966 resultados para Programa Municipal de Apoio ao Arrendamento - Municipal Program for Support to Leasing
Conflicting findings about the association between leprosy and TLR1 variants N248S and I602S have been reported. Here, we performed case-control and family based studies, followed by replication in 2 case-control populations from Brazil, involving 3162 individuals. Results indicated an association between TLR1 248S and leprosy in the case-control study (SS genotype odds ratio [OR], 1.81; P = .004) and the family based study (z = 2.02; P = .05). This association was consistently replicated in other populations (combined OR, 1.51; P < .001), corroborating the finding that 248S is a susceptibility factor for leprosy. Additionally, we demonstrated that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) carrying 248S produce a lower tumor necrosis factor/interleukin-10 ratio when stimulated with Mycobacterium leprae but not with lipopolysaccharide or PAM3cysK4. The same effect was observed after infection of PBMCs with the Moreau strain of bacillus Calmette-Guerin but not after infection with other strains. Finally, molecular dynamics simulations indicated that the Toll-like receptor 1 structure containing 248S amino acid is different from the structure containing 248N. Our results suggest that TLR1 248S is associated with an increased risk for leprosy, consistent with its hypoimmune regulatory function.
[ES] El Detector de Efectos Stroop (SED - Stroop Effect Detector), es una herramienta informática de asistencia, desarrollada a través del programa de investigación de Desarrollo Tecnológico Social de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que ayuda a profesionales del sector neuropsicológico a identificar problemas en la corteza orbitofrontal de un individuo, usándose para ello la técnica ideada por Schenker en 1998. Como base metodológica, se han utilizado los conocimientos adquiridos en las diferentes materias de la adaptación al grado en Ingeniería Informática como Gestión del Software, Arquitectura del Software y Desarrollo de Interfaces de Usuario así como conocimiento adquirido con anterioridad en asignaturas de Programación e Ingeniería del Software I y II. Como para realizar este proyecto sólo el conocimiento informático no era suficiente, he realizado una labor de investigación acerca del problema, teniendo que recopilar información de otros documentos científicos que abordan el tema, consultas a profesionales del sector como son el Doctor Don Ayoze Nauzet González Hernández, neurólogo del hospital Doctor Negrín de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el psicólogo Don José Manuel Rodríguez Pellejero que habló de este problema en clase del máster de Formación del Profesorado y que actualmente estoy cursando. Este trabajo presenta el test de Stroop con las dos versiones de Schenker: RCN (Reading Color Names) y NCW (Naming Colored Words). Como norma general, ambas pruebas presentan ante los sujetos estudios palabras (nombres de colores) escritas con la tinta de colores diferentes. De esta forma, el RCN consiste en leer la palabra escrita omitiendo la tonalidad de su fuente e intentando que no nos influya. Por el contrario, el NCW requiere enunciar el nombre del color de la tinta con la que está escrita la palabra sin que nos influya que ésta última sea el nombre de un color.
[ES] Para favorecer la evaluación de la docencia, la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y la Acreditación (a partir de ahora ANECA) pone en marcha el Programa de Apoyo a la Evaluación de la Actividad Docente del Profesorado Universitario (a partir de ahora DOCENTIA) con el objeto de apoyar a las universidades en el diseño de mecanismos propios para gestionar la calidad de la actividad docente del profesorado universitario y favorecer su desarrollo y reconocimiento. Un pilar fundamental en este procedimiento son las encuestas que los estudiantes realizan para valorar la calidad docente de sus profesores. El Gabinete de Evaluación Institucional (a partir de ahora GEI) de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (a partir de ahora ULPGC) es el encargado de gestionar todo el proceso de encuestación y por este motivo, surge la inmensa necesidad de disponer de una aplicación informática que permita hacer un seguimiento de dicho proceso. Este proyecto es un sistema de gestión que permite conocer qué profesores de la ULPGC han sido valorados por sus alumnos y en qué asignaturas. El objetivo principal es hacer un seguimiento durante el proceso de encuestación para intentar asegurar que todos los profesores han sido valorados en al menos alguna de sus asignaturas. Solo los profesores que hayan sido valorados en al menos una de sus asignaturas podrán acceder a los grados de excelencia docente del Programa DOCENTIA-ULPGC. De ahí la importancia de este proyecto fin de grado.
