1000 resultados para Reservoir sedimentation.


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A sediment core from the Lofoten Contourite Drift on the continental slope off Northern Norway, proximal to the former Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream, details the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the time interval 25.3-14 cal ka BP, including the Last Glacial Maximum and onset of the deglaciation based on high-resolution IRD records. From the core interval between 25.3 and 17.7 cal ka BP we report data points with a mean time step of 10 years, between 17.7 cal ka BP and the Holocene time steps are typically 50 years. The core is divided into 7 informal ice-rafted debris (IRD) zones based on the variations in IRD including 7 major IRD maxima (A-G), inferred to represent periods of high iceberg production. Petrological identification reveals dominance of crystalline IRD (monocrystalline, plutonic and metamorphic rock fragments) accounting for 75-80% of total IRD assemblages, while sedimentary fragments generally account for 15-20%. The crystalline fragments (including eclogite and mangerite from a nearby terrestrial source) increase across the IRD peaks while the sedimentary fragments remain constant. This points to the importance of erosional products from icebergs originating from fast-flowing paleo-ice streams including the Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream draining from the Fennoscandian mainland during the IRD maxima periods. Increased temperature of the adjacent surface water masses was probably an important external forcing factor on the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet behavior because some IRD maxima and plumite deposition from meltwater plumes post-date periods of increased sea surface temperatures. The peak IRD depositions occur in centennial and millennial time cycles (~200, 1030 and 3900 year) indicating some external forcing by solar variation. Both mechanisms could explain the observed synchronous instability of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to other European Ice Sheets.


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Lithology, lithic petrology, planktonic foraminiferal abundances, and clastic grain sizes have been determined in a 30 m-long core recovered from the Barra Fan off northwest Scotland. The record extends back to around 45 kyr B.P., with sedimentation rates ranging between 50 and 200 cm/kyr. The abundance of ice-rafted debris indicates 16 glacimarine events, including temporal equivalents to Heinrich events 1-4. Enhanced concentrations of basaltic material derived from the British Tertiary Province suggest that the glacimarine sediments record variations in a glacial source on the Hebrides shelf margin. Glacimarine zones are separated by silty intervals with high planktonic foraminifera concentrations that reflect an interstadial circulation regime in the Rockall Trough. The results suggest that the last British Ice Sheet fluctuated with a periodicity of 2000-3000 years, in common with the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycle.


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To date, work on the Great Bahama Bank's western, leeward margin has centred chiefly on seismic-scale expressions of carbonate sequences and systems tracts. However, periplatform, slope sediments also exhibit very well developed cyclicity on scales of decimetres to several metres. It is these small-scale, high-frequency cycles within the larger-scale facies successions of the Quaternary which form the main topic of this paper. Previous studies have shown that the small-scale cycles correlate to the orbitally forced, high-frequency sea-level changes. Therefore these cycles should indicate how sea level has affected the slope development and thus platform-margin evolution during this period. Through detailed, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Great Bahama Bank's leeward margin, obtained via delta18O isotope and mineralogical (XRD) analyses, confined by U/Th dating and nannofossil bioevents, a greater understanding of the bedding geometries within the Pleistocene-Holocene seismic sequences and clues as to the nature of the slope development has been achieved. The high-resolution seismic profiles indicate that since the Plio-Pleistocene change in geometry, in which the Great Bahama Bank developed into a rimmed platform, continued steepening and subsequent progradation of the leeward margin has typified slope development during the Quaternary, which is described as an accretionary slope. However, on the basis of our observations we conclude that only the early to lower middle Pleistocene section (isotope stages 45-20) and the Holocene (isotope stage 1) of the leeward margin is accretionary. This indicates that a degree of erosion and/or by-passing has occurred on the leeward margin since the lower middle Pleistocene (isotope stage 19). During the first part of this period (isotope stages 19-12) erosion and/or by-passing occurred in the middle to lower slope regions and toe-of-slope. By the end of the upper middle to late Pleistocene phase (isotope stages 11-2) erosion also occurred on the upper slope. This erosion by currents at the toe-of-slope and oversteepening of the upper and middle slopes have led to back-cutting upslope and resulted in the progressive retreat of the toe-of-slope towards the platform to the east. However, the rise in sea level since the Last Glacial Maximum to its present-day level has allowed high productivity on the platform top during the Holocene and the deposition of a thick sediment wedge on the slope and sedimentation across the entire leeward flanks. This has led to the redevelopment of an accretionary slope and continued westward progradation of the Great Bahama Bank's western, leeward margin.


