854 resultados para Politically Connected Firm
The paper presents a method to analyze robust stability and transient performance of a distributed power system consisting of commercial converter modules interconnected through a common input filter. The method is based on the use of four transfer functions, which are measurable from the converter input and output terminals. It is shown that these parameters provide important information on the power module sensitivity to the interactions caused by the external impedances. Practical characterization for the described system structure is performed introducing special transfer functions utilized for the interactions assessment. Experimental results are provided to support the presented analysis procedure.
Since the beginning of the smartphones in the 80s, the mobile device market has grown and evolved towards devices connected everywhere, with hardware more and more close to computers and laptops than a classic mobile telephone. Nowadays, this market seems to be crowded and some companies seem not to know exactly which step is next. In this manner, a concept appears in the market as a solution or a difficulty to overcome: the dominant design. The thesis aims to establish an analysis and definition of what a dominant design is and how we should understand this concept: which are the costumers’ demands and needs? How can we relate this information with the dominant design? What is the strategy of the firm before designing a device? Do they use a concept similar to a dominant design?. The research base its analysis in a theoretical framework based in innovation and marketing literature, to then compare the model studied with data collected from surveys made to customers, interviews made to workers of the mobile device market, and different new projects on the market. The research finishes with a discussion about the theoretical and the empirical frameworks, and concludes replying the research questions, and defining a dominant design and its current situation in the market. RESUMEN. Desde la aparición de los Smartphones en los años 80, el mercado de los dispositivos móviles ha crecido y evolucionado hacia dispositivos cada vez más conectados, con hardware cada vez más cercano a los ordenadores de sobremesa y portátiles que al clásico teléfono móvil. A día de hoy, el mercado está saturado y algunas compañías parecen dubitativas ante el próximo paso a seguir. De esta manera, el concepto del diseño dominante aparece en el mercado como una solución a esta dificultad. El primer capítulo de este estudio se centra en establecer, a modo de introducción, los antecedentes al caso a estudiar, el objetivo de la tesis con sus limitaciones y delimitaciones, así como la metodología utilizada. También se plantean las preguntas principales (Research Questions) sobre el objetivo de la tesis, las cuales darán respuesta en la conclusión final al caso de estudio. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo establecer un análisis y definición sobre que es un diseño dominante y qué deberíamos entender como tal: ¿cuáles son las necesidades y las exigencias de los clientes? ¿Cómo se puede relacionar esta información con el diseño dominante en el sector tecnológico? ¿Cuáles son las estrategias de las empresas antes de diseñar un nuevo dispositivo? ¿Usan un concepto o modelos similares a un diseño dominante? Posteriormente, el segundo capítulo expone la bibliografía utilizada, y el enfoque analítico que se llevará a cabo con las 3 principales fuentes de datos. La investigación enfoca su análisis en un marco teórico, basado en publicaciones y bibliografía relacionadas con la innovación y el marketing, para luego comparar el modelo estudiado con un marco empírico: datos obtenidos de encuestas a consumidores, entrevistas a profesionales del sector de los dispositivos móviles, y diferentes prototipos y nuevos proyectos en este mercado. Entre esta literatura se encuentran manuales de marketing como “22 Immutable laws of Marketing” (de Al Ries & Jack Trout), publicaciones sobre el sector industrial de la tecnología y negocios: “Crossing the Chasm” de Geoffrey A. Moore y modelos de innovación entre otros como “Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation” de James M. Utterback. El tercer capítulo corresponde al estudio del marco teórico de la tesis, donde se analizará principalmente el modelo de innovación utilizado (el modelo cíclico de Utterback) y varios principios de marketing aplicados a este sector. Se plantean las bases de este modelo, la definición que el propio Utterback ofrece sobre el diseño dominante, y las 3 fases del proceso del mismo (Fluid Phase, Transitional Phase y Specific Phase), donde las empresas cambian de estrategia según las circunstancias evolutivas del dispositivo, su posición respecto el líder del mercado, o los procesos de estandarización y de costes. Por último se plantea la base para el desarrollo del