775 resultados para Pochengzi Glaciation


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Over 30 first and last occurrence (FO and LO, respectively) planktonic foraminifer datums were recognized from the Oligocene-Miocene section of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1148. Most datum levels occur in similar order as, and are by correlation as probably synchronous with, their open-ocean records. Several datum levels represent local bioevents resulting from dissolution and Site 1148's unique paleoceanographic setting in the northern South China Sea. An age of 9.5-9.8 Ma is estimated for the local LO of Globoquadrina dehiscens (257 meters composite depth [mcd]), whereas the local LO of Globorotalia fohsi s.l. (301 mcd) is projected to be at ~13.0 Ma and the local FO of Globigerinatella insueta (367 mcd) is projected to be at ~18.0 Ma. The combined planktonic foraminifer and nannofossil results indicate that the Oligocene-Miocene section at Site 1148 is not complete. Unconformities up to 2-3 m.y. in duration, occurring at and before the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (OHS1, OHS2, OHS3, and OHS4 = MHS1), are associated with slump deposits between 457 and 495 mcd that signal tectonic instability during the transition from rifting to spreading in the South China Sea. Shorter unconformities of <0.5 m.y. duration that truncate the Miocene section were more likely to have been caused by sea-bottom erosion as well as dissolution. A total of 12 Miocene unconformities, MHS1 through MHS12, are mainly affected by dissolution and an elevated carbonate compensation depth (CCD) during Miocene third-order glaciations recorded in deep-sea positive oxygen isotope Mi glaciation events. Respectively, they fall at ~457 mcd (MHS1 = Mi-1), 407 mcd (MHS2 = Mi-1a), 385 mcd (MHS3 = Mi-1aa), 366 mcd (MHS4 = Mi-1b), 358 mcd (MHS5 = MLi-1), 333 mcd (MHS6 = Mi-2), 318 mcd (MHS7 = MSi-1), 308 mcd (MHS8 = Mi-3), 295 mcd (MHS9 = Mi-4), 288 mcd (MHS10 = Mi-5), 256 mcd (MHS11 = Mi-6), and 250 mcd (MHS12 = Mi-7). The correlation of these unconformities with Mi events indicates that some related driving mechanisms have been operating, causing deepwater circulation changes concomitantly in world oceans and in the marginal South China Sea.


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We use quantitative X-ray diffraction to determine the mineralogy of late Quaternary marine sediments from the West and East Greenland shelves offshore from early Tertiary basalt outcrops. Despite the similar basalt outcrop area (60 000-70 000 km**2), there are significant differences between East and West Greenland sediments in the fraction of minerals (e.g. pyroxene) sourced from the basalt outcrops. We demonstrate the differences in the mineralogy between East and West Greenland marine sediments on three scales: (1) modern day, (2) late Quaternary inputs and (3) detailed down-core variations in 10 cores from the two margins. On the East Greenland Shelf (EGS), late Quaternary samples have an average quartz weight per cent of 6.2 ± 2.3 versus 12.8 ± 3.9 from the West Greenland Shelf (WGS), and 12.02 ± 4.8 versus 1.9 ± 2.3 wt% for pyroxene. K-means clustering indicated only 9% of the samples did not fit a simple EGS vs. WGS dichotomy. Sediments from the EGS and WGS are also isotopically distinct, with the EGS having higher eNd (-18 to 4) than those from the WGS (eNd = -25 to -35). We attribute the striking dichotomy in sediment composition to fundamentally different long-term Quaternary styles of glaciation on the two basalt outcrops.


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The earliest Oligocene (~33.5 Ma) is marked by a major step in the long-term transition from an ice-free to glaciated world. The transition, characterized by both cooling and ice-sheet growth, triggered a transient but extreme glacial period designated Oi-1. High-resolution isotope records suggest that Oi-1 lasted for roughly 400,000 yr (the duration of magnetochron 13N) before partially abating, and that it was accompanied by an ocean-wide carbon isotope anomaly of 0.75?. One hypothesis relates the carbon isotope anomaly to enhanced export production brought about by climate-induced intensification of wind stress and upwelling, particularly in the Southern Ocean. To understand how this climatic event affected export production in the Southern Ocean, biogenic silica (opal) and carbonate accumulation rates were computed for the sub-polar Indian Ocean using deep-sea cores from ODP Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau. Our findings suggest that net productivity in this region increased by several fold in response to the Oi-1 glaciation. In addition, calcareous primary producers dominant in the Late Eocene were partially replaced by opaline organisms suggesting a trend toward seasonally greater surface divergence and upwelling in this sector of the Southern Ocean. We attribute these changes to intensification of atmospheric=oceanic circulation brought about by high-latitude cooling and the appearance of a full-scale continental ice-sheet on East Antarctica. Higher terrigenous sediment accumulation rates support the idea that wind-induced changes in regional productivity were augmented by an increased supply of glacial dust and debris that provided limiting micro-nutrients (e.g., iron-rich dust particles). We speculate that the rapid changes in biogenic sediment accumulation in the Southern Ocean and other upwelling-dominated regions contributed to the ocean-wide positive carbon isotope anomaly by temporarily increasing the burial rate of organic carbon relative to carbonate carbon. The changes in burial rates, in turn, may have produced a positive feedback on climate by briefly drawing down atmospheric pCO2 .