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The equatorial Pacific is an important part of the global carbon cycle and has been affected by climate change through the Cenozoic (65 Ma to present). We present a Miocene (12-24 Ma) biogenic sediment record from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 574 and show that a CaCO3 minimum at 17 Ma was caused by elevated CaCO3 dissolution. When Pacific Plate motion carried Site 574 under the equator at about 16.2 Ma, there is a minor increase in biogenic deposition associated with passing under the equatorial upwelling zone. The burial rates of the primary productivity proxies biogenic silica (bio-SiO2) and biogenic barium (bio-Ba) increase, but biogenic CaCO3 decreases. The carbonate minimum is at ~17 Ma coincident with the beginning of the Miocene climate optimum; the transient lasts from 18 to 15 Ma. Bio-SiO2 and bio-Ba are positively correlated and increase as the equator was approached. Corg is poorly preserved, and is strongly affected by changing carbonate burial. Terrestrial 232Th deposition, a proxy for aeolian dust, increases only after the Site 574 equator crossing. Since surface production of bio-SiO2, bio-Ba, and CaCO3 correlate in the modern equatorial Pacific, the decreased CaCO3 burial rate during the Site 574 equator crossing is driven by elevated CaCO3 dissolution, representing elevated ocean carbon storage and elevated atmospheric CO2. The length of the 17 Ma CaCO3 dissolution transient requires interaction with a 'slow' part of the carbon cycle, perhaps elevated mantle degassing associated with the early stages of Columbia River Basalt emplacement.


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Site 534 reflects a complex interplay of global, basinal, and local influences on sedimentation during the Callovian and Late Jurassic. Rifting and rapid subsidence of the continental margins of the North Atlantic-Tethys seaway occurred during the late Early Jurassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian), but rapid spreading between the North American margin (Blake Spur Ridge and magnetic lineation) and the northwest African margin did not commence until the Bathonian or earliest Callovian. Site 534, drilled on marine magnetic anomaly "M-28" of Bryan et al. (1980), was initially about 150 km from either continental margin. The ?middle Callovian basal sediments are dusky red silty marl. Callovian transgression led to active carbonate platforms on the margin, recorded at Site 534 as a rise in the CCD (carbonate compensation depth), then arrival of lime-rich turbidites from the Blake Plateau platform across the Blake Spur Ridge. The host pelagic sediment is greenish black, organic-rich, radiolarian-rich, silty claystone. Hydrothermal activity on the nearby spreading ridge enriched this lower unit in metals. In the Oxfordian, the input of terrestrial silt rapidly diminished; radiolarians or other bioclasts were not preserved. The dark variegated claystone has fine-grained marl and reddish claystone turbidite beds. The late Callovian-Oxfordian Western Tethys has radiolarian chert deposition, marine hiatuses, or organic-rich sediments. The Kimmeridgian and Tithonian had a stable or receding sea level. Near the end of the Jurassic many of the carbonate platforms of the margins were buried beneath prograding fan or alluvial deposits. Carbonate deposition shifted to the deep sea. Site 534 records the deepening of the CCD and ACD (aragonite compensation depth) during the Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian, then a rise of the ACD in the middle Tithonian. Similar trends occurred throughout the Western Tethys-Atlantic. High nannofossil productivity of the seaway led to deposition of very widespread white micritic limestone in the late Tithonian-Berriasian. The underlying sediment had a slower deposition rate of carbonate, therefore its higher clay and associated Fe content produced a red marl. A short sea-level incursion occurred on the Atlantic margins during the Kimmeridgian and is reflected in the Site 534 greenish gray marl unit by numerous turbidite beds of shallow-water carbonates.


