994 resultados para Re-location
The second phase of Import Substituting Industrialization, commonly known as ISI2, involved the move in Latin America to "heavy" industrialization, from around 1950-80. This period of economic history has been reviled on both the Left and the Right as being one of either heightened dependency or one demonstrating the clear failure of state intervention in the economy. In this research note, a basic statistical analysis is used to back up other descriptive claims that the ISI2 period was rather one of mixed success, with macroeconomic volatility accompanying great progress in GDP and manufacturing growth. In a sense, the ISI2 period succeeded in industrializing the large economies of the period, and contrasts favorably with the record of the succeeding paradigm of neoliberalism. This research note seeks to raise questions about the way we look at the historical period of ISI2, and suggests that a more open-minded perspective could lead to a more effective and sustainable political economy paradigm for the region in the future.
O artigo propõe uma interlocução entre o filósofo francês Michel Foucault e o filósofo norte-americano Richard Rorty. Apresenta a descrição que Rorty realizou do colega francês. Analisa essa leitura e oferece, a partir do próprio Foucault, uma interpretação alternativa, que aponta para algumas imprecisões cometidas por Rorty, em sua interpretação. Conclui com um comentário sobre a conversação proposta.
0-meridiaanit: Ferro, Teneriffa, Cap Lezard, London, Paris.
0-meridiaani: Pariisi. - Koordinaattit: W65°-E45°, N79°-48°.
[Acte royal. 1574-09-10. Lyon]
Contient : « Ci commance en françois le livre du noble Végèce, touchant le fait de la chose militaire, ordonné en quatre parties par tiltres et par chapitres. [L]e premier livre ensaigne à eslire les jouvenceaux... » ; « Ci commence les prologues du premier livre. [L]es anciens ont esté coustumier de mettre en escript... » ; «... treuve plus de l'art en ces choses, que l'ancienne dottrine ne nous en a monstré. Explicit »
[Entrée. Henri III (roi de France). [15??]. Mantoue]
D. Dufresne