965 resultados para Programas de eletrificação rural


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o processo de regionalização do noroeste fluminense através das ações verticalidade sob controle do Estado. Verifica-se especificamente, o posicionamento da sociedade civil organizada e as relações de poder envolvidas diante de tais inferencias racionalizadoras do espaço, e de que forma esse posicionamento pode redimencionar o ordenamento espacial que se impõe através das hegemonias de poder. Entre as abordagens ao tema, o trabalho considera, primeiramente, o processo de regionalização do noroeste fluminense por meio de relações socioespaciais pretéritas a fundação da região enquanto unidade administrativa. Para além das atuais fronteiras da região em questão, o trabalho destaca o controle do Estado pelas frentes catequizadoras e colonizadoras, sobre o território dos Puri, Coroado e Coropó. A segunda intermediação do trabalho ao tema diz respeito à ação de atores locais, ligados principalmente a grandes pecuaristas, na luta por autonomia econômica em relação a Campos dos Goytacazes; que em suas relações de poder com o Estado do Rio de Janeiro desencadeiam a instituição político-administrativa do noroeste fluminense. Sucessivamente o trabalho grifa a atribuição de características regionais a área de estudo como: pobreza rural e representatividade da agricultura familiar, relacionadas a ações de intelectuais orgânicos locais para direcionar verbas do Governo Federal ao setor agropecuário. A terceira parte do trabalho incorpora ao tema a descentralização da gestão municipal/regional por parte de políticas de planejamento territorial como o Rio Rural. Visto que ações de verticalidade do Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, através do Projeto Rio Rural, intervém no ordenamento sócio-econômico-espacial da região principalmente através do modo de produção da agricultura familiar, a problemática se estenderia ao posicionamento político dessa categoria, enquanto sociedade civil organizada; para consideração final das tendências estabelecidas pela agricultura familiar ao ordenamento espacial regional


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O cotidiano dos projetos sociais sobre esporte e lazer revela grupos de participantes que se identificam com as atividades lá desenvolvidas. Por outro lado, há pessoas avessas às atividades dos projetos, porque normalmente alguma característica as deixa desconfortáveis. Considerando essa realidade, o estudo procurou identificar os fatores que interferem na participação de homens idosos em programas de esporte e lazer. O estudo foi aplicado no bairro de Piedade, zona norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde foram entrevistados 10 idosos que residem próximo do projeto SUDERJ em FORMA. Para a coleta, processamento e apresentação dos dados utilizamos a abordagem radical das representações sociais proposta por Votre (2009), a partir do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) de Lefebvre et al (2007). O modelo de análise delineado valoriza tanto as pessoas individuais, em suas falas singulares, quanto a reunião dessas pessoas, que falam como grupo sobre tópicos que lhes são relevantes. Os resultados obtidos apontam que os fatores que contribuem para a ausência dos homens idosos nas atividades desenvolvidas pelo projeto são: a figura do professor e o método por ele aplicado; receio, vergonha e discriminação, em participar com mulheres e jovens; gosto por outras práticas não oferecidas pelo projeto. Embora toda a boa premissa relacionada aos benefícios da participação dos idosos em programas de esporte e lazer e perante a garantia de acesso a estes programas, no estudo ficou constatado que tais condições não são suficientes para atingir o público masculino de idosos. Consideramos que no processo de criação de novas estratégias e propostas de intervenção, é de extrema importância que ocorra um planejamento cuidadoso que identifique as dificuldades sociais e individuais que reduzam ou impeçam a participação do sujeito idoso nas atividades propostas. Concluímos, também, que reforçar os benefícios da prática da atividade física, oferecer atividades de lazer não ligadas à prática esportiva, oferecer atividades adaptadas e atividades exclusivas para os homens, são alternativas viáveis para atrair o homem idoso para o projeto.


