This paper describes a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) case study in engineering education carried out within the context of a network management course. The case study shows that the use of two computing tools developed by the authors and based on Free- and Open-Source Software (FOSS) provide significant educational benefits over traditional engineering pedagogical approaches in terms of both concepts and engineering competencies acquisition. First, the Collage authoring tool guides and supports the course teacher in the process of authoring computer-interpretable representations (using the IMS Learning Design standard notation) of effective collaborative pedagogical designs. Besides, the Gridcole system supports the enactment of that design by guiding the students throughout the prescribed sequence of learning activities. The paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, elaborates onhow Collage and Gridcole were employed, describes the applied evaluation methodology, anddiscusses the most significant findings derived from the case study.
Although non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common human cancer and its incidence continues to rise worldwide, the mechanisms underlying its development remain incompletely understood. Here, we unveil a cascade of events involving peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) β/δ and the oncogene Src, which promotes the development of ultraviolet (UV)-induced skin cancer in mice. UV-induced PPARβ/δ activity, which directly stimulated Src expression, increased Src kinase activity and enhanced the EGFR/Erk1/2 signalling pathway, resulting in increased epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) marker expression. Consistent with these observations, PPARβ/δ-null mice developed fewer and smaller skin tumours, and a PPARβ/δ antagonist prevented UV-dependent Src stimulation. Furthermore, the expression of PPARβ/δ positively correlated with the expression of SRC and EMT markers in human skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and critically, linear models applied to several human epithelial cancers revealed an interaction between PPARβ/δ and SRC and TGFβ1 transcriptional levels. Taken together, these observations motivate the future evaluation of PPARβ/δ modulators to attenuate the development of several epithelial cancers.
AbstractFor a wide range of environmental, hydrological, and engineering applications there is a fast growing need for high-resolution imaging. In this context, waveform tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method able to provide images of pertinent electrical properties in near-surface environments with unprecedented spatial resolution. In contrast, conventional ray-based tomographic methods, which consider only a very limited part of the recorded signal (first-arrival traveltimes and maximum first-cycle amplitudes), suffer from inherent limitations in resolution and may prove to be inadequate in complex environments. For a typical crosshole georadar survey the potential improvement in resolution when using waveform-based approaches instead of ray-based approaches is in the range of one order-of- magnitude. Moreover, the spatial resolution of waveform-based inversions is comparable to that of common logging methods. While in exploration seismology waveform tomographic imaging has become well established over the past two decades, it is comparably still underdeveloped in the georadar domain despite corresponding needs. Recently, different groups have presented finite-difference time-domain waveform inversion schemes for crosshole georadar data, which are adaptations and extensions of Tarantola's seminal nonlinear generalized least-squares approach developed for the seismic case. First applications of these new crosshole georadar waveform inversion schemes on synthetic and field data have shown promising results. However, there is little known about the limits and performance of such schemes in complex environments. To this end, the general motivation of my thesis is the evaluation of the robustness and limitations of waveform inversion algorithms for crosshole georadar data in order to apply such schemes to a wide range of real world problems.One crucial issue to making applicable and effective any waveform scheme to real-world crosshole georadar problems is the accurate estimation of the source wavelet, which is unknown in reality. Waveform inversion schemes for crosshole georadar data require forward simulations of the wavefield in order to iteratively solve the inverse problem. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the source wavelet is critically important for successful application of such schemes. Relatively small differences in the estimated source wavelet shape can lead to large differences in the resulting tomograms. In the first part of my thesis, I explore the viability and robustness of a relatively simple iterative deconvolution technique that incorporates the estimation of the source wavelet into the waveform inversion procedure rather than adding additional model parameters into the inversion problem. Extensive tests indicate that this source wavelet estimation technique is simple yet effective, and is able to provide remarkably accurate and robust estimates of the source wavelet in the presence of strong heterogeneity in both the dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity as well as significant ambient noise in the recorded data. Furthermore, our tests also indicate that the approach is insensitive to the phase characteristics of the starting wavelet, which is not the case when directly incorporating the wavelet estimation into the inverse problem.Another critical issue with crosshole georadar waveform inversion schemes which clearly needs to be investigated is the consequence of the common assumption of frequency- independent electromagnetic constitutive parameters. This is crucial since in reality, these parameters are known to be frequency-dependent and complex and thus recorded georadar data may show significant dispersive behaviour. In particular, in the presence of water, there is a wide body of evidence showing that the dielectric permittivity can be significantly frequency dependent over the GPR frequency range, due to a variety of relaxation processes. The second part of my thesis is therefore dedicated to the evaluation of the reconstruction limits of a non-dispersive crosshole georadar waveform inversion scheme in the presence of varying degrees of dielectric dispersion. I show that the inversion algorithm, combined with the iterative deconvolution-based source wavelet estimation procedure that is partially able to account for the frequency-dependent effects through an "effective" wavelet, performs remarkably well in weakly to moderately dispersive environments and has the ability to provide adequate tomographic reconstructions.
