817 resultados para Range management.
We quantified the ecosystem effects of small-scale gears operating in southern European waters (Portugal, Spain, Greece), based on a widely accepted ecosystem measure and indicator, the trophic level (TL). We used data from experimental fishing trials during 1997 to 2000. We studied a wide range of gear types and sizes: (1) gill nets of 8 mesh sizes, ranging from 44 to 80 mm; (2) trammel nets of 9 inner panel mesh sizes, ranging from 40 to 140 mm; and (3) longlines of 8 hook sizes, ranging from Nos. 15 (small) to 5 (large). We used the number of species caught per TL class for constructing trophic signatures (i.e. cumulative TL distributions), and estimated the TL at 25, 50 and 75% cumulative frequency (TL25, TL50, TL75) and the slopes using the logistic function. We also estimated the mean weighted TL of the catches (TLW). Our analyses showed that the TL characteristics of longlines varied much more than those of gill and trammel nets. The longlines of large hooks (Nos. 10, 9, 7, 5) were very TL selective, and their trophic signatures had very steep slopes, the highest mean TL50 values, very narrow mean TL25 to TL75 ranges and mean TLW > 4. In addition, the mean number of TL classes exploited was smaller and the mean TL50 and TLW were larger for the longlines of small hooks (Nos. 15, 13, 12, 11) in Greek than in Portuguese waters. Trammel and gill nets caught more TL classes, and the mean slopes of their trophic signatures were significantly smaller than those of longlines as a group. In addition, the mean number of TL classes exploited, the mean TL50 and the TLW of gill nets were significantly smaller than those of trammel nets. We attribute the differences between longlines of small hooks to bait type, and the differences between all gear types to their characteristic species and size-selectivity patterns. Finally, we showed how the slope and the TL50 Of the trophic signatures can be used to characterise different gears along the ecologically 'unsustainable-sustainable' continuum.
Lampreys are a group of ancient vertebrates with 360 million years of existence. Throughout their evolution, they have acquired local adaptations to the colonized habitats, showing high plasticity and adaptive capacities. The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L.) is a parasitic and anadromous species that occurs in both sides of the North Atlantic. The aims of this study were to analyse, using microsatellite markers, the genetic diversity and population structure of sea lamprey throughout its distributional range. Analyses demonstrated consistent signs of high population differentiation between European and North American samples (two-groups structure), most probably due to isolation by distance, but low differentiation among populations from the same coast. The apparent lack of homing in this species is in line with its high evolutive success, as homing may bring adults back to natal habitats that have changed, or that are intermittently unfavourable. Analyses also demonstrated higher levels of genetic diversity in North American samples; DIVERSIDADE GENÉTICA E ESTRUTURA POPULACIONAL DA LAMPREIA-MARINHA (PETROMYZON MARINUS L.) AO LONGO DA SUA ÁREA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO Resumo: As lampreias são organismos ancestrais com cerca de 360 milhões de anos de existência. No decorrer da longa escala evolutiva têm vindo a adquirir adaptações aos locais que colonizaram, tendo uma forte capacidade evolutiva e adaptativa. A lampreia-marinha (Petromyzon marinus L.) é uma espécie parasita e anádroma que ocorre em ambas as costas do Atlântico Norte. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo estudar a diversidade genética e a estrutura populacional desta espécie ao longo da sua área de distribuição, através do uso de microssatélites. Os resultados demonstraram forte divergência entre populações das costas Este e Oeste do Atlântico Norte, provavelmente devido à elevada distância entre populações, mas pouca diferenciação entre populações da mesma costa. A ausência de homing nesta espécie terá contribuído para o seu sucesso evolutivo, uma vez que o homing pode levar indivíduos a reproduzirem-se em habitats que se tornaram desfavoráveis ou intermitentemente inapropriados. Os resultados demonstraram também uma maior variabilidade genética nas populações americanas.
Inter-Organisational Approaches to Regional Growth Management: A Case Study in South East Queensland