952 resultados para Retaining wall. Instrumentation. Anchors


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Contemporary architecture has tended to increase envelope insulation levels in an unceasing effort to reduce U-values. Traditional masonry architecture in contrast was devoid of insulation, except for the inherent insulative nature of vernacular materials. Also the consistency of the outer membrane of the building skin diminished any impact due to bridging. In contemporary highly insulated walls bridges are numerous due to the necessity to bind inner and outer structural skins through insulation layers. This paper examines thermal bridging in an example of contemporary façade design and compares it with an example of traditional vernacular architecture currently being researched which is characterized by a lack of bridging elements. Focus is given to heavy weight materials of high thermal mass, which appropriately for passive architecture help moderate fluctuations in internal temperature. In an extensive experimental study samples of highly insulated precast concrete sandwich panels and lime rendered masonry walls are tested in a guarded hot-box. The building construction methods are compared for static and dynamic thermal transmittance, via heat flux and surface temperature differential measurements. Focus is given to the differential heat loss due to the thermal bridging in the sandwich panels and its associated impact on overall heat loss relative to traditional masonry construction.


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One of the challenges the tidal power industry faces, is the requirement of cost effective, reliable but highly accurate acquisition of flow data. Different methods are required , applications range over different spatial and temporal scales. This report assembles in the first sections, theoretical background information on acoustic Doppler Velocimetry and RADAR measurements. The use of existing expertise in field tests of marine vehicles is discussed next, followed by a discussion of issues relating to recreating field conditions in laboratory environments. The last three sections present practical applications of various methods performed in field conditions. While progress has been made over the last years, this overview highlights the challenges in full scale field measurements and knowledge gaps in the industry.


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Transonic tests in linear cascade wind tunnels can suffer
from significant test section boundary interference effects in pitch. A slotted tailboard has been designed and optimised with an in-house Euler numerical method to reduce such ef- fects. Wind tunnel measurements on an overspeed Mach 1.27 discharge from a Rolls-Royce T2 cascade, featuring strong end-wall shock-induced interference, showed a 77% reduction in the flow pitchwise periodicity error with the optimised tail- board, with respect to the baseline open-jet cascade flow. Two-dimensional Euler predictions were also cross-validated against a three-dimensional Reynolds averaged computation, to explore the three-dimensionality of the discharge


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Esta tese centra-se no desenvolvimento de materiais biodegradáveis e nãodegradáveis produzidos por eletrofiação com aplicação na área biomédica. O poli(3-hidroxibutirato-co-3-hidroxivalerato) (PHBV), um poliéster biodegradável, foi selecionado como base dos materiais biodegradáveis, enquanto o poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET), um polímero sintético, estável e biocompatível, foi selecionado para a produção das matrizes não degradáveis. Adicionou-se quitosana aos sistemas com o objetivo de melhorar o processo de eletrofiação e as propriedades morfológicas, físico-químicas e biológicas dos materiais resultantes. A composição química, bem como as características morfológicas e físicoquímicas dos materiais em estudo, foram manipuladas de modo a otimizar a sua performance como suportes celulares para engenharia de tecidos. Foram realizados estudos in vitro com cultura de fibroblastos L929 para avaliar o comportamento das células, i.e. viabilidade, adesão, proliferação e morte, quando cultivadas nas matrizes produzidas por eletrofiação. Adicionalmente foram realizados ensaios in vivo para investigar o potencial dos materiais em estudo na regeneração cutânea e como tela abdominal. Os principais resultados encontrados incluem: o desenvolvimento de novas matrizes híbridas (PHBV/quitosana) adequadas ao crescimento de fibroblastos e ao tratamento de lesões de pele; o desenvolvimento de um sistema de eletrofiação com duas seringas para a incorporação de compostos bioativos; diversas estratégias para manipulação das características morfológicas dos materiais de PHBV/quitosana e PET/quitosana produzidos por eletrofiação; uma melhoria do conhecimento das interações fibroblastos-suporte polimérico; a verificação de uma resposta inflamatória desencadeada pelos materiais nãodegradáveis quando utilizados no tratamento de defeitos da parede abdominal, o que sugere a necessidade de novos estudos para avaliar a segurança do uso de biomateriais produzidos por eletrofiação.