El tema de este estudio es el aumento de la comprensión teórica y empírica de la estrategia de negocio de código abierto en el dominio de sistemas embebidos por investigar modelos de negocios de código abierto, retos, recursos y capacidades operativas y dinámicas.
PURPOSE: Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) is a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer that presents a very low degradation rate, making it suitable for the development of long-term drug delivery systems. The objective of this pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility and characteristics of PCL devices in the prolonged and controlled intravitreous release of dexamethasone. METHODS: The in vitro release of dexamethasone was investigated and the implant degradation was monitored by the percent of mass loss and by changes in the surface morphology. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate stability and interaction of the implant and the drug. The short-term tolerance of the implants was studied after intravitreous implantation in rabbit eye. Results: PCL implant allows for a controlled and prolonged delivery of dexamethasone since it releases 25% of the drug in 21 weeks. Its low degradation rate was confirmed by the mass loss and scanning electron microscopy studies. Preliminary observations show that PCL intravitreous implants are very well tolerated in the rabbit eye. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the PCL drug delivery systems allowed to a prolonged release of dexamethasone in vitro. The implants demonstrated a strikingly good intraocular short-term tolerance in rabbits eyes. The in vitro and preliminary in vivo studies tend to show that PCL implants could be of interest when long-term sustained intraocular delivery of corticosteroids is required.
A gestão de infra-estruturas é um processo de coordenação, avaliação sistemática e manutenção efectiva das infra-estruturas relacionadas com os serviços básicos. A gestão eficaz de infra-estruturas exige que a disposição dos equipamentos no meio urbano seja conhecida, bem como sua relação com o uso do solo. Sendo a gestão de infra-estruturas uma questão de natureza espacial, é natural pensar na utilização de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica como ferramenta com potencial de grande utilidade, pois permite a georreferenciação de dados espaciais e sua interligação com atributos alfanuméricos, para além da realização de análises complexas e a possibilidade de simular diversos cenários de modo a propiciar uma tomada de decisão eficaz. O elevado custo das licenças e a especificidade de utilização a nível técnico, tornam-se obstáculos na criação e manutenção de dados geográficos. Contudo os recentes desenvolvimentos em tecnologias da Internet têm contribuído para o acesso, publicação, exploração e distribuição da Informação Geográfica. A utilização de SIG distribuídos na Internet (WebGIS), nomeadamente na vertente livre, pode ser uma solução adequada visto que coloca funcionalidades de SIG ao alcance de utilizadores, através de um simples browser, sem necessidade de investimentos em relação a software ou mesmo em formação técnica especializada. Assim, com este projecto pretende-se a criação de um sistema de Informação geográfico na Internet, utilizando softwares livres, que disponibiliza toda a informação geográfica e alfanumérica das infra-estruturas construídas e sob a responsabilidade do Ministério das Infra-estruturas e Economia Marítima, permitindo a visualização e a realização de pesquisas e operações de análise.
Four standard radiation qualities (from RQA 3 to RQA 9) were used to compare the imaging performance of a computed radiography (CR) system (general purpose and high resolution phosphor plates of a Kodak CR 9000 system), a selenium-based direct flat panel detector (Kodak Direct View DR 9000), and a conventional screen-film system (Kodak T-MAT L/RA film with a 3M Trimax Regular screen of speed 400) in conventional radiography. Reference exposure levels were chosen according to the manufacturer's recommendations to be representative of clinical practice (exposure index of 1700 for digital systems and a film optical density of 1.4). With the exception of the RQA 3 beam quality, the exposure levels needed to produce a mean digital signal of 1700 were higher than those needed to obtain a mean film optical density of 1.4. In spite of intense developments in the field of digital detectors, screen-film systems are still very efficient detectors for most of the beam qualities used in radiology. An important outcome of this study is the behavior of the detective quantum efficiency of the digital radiography (DR) system as a function of beam energy. The practice of users to increase beam energy when switching from a screen-film system to a CR system, in order to improve the compromise between patient dose and image quality, might not be appropriate when switching from screen-film to selenium-based DR systems.