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As melhorias funcionais após uma rotina regular de exercícios físicos nem sempre se traduzem em uma idêntica melhoria da condição aeróbica (AER). O objetivo foi identificar se uma rotina regular de exercícios é capaz de manter ou atenuar a queda do condicionamento aeróbico e funcional, bem como se a diferença nas melhorias nestas variáveis, em indivíduos idosos, pode ser explicada por variações em flexibilidade e força/potência muscular. No primeiro estudo, 176 jogadores profissionais de futebol foram divididos em tercis em relação à idade. Obtivemos o consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e frequência cardíaca (FC), além do perfil de flexibilidade global utilizando o Flexiteste (FLX). Dados de pré-temporada (2005-2011) dos tercis extremos (n=54), mais jovem (17-22 anos) e mais velhos (27-36 anos), foram comparados. Os efeitos do envelhecimento foram avaliados pela comparação do VO2, da FC e de regressões lineares de FLX versus valores previstos para a idade. Os resultados foram semelhantes para VO2max, 62,76,1 vs 63,26,2 mL.(kg.min)-1, (p=0,67), e para FLX, 435,9 vs 416,0, respectivamente (p=0,11), o tercil mais jovem apresentou valores mais altos de FCmáx, 1948,1 vs 1898,8 bpm, (p<0,01). Os jogadores não apresentaram a diminuição prevista no VO2max, enquanto FCmax e FLX diminuiram. No segundo estudo utilizou-se dados de 144 pacientes com idade de 6212 anos submetidos a testes de FLX, força/potência muscular e cardiopulmonar de exercício máximo em cicloergômetro de membros inferiores, após pelo menos 3 meses de participação em um programa de exercício supervisionado (PES). A correlação de Pearson foi calculada para avaliar as associações entre a diferença nas melhorias funcional e aeróbica (DEMFA) e as variações de FLX, força de preensão manual (FPM) e potência muscular (POT) e também entre os valores da primeira avaliação de AER e capacidade funcional (FUN) e as respectivas melhorias e o DEMFA. Após uma média de 32 meses de PES, houve aumento da FLX em 11,6% (p<0,01) e da POT em 14,7% (p<0,01), ajustadas para a idade, com preservação da FPM (p=0,47). Houve uma relação inversa entre os resultados da primeira avaliação e a melhoria AER (r=-0,28; p<0,01). Considerando os valores previstos, a AER aumentou menos do que a FUN - 21% versus 25% (p<0,01). A melhoria na FLX associou-se ao DEMFA (r=0,24; p<0,01). Assim, os estudos mostraram: a) ao manter uma rotina regular de exercícios, principalmente aeróbicos, o VO2 não reduz com a idade em futebolistas entre os 16 e 36 anos, apesar de uma redução na FCmax. b) a participação regular em um PES proporciona melhorias de componentes da aptidão física de pacientes promovendo a restauração dos resultados para equivalentes aos previstos para indivíduos saudáveis. c) uma melhoria da FLX contribui para uma maior melhoria da FUN do que da AER


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Poor rural consumers benefit from Egypt’s aquaculture sector through access to small and medium-sized farmed tilapia sold by informal fish retailers, many of whom are women. In fact, informal fish retail is the main, if not only, segment of the farmed fish value chain where women are found. This report aims to inform current and future strategies to improve conditions in informal fish retail by understanding in more depth the similarities and differences in employment quality and outcomes across different fish retailers. It is particularly focused on identifying whether and how gender inequality influences different dimensions of the work, and whether women and men have similar outcomes and employment conditions. This knowledge will help to design interventions to overcome gender-based constraints, as well as approaches that address shared obstacles and include both women and men in gender-responsive ways to ensure that all of those involved in the sector benefit.


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The purpose of this output was to use the results of the baseline and participatory diagnostics analysis to develop alternative innovations for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The farming systems in the project areas were analysed to identify the innovations that communities had been using for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The innovative strategies were examined for their contribution to sustainable agriculture, food security and natural resource management. Comparative analysis of the agricultural productivity, food security and natural resource management in the different areas where the innovations have been put in place was undertaken. The best practices would be identified, which should be scaled-up, modified or sustained. The willingness and perceptions of the farmers to adopt the innovations would then be assessed.


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The study was undertaken to understand the rural women's (i) extent of participation in some selected aquaculture practices and (ii) extent of empowerment through participation in aquaculture program. Data were collected from 200 selected rural women of two districts - Sherpur and Kishoreganj. Each of the families where the selected rural women who were involved in aquaculture under the supervision of two partner NGOs of DSAP, namely- Foundation for Human Development (FHD) and Center for Rural and Environmental Development (CRED). Both conventional and participatory methods of data collection were employed where structured questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were used as the tools. The data collection procedure took five-months spanning from September 2004 to January 2005. Appropriate scales were developed and used in order to determine the focus variables of the study, while most analyses regarding women empowerment were done using 'before' and 'after' method. Empowerment of women was measured by five dimensions such as decision making ability, spending ability, social participation, cosmopoliteness, access to assets and resources. The ten selected aquaculture practices were: fish feeding, eradication of aquatic vegetation from fish pond, disease detection, application of fertilizer, liming, harvesting of fry and fish, fish stock management, pond excavation, use of insecticides, and sale of fry and fish. The study also aimed at determining some selected characteristics of rural women and determining relationship between their extent of empowerment and the selected characteristics. The characteristics of rural women included: age, personal education, average family education, family size, family farm size, area under aquaculture, extension media exposure, training exposure, knowledge in aquaculture, and family income. The findings revealed an overall low level of participation by rural women in aquaculture activities. However, significant level of improvement was identified regarding overall status of empowerment during the course of participation in aquaculture program under DSAP.