Seit Jahren werden Diskussionen über Erfolgskontrolle in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung geführt. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die Suche nach Indikatoren und Verfahren, die es den kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderungen ermöglichen sollen, Erfolge zu messen. rnDa die Wirtschaftsförderung zu den freiwilligen Leistungen einer Gemeinde zählt, erhöht sich der Druck der Rechtfertigung gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit oder der Politik, das gilt insbesondere in Zeiten knapper öffentlicher Haushalte. Firmenansiedlungen, eine positive wirtschaftliche Entwicklung oder eine geringe Arbeitslosenquote sind sowohl im öffentlichen Bewusstsein als auch in der Politik wesentliche Kriterien einer erfolgreichen Wirtschaftsförderung. Sich ständig ändernde Rahmenbedingungen im wirtschaftsstrukturellen Gefüge haben dazu geführt, dass diese klassischen Nachweise von Erfolg immer seltener als solche präsentiert werden können. Erfolge sollten dennoch gemessen werden, um Maßnahmen und Instrumente einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung zu überprüfen und gegebenenfalls an die geänderten Bedingungen anzupassen. rnEs ist schon mehr als 30 Jahre her, als in den 1970er Jahren die Suche nach Methoden und Verfahren der Erfolgskontrolle in der öffentlichen Verwaltung begann. Erfolge von kommunaler Wirtschaftsförderung können nicht einfach und ausschließlich an den markantesten wirtschaftlichen Ziffern der Kommune gemessen werden, z. B. der Zahl der sozialversicherungspflichtigen Arbeitsplätze. Seit Jahren wird um einen Lösungsweg bei der Durchführung von Erfolgskontrolle in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung gerungen, abschließend wurde jedoch noch kein vollends befriedigend praktikabler Weg gefunden. Zu hinterfragen ist vor dem Hintergrund, inwiefern die vier Elemente einer Erfolgskontrolle, nämlich die Zielerreichungs-, Vollzugs-, Bedingungs- und Wirkungskontrolle, tatsächlich und hinreichend zum Einsatz kommen können.rnDie vorliegenden empirischen Untersuchungen beleuchten nun das Thema aus Sicht der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderer und liefern Ergebnisse, die zu einem veränderten Bewusstsein gegenüber der Durchführung von Erfolgskontrolle in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung führen müssten. Unabhängig von der Organisationsform und der Größe einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung lässt sich empirisch nachweisen, dass der Anspruch, den der Begriff der Erfolgskontrolle in seiner gängigen Beschreibung erhebt, nicht hinreichend von einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung erfüllt werden kann. rnMit Hilfe des neu entwickelten Prozesses einer modifizierten Erfolgskontrolle wird in vorliegender Arbeit ein idealtypischer Ablauf für eine kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung dargestellt. Der neue Ansatz einer modifizierten Erfolgskontrolle ist eine konsequente Reduzierung der Anforderungen auf das Praktikable und führt dazu, dass Erfolge der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung dargestellt werden können, ohne dass das Verfahren mehr Fragen offen lässt, als es beantwortet. Durch die modifizierte Erfolgskontrolle können die spezifischen Erfolge einer kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung dargestellt und dokumentiert werden. rnEine modifizierte Erfolgskontrolle kann zweierlei: Sie ist eine Hilfestellung für die politisch Verantwortlichen bei der Erkenntnis, dass eine Notwendigkeit nach konkreten und der Ist-Situation sowie den Randbedingungen angepassten Zielformulierungen besteht. Sie bietet aber auch eine Möglichkeit, dass die kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderungseinrichtungen dem in der öffentlichen Diskussion formulierten Anspruch nach Erfolgskontrolle mit einem hohen Grad an Praktikabilität gerecht werden können. rnBevor also viele kommunale Wirtschaftsförderungen durch die fragwürdige Forderung an eine Erfolgskontrolle aufgrund der zu hohen Anforderungen an Methodik, Zeit und Personal aufgeben, sollte ihnen die Konzentration auf das Praktikable wieder Anreiz sein, eine modifizierte Erfolgskontrolle nach dem neuen Prozessschema in Angriff zu nehmen. rnrn
Describes a strategy for school psychologists to use in selecting the types of program evaluation required to meet system needs. Dimensions of program evaluation—target, purpose, and stage—relevant to school psychologists are described and defined and combined into a conceptual framework indicating 48 different types of program evaluation. The proposed model incorporates relevant aspects of existing program evaluation strategies and action research, affording practitioners a strategy for selecting and conducting program evaluations. Suggested steps for implementing the action research strategy, as well as a hypothetical example of its use, are offered.