diseño dominante en un ciclo evolutivo constante en el tiempo. Respecto a la parte más analítica de la tesis, el cuarto capítulo se desarrolla a partir de los datos obtenidos de las fuentes de información en el marco empírico de estudio. Se obtienen conclusiones sobre los datos realizados en ambas encuestas (en Español e Inglés) y sobre la relevancia de esta información; se estudian uno por uno hasta cuatro casos de nuevos dispositivos a corto-medio plazo en el mercado y se obtienen unas conclusiones globales sobre las entrevistas realizadas a los profesionales del sector y la relevancia de todas estas informaciones. En el quinto capítulo de la tesis se desarrolla la discusión en torno a los marcos teórico y empírico utilizados, para concluir respondiendo a las “Research Questions”, definiendo de esta manera el concepto de diseño dominante y comparando esta definición con la situación real del mercado. Se contrastan las bases del modelo de Utterback con los datos obtenidos en el capítulo cuarto, enfatizando la comparación entre las fases de este modelo con la realidad obtenida a través del estudio. Las encuestas realizadas a los consumidores se enmarcan en la segunda y tercera fase del ciclo, donde el desarrollo del diseño dominante ya está establecido y más desarrollado, mientras que las entrevistas unifican varios puntos clave a tener en cuenta en la primera y segunda fases, orientándose a las capas previas del proceso. Después se comparan uno a uno los 4 dispositivos analizados, a fin de establecer su jerarquía dentro del mercado, como posibles nuevos diseños dominantes o evoluciones especializadas de otros que ya aparecieron en el mercado con anterioridad. Así mismo, en esta parte final del estudio se comparan entre sí los resultados similares entre las tres fuentes de datos, y se analiza la veracidad de todas las fuentes consultadas. Finalmente, se han registrado en un sexto capítulo todas las referencias utilizadas en este proyecto, tanto publicaciones bibliográficas, entrevistas, citas de personajes relevantes del sector y enlaces en la red sobre noticias relevantes. En el apartado de apéndices se adjuntan tres anexos, donde se adjunta información utilizada en el caso de estudio, y la cual se ha obviado del texto principal con el objetivo de agilizar la lectura y la comprensión del mismo. Estos tres apéndices corresponden a las dos encuestas realizadas en ambos idiomas y la entrevista realizada a los profesionales del sector de los dispositivos móviles.
This paper will present an open-source simulation tool, which is being developed in the frame of an European research project1. The tool, whose final version will be freely available through a website, allows the modelling and the design of different types of grid-connected PV systems, such as large grid-connected plants and building-integrated installations. The tool is based on previous software developed by the IES-UPM2, whose models and energy losses scenarios have been validated in the commissioning of PV projects3 carried out in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy, whose aggregated capacity is nearly 300MW. This link between design and commissioning is one of the key points of tool presented here, which is not usually addressed by present commercial software. The tool provides, among other simulation results, the energy yield, the analysis and breakdown of energy losses, and the estimations of financial returns adapted to the legal and financial frameworks of each European country. Besides, educational facilities will be developed and integrated in the tool, not only devoted to learn how to use this software, but also to train the users on the best design PV systems practices. The tool will also include the recommendation of several PV community experts, which have been invited to identify present necessities in the field of PV systems simulation. For example, the possibility of using meteorological forecasts as input data, or modelling the integration of large energy storage systems, such as vanadium redox or lithium-ion batteries. Finally, it is worth mentioning that during the verification and testing stages of this software development, it will be also open to the suggestions received from the different actors of the PV community, such as promoters, installers, consultants, etc.
Content protection is a key component for the success of a multimedia services platform, as proven by the plethora of solutions currently on the market. In this paper we analyze a new network scenario where permanent bidirectional connectivity and video-aware encryption technologies allow a trustful operation of ubiquitous end devices. We propose new scalable models for a content protection architecture that may achieve dramatic improvement in robustness, reliability, and scalability. Selective ciphering and countermeasures are included in those models, together with several examples of their application.
