874 resultados para Prism Adaptation


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In 1989/90 a follow-up was made possible on 72 of 78 patients who have been treated for the supposed or confirmed diagnosis of a Lennox-Gastaut-Syndrome at the university children hospital of Berne between 1964 and 1978. Nine patients were excluded of this study because the diagnosis was proved wrong retrospectively, leaving 63 cases. Of these, eleven patients (17.5%) have died. The remaining 52 (82.5%) were evaluated regarding their epilepsy, psychomotor development and social adaptation. The follow-up was good for 14.3%, intermediate for 23.8% and poor for 44.4%. Bad prognostic factors were found to be: first manifestation of epilepsy during the first year of life, occurrence of infantile spasms or hypsarrhythmia in the EEG and pathological neurological signs at the beginning of the disease. In the course of illness a change of seizure phenomenology was observed. The infantile spasms were seen only during the first three years of epilepsy. After the second year of disease psychomotor seizures became more and more frequent. Atypical absences, already seen at the beginning, were the most frequent form of seizure from the third year of epilepsy until the end of our observations. During the course of disease the frequency of generalized tonic and tonic-clonic seizures decreased little.


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Spontaneous confabulation is a rare memory disorder resulting from orbitofrontal damage or disconnection. Patients act on the basis of memories that do not pertain to the current situation, and are disoriented. No medical treatment is known. Recent studies suggest that subcortical dopaminergic structures are involved in the selection of currently relevant memories. We present a patient who regained the ability to adapt thought and behavior to ongoing reality when treated with risperidone, a dopamine antagonist.


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1. Habitat fragmentation and variation in habitat quality can both affect plant performance, but their effects have rarely been studied in combination. We thus examined plant performance in response to differences in habitat quality for a species subject to habitat fragmentation, the common but declining perennial herb Lychnis flos-cuculi. 2. We reciprocally transplanted plants between 15 fen grasslands in north-east Switzerland and recorded plant performance for 4 years. 3. Variation between the 15 target sites was the most important factor and affected all measures of plant performance in all years. This demonstrates the importance of plastic responses to habitat quality for plant performance. 4. Plants from smaller populations produced fewer rosettes than plants from larger populations in the first year of the replant-transplant experiment. 5. Plant performance decreased with increasing ecological difference between grassland of origin and target grassland, indicating adaptation to ecological conditions. In contrast, plant performance was not influenced by microsatellite distance and hardly by geographic distance between grassland of origin and target grassland. 6. Plants originating from larger populations were better able to cope with larger ecological differences between transplantation site and site of origin. 7. Synthesis: In addition to the direct effects of target grasslands, both habitat fragmentation, through reduced population size, and adaptation to habitats of different quality, contributed to the performance of L. flos-cuculi. This underlines that habitat fragmentation also affects species that are still common. Moreover, it suggests that restoration projects involving L. flos-cuculi should use plant material from large populations living in habitats similar to the restoration site. Finally, our results bring into question whether plants in small habitat remnants will be able to cope with future environmental change.


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Many hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections worldwide are with the genotype 1 and 3 strains of the virus. Cellular immune responses are known to be important in the containment of HCV genotype 1 infection, and many genotype 1 T cell targets (epitopes) that are presented by host human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) have been identified. In contrast, there is almost no information known about the equivalent responses to genotype 3. Immune escape mechanisms used by HCV include the evolution of viral polymorphisms (adaptations) that abrogate this host-viral interaction. Evidence of HCV adaptation to HLA-restricted immune pressure on HCV can be observed at the population level as viral polymorphisms associated with specific HLA types. To evaluate the escape patterns of HCV genotypes 1 and 3, we assessed the associations between viral polymorphisms and specific HLA types from 187 individuals with genotype 1a and 136 individuals with genotype 3a infection. We identified 51 HLA-associated viral polymorphisms (32 for genotype 1a and 19 for genotype 3a). Of these putative viral adaptation sites, six fell within previously published epitopes. Only two HLA-associated viral polymorphisms were common to both genotypes. In the remaining sites with HLA-associated polymorphisms, there was either complete conservation or no significant HLA association with viral polymorphism in the alternative genotype. This study also highlights the diverse mechanisms by which viral evasion of immune responses may be achieved and the role of genotype variation in these processes. CONCLUSION: There is little overlap in HLA-associated polymorphisms in the nonstructural proteins of HCV for the two genotypes, implying differences in the cellular immune pressures acting on these viruses and different escape profiles. These findings have implications for future therapeutic strategies to combat HCV infection, including vaccine design.


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Software must be constantly adapted to changing requirements. The time scale, abstraction level and granularity of adaptations may vary from short-term, fine-grained adaptation to long-term, coarse-grained evolution. Fine-grained, dynamic and context-dependent adaptations can be particularly difficult to realize in long-lived, large-scale software systems. We argue that, in order to effectively and efficiently deploy such changes, adaptive applications must be built on an infrastructure that is not just model-driven, but is both model-centric and context-aware. Specifically, this means that high-level, causally-connected models of the application and the software infrastructure itself should be available at run-time, and that changes may need to be scoped to the run-time execution context. We first review the dimensions of software adaptation and evolution, and then we show how model-centric design can address the adaptation needs of a variety of applications that span these dimensions. We demonstrate through concrete examples how model-centric and context-aware designs work at the level of application interface, programming language and runtime. We then propose a research agenda for a model-centric development environment that supports dynamic software adaptation and evolution.