State standardized testing has always been a tool to measure a school’s performance and to help evaluate school curriculum. However, with the school of choice legislation in 1992, the MEAP test became a measuring stick to grade schools by and a major tool in attracting school of choice students. Now, declining enrollment and a state budget struggling to stay out of the red have made school of choice students more important than ever before. MEAP scores have become the deciding factor in some cases. For the past five years, the Hancock Middle School staff has been working hard to improve their students’ MEAP scores in accordance with President Bush's “No Child Left Behind” legislation. In 2005, the school was awarded a grant that enabled staff to work for two years on writing and working towards school goals that were based on the improvement of MEAP scores in writing and math. As part of this effort, the school purchased an internet-based program geared at giving students practice on state content standards. This study examined the results of efforts by Hancock Middle School to help improve student scores in mathematics on the MEAP test through the use of an online program called “Study Island.” In the past, the program was used to remediate students, and as a review with an incentive at the end of the year for students completing a certain number of objectives. It had also been used as a review before upcoming MEAP testing in the fall. All of these methods may have helped a few students perform at an increased level on their standardized test, but the question remained of whether a sustained use of the program in a classroom setting would increase an understanding of concepts and performance on the MEAP for the masses. This study addressed this question. Student MEAP scores and Study Island data from experimental and comparison groups of students were compared to understand how a sustained use of Study Island in the classroom would impact student test scores on the MEAP. In addition, these data were analyzed to determine whether Study Island results provide a good indicator of students’ MEAP performance. The results of the study suggest that there were limited benefits related to sustained use of Study Island and gave some indications about the effectiveness of the mathematics curriculum at Hancock Middle School. These results and implications for instruction are discussed.
The purpose of this study is to detail and analyze the distribution, concentration, and loads of 5 organic compounds along Silver Bow Creek in Butte, Montana from the Municipal Wastewater treatment plant to the Warm Springs Ponds. The chemicals analyzed include Carbamazepine (pharmaceutical), Miconazole (fungicide) and three antibiotics – Sulfamethoxazole, Thiabendazole, and Ciprofloxacin. This project begins a 2 year study to analyze 6 additional compounds (11 compounds total), to develop an effective method to detail and analyze OWCs using Mass Spectrometer/Liquid chromatography system, and to aid in assessment of aquatic health and ongoing restoration work. The EPA method 1694 was used for analysis
We evaluated the muscular strength, endurance, and power responses of 12 college students, ranging in age from 19-40 years, who participated in a 6-wk high-intensity training program commonly used to improve muscular endurance. Muscular strength was measured by a one repetition maximum (1RM) bench press test and a 1RM Hammer bench press test; muscular endurance was measured by administering a 70-percent 1RM test to failure on the Hammer bench press; and upper body power was measured by adminstering a medicine ball throw test. We observed a 4.8-percent improvement of 2.7 kg on the bench press, a 14.6-percent improvement of 10.5 kg on the Hammer bench press, a 45.5-percent improvement with an average increase of five repetitions on the submaximal test to failure and an average improvement of ~ 20 percent, 60 cm, for the medicine ball throw. Foe our subjects, a commonly used high-intensity training muscular endurance program resulted in improved performance on tests measuring muscular strength, endurance, and power, and resulted in zero reported injuries during training or assessment procedures.