Les chartes de l'ancien couvent de Romainmôtier constituent une source d'information essentielle pour l'histoire du Pays de Vaud aux Xe et XIe siècles. Toutefois, malgré leur importance, elles n'ont jamais fait l'objet d'une étude d'ensemble. Les historiens dépendent encore aujourd'hui de transcriptions partielles et fautives, imprimées au XIXe siècle. Afin de remédier à cette carence historiographique, Alexandre Pahud, qui a réuni l'ensemble des documents entre 888 et 1190, propose dans sa thèse de doctorat, soutenue à l'Université de Lausanne le 25 novembre 2008, une édition critique de tous ces textes, selon les principes de l'érudition moderne. Si les Archives cantonales vaudoises conservent la majeure partie de la documentation, d'autres institutions en Suisse et à l'étranger fournissent un apport substantiel concernant Romainmôtier avant le XIIIe siècle. Il s'agit en particulier des Archives de l'Etat de Fribourg, des Archives de l'Etat de Berne et de la Bibliothèque royale de Turin. En raison d'une importante dispersion des fonds, A. Pahud a entrepris de reconstituer le chartrier du couvent, tel qu'il devait exister à l'époque médiévale. Pour cela, il s'est basé sur les notes dorsales qui figurent au verso des parchemins, ainsi que sur les anciens inventaires. La méthode utilisée a permis de retrouver plusieurs chartes du début de l'an mil, sous la forme de copies intégrales, ainsi qu'une vingtaine de notices en allemand résumant des actes des Xe-XIIe siècles, tous ces textes étant demeurés inconnus des spécialistes. Ainsi, la thèse de A. Pahud démontre qu'il est possible d'apporter de nouveaux matériaux destinés à enrichir notre connaissance de cette période reculée et mal documentée au niveau local. En parallèle, l'auteur de la thèse a mené une expertise diplomatique des chartes de Romainmôtier, c'est-à-dire une étude de leurs caractéristiques matérielles et formelles. A l'examen, il apparaît que les moines ont davantage acquis de biens qu'ils n'en ont concédé à des tiers, symptôme d'un patrimoine en voie de formation. Les actes privés, qui relatent des transactions entre le monastère et ses voisins, représentent le 80% du corpus étudié. Ils sont rédigés tantôt au présent et à la première personne, tantôt au passé et à la troisième personne, lorsqu'ils ne mélangent pas les deux types de discours. Leur valeur juridique est assurée par une liste de témoins, à défaut de tout scellement. Dans la majorité des cas, un unique scribe établit son texte en une seule fois, après la cérémonie sanctionnant le transfert de propriété. Jusqu'en 1050, ce sont généralement des personnes extérieures à Romainmôtier qui instrumentent au profit du couvent; par la suite, les clunisiens reprennent à leur compte la confection des actes qui les concernent. Curieusement, on constate une disparition radicale de l'acte privé à Romainmôtier entre 1167 et 1198, phénomène qui tranche complètement sur la conjoncture régionale. Dans la dernière partie de sa thèse, A. Pahud présente une nouvelle histoire du couvent de Romainmôtier, qui aborde à la fois les questions politiques et les structures socioéconomiques. Durant le premier tiers du XIe siècle, les clunisiens de Romainmôtier bénéficient de la protection du dernier roi de Bourgogne, Rodolphe III (993-1032), qui fonde la puissance temporelle du monastère. A cette époque, l'institution est administrée directement par l'abbé de Cluny, Odilon, responsable de Romainmôtier à titre personnel. Cependant, la disparition de Rodolphe III, dont la succession est contestée, inaugure une période de grave insécurité dans nos régions. Ces troubles profitent avant tout aux seigneurs locaux, qui prennent appui sur un château pour imposer leur domination au détriment des pouvoirs ecclésiastiques. Au milieu du XIe siècle, les possessions de Romainmôtier, qui s'étendent de chaque côté du Jura, sont menacées par trois puissants lignages, les Grandson, les Salins et les Joux. Face à cette situation périlleuse, les religieux s'adressent tour à tour au pape, à l'empereur germanique, ainsi qu'aux comtes de Bourgogne, dépositaires d'une autorité publique en Franche-Comté. Mais bien souvent, les moines doivent transiger avec leurs adversaires, en passant avec eux des accords coûteux et fragiles. Cela n'empêche pas qu'une certaine coopération s'établisse à l'occasion avec le monde laïque, qui contribue par ses aumônes au développement économique du monastère. Romainmôtier tire ses principales ressources de l'agriculture, tant au Pays de Vaud qu'en Franche-Comté; le travail de la vigne est bien attesté sur La Côte, dès la fin du Xe siècle, tandis que l'élevage ne joue qu'un rôle secondaire; là où ils sont bien implantés, les moines parviennent à prendre le contrôle des moulins; à Salins (France), ils exploitent eux-mêmes le sel nécessaire à leurs besoins. L'ensemble de ces observations s'appuie sur des tableaux et des annexes, qui ajoutent à la critique interne des sources une dimension quantitative. Afin de divulguer les résultats obtenus, A. Pahud envisage de publier prochainement sa thèse dans les Mémoires et documents de la Société d'histoire de la Suisse romande.