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Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunas were studied from Sites 608 (depth 3534 m, 42°50'N, 23°05'W) and 610 (depth 2427 m, 53°13'N, 18°53'W). The sampling interval corresponded to 0.1 to 0.5 m.y. at Site 608 and in the sections of Site 610 from which core recovery was continuous. First and last appearances of benthic foraminiferal taxa are generally not coeval at the two sites, although the faunal patterns are similar and many species occur at both sites. Major periods of changes in the benthic faunas, as indicated by the numbers of first and last appearances and changes in relative abundances, occurred in the early Miocene (19.2-17 Ma), the middle Miocene (15.5-13.5 Ma), the late Miocene (7-5.5 Ma), and the Pliocene-Pleistocene (3.5-0.7 Ma). A period of minor changes in the middle to late Miocene (10-9 Ma) was recognized at Site 608 only. These periods of faunal changes can be correlated with periods of paleoceanographic changes: there was a period of sluggish circulation in the northeastern North Atlantic from 19.2 to 17 Ma, and the deep waters of the oceans probably cooled between 15.5 and 13.5 Ma, as indicated by an increase in delta18O values in benthic foraminiferal tests. The period between 10 and 9 Ma was probably characterized by relatively vigorous bottom-water circulation in the northeastern Atlantic, as indicated by the presence of a widespread reflector. The faunal change at 7 to 5.5 Ma corresponds in time with a worldwide change in delta13C values, and with the Messinian closing of the Mediterranean. The last and largest faunal changes correspond in time with the onset and intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation.


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The clay mineralogical composition of a 552 cm long sediment core from Lake Terrasovoje in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, was analysed and compared with that in surface sediments from other locations in the vicinity. The lower part of the sediment core is formed by sub- and proglacial sediments with a dominance of smectite and illite, and lower amounts of kaolinite and chlorite. The upper part of the core is deposited after 12 500 cal yr bp and mainly composed of illite and kaolinite, with low amounts of smectite and chlorite, such as found in samples from rock outcrops and covering sediments throughout Amery Oasis. The clay composition in the lower section of core Lz1005 suggest that the basin of Lake Terrasovoje was filled by a 150-200 m thickened Nemesis Glacier prior to 12 500 cal yr bp rather than by local ice caps.


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Calcareous nannofossils were studied in 574 Neogene samples recovered from eight sites drilled in block-faulted basins on the continental margin of Oman. This portion of the Arabian Sea experiences seasonal upwelling associated with the southwest monsoon. Not surprisingly, some of the more typical Neogene warm-water nannoplankton are either missing entirely or are extremely rare in these sediments. Coccolithus pelagicus, a typical cold-water indicator, is extremely abundant in many samples of late Pliocene to early Pleistocene age. These intervals correspond to periods of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Reworked Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic nannofossils are found in a majority of the samples. They were probably carried from the Arabian Peninsula or the continent of Africa on strong southwest summer winds. Ages for the various nannofossil events were calculated by projecting the nannofossil datums onto the magnetostratigraphic scale for Sites 724, 727, and 728. These are the first ages for the various nannofossil datums derived from Oman Margin sediments. The following ages have been calculated for these nannofossil events: FAD Emiliania huxleyi, 0.23 Ma; LAD Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, 0.38 Ma; FAD Helicosphaera inversa, 0.42 Ma; top of acme of Reticulofenestra sp. A, 0.70 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsaparallela, 0.85 Ma; LAD Gephyrocapsa spp. (large), 1.07 Ma; LAD Helicosphaera sellii, 1.34 Ma; LAD Calcidiscus macintyrei, 1.47 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa oceanica, 1.53 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica, 1.80 Ma; LAD Discoaster brouweri, 2.03 Ma; LAD Discoasterpentaradiatus, 2.31 Ma; LAD Discoaster surculus, 2.42; LAD Discoaster tamalis, 2.77 Ma; LAD Sphenolithus abies, 3.44 Ma; and LAD Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, 3.44 Ma.