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The glacial-to-Holocene evolution of subarctic Pacific surface water stratification and silicic acid (Si) dynamics is investigated based on new combined diatom oxygen (d18Odiat) and silicon (d30Sidiat) isotope records, along with new biogenic opal, subsurface foraminiferal d18O, alkenone-based sea surface temperature, sea ice, diatom, and core logging data from the NE Pacific. Our results suggest that d18Odiat values are primarily influenced by changes in freshwater discharge from the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS), while corresponding d30Sidiat are primarily influenced by changes in Si supply to surface waters. Our data indicate enhanced glacial to mid Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) NE Pacific surface water stratification, generally limiting the Si supply to surface waters. However, we suggest that an increase in Si supply during early HS1, when surface waters were still stratified, is linked to increased North Pacific Intermediate Water formation. The coincidence between fresh surface waters during HS1 and enhanced ice-rafted debris sedimentation in the North Atlantic indicates a close link between CIS and Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics and a dominant atmospheric control on CIS deglaciation. The Bølling/Allerød (B/A) is characterized by destratification in the subarctic Pacific and an increased supply of saline, Si-rich waters to surface waters. This change toward increased convection occurred prior to the Bølling warming and is likely triggered by a switch to sea ice-free conditions during late HS1. Our results furthermore indicate a decreased efficiency of the biological pump during late HS1 and the B/A (possibly also the Younger Dryas), suggesting that the subarctic Pacific has then been a source region of atmospheric CO2.


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This study relates the organic sedimentation characteristics to the lithostratigraphic successionsthat were observed at Site 767 (Celebes Sea) and Site 768 (Sulu Sea) during ODP Leg 124. It is based on the total organic carbon content (TOC) of the sediments, on the petrographictype and maturity of the organic matter, and on the TOC accumulation rates calculated for the lithostratigraphic units. In the Celebes and Sulu Seas sediments, the organic matter is mainly of terrestrial origin with the highest concentrations and TOC accumulation rates occurring in the middle Miocene turbiditic sequences that correspond to a major compressive event between the Philippine Mobile Belt and the Palawan, Cagayan, and Sulu Ridges. Petrographic analysis of the Eocene and lower Miocene organic matter in the Celebes Sea shows that it consists only of highly degraded terrestrial particles. This observation and the very low TOC accumulation rates indicate poor conditions for organic carbon preservation during this open-ocean phase of the Celebes Basin formation. The organic matter, either of marine or terrestrial origin, is much better preserved in the younger sediments, suggesting physico-chemical changes in the depositional environment. Because of the dilution phenomena by turbidites, it is difficult to observe the progressive improvement of the organic matter preservation throughout the turbiditic series. The same change in preservation is broadly observed in the Sulu Sea from the early Miocene (rapid opening phase of the basin with massive pyroclastic deposits) to the present.


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Pteropods are an important component of the zooplankton community and hence of the food web in the Fram Strait. They have a calcareous (aragonite) shell and are thus sensitive in particular to the effects of the increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and the associated changes of pH and temperature in the ocean. In the eastern Fram Strait, two species of thecosome pteropods occur, the cold water-adapted Limacina helicina and the subarctic boreal species Limacina retroversa. Both species were regularly observed in year-round moored sediment traps at ~ 200-300 m depth in the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN (79°N, 4°E). The flux of all pteropods found in the trap samples varied from < 20 to ~ 870 specimen/m**2/d in the years 2000-2009, being lower during the period 2000-2006. At the beginning of the time series, pteropods were dominated by the cold-water-adapted L. helicina, whereas the subarctic boreal L. retroversa was only occasionally found in large quantities (> 50/m**2/d). This picture completely changed after 2005/6 when L. retroversa became dominant and total pteropod numbers in the trap samples increased significantly. Concomitant to this shift in species composition, a warming event occurred in 2005/6 and persisted until the end of the study in 2009, despite a slight cooling in the upper water layer after 2007/8. Sedimentation of pteropods showed a strong seasonality, with elevated fluxes of L. helicina from August to November. Numbers of L. retroversa usually increased later, during September/October, with a maximum at the end of the season during December/January. In terms of carbonate export, aragonite shells of pteropods contributed with 11-77% to the annual total CaCO3 flux in Fram Strait. The highest share was found in the period 2007 to 2009, predominantly during sedimentation events at the end of the year. Results obtained by sediment traps occasionally installed on a benthic lander revealed that pteropods also arrive at the seafloor (~ 2550 m) almost simultaneous with their occurrence in the shallower traps. This indicates a rapid downward transport of calcareous shells, which provides food particles for the deep-sea benthos during winter when other production in the upper water column is shut down. The results of our study highlight the great importance of pteropods for the biological carbon pump as well as for the carbonate system in Fram Strait at present, and indicate modifications within the zooplankton community. The results further emphasize the importance of long-term investigation to disclose such changes.


