678 resultados para Pyridine diazoketones


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Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as propriedades fotoquímica e/ou fotofísica de alguns compostos de coordenação de rênio(l) e ferro(I I). A irradiação dos complexos fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-L)]+, NN= 4,7-difenil-1,10- fenantrolina (ph2phen) ou 5-cloro-1,10-fenantrolina (Clphen) e L = 1,2-bis(4-piridil)etileno (bpe) ou 4-estirilpiridina (stpy), em acetonitrila ou em filme de poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) resulta em variações espectrais condizentes com a fotoisomerização trans-cis do ligante coordenado. A determinação dos rendimentos quânticos para a fotorreação pela variação espectral resultou em valores aparentes, uma vez que o reagente e o fotoproduto absorvem na mesma região. Para a determinação do rendimento quântico real, Φreal, utilizou-se a técnica de 1H RMN, na qual os sinais do fotoproduto e do reagente são observados em regiões distintas com diferentes constantes de acoplamento. Os valores de Φreal obtidos para fac-[Re(CO)3h(NN)(trans-bpe)]+ (ph2phen: Φ313= 0,43 ± 0,03; Φ365= 0,44 ± 0,02; Φ404= 0,43 ± 0,02; Clphen: Φ313= 0,56 ± 0,03; Φ365= 0,55 ± 0,04; Φ404= 0,57 ± 0,06) são independentes do comprimento de onda de irradiação, indicando a existência de um único canal para a população do estado excitado 3ILtrans-bpe. Por outro lado, para fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-stpy)]+, os valores de Φreal sob irradiação a 404 nm são menores que os determinados para os demais comprimentos de onda de irradiação (ph2phen: Φ313= 0,60 ± 0,05; Φ365= 0,64 ± 0,09; Φ404= 0,42 ± 0,03; Clphen: Φ313= 0,52 ± 0,05; Φ365= 0,58 ± 0,02; Φ404= 0,41 ± 0,06), indicando que, a energias maiores, em que o Iigante absorve significativamente, deve existir a contribuição de outro canal para a população do estado excitado 3ILtrans-stpy. A eficiência do fotoprocesso foi avaliada por meio da substituição dos ligantes NN e/ou L, e a diferença nos valores de Φreal entre os complexos deve estar relacionada principalmente com as distintas eficiências de cruzamento intersistemas. o fotoprocesso altera as propriedades fotofísicas desses complexos. Os isômeros trans apresentam fraca ou nenhuma emissão a 298 K, enquanto os fotoprodutos, fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(cis-L)]+, apresentam intensa luminescência dominada pelo estado excitado 3MLCTRe→NN, que é sensivel à rigidez do meio. A reatividade fotoquímica dos pentacianoferratos(II) [Fe(CN)5 (NN)]3-, NN= 2aminobenzilamina (aba), 2-aminobenzamida (ab), 2-(dimetilaminometil)-3-hidroxipiridina (dmampy), 2-aminometilpiridina (ampy), 2-aminoetilpiridina (aepy) ou 2-(2metilaminoetil) piridina (maepy), também foi investigada. A irradiação desses complexos resulta na fotossubstituição do CN-, a qual só pode ser detectada quando o ligante possui um segundo grupo coordenante nas proximidades da esfera de coordenação. Os rendimentos quânticos da fotossubstituição são dependentes do comprimento de onda de irradiação (Φ313= 0,13 ± 0,01; Φ334= 0,091 ± 0,001; Φ365= 0,056 ± 0,002; Φ404= 0,022 ± 0,002; Φ436= 0,015 ± 0,001, por exemplo, para NN = aba) e indicam a existência de canais distintos pelos quais a fotorreação ocorre ou as diferentes eficiências de cruzamento intersistema para a população do estado excitado reativo. A eficiência do fotoprocesso também depende do Iigante utilizado (λirr= 365 nm: Φaba= 0,056, Φab= 0,14, Φampy= 0,046, Φaepy= 0,066, Φmaepy= 0,069 e Φdmampy= 0,12). Na série das diaminas, o rendimento quântico é maior para [Fe(CN)5(ab)]3-, que possui dois sítios para ocorrer o fechamento do anel. Na série das aminopiridinas, observa-se a influência do comprimento da cadeia na eficiência do fechamento do anel. A presença de metilas ligadas ao nitrogênio alifático deve ter pouca ou nenhuma influência na eficiência do fotoprocesso.


