980 resultados para Practical geopolitical discourse


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Institutions (and how they work) have long been the object of many investigations in the fields of media, cultural, and organizational studies. More recently, there has been a “linguistic” turn in the study of institutions with many language-focused explo- rations of how power and discourse may function in specific institutional and organi- zational settings, such as schools, courtrooms, corporations, clinics, hospitals, and pris- ons. Many of these studies have been concerned with the ways in which language is used to create and shape institutions and how institutions in turn have the capacity to create, shape, and impose discourses on people. Institutions thus have considerable control over the organizing of our routine experiences of the world and the way we classify that world. They also have the power to foster particular kinds of identities to suit their own purposes.


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Perfect information is seldom available to man or machines due to uncertainties inherent in real world problems. Uncertainties in geographic information systems (GIS) stem from either vague/ambiguous or imprecise/inaccurate/incomplete information and it is necessary for GIS to develop tools and techniques to manage these uncertainties. There is a widespread agreement in the GIS community that although GIS has the potential to support a wide range of spatial data analysis problems, this potential is often hindered by the lack of consistency and uniformity. Uncertainties come in many shapes and forms, and processing uncertain spatial data requires a practical taxonomy to aid decision makers in choosing the most suitable data modeling and analysis method. In this paper, we: (1) review important developments in handling uncertainties when working with spatial data and GIS applications; (2) propose a taxonomy of models for dealing with uncertainties in GIS; and (3) identify current challenges and future research directions in spatial data analysis and GIS for managing uncertainties.


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Realising memory intensive applications such as image and video processing on FPGA requires creation of complex, multi-level memory hierarchies to achieve real-time performance; however commerical High Level Synthesis tools are unable to automatically derive such structures and hence are unable to meet the demanding bandwidth and capacity constraints of these applications. Current approaches to solving this problem can only derive either single-level memory structures or very deep, highly inefficient hierarchies, leading in either case to one or more of high implementation cost and low performance. This paper presents an enhancement to an existing MC-HLS synthesis approach which solves this problem; it exploits and eliminates data duplication at multiple levels levels of the generated hierarchy, leading to a reduction in the number of levels and ultimately higher performance, lower cost implementations. When applied to synthesis of C-based Motion Estimation, Matrix Multiplication and Sobel Edge Detection applications, this enables reductions in Block RAM and Look Up Table (LUT) cost of up to 25%, whilst simultaneously increasing throughput.


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In many European shelters, dogs may spend many years confined. A poor environment and inappropriate management may lead to a low quality of life. The absence of harmonised European regulatory frameworks defining the minimum requirements for shelter facilities makes the definition of welfare standards for kennelled dogs challenging. Here, a new protocol was developed and tested to help identify the main welfare issues for shelter dogs. Twenty-six indicators were identified including management, resource and animal based measures. Accuracy and interobserver reliability were checked between four assessors. The protocol was applied in 29 shelters (n=1308 dogs) in six European countries. Overall prevalence of poor health conditions was below 10%. Test-retest reliability and validity of the protocol were investigated with encouraging results. A logistic regression was carried out to assess the potential of the protocol as a tool to identify welfare hazards in shelter environments. Inappropriate space allowance, for example, was found to be a risk factor potentially affecting the animal's cleanliness, skin condition and body condition. The protocol was designed to be concise and easy to implement. Systematic data collection could help identify welfare problems that are likely to arise in certain shelter designs and thus determine improvement in animal care standards.


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Diagnosis of glaucoma and delivery of effective treatment is difficult everywhere, but additional challenges are evident in less affluent parts of the world, where the largest numbers of patients with this disease are living. The problems of providing good glaucoma care are examined with especial reference to south-east Asia including China and India and countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The relatively low priority given to glaucoma by vision-related and other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) due to difficulties faced in delivering effective glaucoma screening and therapeutic interventions are discussed, together with possible future directions for increasing resources and priority for glaucoma care in poor areas.


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Researchers have proposed 1-factor, 2-factor, and bifactor solutions to the 12-item Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFCS-12). In order to overcome some measurement problems and to create a robust and conceptually useful two-factor scale the CFCS-12 was recently modified to include two new items and to become the CFCS-14. Using a University sample, we tested four competing models for the CFCS-14: (a) a 12-item unidimensional model, (b) a model fitted for two uncorrelated factors (CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future), (c) a model fitted for two correlated factors (CFC-I and CFC-F), and (d) a bifactor model. Results suggested that the addition of the two new items has strengthened the viability of a two factor solution of the CFCS-14. Results of linear regression models suggest that the CFC-F factor is redundant. Further studies using alcohol and mental health indicators are required to test this redundancy.