Macroscopic brain networks have been widely described with the manifold of metrics available using graph theory. However, most analyses do not incorporate information about the physical position of network nodes. Here, we provide a multimodal macroscopic network characterization while considering the physical positions of nodes. To do so, we examined anatomical and functional macroscopic brain networks in a sample of twenty healthy subjects. Anatomical networks are obtained with a graph based tractography algorithm from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images (DW-MRI). Anatomical con- nections identified via DW-MRI provided probabilistic constraints for determining the connectedness of 90 dif- ferent brain areas. Functional networks are derived from temporal linear correlations between blood-oxygenation level-dependent signals derived from the same brain areas. Rentian Scaling analysis, a technique adapted from very- large-scale integration circuits analyses, shows that func- tional networks are more random and less optimized than the anatomical networks. We also provide a new metric that allows quantifying the global connectivity arrange- ments for both structural and functional networks. While the functional networks show a higher contribution of inter-hemispheric connections, the anatomical networks highest connections are identified in a dorsal?ventral arrangement. These results indicate that anatomical and functional networks present different connectivity organi- zations that can only be identified when the physical locations of the nodes are included in the analysis.
The search for new energy models arises as a necessity to have a sustainable power supply. The inclusion of distributed generation sources (DG) allows to reduce the cost of facilities, increase the security of the grid or alleviate problems of congestion through the redistribution of power flows. In remote microgrids it is needed in a particular way a safe and reliable supply, which can cover the demand for a low cost; due to this, distributed generation is an alternative that is being widely introduced in these grids. But the remote microgrids are especially weak grids because of their small size, low voltage level, reduced network mesh and distribution lines with a high ratio R/X. This ratio affects the coupling between grid voltages and phase shifts, and stability becomes an issue of greater importance than in interconnected systems. To ensure the appropriate behavior of generation sources inserted in remote microgrids -and, in general, any electrical equipment-, it is essential to have devices for testing and certification. These devices must, not only faithfully reproduce disturbances occurring in remote microgrids, but also to behave against the equipment under test (EUT) as a real weak grid. This also makes the device commercially competitive. To meet these objectives and based on the aforementioned, it has been designed, built and tested a voltage disturbances generator, in order to provide a simple, versatile, full and easily scalable device to manufacturers and laboratories in the sector.
This paper proposes a new model for characterizing the energetic behavior of grid connected PV inverters. The model has been obtained from a detailed study of main loss processes in small size PV inverters in the market. The main advantage of the used method is to obtain a model that comprises two antagonistic features, since both are simple, easy to compute and apply, and accurate. One of the main features of this model is how it handles the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the efficiency: in both parts the model uses the same approach and it is achieved by two resistive elements which simulate the losses inherent to each parameter. This makes this model easy to implement, compact and refined. The model presented here also includes other parameters, such as start threshold, standby consumption and islanding behavior. In order to validate the model, the values of all the parameters listed above have been obtained and adjusted using field measurements for several commercial inverters, and the behavior of the model applied to a particular inverter has been compared with real data under different working conditions, taken from a facility located in Madrid. The results show a good fit between the model values and the real data. As an example, the model has been implemented in PSPICE electronic simulator, and this approach has been used to teach grid-connected PV systems. The use of this model for the maintenance of working PV facilities is also shown.
The emission of light from each junction in a series-connected multijunction solar cell both complicates and elucidates the understanding of its performance under arbitrary conditions. Bringing together many recent advances in this understanding, we present a general 1-D model to describe luminescent coupling that arises from both voltage-driven electroluminescence and voltage-independent photoluminescence in nonideal junctions that include effects such as Sah-Noyce-Shockley (SNS) recombination with n ≠ 2, Auger recombination, shunt resistance, reverse-bias breakdown, series resistance, and significant dark area losses. The individual junction voltages and currents are experimentally determined from measured optical and electrical inputs and outputs of the device within the context of the model to fit parameters that describe the devices performance under arbitrary input conditions. Techniques to experimentally fit the model are demonstrated for a four-junction inverted metamorphic solar cell, and the predictions of the model are compared with concentrator flash measurements.