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We present in this paper several contributions on the collision detection optimization centered on hardware performance. We focus on the broad phase which is the first step of the collision detection process and propose three new ways of parallelization of the well-known Sweep and Prune algorithm. We first developed a multi-core model takes into account the number of available cores. Multi-core architecture enables us to distribute geometric computations with use of multi-threading. Critical writing section and threads idling have been minimized by introducing new data structures for each thread. Programming with directives, like OpenMP, appears to be a good compromise for code portability. We then proposed a new GPU-based algorithm also based on the "Sweep and Prune" that has been adapted to multi-GPU architectures. Our technique is based on a spatial subdivision method used to distribute computations among GPUs. Results show that significant speed-up can be obtained by passing from 1 to 4 GPUs in a large-scale environment.


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Canine distemper virus (CDV), a close relative of measles virus (MV), is widespread and well known for its broad host range. When the goal of measles eradication may be achieved, and when measles vaccination will be stopped, CDV might eventually cross the species barrier to humans and emerge as a new human pathogen. In order to get an impression how fast such alterations may occur, we characterized required adaptive mutations to the human entry receptors CD150 (SLAM) and nectin-4 as first step to infect human target cells. Recombinant wild-type CDV-A75/17(red) adapted quickly to growth in human H358 epithelial cells expressing human nectin-4. Sequencing of the viral attachment proteins (hemagglutinin, H, and fusion protein, F) genes revealed that no adaptive alteration was required to utilize human nectin-4. In contrast, the virus replicated only to low titres (10(2) pfu/ml) in Vero cells expressing human CD150 (Vero-hSLAM). After three passages using these cells virus was adapted to human CD150 and replicated to high titres (10(5) pfu/ml). Sequence analyses revealed that only one amino acid exchange in the H-protein at position 540 Asp→Gly (D540G) was required for functional adaptation to human CD150. Structural modelling suggests that the adaptive mutation D540G in H reflects the sequence alteration from canine to human CD150 at position 70 and 71 from Pro to Leu (P70L) and Gly to Glu (G71E), and compensates for the gain of a negative charge in the human CD150 molecule. Using this model system our data indicate that only a minimal alteration, in this case one adaptive mutation, is required for adaptation of CDV to the human entry receptors, and help to understand the molecular basis why this adaptive mutation occurs.


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Infant faces are very salient stimuli. The Kindchenschema describes specific features that characterize a cute infant face. In this study we used a visual adaptation paradigm to investigate the universality of the perceptual properties of the Kindchenschema. In Experiment 1, twenty-four participants adapted to cute and less cute human infant faces and in Experiment 2, twenty-four new participants adapted to cute and less cute faces of puppy dogs. In both experiments the task was to assess the cuteness of subsequently presented human infant faces. The results revealed cuteness after-effects for human infant faces in both adaptation conditions, suggesting a common mechanism coding cuteness in human and non-human faces. This study provides experimental evidence for the universality of the well-described concept of the Kindchenschema.


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Control of metabolic pathways is a major task of the somatotropic axis and its constituents. Insulinlike growth-factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) bind IGF-I and -II and act as carriers and regulators of their activities in blood, body fluids and tissues. Over two periods of physiological adaptation, this study investigated the binding pattern of IGF-I to IGFBPs in the plasma of 50 multiparous Holstein dairy cows and identified relationships with the hepatic mRNA abundance of IGFBPs and plasma IGF-I during the lactational negative energy balance (NEB) and during a deliberately induced NEB by feed restriction. Period 1 lasted from week 3 antepartum (a.p.) to week 12 postpartum (p.p.) and period 2, the period of feed restriction, started at around 100 DIM and lasted for three weeks with a control (C) and a restricted group (R). Blood samples and liver biopsies were collected in week 3 a.p., and in weeks 1 and 4 p.p. of period 1 and in weeks 0 and 3 of period 2. For column chromatography of IGFBPs, plasma samples of all animals were pooled by group and time points of sampling. Plasma IGF-I dropped from week 3 a.p. to week 1 p.p. and thereafter increased until week 0 (period 2) and did not change up to week 3 of period 2. The binding of IGF-I to plasma IGFBP-1 and -2 increased in period 1 from week 3 a.p. to week 4 p.p., while at the same time it decreased for IGFBP-3. During period 2, the binding of IGF-I to plasma IGFBP-1 and -2 decreased for both groups, but less for R cows. In C cows, the IGF-I binding to IGFBP-3 in plasma increased from week 0 to week 3 of period 2, whereas R cows showed a slight decrease. In period 1, hepatic mRNA abundance of IGFBP-3 followed the plasma IGFBP-3 binding in contrast to the mRNA abundances of IGFBP-1 and -2. The latter increased from week 3 a.p. to week 1 p.p. and decreased afterwards whereas IGF-I binding to IGFBP-1 and -2 increased. In week 3 of period 2, the binding of IGF-I to IGFBP-1 and -2 and their hepatic mRNA abundance were higher in R cows compared to C cows. Hepatic mRNA abundance of IGF-I was consistently positively correlated with plasma IGF-I, especially pronounced during the NEBs in week 1 p.p. (period 1) and in week 3 (period 2) in R cows. While no distinct relation between mRNA abundance of IGFBP-1 and plasma IGF-I was evident, the mRNA abundance of IGFBP-2 was inversely related to plasma IGF-I over all experimental time points independent of treatment. The mRNA abundance of IGFBP-3 was particularly correlated with plasma IGF-I during the 2 experimental stages of a NEB. Obviously IGFBP-3, but not IGFBP-1 and -2, binding in plasma closely followed the respective pattern of hepatic mRNA abundance during the entire experimental period. The fact that changes in the different plasma IGFBPs during altering metabolic stages in different stages of lactation do not always strictly follow their mRNA abundance in liver suggests tissues other than the liver flexibly contributing to the IGFBP pool in plasma as well as a partially post-transcriptional regulation of IGFBP synthesis.