This study reports the implementation of a Training of Intercultural Competence and Tolerance (TICT) for upper-secondary school students and the empirical evaluation of its effectiveness. The TICT program was developed to counteract increasing interethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia. It is based on the theoretical and empirical framework of social psychology and cross-cultural psychology. The training effectiveness was assessed by conducting pre- and post-surveys among the training participants. The results indicate that TICT contributes to the development of a positive ethnic identity and the formation of a civic identity among the participating youth. It also increases their optimism regarding the future of interethnic relations in Russia and the subjective level of intercultural competence of majority group youth towards minority cultures. Thus, the evaluation of the training effectiveness of the TICT has shown that the aims of the training have been achieved to a large extent and that the Training of Intercultural Competence and Tolerance can be effectively used to prevent interethnic conflicts and promote interethnic relations in multicultural schools. Suggestions for the practical implementation of the TICT as well as for future research on the training's effectiveness are discussed.
Because of increasing bulk milk somatic cell counts and continuous clinical mastitis problems in a substantial number of herds, a national mastitis control program was started in 2005 to improve udder health in the Netherlands. The program started with founding the Dutch Udder Health Centre (UGCN), which had the task to coordinate the program. The program consisted of 2 parts: a research part and a knowledge-transfer part, which were integrated as much as possible. The knowledge-transfer part comprised 2 communication strategies: a central and a peripheral approach. The central approach was based on educating farmers using comprehensive science-based and rational argumentation about mastitis prevention and included on-farm study group meetings. Comprehensive education materials were developed for farmers that were internally motivated to improve udder health. In the peripheral approach it was tried to motivate farmers to implement certain management measures using nontechnical arguments. Mass media campaigns were used that focused on one single aspect of mastitis prevention. These communication strategies, as well as an integrated approach between various stakeholders and different scientific disciplines were used to reach as many farmers as possible. It should be noted that, because this intervention took place at a national level, no control group was available, as it would be impossible to isolate farmers from all forms of communication for 5 years. Based on several studies executed during and after the program, however, the results suggest that udder health seemed to have improved on a national level during the course of the program from 2005 to 2010. Within a cohort of dairy herds monitored during the program, the prevalence of subclinical mastitis did not change significantly (23.0 in 2004 vs. 22.2 in 2009). The incidence rate of clinical mastitis, however, decreased significantly, from 33.5 to 28.1 quarter cases per 100 cow years at risk. The most important elements of the farmers' mindset toward mastitis control also changed favorably. The simulated costs of mastitis per farm were reduced compared with a situation in which the mastitis would not have changed, with € 400 per year. When this amount is extrapolated to all Dutch farms, the sector as a whole reduced the total costs of mastitis by € 8 million per year. It is difficult to assign the improved udder health completely to the efforts of the program due to the lack of a control group. Nevertheless, investing € 8 million by the Dutch dairy industry in a 5-yr national mastitis control program likely improved udder health and seemed to pay for itself financially.
Tobacco use is a major health hazard, and the onset of tobacco use occurs almost entirely in the teenage years. For this reason, schools are an ideal site for tobacco prevention programs. Although studies have shown that effective school-based tobacco prevention programs exist, all too frequently these programs are not used. In order for effective programs to achieve their potential impact, strategies for speeding the diffusion of these programs to school districts and seeing that, once adopted, programs are implemented as they are intended, must be developed and tested.^ This study (SC2) set out to replicate the findings of an earlier quasi-experimental study (The Smart Choices Diffusion Study, or SC1) in which strategies based on diffusion theory and social learning theory were found to be effective in encouraging adoption and implementation of an effective tobacco prevention program in schools. To increase awareness and encourage adoption, intervention strategies in both studies utilized opinion leaders, messages highlighting positive aspects of the program, and modeling of benefits and effective use through videotape and newsletters. To encourage accurate implementation of the curriculum, teacher training for the two studies utilized videotaped modeling and practice of activities by teachers. SC2 subjects were 38 school districts that make up one of Texas' 20 education service regions. These districts had served as the comparison group in SC1, and findings for the SC1 comparison and intervention groups were utilized as historic controls.^ SC2 achieved a 76.3% adoption rate and found that an average of 84% of the curriculum was taught with an 82% fidelity to methods utilized by the curriculum. These rates and rates for implementation of dissemination strategies were equal to or greater than corresponding rates for SC1. The proportion of teachers implementing the curriculum in SC2 was found to be equal to SC1's video-trained districts but lower than the SC1 workshop-trained group.^ SC2's findings corroborate and support the findings from the earlier study, and increase our confidence in its findings. Taken together, the findings from SC2 and SC1 point to the effectiveness of their theory-based intervention strategies in encouraging adoption and accurate implementation of the tobacco prevention curriculum. ^