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O trato gastrointestinal (TGI) é a principal rota de exposição ao fluoreto (F) e o seu mais importante sítio de absorção. Acredita-se que a toxicidade do F comprometa a fisiologia do intestino, devido à relevante sintomatologia gastrointestinal relatada em consequência da exposição excessiva ao F. A função intestinal é controlada por uma complexa rede neuronal interligada e incorporada à parede deste órgão, denominada Sistema Nervoso Entérico (SNE). Embora os efeitos tóxicos do F sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central sejam descritos na literatura, não há estudos relacionados à sua toxicidade sobre o SNE. Neste estudo realizado em ratos, foi avaliado o efeito da exposição aguda ou crônica ao F, sobre a população geral de neurônios entéricos e sobre as subpopulações que expressam os principais neurotransmissores entéricos: Acetilcolina (ACh), Óxido Nítrico (NO), Peptídeo Vasoativo Intestinal (VIP), Peptídeo Relacionado ao Gene da Calcitonina (CGRP) e Substância P (SP). Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos: 3 destinados à exposição crônica (0 ppm, 10 ppm ou 50 ppm de F na água de beber) e 2 à exposição aguda (0 ou 25 mgF/Kg por gavagem gástrica). Foram coletados os 3 segmentos do intestino delgado (duodeno, jejuno e íleo) e processados para a detecção da HuC/D, ChAT, nNOS, VIP, CGRP e SP, através de técnicas de imunofluorescência, no plexo mioentérico. Foram obtidas imagens para a realização da análise quantitativa dos neurônios da população geral (HuC/D) e nitrérgicos (imunorreativos à nNOS); e morfométrica dos neurônios imunorreativos à HuC/D ou nNOS; e das varicosidades imunorreativas à ChAT, VIP, CGRP ou SP. Amostras dos 3 segmentos intestinais foram preparadas e coradas em Hematoxilina e Eosina para análise histológica da morfologia básica. O segmento intestinal considerado mais afetado na análise morfométrica da população geral de neurônios, o duodeno, foi selecionado para a realização da análise proteômica, com o objetivo de oferecer o seu perfil proteico e determinar diferenças na expressão proteica em decorrência da exposição crônica ou aguda ao F. A análise da concentração de F no plasma sanguíneo foi realizada para a confirmação da exposição. Na análise quantitativa, o grupo de 50 ppm F, apresentou uma diminuição significativa na densidade da população geral de neurônios do jejuno e do íleo e na densidade dos neurônios imunorreativos à nNOS no duodeno e no jejuno. Quanto à análise morfométrica, a população geral e as subpopulações neuronais entéricas avaliadas apresentaram alterações morfológicas significativas, tanto após a exposição crônica quanto a aguda. Para a análise proteômica do duodeno, verificou-se que da associação de seus genes a um termo, e assim classificadas de acordo com diferentes processos biológicos. No caso do grupo da dose aguda, o processo biológico com a maior porcentagem de genes associados foi a geração de metabólitos precursores e energia (27% das proteínas); enquanto para os grupos de 10 e 50 ppm F foram o processo metabólico da piridina (41%) e a polimerização proteica (33%), respectivamente.