This paper explains the work that the HBB4ALL project is carrying out to deploy signing services based on HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV). HbbTV is an open standard specification for the new Connected TV technology, enabling interoperability of broadcast and broadband contents on the TV set. HBB4ALL proposes to take advantage of this broadcast-broadband convergence for the deployment of access services, including signing, due to the restrictions that this service has traditionally suffered.
This paper presents a primary-parallel secondaryseries multicore forward microinverter for photovoltaic ac-module application. The presented microinverter operates with a constant off-time boundary mode control, providing MPPT capability and unity power factor. The proposed multitransformer solution allows using low-profile unitary turns ratio transformers. Therefore, the transformers are better coupled and the overall performance of the microinverter is improved. Due to the multiphase solution, the number of devices increases but the current stress and losses per device are reduced contributing to an easier thermal management. Furthermore, the decoupling capacitor is split among the phases, contributing to a low-profile solution without electrolytic capacitors suitable to be mounted in the frame of a PV module. The proposed solution is compared to the classical parallel-interleaved approach, showing better efficiency in a wide power range and improving the weighted efficiency.
Assembly and modulation of focal adhesions during dynamic adhesive processes are poorly understood. We describe here the use of ventral plasma membranes from adherent fibroblasts to explore mechanisms regulating integrin distribution and function in a system that preserves the integration of these receptors into the plasma membrane. We find that partial disruption of the cellular organization responsible for the maintenance of organized adhesive sites allows modulation of integrin distribution by divalent cations. High Ca2+ concentrations induce quasi-reversible diffusion of β1 integrins out of focal adhesions, whereas low Ca2+ concentrations induce irreversible recruitment of β1 receptors along extracellular matrix fibrils, as shown by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Both effects are independent from the presence of actin stress fibers in this system. Experiments with cells expressing truncated β1 receptors show that the cytoplasmic portion of β1 is required for low Ca2+-induced recruitment of the receptors to matrix fibrils. Analysis with function-modulating antibodies indicates that divalent cation-mediated receptor distribution within the membrane correlates with changes in the functional state of the receptors. Moreover, reconstitution experiments show that purified α-actinin colocalizes and redistributes with β1 receptors on ventral plasma membranes depleted of actin, implicating binding of α-actinin to the receptors. Finally, we found that recruitment of exogenous actin is specifically restricted to focal adhesions under conditions in which new actin polymerization is inhibited. Our data show that the described system can be exploited to investigate the mechanisms of integrin function in an experimental setup that permits receptor redistribution. The possibility to uncouple, under cell-free conditions, events involved in focal adhesion and actin cytoskeleton assembly should facilitate the comprehension of the underlying molecular mechanisms.
The number of distressed manufacturing firms increased sharply during recessionary phase 2009-13. Financial indebtness traditionally plays a key role in assessing firm solvency but contagion effects that originate from the supply chain are usually neglected in literature. Firm interconnections, captured via the trade credit channel, represent a primary vehicle of individual shocks’ propagation, especially during an economic downturn, when liquidity tensions arise. A representative sample of 11,920 Italian manufacturing firms is considered to model a two-step econometric design, where chain reactions in terms of trade credit accumulation (i.e. default of payments to suppliers) are primarily analyzed by resorting to a spatial autoregressive approach (SAR). Spatial interactions are modeled based on a unique dataset of firm-to-firm transactions registered before the outbreak of the crisis. The second step in instead a binary outcome model where trade credit chains are considered together with data on the bank-firm relationship to assess determinants of distress likelihoods in 2009-13. Results show that outstanding trade debt is affected by the liquidity position of a firm and by positive spatial effects. Trade credit chain reactions are found to exert, in turn, a positive impact on distress likelihoods during the crisis. The latter effect is comparable in magnitude to the one exerted by individual financial rigidity, and stresses the importance to include complex interactions between firms in the analysis of the solvency behavior.
