951 resultados para Rhode Island--Description and travel
Nineteen core samples from the Shikoku Basin and the Daito Ridge and Basin province of the northwest Philippine Sea, obtained from DSDP Leg 58, were examined for products of chlorophyll diagenesis; we aimed at gaining a better understanding of the very early diagenetic history of sedimentary chlorophyll. We choose samples which, a priori, would allow isolation of tetrapyrrole pigments characteristic of (destructive) diagenesis modes. Studies of Japan Trench sediments (Louda et al., 1980; Baker and Louda, 1980) showed well the interplay of two main diagenesis schemes: anoxic preservation and oxic destruction. The results reported herein are a product of a preliminary investigation on sediments of scant organic matter content, which yielded limited tetrapyrrole pigment.
Manganese nodules from the Campbell Plateau and Macquarie Ridge have been chemically analysed and their compositions compared with other Pacific nodules. No significant differences in composition are apparent. Foraminifera from nodule nucleii are late Tertiary or Quaternary, indicating the late geological formation of manganese nodules in this region. Nodule formation may be related to late Tertiary or Quaternary submarine volcanism.
Increase in the Balmer continuum radiation during solar flares was predicted by various authors, but has never been firmly confirmed observationally using ground-based slit spectrographs. Here we describe a new post-focal instrument, the image selector, with which the Balmer continuum flux can be measured from the whole flare area, in analogy to successful detections of flaring dMe stars. The system was developed and put into operation at the horizontal solar telescope HSFA2 of the Ondřejov Observatory. We measure the total flux by a fast spectrometer from a limited but well-defined region on the solar disk. Using a system of diaphragms, the disturbing contribution of a bright solar disk can be eliminated as much as possible. Light curves of the measured flux in the spectral range 350 – 440 nm are processed, together with the Hα images of the flaring area delimited by the appropriate diaphragm. The spectral flux data are flat-fielded, calibrated, and processed to be compared with model predictions. Our analysis of the data proves that the described device is sufficiently sensitive to detect variations in the Balmer continuum during solar flares. Assuming that the Balmer-continuum kernels have at least a similar size as those visible in Hα, we find the flux increase in the Balmer continuum to reach 230 – 550 % of the quiet continuum during the observed X-class flare. We also found temporal changes in the Balmer continuum flux starting well before the onset of the flare in Hα.
Biological control of introduced weeds in the 22 Pacific island countries and territories (PICTs) began in 1911, with the lantana seed-feeding fly introduced into Fiji and New Caledonia from Hawaii. To date, a total of 62 agents have been deliberately introduced into the PICTs to control 21 weed species in 17 countries. A further two agents have spread naturally into the region. The general impact of the 36 biocontrol agents now established in the PICTs ranges from none to complete control of their target weed(s). Fiji has been most active in weed biocontrol, releasing 30 agents against 11 weed species. Papua New Guinea, Guam, and the Federated States of Micronesia have also been very active in weed biocontrol. For some weeds such as Lantana camara, agents have been released widely, and can now be found in 15 of the 21 PICTs in which the weed occurs. However, agents for other commonly found weeds, such as Sida acuta, have been released in only a few countries in which the weed is present. There are many safe and effective biocontrol agents already in the Pacific that could be utilised more widely, and highly effective agents that have been released elsewhere in the world that could be introduced following some additional host specificity testing. This paper discusses the current status of biological control efforts against introduced weeds in the 22 PICTs and reviews options that could be considered by countries wishing to initiate weed biological control programmes.
Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)
Ressenya del llibre La Selva: una comarca serena d'Oriol Mach i Hugo Capellà. L'estudi és un exemple d'anàlisi territorial que mostra la heterogeneïtat i alhora la unitat de la comarca de La Selva
Aquest article l'escrivim des del record. Des d'un record llunyà, l'estiu de 1994, un referent constant cada vegada que mencionem les societats tradicionals i de manera especial els pobles nómades. De fet, el motiu principal del viatge va ser precisament el de conviure amb homes i dones que viuen en un marc social, polític i econòmic molt diferent al nostre: el marc de les societats preindustrials, el qual configura i configurarà per molt temps Mongólia. El punt de partida d'aquest viatge és Beijin (Pequín), des d'on iniciem un periple incert però que finalment ens deixa un bon gusc de boca. El mitjà per arribar a la capital de Mongòlia, Ulaan Bator, és el tren -el transmongolià que va des de la capital de Xina fins a Moscou i que actualment és utilitzat per molts xinesos que hi van a fer petits negocis
Ja feia anys que ens ballava pel cap d'anar a Pakistan per fer la ruta del Karakorum, la carretera més alta del món, vorejada per pics imponents i rius de gran cabal. Un trajecte que connecta el Pakistan amb la Xina i ressegueix una part de la famosa ruta de la seda. Tot un seguit de fets inesperats afavoriren que el viatge inicialment previst ampliés el seu centre d'atenció amb la visita al poble de Kalash, l'últim reducte animista del país, i els camps de refugiats afganesos de Peshawar. La nostra arribada al Pakistan és, en termes tant metafòrics com reals, tempestuosa. L'endarreriment en l'enllaç Barcelona-Londres ens impedeix d'agafar l'avió que ens havia de portar cap a Islamabad i ens obliga a quedar-nos durant un dia a la capital britànica
El paisatge de l’Alta Garrotxa ha sofert canvis radicals al llarg del temps i molt especial a les darreres dècades. Es proporcionen dades estadístiques sobre bosc, bosquina, pastura, conreu, vegetació de cinglera i zona estèril (roca nua, etc.)
Descripció del viatge a Egipte, així com de les impressions que van provocar l’autora els indrets que va visitar com ara les piràmides de la vall de Giza, Memfis, Sakkara i Dashur entre altres
Descripció del viatge entre Llagostera i Romanyà de la Selva realitzat per l’autora un dia de tardor
Relació del viatge fet per la Maria Antònia Canals a Nepal amb motiu de l’acte de celebració de la signatura del conveni de col·laboració entre la Universitat de Tribhuvan a Katmandu i la Universitat de Vic per crear el centre de formació del professorat d’infantil i de primària M. Antònia Canals