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A biomassa lignicelulósica tem sua estrutura composta por celulose, hemicelulose e lignina. Dentre essas, a lignina tem se mostrado interessante por ser uma fonte precursora sustentável de fragmentos aromáticos antes obtidos apenas de combustíveis fósseis. Sua estrutura é composta por resíduos de fenilpropanóides p-hidroxibenzeno (H), guaiacil (G) e siringil (S) unidas por ligações C–C e C–O–C em que a ligação β–O–4 é a predominante (mais de 50%). Devido à sua complexidade estrutural e conformacional, a clivagem de suas ligações é pouco seletiva e a caracterização dos fragmentos resultantes é complexa. Uma estratégia comumente empregada para evitar esses desafios é o uso de modelos mais simples. Entretanto, poucas metodologias são reportadas na literatura para a sua síntese e a maioria delas envolve o emprego de halocetonas. O presente trabalho desenvolveu duas novas metodologias promissoras para síntese desses oligômeros, contendo ligação β–O–4 por meio da química de diazo: (a) reação de inserção O–H entre fenol e α–aril diazocetonas, e (b) compostos α–diazo β-cetoéster. Ademais, a utilização de monômeros contendo a função fenol e diazocetona no mesmo anel permitiria a síntese de cadeias de diversos tamanhos em uma única etapa. Como ponto de partida para o estudo, limitou-se à síntese de dímeros, visando entender a reação de inserção O–H. Os produtos desejados foram obtidos em rendimentos de 27–51% após catálise com Cu(hfac)2. Por fim, os modelos de lignina propriamente ditos foram sintetizados após simples adição aldólica e redução em rendimentos globais de 51–78%. Os estudos envolvendo a inserção de fenol em α–diazo β-cetoéster mostraram resultados promissores, corroborando para uma nova estratégia sintética para a obtenção de modelos de lignina. Novos estudos em nosso laboratório estão sendo desenvolvidos para se obter resultados mais conclusivos.


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The synthesis of nitrogenated carbon nanotubes (N-CNTs) with up to 6.1 wt% N, via the use of pyridine as the nitrogen containing carbon precursor, can provide a facile route to significantly enhance the low intrinsic specific capacitance of carbon nanotubes. The nitrogen functionalities determine this, at least, five-fold increase of the specific capacitance.


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Quantum-confined systems are one of the most promising ways to enable us to control a material's interactions with light. Nanorods in particular offer the right dimensions for exploring and manipulating the terahertz region of the spectrum. In this thesis, we model excitons confined inside a nanorod using the envelope function approximation. A region-matching transfer matrix method allows us to simulate excitonic states inside arbitrary heterostructures grown along the length of the rod. We apply the method to colloidal CdSe rods 70 nm in length and under 10 nm in diameter, capped with ligands of DDPA and pyridine. We extend past studies on these types of rods by taking into account their dielectric permittivity mismatch. Compared to previous calculations and experimentally measured terahertz absorption, we predict a higher energy main 1S$z$ to 2P$z$ transition peak. This indicates that the rods are likely larger in diameter than previously thought. We also investigate a nanorod with GaAs/Al$_{0.3}$Ga$_{0.7}$As coupled double dots. The excitonic transitions were found to be manipulable by varying the strength of an applied electric field. We employ quasi-static state population distributions to simulate the effects of exciton relaxation from optically active states to dim ground states. A critical value of the applied field, corresponding to the exciton binding energy of ~18 meV, was found to dramatically alter the terahertz absorption due to state mixing. Above this critical field, more nuanced shifts in transition energies were observed, and gain from radiative relaxation to the ground state is predicted.


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Polycrystalline cerium hydroxysulfate powders have been prepared by soft solution processing using various basic solvents. The crystals prepared have varying morphologies, spherical and flaky, depending on the solvent used. The crystals obtained from distilled water-pyridine and aqueous ammonia solvent mixtures are spherical, whereas those obtained from mixtures of distilled water and ethylenediamine or hydrazine hydrate are flaky. All the crystalline cerium hydroxysulfate samples display luminescence properties. It was found that the flaky crystals generally show a much stronger luminescence than their spherical counterparts.