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A emergência de uma nova Sociedade baseada na Informação e no Conhecimento despoletou transformações pedagógicas profundas nas instituições de Ensino Superior. Esta agenda para a inovação, no sentido de um ensino mais centrado nos alunos e no desenvolvimento de competências, tem exigido um esforço acrescido de toda a comunidade académica e, sobretudo, por parte dos professores universitários. Num contexto de recetividade para a mudança, mas com dificuldade de operacionalização da mesma, este estudo visa contribuir para a compreensão e superação de fatores que parecem dificultar a transposição da inovação para as práticas de ensino-aprendizagem correntes, através de duas frentes investigativas: i) caracterizar os docentes na sua dimensão conceptual, o que pensam e o que os motiva, e na sua dimensão prática, isto é, as estratégias didáticas que adotam e adaptam; e ainda, ii) criar oportunidades de concretização de inovação através do desenho de estratégias promotoras de questionamento dos alunos, e também dos docentes. A formulação de questões, e a procura de respostas, é reconhecida como sendo fundamental no desenvolvimento e na aplicação de competências centrais, tais como o pensamento crítico e reflexivo, sendo igualmente importante na resolução de problemas. Assim, numa articulação dinâmica entre conhecer, compreender e agir, a investigação envolveu uma colaboração próxima com um grupo de quatro docentes universitários, ao longo de dois anos letivos consecutivos (2009/2010 e 2010/2011), na conceptualização e implementação de diversas estratégias didáticas impulsionadoras do questionamento dos alunos, promovendo-se igualmente o questionamento reflexivo nos docentes. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no contexto de duas unidades curriculares semestrais (Microbiologia e Temas e Laboratórios em Biologia), destinadas sobretudo a alunos do primeiro ano. Enquanto estudo longitudinal de casos múltiplos, com características etnográficas e de investigação-ação, o trabalho de campo envolveu a combinação de diversos métodos de recolha de dados. Realizaram-se várias observações de aulas, assim como entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aos quatro professores colaboradores, e a alguns dos seus alunos. Aplicou-se ainda, em momentos específicos da investigação, uma versão portuguesa do Approaches to Teaching Inventory – ATI (Trigwell, Prosser, & Ginns, 2005) aos docentes. Recolheram-se também todos os documentos escritos produzidos pelos alunos e pelos professores no âmbito da investigação. Todo o desenho investigativo, assim como a análise dos dados, nomeadamente análise de conteúdo e análise documental, encontra-se fundamentado na literatura teórico-empírica de três áreas da especialidade: estudo do questionamento, análise do discurso oral em contexto de aulas de ciências e estudo das conceções e práticas de ensino dos docentes universitários, destacando-se nesta última a linha investigativa das Abordagens ao Ensino. Os resultados obtidos, assim como a reflexão sobre o percurso investigativo, possibilitaram a obtenção de contributos inovadores e úteis no sentido da promoção de um Ensino Superior de qualidade. Por um lado, são de salientar as evidências recolhidas com os quatro casos (docentes) que apontam para uma natureza integrativa das conceptualizações de ensino, constituindo um contributo teórico relevante para o debate académico desta área. Por outro, foi possível aceder a dinâmicas associadas à formulação de questões por docentes universitários em contexto de aulas teórico-práticas e práticas, através do desenvolvimento e aplicação de um modelo de categorização de questionamento. Por fim, a conjugação de evidências do campo das ‘teorias de ensino’ (observação indireta) com as ‘práticas de ensino’ (observação direta) dos docentes possibilitou a identificação e caracterização de uma possível relação entre Práticas de Questionamento e Abordagens ao Ensino de professores universitários, ampliando desta forma o modelo conceptual de Keith Trigwell e colaboradores (Trigwell, Prosser, & Taylor, 1994). Enquanto investigação híbrida que se orientou por princípios do paradigma interpretativo-naturalista, e, também, do paradigma sócio-crítico, foi igualmente possível identificar um conjunto de recomendações específicas para a inovação e para a reflexividade, no sentido de estimular a comunidade académica, e os professores universitários em particular, a agirem como promotores de estratégias didáticas centradas no desenvolvimento de competências.


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This paper takes as its context widespread feelings of anxiety within neoliberal society caused by a combination of material and discursive factors including precarious access to work and resources. It is argued that the state uses ‘discourses of affect’ to produce compliant subjects able to deal with (and unable to desire beyond) neoliberal precarity and anxiety. Critical education theorists have argued that discourses of ‘well-being’, emotional support and self-help have gained increasing purchase in mainstream education and in popular culture. These discourses are dangerous because they are individualized and depoliticized, and undermine collective political struggle. At the same time there has been a ‘turn to affect’ in critical academia, producing critical pedagogies that resist state affective discourse. I argue that these practices are essential for problematizing neoliberal discourse, yet existing literature tends to elide the role of the body in effective resistance, emphasising intellectual aspects of critique. The paper sketches an alternative, drawing on psychoanalytic and practiced pedagogies that aim to transgress the mind-body dualism and hierarchy, in particular Roberto Freire’s work on Somatherapy.


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Shared decision-making (SDM) is a high priority in healthcare policy and is complementary to the recovery philosophy in mental health care. This agenda has been operationalised within the Values-Based Practice (VBP) framework, which offers a theoretical and practical model to promote democratic interprofessional approaches to decision-making. However, these are limited by a lack of recognition of the implications of power implicit within the mental health system. This study considers issues of power within the context of decision-making and examines to what extent decisions about patients? care on acute in-patient wards are perceived to be shared. Focus groups were conducted with 46 mental health professionals, service users, and carers. The data were analysed using the framework of critical narrative analysis (CNA). The findings of the study suggested each group constructed different identity positions, which placed them as inside or outside of the decision-making process. This reflected their view of themselves as best placed to influence a decision on behalf of the service user. In conclusion, the discourse of VBP and SDM needs to take account of how differentials of power and the positioning of speakers affect the context in which decisions take place.