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O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi sistematizar características físico- químicas dos azulejos para conservação e restauro de fachadas azulejares da cidade de Ovar, pertencentes à fase produtiva da semi-industrialização e industrialização dos finais do século XIX inico do século XX, de forma a produzir réplicas técnicas para recolocação nos locais de fachada com lacunas de azulejo. Além de se ter criado uma base de dados sobre estes materiais, formularam-se réplicas para os corpos cerâmicos calcários e pó de pedra, sugerindo matérias-primas e grau de moagem para a sua formulação, pressão de prensagem, ciclo e temperaturas máximas de cozedura conferindo-lhes características técnicas para que estas possam ser aplicadas lado a lado com os azulejos seculares, sem que perturbem a unicidade técnica da fachada. Investigaram-se duas das patologias mais recorrentes que afectam o vidrado: destacamento por cristalização de sais e fendilhamento. A primeira afecta a perda da parte pictórica do azulejo, atirando-o para uma remoção compulsiva da fachada aquando da sua intervenção para conservação restauro. A segunda permite-nos compreender possíveis compromissos técnicos feitos no passado.


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An in situ experiment on a full-scale timber frame test building was carried out to study the hygrothermal performance of wood-hemp composite insulation in timber frame wall panels with and without a vapour barrier. The heat transfer properties and the likelihood of mould growth and condensation in the panels were compared. Step changes in the internal relative humidity were performed to explore the effects of high, normal and low internal moisture loads on the wall panels. No significant difference in the average equivalent thermal transmittance (U-values) between the panels with and without a vapour barrier was observed. The average equivalent U-values of the panels were close to the U-values calculated from the manufacturers’ declared thermal conductivity values of the insulation. The likelihood of condensation was higher at the interface of the wood-hemp insulation and the oriented strand board (OSB) in the panel without a vapour barrier. In terms of the parametric assessment of the mould germination potential, the relative humidity, the temperature and the exposure conditions in the insulation-OSB interfaces of the panel without a vapour barrier were found to be more favourable to the germination of mould spores. Nonetheless, when the insulations were dismantled, no mould was visually detected.


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An in situ experiment in a full scale timber frame test building was carried out to compare the hygrothermal performance of Hemp and Stone Wool insulations of identical thermal conductivity. Hemp and Stone Wool insulations were installed in timber frame wall panels without vapour barrier. The comparison was made in terms of heat transfer properties, likelihood of mould growth and condensation. Step changes in internal relative humidity were performed to explore the effect of high and normal internal moisture load on the wall panels. No significant difference between the average equivalent thermal transmittance (U-values) of the panels incorporating Hemp and Stone Wool insulations was observed. The average equivalent U-values of the panels were closer to the calculated U-values of the panels based on the manufacturers’ declared thermal conductivity of Hemp and Stone Wool insulations. It was observed that the placement of heat flux sensor along the depth of the insulation had significant influence on the measured equivalent U-value of the panels during high internal moisture load. The frequency and likelihood of condensation was higher in the interface of Stone Wool and Oriented Strand Board (OSB). In terms of the parametric assessment of mould germination potential, relative humidity, temperature and exposure conditions in the insulation-OSB interfaces were found to be favourable to germination of mould spore. However, when the insulations were dismantled, no mould was visually detected.


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London Wall is a physical manifestation of the invisible city all around us; a poetic snapshot of social networking traffic from within a three-mile radius of the Museum of London. Over a ten-day period, publicly available status updates from popular websites like twitter and facebook will be selected then published as a vast array of A3 posters pasted onto a wall in the museum's foyer, revealing the idle mutterings of ourselves to ourselves as a form of concrete poetry. This commission is in the foyer and is part of relaunch the museums new galleries.