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Palynological, geochemical, and physical records were used to document Holocene paleoceanographic changes in marine sediment core from Dease Strait in the western part of the main axis of the Northwest Passage (core 2005-804-006 PC latitude 68°59.552'N, longitude 106°34.413'W). Quantitative estimates of past sea surface conditions were inferred from the modern analog technique applied to dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. The chronology of core 2005-804-006 PC is based on a combined use of the paleomagnetic secular variation records and the CALS7K.2 time-varying spherical harmonic model of the geomagnetic field. The age-depth model indicates that the core spans the last ~7700 cal years B.P., with a sedimentation rate of 61 cm/ka. The reconstructed sea surface parameters were compared with those from Barrow Strait and Lancaster Sound (cores 2005-804-004 PC and 2004-804-009 PC, respectively), which allowed us to draw a millennial-scale Holocene sea ice history along the main axis of the Northwest Passage (MANWP). Overall, our data are in good agreement with previous studies based on bowhead whale remains. However, dinoflagellate sea surface based reconstructions suggest several new features. The presence of dinoflagellate cysts in the three cores for most of the Holocene indicates that the MANWP was partially ice-free over the last 10,000 years. This suggests that the recent warming observed in the MANWP could be part of the natural climate variability at the millennial time scale, whereas anthropogenic forcing could have accelerated the warming over the past decades. We associate Holocene climate variability in the MANWP with a large-scale atmospheric pattern, such as the Arctic Oscillation, which may have operated since the early Holocene. In addition to a large-scale pattern, more local conditions such as coastal current, tidal effects, or ice cap proximity may have played a role on the regional sea ice cover. These findings highlight the need to further develop regional investigations in the Arctic to provide realistic boundary conditions for climatic simulations.


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Interstitial waters from four sites of the Japan Sea (794 to 797) have been analyzed for stable isotopes (delta D, delta11B, delta18O, and delta34S) and 87Sr/86Sr, besides major and minor ions. The isotopic composition is dominated by organic matter degradation, alteration of ash layers and volcaniclastic sands, silica transformation (opal A/CT), and basement alteration. Organic matter degradation and corresponding sulfate reduction leads to 32S depletion and is dependent upon sedimentation rate. The remaining sulfate reservoir is characterized by very "heavy" delta34S ratios, up to +93 ? (rel. CDT = Canyon Diabolo Troilite). "Barite fronts," which may develop in such sediments, should also be characterized by very "heavy" sulfur isotopes. The alteration of volcaniclastic material in the Quaternary sections influences the delta18O (-1.5 ? shift) and delta11B (desorption and later adsorption of "labile"11B). A pronounced positive delta11B anomaly at Site 795 represents the depth range of preferential 10B uptake by alteration products of the ash layers. At Site 796 delta D, delta11B, and 87Sr/86Sr are severely affected by alteration processes of volcaniclastic sands. The opal A/CT transformation may influence the oxygen isotopes and serves as a potential source for B, which is liberated at this interval at Site 795. This positive B anomaly is not reflected in the delta11B profile. Basement alteration processes dominate the sedimentary sequence below the opal A/CT transition, which serves as a chemical and physical boundary. The decreases in delta D and delta18O are probably related to a "paleo ocean water reservoir" situated in the permeable Layer II of the oceanic crust, as is indicated by the positive correlation between these two parameters. Besides Mg, alkalies and delta18O basement rocks also serve as a sink for 11 B (Site 795) and are the source for the Ca and Sr increases, as is documented by the less radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratio. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the lowermost pore waters from Site 795 (0.70529) are comparable to those from volcaniclastic rocks from the "Green Tuff' region (0.704 to 0.706) and oil field brines from the Niigata Oil Field.


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The modern depositional environment of the deep Norwegian-Greenland Sea is highly asymmetric in an E-W direction because of the hydrography of the surface water masses and because of the more or less permanent pack ice cover of the East Greenland Current regime along the Greenland continental margin. By means of sedimentation rates we have tried to investigate whether this hydrographic asymmetry influenced the sediment input to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea over the past 60 m.y. Sediment input can be quantified if thicknesses of sediment sections accumulated over known time intervals can be measured and if some of their physical properties have been determined. Sedimentation rates have been estimated for Tertiary and Quaternary times, and their temporal as well as their spatial changes are discussed. Basin structure and morphology exerted an important influence on sediment distribution. During the Early Tertiary major sediment source regions in the southern Barents Sea and to the north and west of Iceland could be identified; these source regions supplied the bulk of the sediment fill of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Since inception of a "glacial" type sedimentation major elements of the sea surface circulation seem to have controlled the sediment input into this polar and subpolar deep-sea basin.