An agency is accountable to a legislative body in the implementation of public policy. It has a responsibility to ensure that the implementation of that policy is consistent with its statutory objectives.^ The analysis of the effectiveness of implementation of the Vendor Drug Program proceeded in the following manner. The federal and state roles and statutes pursuant to the formulation of the Vendor Drug Program were reviewed to determine statutory intent and formal provisions. The translation of these into programmatic details was examined focusing on the factors impacting the implementation process. Lastly, the six conditions outlined by Mazmanian and Sabatier as criteria for effective implementation, were applied to the implementation of the Vendor Drug Program to determine if the implementation was effective in relation to consistency with statutory objectives.^ The implementation of the statutes clearly met four of the six conditions for effective implementation: (1) clear and consistent objectives; (2) a valid causal theory; (3) structured the process to maximize agency and target compliance with the objectives; and (4) had continued support of constituency groups and sovereigns.^ The implementation was basically consistent with the statutory objectives, although the determination of vendor reimbursement has had and continues to have problems. ^
Fatigue is a frequently reported symptom after a stroke. Although the phenomenology of poststroke fatigue is well known, clear definitions as well as diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines are missing. Poststroke fatigue can be regarded as a multidimensional phenomenon that might be influenced by neurological, physical, psychological, and cognitive factors. It can range from mild to severe and can affect every area of the activities of daily life. The objective of our preliminary study was to outline aspects of a specific treatment program for the management of poststroke fatigue. Eight patients were recruited for a mindfulness-enhanced, integrative neuropsychotherapy program. The treatment was a combination of neuropsychological interventions, psychoeducation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness techniques. The main treatment foci were (a) to facilitate an increased awareness of fatigue symptoms, (b) to help the patient detect and manage triggers of fatigue, and (c) to equip the patient with multiple self-help tools. Measures were assessed at the beginning, during, and at the end of treatment using self-assessment questionnaire for mental fatigue and related symptoms after neurological disorders and injuries. Significant pre- to post-assessment differences were observed. These findings suggest that patients may benefit from a specific treatment program in order to better adapt to poststroke fatigue. These findings encourage further investigation of this integrative treatment in larger samples that include adequate control treatments.
The study of secession generally stresses the causal influence of cultural identities, political preferences, or ecological factors. Whereas these different views are often considered to be mutually exclusive, this paper proposes a two-stage model in which they are complementary. We posit that cultural identities matter for explaining secessionism, but not because of primordial attachments. Rather, religious and linguistic groups matter because their members are imbued with cultural legacies that lead to distinct political preferences – in this case preferences over welfare statism. Further, ecological constraints such as geography and topography affect social interaction with like-minded individuals. On the basis of both these political preferences and ecological constraints, individuals then make rational choices about the desirability of secession. Instrumental considerations are therefore crucial in explaining the decision to secede, but not in a conventional pocketbook manner. To examine this theory, we analyze the 2013 referendum on the secession of the Jura Bernois region from the Canton of Berne in Switzerland, using municipal level census and referendum data. The results lend support to the theory and suggest one way in which the politics of identity, based on factors like language and religion, can be fused with the politics of interest (preferences for more or less state intervention into the polity and economy) to better understand group behavior.
The National Oceanographic Partnership Program provided critical support to the development of Seaglider long-range autonomous underwater vehicles. This support enabled: (1) development and integration of chemical and biological sensors, (2) transition to low-power, bi-directional satellite communication, and (3) software upgrades to enhance capability and reliability. Sponsored improvements led to setting the mission endurance and range records for autonomous underwater vehicles, wide use by the oceanographic community and licensing for commercialization.