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THE ninth edition of the International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) [1] was held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain), from the 4th to the 6th of July, 2012. A world-class research community in the subject of remote and virtual laboratories joined the event.


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O aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida revela ser uma alternativa eficaz e promissora na indústria da construção civil, na utilização deste resíduo em muros de suporte. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a apresentação de uma técnica de aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida na execução de muros de gravidade, combinando solo e pneus. Neste sentido, tomou-se como referência um estudo realizado no Brasil por Sieira, Sayão, Medeiros e Gerscovich, para avaliar a eficiência e o custo deste tipo de estruturas, comparando-o com um muro de suporte tradicional de betão simples. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a segurança do muro de solo-pneus, de acordo com a metodologia proposta no Eurocódigo 7 (NP EN 1997-1, 2010), considerando a geometria e as características dos materiais apresentados no estudo referido e usando o programa de cálculo automático Slide, da Rocscience, para a verificação da estabilidade global. Reproduziu-se a análise numérica realizada no âmbito do caso de estudo brasileiro de referência, recorrendo também a uma formulação por elementos finitos com o programa de cálculo automático Phase2, da Rocscience. Por último, utilizando uma vez mais o programa Slide, definiu-se a geometria de um muro de betão simples cuja geometria garantisse o mesmo valor do fator de segurança à estabilidade global, obtido com o muro de solo-pneus e compararam-se os custos respetivos. O presente trabalho confirmou a eficiência e o baixo custo desta solução construtiva, sendo necessários, no entanto, estudos mais detalhados que reforcem estas conclusões.


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This study aims to understand the factors which may explain the retention of repatriates from companies acting within Portugal. These factors can be related either to the individual, or to the work, to the organisation or to non-working contexts. Eight companies located in Portugal have participated in this study. Several semi-structured interviews were done to 16 organizational representatives and to 28 repatriates. The obtained results show that the repatriates’ retention on the visited companies may be influenced by several categories of factors. We can conclude that it is (1) the good relation with the leadership, (2) the recognition of the performed job but, also (3) the seniority, (4) the age and the (5) depressed national job market. These are the major factors that emerge as relevant factors for the retention. Hence, there is not only one category of explaining determining factors for the retention decision, but there are several. These findings will be discussed in detail and implications and suggestions for future research will be proposed as well.


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Using low cost portable devices that enable a single analytical step for screening environmental contaminants is today a demanding issue. This concept is here tried out by recycling screen-printed electrodes that were to be disposed of and by choosing as sensory element a low cost material offering specific response for an environmental contaminant. Microcystins (MCs) were used as target analyte, for being dangerous toxins produced by cyanobacteria released into water bodies. The sensory element was a plastic antibody designed by surface imprinting with carefully selected monomers to ensure a specific response. These were designed on the wall of carbon nanotubes, taking advantage of their exceptional electrical properties. The stereochemical ability of the sensory material to detect MCs was checked by preparing blank materials where the imprinting stage was made without the template molecule. The novel sensory material for MCs was introduced in a polymeric matrix and evaluated against potentiometric measurements. Nernstian response was observed from 7.24 × 10−10 to 1.28 × 10−9 M in buffer solution (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.6), with average slopes of −62 mVdecade−1 and detection capabilities below 1 nM. The blank materials were unable to provide a linear response against log(concentration), showing only a slight potential change towards more positive potentials with increasing concentrations (while that ofthe plastic antibodies moved to more negative values), with a maximum rate of +33 mVdecade−1. The sensors presented good selectivity towards sulphate, iron and ammonium ions, and also chloroform and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and fast response (<20 s). This concept was successfully tested on the analysis of spiked environmental water samples. The sensors were further applied onto recycled chips, comprehending one site for the reference electrode and two sites for different selective membranes, in a biparametric approach for “in situ” analysis.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology