pour la procédure, difficulté subjective du geste et qualité de vision des structures anatomiques. Tous les patients ont été intubés avec succès dans les deux groupes dans des délais tout à fait satisfaisant. Cependant, le temps nécessaire à l'obtention d'un positionnement correct du tube dans la trachée était significativement plus long avec l'Ambu ®aScope?2. Par ailleurs, la qualité de vision, tout en restant suffisante pour permettre l'intubation était globalement moins bonne avec l'appareil à usage unique. Quand à la difficulté subjective du geste, elle était plus souvent classée intermédiaire ou difficile dans ce groupe, sans pour autant que la différence soit significative. Les difficultés étaient principalement dues à un manque de mobilité de la partie flexible, l'absence de canal d'aspiration des sécrétions et une lentille de moins bonne qualité, troublant la vision au contacte de la salive. Bien que le taux de succès des intubations soit identique dans les deux groupes, il est probable que la solide expérience de l'anesthésiste en matière de fibroscopie ait permis de contourner les conditions plus difficiles du groupe de l'Ambu ®aScope?2 et ses performances techniques inférieures. Il est donc difficile de le recommander comme alternative équivalentes au fibroscope conventionnel pour les diverses situations d'intubation difficiles que l'on peut rencontre en clinique.


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This article presents a longitudinal study of the development of "family alliance" from pregnancy to toddlerhood in a community sample, as well as its links with the emotional and cognitive development of the child at age 5 years. Family alliance is defined as the quality of the interactive coordination between family members. We consider that the alliance constitutes a context for the child to learn emotion regulation and to develop an understanding of inner states. Family interactions (N = 38) were observed at the 5th month of pregnancy and at 3, 9, and 18 months after birth in a standardized situation of observation (Lausanne Trilogue Play). Marital satisfaction and child temperament were assessed through self-reported questionnaires. Several outcomes of the child at age 5 years were measured: theory of mind performances, predominant emotional themes in pretend play, internalized and externalized symptoms. Results show that (a) three patterns of evolution of family alliance occur: "high stable" (n = 19), "high to low" (n = 10), and "low stable" (n = 9); (b) a high stable alliance is predictive of better outcomes in children at age 5 years, especially regarding theory of mind; (c) the temperament of the child is predictive of child outcomes; and (d) an interaction effect occurs between family alliance and temperament. These results highlight the importance of both family-level and individual-level variables for understanding individual differences in the social and cognitive development of children.


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The present study provides a comprehensive view of (a) the time dynamics of the psychophysiological responding in performing music students (n = 66) before, during, and after a private and a public performance and (b) the moderating effect of music performance anxiety (MPA). Heart rate (HR), minute ventilation (VE), and all affective and somatic self-report variables increased in the public session compared to the private session. Furthermore, the activation of all variables was stronger during the performances than before or after. Differences between phases were larger in the public than in the private session for HR, VE, total breath duration, anxiety, and trembling. Furthermore, while higher MPA scores were associated with higher scores and with larger changes between sessions and phases for self-reports, this association was less coherent for physiological variables. Finally, self-reported intra-individual performance improvements or deteriorations were not associated with MPA. This study makes a novel contribution by showing how the presence of an audience influences low- and high-anxious musicians' psychophysiological responding before, during and after performing. Overall, the findings are more consistent with models of anxiety that emphasize the importance of cognitive rather than physiological factors in MPA.


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Background: Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) is characterized by exaggerated exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension. Evidences suggests that exercise may cause lung fluid accumulation at high altitude. We hypothesized that, in patients with CMS, exercise causes lung fluid accumulation.Methods: In 21 male CMS patients and 20 matched healthy controls born and permanently living in La Paz (Bolivia, 3600m) we assessed with echocardiogram, pulmonary artery pressure (PASP), right and left ventricular function and ultrasoundlung comets (ULCs, a marker of lung fluid accumulation) at rest and during mild bicycle exercise (10 min at 50W).Results: CMS patients presented a more than 2-fold greater exercise-induced increase in pulmonary artery pressure than controls (17.1±8.3 vs 7.2±7.9 mmHg, P=0.003). This exaggerated PASP response to exercise was associated with a roughly 3-fold greater increase in UCLs in patients with CMS than in controls (6.3±5.1 vs. 2.1±5.3, p<0.05), and there existed a significant relationship between PASP and UCLs (r=0.44, p<0.001). Finally, TDI on lateral tricuspid annulus decreased during exercise in patients with CMS (from 13.2±3.2 to 11.5±2.1 cm s-1, p=0.03), but increased in controls (from 13.1±2.9 to 14.9±2.6 cm s-1 , p=0.04). Left ventricular function remained unaltered in the 2 groups.Conclusions: we provide the first direct evidence in CMS patients that exaggerated exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension causes rapid lung fluid accumulation and right ventricular dysfunction. We speculate that in patients with CMS these two phenomena contribute to reduced exercise performances and Figure 1 increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality that characterise these subjects.


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The detrimental effects of genetic erosion on small isolated populations are widely recognized contrary to their interactions with environmental changes. The ability of genotypes to plastically respond to variability is probably essential for the persistence of these populations. Genetic erosion impact may be exacerbated if inbreeding affects plastic responses or if their maintenance were at higher phenotypic costs. To understand the interplay 'genetic erosion-fitness-phenotypic plasticity', we experimentally compared, in different environments, the larval performances and plastic responses to predation of European tree frogs (Hyla arborea) from isolated and connected populations. Tadpoles from isolated populations were less performant, but the traits affected were environmental dependant. Heterosis observed in crosses between isolated populations allowed attributing their low fitness to inbreeding. Phenotypic plasticity can be maintained in the face of genetic erosion as inducible defences in response to predator were identical in all populations. However, the higher survival and developmental costs for isolated populations in harsh conditions may lead to an additional fitness loss for isolated populations.


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L'utilisation efficace des systèmes géothermaux, la séquestration du CO2 pour limiter le changement climatique et la prévention de l'intrusion d'eau salée dans les aquifères costaux ne sont que quelques exemples qui démontrent notre besoin en technologies nouvelles pour suivre l'évolution des processus souterrains à partir de la surface. Un défi majeur est d'assurer la caractérisation et l'optimisation des performances de ces technologies à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles. Les méthodes électromagnétiques (EM) d'ondes planes sont sensibles à la conductivité électrique du sous-sol et, par conséquent, à la conductivité électrique des fluides saturant la roche, à la présence de fractures connectées, à la température et aux matériaux géologiques. Ces méthodes sont régies par des équations valides sur de larges gammes de fréquences, permettant détudier de manières analogues des processus allant de quelques mètres sous la surface jusqu'à plusieurs kilomètres de profondeur. Néanmoins, ces méthodes sont soumises à une perte de résolution avec la profondeur à cause des propriétés diffusives du champ électromagnétique. Pour cette raison, l'estimation des modèles du sous-sol par ces méthodes doit prendre en compte des informations a priori afin de contraindre les modèles autant que possible et de permettre la quantification des incertitudes de ces modèles de façon appropriée. Dans la présente thèse, je développe des approches permettant la caractérisation statique et dynamique du sous-sol à l'aide d'ondes EM planes. Dans une première partie, je présente une approche déterministe permettant de réaliser des inversions répétées dans le temps (time-lapse) de données d'ondes EM planes en deux dimensions. Cette stratégie est basée sur l'incorporation dans l'algorithme d'informations a priori en fonction des changements du modèle de conductivité électrique attendus. Ceci est réalisé en intégrant une régularisation stochastique et des contraintes flexibles par rapport à la gamme des changements attendus en utilisant les multiplicateurs de Lagrange. J'utilise des normes différentes de la norme l2 pour contraindre la structure du modèle et obtenir des transitions abruptes entre les régions du model qui subissent des changements dans le temps et celles qui n'en subissent pas. Aussi, j'incorpore une stratégie afin d'éliminer les erreurs systématiques de données time-lapse. Ce travail a mis en évidence l'amélioration de la caractérisation des changements temporels par rapport aux approches classiques qui réalisent des inversions indépendantes à chaque pas de temps et comparent les modèles. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, j'adopte un formalisme bayésien et je teste la possibilité de quantifier les incertitudes sur les paramètres du modèle dans l'inversion d'ondes EM planes. Pour ce faire, je présente une stratégie d'inversion probabiliste basée sur des pixels à deux dimensions pour des inversions de données d'ondes EM planes et de tomographies de résistivité électrique (ERT) séparées et jointes. Je compare les incertitudes des paramètres du modèle en considérant différents types d'information a priori sur la structure du modèle et différentes fonctions de vraisemblance pour décrire les erreurs sur les données. Les résultats indiquent que la régularisation du modèle est nécessaire lorsqu'on a à faire à un large nombre de paramètres car cela permet d'accélérer la convergence des chaînes et d'obtenir des modèles plus réalistes. Cependent, ces contraintes mènent à des incertitudes d'estimations plus faibles, ce qui implique des distributions a posteriori qui ne contiennent pas le vrai modèledans les régions ou` la méthode présente une sensibilité limitée. Cette situation peut être améliorée en combinant des méthodes d'ondes EM planes avec d'autres méthodes complémentaires telles que l'ERT. De plus, je montre que le poids de régularisation des paramètres et l'écart-type des erreurs sur les données peuvent être retrouvés par une inversion probabiliste. Finalement, j'évalue la possibilité de caractériser une distribution tridimensionnelle d'un panache de traceur salin injecté dans le sous-sol en réalisant une inversion probabiliste time-lapse tridimensionnelle d'ondes EM planes. Etant donné que les inversions probabilistes sont très coûteuses en temps de calcul lorsque l'espace des paramètres présente une grande dimension, je propose une stratégie de réduction du modèle ou` les coefficients de décomposition des moments de Legendre du panache de traceur injecté ainsi que sa position sont estimés. Pour ce faire, un modèle de résistivité de base est nécessaire. Il peut être obtenu avant l'expérience time-lapse. Un test synthétique montre que la méthodologie marche bien quand le modèle de résistivité de base est caractérisé correctement. Cette méthodologie est aussi appliquée à un test de trac¸age par injection d'une solution saline et d'acides réalisé dans un système géothermal en Australie, puis comparée à une inversion time-lapse tridimensionnelle réalisée selon une approche déterministe. L'inversion probabiliste permet de mieux contraindre le panache du traceur salin gr^ace à la grande quantité d'informations a priori incluse dans l'algorithme. Néanmoins, les changements de conductivités nécessaires pour expliquer les changements observés dans les données sont plus grands que ce qu'expliquent notre connaissance actuelle des phénomenès physiques. Ce problème peut être lié à la qualité limitée du modèle de résistivité de base utilisé, indiquant ainsi que des efforts plus grands devront être fournis dans le futur pour obtenir des modèles de base de bonne qualité avant de réaliser des expériences dynamiques. Les études décrites dans cette thèse montrent que les méthodes d'ondes EM planes sont très utiles pour caractériser et suivre les variations temporelles du sous-sol sur de larges échelles. Les présentes approches améliorent l'évaluation des modèles obtenus, autant en termes d'incorporation d'informations a priori, qu'en termes de quantification d'incertitudes a posteriori. De plus, les stratégies développées peuvent être appliquées à d'autres méthodes géophysiques, et offrent une grande flexibilité pour l'incorporation d'informations additionnelles lorsqu'elles sont disponibles. -- The efficient use of geothermal systems, the sequestration of CO2 to mitigate climate change, and the prevention of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers are only some examples that demonstrate the need for novel technologies to monitor subsurface processes from the surface. A main challenge is to assure optimal performance of such technologies at different temporal and spatial scales. Plane-wave electromagnetic (EM) methods are sensitive to subsurface electrical conductivity and consequently to fluid conductivity, fracture connectivity, temperature, and rock mineralogy. These methods have governing equations that are the same over a large range of frequencies, thus allowing to study in an analogous manner processes on scales ranging from few meters close to the surface down to several hundreds of kilometers depth. Unfortunately, they suffer from a significant resolution loss with depth due to the diffusive nature of the electromagnetic fields. Therefore, estimations of subsurface models that use these methods should incorporate a priori information to better constrain the models, and provide appropriate measures of model uncertainty. During my thesis, I have developed approaches to improve the static and dynamic characterization of the subsurface with plane-wave EM methods. In the first part of this thesis, I present a two-dimensional deterministic approach to perform time-lapse inversion of plane-wave EM data. The strategy is based on the incorporation of prior information into the inversion algorithm regarding the expected temporal changes in electrical conductivity. This is done by incorporating a flexible stochastic regularization and constraints regarding the expected ranges of the changes by using Lagrange multipliers. I use non-l2 norms to penalize the model update in order to obtain sharp transitions between regions that experience temporal changes and regions that do not. I also incorporate a time-lapse differencing strategy to remove systematic errors in the time-lapse inversion. This work presents improvements in the characterization of temporal changes with respect to the classical approach of performing separate inversions and computing differences between the models. In the second part of this thesis, I adopt a Bayesian framework and use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations to quantify model parameter uncertainty in plane-wave EM inversion. For this purpose, I present a two-dimensional pixel-based probabilistic inversion strategy for separate and joint inversions of plane-wave EM and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data. I compare the uncertainties of the model parameters when considering different types of prior information on the model structure and different likelihood functions to describe the data errors. The results indicate that model regularization is necessary when dealing with a large number of model parameters because it helps to accelerate the convergence of the chains and leads to more realistic models. These constraints also lead to smaller uncertainty estimates, which imply posterior distributions that do not include the true underlying model in regions where the method has limited sensitivity. This situation can be improved by combining planewave EM methods with complimentary geophysical methods such as ERT. In addition, I show that an appropriate regularization weight and the standard deviation of the data errors can be retrieved by the MCMC inversion. Finally, I evaluate the possibility of characterizing the three-dimensional distribution of an injected water plume by performing three-dimensional time-lapse MCMC inversion of planewave EM data. Since MCMC inversion involves a significant computational burden in high parameter dimensions, I propose a model reduction strategy where the coefficients of a Legendre moment decomposition of the injected water plume and its location are estimated. For this purpose, a base resistivity model is needed which is obtained prior to the time-lapse experiment. A synthetic test shows that the methodology works well when the base resistivity model is correctly characterized. The methodology is also applied to an injection experiment performed in a geothermal system in Australia, and compared to a three-dimensional time-lapse inversion performed within a deterministic framework. The MCMC inversion better constrains the water plumes due to the larger amount of prior information that is included in the algorithm. The conductivity changes needed to explain the time-lapse data are much larger than what is physically possible based on present day understandings. This issue may be related to the base resistivity model used, therefore indicating that more efforts should be given to obtain high-quality base models prior to dynamic experiments. The studies described herein give clear evidence that plane-wave EM methods are useful to characterize and monitor the subsurface at a wide range of scales. The presented approaches contribute to an improved appraisal of the obtained models, both in terms of the incorporation of prior information in the algorithms and the posterior uncertainty quantification. In addition, the developed strategies can be applied to other geophysical methods, and offer great flexibility to incorporate additional information when available.