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A solution of fac-[PtMe2(OMe)(H2O)(3)](+) (1) in aqueous perchloric acid underwent very slow hydrolysis of the Pt-OMe bond, over many, weeks. When chloride was added to a solution of 1, two interconverting isomers of [PtMe2(OMe)Cl(H2O)(2)] (with chloride trans to methyl) were formed, and with excess chloride, [PtMe2(OMe)Cl-2(H2O)](-) (both chloride ligands trans to methyl). This solution was stable at ambient temperature, but on heating, methanol was formed and [PtMe2Cl2(H2O)(2)] (both chloride ligands cis to methyl) was produced in the solution. It is proposed that this reaction proceeds via an intermediate complex with chloride bound trans to methoxide. Concentration gave solid [{PtMe2Cl2}n], whose identity was confirmed by conversion to [PtMe(2)Cl(2)py(2)] (pyridine, py, trans to methyl). With bromide and iodide, methoxide hydrolysis occurred at ambient temperature, more slowly with bromide than with iodide, to form solid [{PtMe2X2}(n)] without significant concentrations of [PtMe2X2(H2O)(2)] formed as an intermediate. The greater tendency for Pt-OMe bond to hydrolyse trans to halide compared with 1 was ascribed to the higher trans effect of the halide ligand compared with that of water. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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New tin(IV) complexes of empirical formula, Sn(SNNNS)I-2 (SNNNS = anionic form of the 2,6-diacetylpyridine Schiff bases of S-methyl- or S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques. The structure of Sn(dapsme)I-2 has been determined by single crystal X-ray crystallographic structural analysis. The complex has a seven-coordinate distorted pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry with the Schiff base coordinated to the tin(IV) ion as a dinegatively charged pentadentate chelating agent via the pyridine nitrogen atom, the two azomethine nitrogen atoms and the two thiolate sulfur atoms. The ligand occupies the equatorial plane and the iodo ligands are coordinated to the tin(IV) ion at axial positions. The distortion from an ideal pentagonal bipyramidal geometry is attributed to the restricted bite size of the pentadentate ligands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Several tetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridines/2-azidopyridines undergo photochemical nitrogen elimination and ring expansion to 1,3-diazacyclohepta-1,2,4,6-tetraenes (7,10,13,16,19,22) as well as ring cleavage to cyanovinylketenimines (8,17,20b) in low temperature Ar matrices. 6,8-Dichlorotetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridine/2-azido-3,5-dichloropridine 6 undergoes ready exchange of the chlorine in position 8 (3) with ROH/RONa. 8-Chloro-6-trifluoromethyltetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridine 15 undergoes solvolysis of the CF3 group to afford 8-chloro-6-methoxycarbonyltetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridine 18. Several tetrazolopyridines/2-azidopyridines afford 1H- or 5H-1,3-diazepines in good yields on photolysis in the presence of alcohols or amines (11,14,23,25). 5-Chlorotetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridines/2-azido-6-chloropyridines 21 and 38 undergo a rearrangement to 1H- and 3H-3-cyanopyrroles 27 and 45, respectively. The mechanism of this rearrangement was investigated by N-15-labelling and takes place via transient 1,3-diazepines. The structures of 6,8-dichloro-tetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridine 6T, 6-chloro-8-ethoxytetrazolo[1,5-a] pyridine 9Tb, dipyrrolylmethane 28, and 2-isopropoxy-4-dimethylamino-5H-1,3-diazepine 25b were determined by X-ray crystallography. In the latter case, this represents the first reported X-ray crystal structure of a 5H-1,3-diazepine.


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Reaction of 1,1-dichloro-2,5-diphenylcyclopropabenzene 6 with Meldrum's acid 8 in the presence of pyridine leads to coupling of the cycloproparenyl cation 7 with the stabilized diketo anion 9. Subsequent, spontaneous, base-induced dehydrochlorination gives the alkylidenecyclopropabenzene 11 in a one-pot reaction. Flash vacuum thermolysis of 11 at 650 degreesC ejects acetone and carbon dioxide, giving cyclopropabenzenylldenethenone 12 that is isolated in an Ar matrix at 20 K and characterized by a strong ketene band at 2107 cm(-1) in the IR spectrum.