A new method for fitting a series of Zernike polynomials to point clouds defined over connected domains of arbitrary shape defined within the unit circle is presented in this work. The method is based on the application of machine learning fitting techniques by constructing an extended training set in order to ensure the smooth variation of local curvature over the whole domain. Therefore this technique is best suited for fitting points corresponding to ophthalmic lenses surfaces, particularly progressive power ones, in non-regular domains. We have tested our method by fitting numerical and real surfaces reaching an accuracy of 1 micron in elevation and 0.1 D in local curvature in agreement with the customary tolerances in the ophthalmic manufacturing industry.
The rise and growth of large Jewish law firms in New York City during the second half of the twentieth century was nothing short of an astounding success story. As late as 1950, there was not a single large Jewish law firm in town. By the mid-1960s, six of the largest twenty law firms were Jewish, and by 1980, four of the largest ten prestigious law firms were Jewish firms. Moreover, the accomplishment of the Jewish firms is especially striking because, while the traditional large White Anglo-Saxon Protestant law firms grew at a fast rate during this period, the Jewish firms grew twice as fast, and they did so in spite of experiencing explicit discrimination. What happened? This book chapter is a revised, updated study of the rise and growth of large New York City Jewish law firms. It is based on the public record, with respect to both the law firms themselves and trends in the legal profession generally, and on over twenty in-depth interviews with lawyers who either founded and practiced at these successful Jewish firms, attempted and failed to establish such firms, or were in a position to join these firms but decided instead to join WASP firms. According to the informants interviewed in this chapter, while Jewish law firms benefited from general decline in anti-Semitism and increased demand for corporate legal services, a unique combination of factors explains the incredible rise of the Jewish firms. First, white-shoe ethos caused large WASP firms to stay out of undignified practice areas and effectively created pockets of Jewish practice areas, where the Jewish firms encountered little competition for their services. Second, hiring and promotion discriminatory practices by the large WASP firms helped create a large pool of talented Jewish lawyers from which the Jewish firms could easily recruit. Finally, the Jewish firms benefited from a flip side of bias phenomenon, that is, they benefited from the positive consequences of stereotyping. Paradoxically, the very success of the Jewish firms is reflected in their demise by the early twenty-first century: because systematic large law firm ethno-religious discrimination against Jewish lawyers has become a thing of the past, the very reason for the existence of Jewish law firms has been nullified. As other minority groups, however, continue to struggle for equality within the senior ranks of Big Law, can the experience of the Jewish firms serve as a “separate-but-equal” blueprint for overcoming contemporary forms of discrimination for women, racial, and other minority attorneys? Perhaps not. As this chapter establishes, the success of large Jewish law firms was the result of unique conditions and circumstances between 1945 and 1980, which are unlikely to be replicated. For example, large law firms have become hyper-competitive and are not likely to allow any newcomers the benefit of protected pockets of practice. While smaller “separate-but-equal” specialized firms, for instance, ones exclusively hiring lawyer-mothers occasionally appear, the rise of large “separate-but-equal” firms is improbable.
This article focuses on the impact of third-party complaints on firm performance. We propose two research hypotheses, which are developed from the literature of dissatisfaction, emotions, and economics. The methodology is based on an event study to estimate variation in firm share returns in the stock market due to the publication of the Annual Complaints Service Report by the Bank of Spain; as well as a regression analysis to examine the impact of the number of complaints per branch on the variation obtained. The empirical focus is on a sample of eleven banks to which complaints were made and which were quoted on the Spanish Stock Exchange between 1992 and 2001. The results show a negative impact of the publication of these annual complaint reports on the share returns of the banks concerned. Additionally, these returns have a negative relationship with the number of complaints per branch.