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Cost-profit analysis and market testing of some value-added products from silver carp such as fish mince block, fish sausage, fish ball, fish stick and fish burger were analyzed during April 2001 to March 2002. The study also explored the possibility to involve rural low-income people in the production and marketing of such products. The production of silver carp was higher in greater Jessore and Mymensingh districts but the price remained low during the peak-harvesting season in October to November. The price varied with size of the fish, season, market characteristics and effective demand of the buyers. Price of about 500 g size fish was found to be Tk. 20-25/kg in the rural markets. The average size of fish in the rural markets was 3S0-550 g while that in the urban markets it was 700-1,200 g. The cost of production of the value added products and profit margin were assessed on the basis of market price of the raw material as well as that of the finished products, transportation, storage and marketing costs. The profit margins of 34%, 39%, 81% and 31% of their sales price were obtained for fish sausage, fish ball, fish stick and fish burger, respectively. Actual production cost could be minimized if the fish is purchased directly from the farmers. Consumer's acceptance and marketability tests showed that both rural and urban people preferred fish ball than fish sausage. However, response towards the taste, flavor and color of fish ball and fish sausage was found to vary with occupations and age of the consumers. A correlation was observed between age group and acceptance of new products. Fish ball, fish stick and fish burger were found to be the most preferable items to the farmers because of easy formulation process with common utensils. Good marketing linkage and requirement of capital had been identified as the prerequisites for operating small-scale business on value-added fish products.


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Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus is one of the important aquaculture species in Bangladesh. Over the last few years spectacular development has been taking place in Thai pangas farming in Mymensingh district. Due to availability of easy breeding and culture techniques as well as quick return, more and more people are converting their rice fields into pangas farms overnight. The present study was carried out to examine health and disease status of Thai pangas mainly through clinical, histopathological and bacteriological techniques. In addition, for collecting primary data on disease and health status of Thai pangas and the resultant socioeconomic impacts on rural households, questionnaire interview and participatory rural appraisal tools were used with selected farming households in three upazilas of Mymensingh district. The most prevalent diseases as reported by the farmers were red spot, followed by anal protrusion, tail and fin rot, pop eye, dropsy and gill rot. Other conditions like cotton wool type lesion, ulceration and white spot were reported but with lower incidence. Four isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila were recovered from kidney and lesion of diseased fish. Hemorrhage over the body especially near mouth and caudal region was noticed in the fishes associated with aeromonad infection. Internally, kidney, liver and spleen became swollen and enlarged. The isolates varied with their pathogenicity. All the four isolates were sensitive to Nitrofurantoin, Cotrimoxazole and Tetracycline but were resistant to Amoxycilline. An attempt was made to treat diseased fish with extracts from neem leaf, garlic and turmeric. Recovery of infection was monitored through mortality and histopathology. General histopathological changes of different organs were also studied. Extract from neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf gave better result. Telangiectasis, lamellar hypertrophy and hyperplasia hemorrhage, lamellar fusion, necrosis of lamellar epithelial cells, presence of parasites and their cysts were the major pathology of gills. Hemorrhagic lesion, pyknotic nuclei and melanomacrophage centers (MMC) were found in the liver of fish. Major pathologies in kidney of fish included presence of MMC, necrotic and ruptured kidney tubules, severe haemopoietic necrosis, and hemorrhage. The economic loss due to disease in Thai pangas farming was estimated from the difference between expected production and actual production. On an average, Thai pangas farmers of Mymensingh incur a loss of Tk. 23,104/ha/cycle due to fish disease (3.6% of expected total production). The loss, however, varied with location and size of farms, type of farmers and management practices. The study also highlighted fish health management related problems and recommended further work for the development of user-friendly farmer-oriented fish health management packages.


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Freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii fry produced during late season can not withstand low temperature thus the prawn culture programme during winter is hampered. To overcome this problem, late season (August-September) prawn juveniles (0.9-6.8 g) were stocked at a density of 1.43 to 3.57/square meter in 350-476 square-meter ponds in Pabna and Mymensingh districts during October 2000 and cultured till May 2001. Monthly average water temperature during the winter months (December-February) varied from 16 to 22 °C and gradually increased to 32 °C in May. The prawn fry showed fast growth rate and attained an average weight of 60-70 g within eight months including three winter months. Growth compensation was observed during summer months. Survival rate was 60-79%. After extrapolation of the present growth rate more than 1,600 kg/ha production can be achieved in better-managed ponds. Extrapolated cost of production was Tk. 268,000 and 200,000 Tk./ha in two best ponds, sale value was Tk. 644,9146 [sic] and 528,466 and gross profit was Tk. 376,000-410,000, suggesting a higher economic feasibility of farming freshwater prawn with over-wintered juveniles.