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Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI; EC catalyzes two steps in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. Amino acid sequence comparisons across species reveal that there are two types of this enzyme: a short form (Class 1) found in fungi and most bacteria, and a long form (Class 11) typical of plants. Crystal structures of each have been reported previously. However, some bacteria such as Escherichia coli possess a long form, where the amino acid sequence differs appreciably from that found in plants. Here, we report the crystal structure of the E. coli enzyme at 2.6 A resolution, the first three-dimensional structure of any bacterial Class 11 KARI. The enzyme consists of two domains, one with mixed alpha/beta structure, which is similar to that found in other pyridine nucleotide-dependent dehydrogenases. The second domain is mainly alpha-helical and shows strong evidence of internal duplication. Comparison of the active sites between KARI of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and spinach shows that most residues occupy conserved positions in the active site. E. coli KARI was crystallized as a tetramer, the likely biologically active unit. This contrasts with P. aeruginosa KARI, which forms a dodecamer, and spinach KARI, a dimer. In the E. coli KARI tetramer, a novel subunit-to-subunit interacting surface is formed by a symmetrical pair of bulbous protrusions.


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A binucleating potentially hexadentate chelating agent containing oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur as potential donor atoms (H2ONNO) has been synthesized by condensing alpha,alpha-xylenebis(N-methyldithiocarbazate) with 2,4-pentanedione. An X-ray crystallographic structure determination shows that the Schiff base remains in its ketoimine tautomeric form with the protons attached to the imine nitrogen atoms. The reaction of the Schiff base with nickel(II) acetate in a 1:1 stoichiometry leads to the formation of a dinuclear nickel(II) complex [Ni(ONNO)](2) (ONNO2- = dianionic form of the Schiff base) containing N,O-chelated tetradentate ligands, the sulfur donors remaining uncoordinated. A single crystal X-ray structure determination of this dimer reveals that each ligand binds two low spin nickel(II) ions, bridged by a xylyl group. The nickel(II) atoms adopt a distorted square-planar geometry in a trans-N2O2 donor environment. Reaction of the Schiff base with nickel(II) acetate in the presence of excess pyridine leads to the formation of a similar dinuclear complex, [Ni(ONNO)(py)](2), but in this case comprises five coordinate high-spin Ni(II) ions with pyridine ligands occupying the axial coordination sites as revealed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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New copper(II) complexes of general empirical formula, Cu(mpsme)X center dot xCH(3)COCH(3) (mpsme = anionic form of the 6-methyl-2-formylpyridine Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate; X = Cl, N-3, NCS, NO3; x = 0, 0.5) have been synthesized and characterized by IR, electronic, EPR and susceptibility measurements. Room temperature mu(eff) values for the complexes are in the range 1.75-2.1 mu(beta) typical of uncoupled or weakly coupled Cu(II) centres. The EPR spectra of the [Cu(mpsme)X] (X = Cl, N-3, NO3, NCS) complexes reveal a tetragonally distorted coordination sphere around the mononuclear Cu(II) centre. We have exploited second derivative EPR spectra in conjunction with Fourier filtering (sine bell and Hamming functions) to extract all of the nitrogen hyperfine coupling matrices. While the X-ray crystallography of [Cu(mpsme)NCS] reveals a linear polymer in which the thiocyanate anion bridges the two copper(II) ions, the EPR spectra in solution are typical of a magnetically isolated monomeric Cu(II) centres indicating dissociation of the polymeric chain in solution. The structures of the free ligand, Hmpsme and the {[Cu(mpsme)NO3] center dot 0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) and [Cu(mpsme)NCS](n) complexes have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The {[Cu(mpsme)NO3]0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) complex is a centrosymmetric dimer in which each copper atom adopts a five-coordinate distorted square-pyramidal geometry with an N2OS2 coordination environment, the Schiff base coordinating as a uninegatively charged tridentate ligand chelating through the pyridine and azomethine nitrogen atoms and the thiolate, an oxygen atom of a unidentate nitrato ligand and a bridging sulfur atom from the second ligand completing the coordination sphere. The [Cu(mpsme)(NCS)](n) complex has a novel staircase-like one dimensional polymeric structure in which the NCS- ligands bridge two adjacent copper(II) ions asymmetrically in an end-to-end fashion providing its nitrogen atom to one copper and the sulfur atom to the other. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In vitro binding of the iodinated imidazopyri dine, N',N'-dimethyl-6-methyl-(4'-[I-123]iodophenyl)imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine-3-acetamide [I-123]IZOL to benzodiazepine binding sites on brain cortex, adrenal and kidney membranes is reported. Saturation experiments showed that [I-123]IZOL, bound to a single class of binding site (n(H)=0.99) on adrenal and kidney mitochondrial membranes with a moderate affinity (K-d=30 nM). The density of binding sites was 22 +/- 6 and 1.2 +/- 0.4 pmol/mg protein on adrenal and kidney membranes, respectively. No specific binding was observed in mitochondrial-synaptosomal membranes of brain cortex. In biodistribution studies in rats, the highest uptake of [I-123]IZOL was found 30 min post injection in adrenals (7.5% ID/g), followed by heart, kidney, lung (1% ID/g) and brain (0.12% ID/g), consistent with the distribution of peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites. Pre-administration of unlabelled IZOL and the specific PBBS drugs, PK 11195 and Ro 5-4864 significantly reduced the uptake of [I-123]IZOL by 30% (p < 0.05) in olfactory bulbs and by 51-86% (p < 0.01) in kidney, lungs, heart and adrenals, while it increased by 30% to 50% (p < 0.01) in the rest of the brain and the blood. Diazepam, a mixed CBR-PBBS drug, inhibited the uptake in kidney, lungs, heart, adrenals and olfactory bulbs by 32% to 44% (p < 0.01) but with no effect on brain uptake and in blood concentration. Flumazenil, a central benzodiazepine drug and haloperidol (dopamine antagonist/sigma receptor drug) displayed no effect in [I-123]IZOL in peripheral organs and in the brain. [I-123]IZOL may deserve further development for imaging selectively peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The polymerization of isobutene initiated by 1-chloro-1-phenylethane has been investigated, and molecular weight studies conducted using size exclusion chromatography. Polymerizations carried out in a 40/60 (v/v) mixture of dichloromethaneIcyclohexane, using titanium (IV) chloride as a catalyst in the presence of pyridine at -30 °C were found to be controlled and living. The number average molecular weights of the polymers increased linearly with monomer conversion, and the molecular weight distributions were between 1.15 and 1.20. Efficiencies of initiation were between 80 and 100%, and evidence was found to suggest that backbiting to the initiator had occurred, resulting in the formation of cyclic oligomers during the early stages of polymerization. The kinetics of polymerization can be explained in terms of active species in. equilibrium with dormant species. The effects of temperature. and dielectric constant on this equilibrium were studied and a model based upon the Fuoss equation was developed. Pyridine was found to behave as proton trap in the system, and when it was used in excess the rate of polymerization was retarded. By assuming that the catalyst and pyridine formed a one to one complex, it was possible to show that the reaction was second order with respect to the catalyst. The synthesis of low molecular weight polyisobutenes was studied. When the concentration of initiator was increased relative to that of the isobutene, such that the theoretical degree of polymerization was 20 or less, the rate of initiation was slow compared to propagation. The efficiency of initiation in these polymerizations was typically between 30 and 40 %. Optimal conditions of temperature. and.catalyst concentration were established, leading to a 60 % efficiency of initiation. A one-pot synthesis of phenol end-capped polyisobutene was attempted by adding phenol at the end of a living polymerization. Evidence to substantiate the existence of capped polymer chains in the resultant product was inconclusive. Block copolymerizations of oxetane and isobutene were conducted using 1-chloro-1phenylethane/TiCl4, but no copolymer or oxetane homopolymer could be isolated.