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Oxygen isotope records, radiocarbon AMS data, carbonate and opal stratigraphy, sediment magnetic susceptibility, tephrachronology, and paleontological results were used to obtain detailed sediment stratigraphy and an age model for the studied cores. For studying sea-ice sedimentation an analysis of lithogenic grain number in >0.15 mm grain size fraction of bottom sediments was carried out. For quantitative estimation of intensity ice-rafting debris sedimentation number of IRD particles per sq cm per ka was calculated. Obtained results allowed to plot IRD AR distribution for the first oxygen isotope stage (0-12.5 14C ka, 14C) and for the second stage (12.5-24 14C ka). The first stage was subdivided into the latest deglaciation and the beginning of Holocene (6-12.5 14C ka) (transitive period), when the sea level was changing significantly, and the second part of Holocene (0-6 14C ka), when climate conditions and the sea level were similar to modern estimates. Data clearly show strong increase in ice formation in the glacial Sea of Okhotsk and its extent in the middle part of the sea. Average annual duration of ice coverage during glaciation was longer than that for interglaciation. However the sea ice cover was not continuous all the year round and disappeared in summer time except the far northwestern part of the sea.


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The Eocene and Oligocene epochs (55 to 23 million years ago) comprise a critical phase in Earth history. An array of geological records (Zachos et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1059412; Lear et al., 2000, doi:10.1126/science.287.5451.269; Coxall et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03135; Pekar et al., 2005; doi:10.1130/B25486.1; Strand et al., 2003, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(03)00396-1) supported by climate modelling (DeConto and Pollard, 2003, doi:10.1038/nature01290) indicates a profound shift in global climate during this interval, from a state that was largely free of polar ice caps to one in which ice sheets on Antarctica approached their modern size. However, the early glaciation history of the Northern Hemisphere is a subject of controversy (Coxall et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03135; Tripati et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03874; Wolf-Welling et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.139.1996; Moran et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04800). Here we report stratigraphically extensive ice-rafted debris, including macroscopic dropstones, in late Eocene to early Oligocene sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea that were deposited between about 38 and 30 million years ago. Our data indicate sediment rafting by glacial ice, rather than sea ice, and point to East Greenland as the likely source. Records of this type from one site alone cannot be used to determine the extent of ice involved. However, our data suggest the existence of (at least) isolated glaciers on Greenland about 20 million years earlier than previously documented (Winkler et al., 2002, doi:10.1007/s005310100199), at a time when temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were substantially higher.


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Application of quantitative micropaleontologic methods of sea-surface temperature (SST) estimation to the planktic foraminiferal faunas at Hole 548 in the northeast Atlantic between 3.5 and 2.0 Ma provide a detailed record of Pliocene surface temperature changes during the onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation. SST estimates indicate a relatively warm interval of "enhanced interglacials (warm peaks)" between 3.2 and 2.8 Ma followed by steady cooling with a significant step-like change toward colder temperatures occurring about 2.4 Ma. This record compares well with faunal and SST records from other North Atlantic sites.


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High biogenic sedimentation rates in the late Neogene at DSDP Site 590 (1293 m) provide an exceptional opportunity to evaluate late Neogene (late Miocene to latest Pliocene) paleoceanography in waters transitional between temperate and warm-subtropical water masses. Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses and quantitative planktonic foraminiferal data have been used to interpret the late Neogene paleoceanographic evolution of this site. Faunal and isotopic data from Site 590 show a progression of paleoceanographic events between 6.7 and 4.3 Ma, during the latest Miocene and early Pliocene. First, a permanent depletion in both planktonic and benthic foraminiferal d13C, between 6.7 and 6.2 Ma, can be correlated to the globally recognized late Miocene carbon isotope shift. Second, a 0.5 per mil enrichment in benthic foraminiferal d18O between 5.6 and 4.7 Ma in the latest Miocene to early Pliocene corresponds to the latest Miocene oxygen isotopic enrichment at Site 284, located in temperate waters south of Site 590. This enrichment in d18O coincides with a time of cool surface waters, as is suggested by high frequencies of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and low frequencies of the warmer-water planktonic foraminifers, as well as by an enrichment in planktonic foraminiferal d18O relative to the earlier Miocene. By 4.6 Ma, benthic foraminiferal d18O values become depleted and remain fairly stable until about 3.8 Ma. The early Pliocene (~4.3 to 3.2 Ma) is marked by a significant increase in biogenic sedimentation rates (37.7 to 83.3 m/m.y.). During this time, heaviest values in planktonic foraminiferal d18O are associated with a decrease in the gradient between surface and intermediate-water d13C and d18O, a 1.0 per mil depletion in the d13C of two species of planktonic foraminifers, and a mixture of warm and cool planktonic foraminiferal elements. These data suggest that localized upwelling at the Subtropical Divergence produced an increase in surface-water productivity during the early Pliocene. A two-step enrichment in benthic foraminiferal d18O occurs in the late Pliocene sequence at Site 590. A 0.3 per mil average enrichment at about 3.6 Ma is followed by a 0.5 per mil enrichment at 2.7 Ma. These two events can be correlated with the two-step isotopic enrichment associated with late Pliocene climatic instability and the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation.


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A simple, reliable, and efficient method has been elaborated for direct determination of isotopic composition of authigenic uranium in siliceous lacustrine sediments. The method is based on studying kinetics of selective extraction of authigenic uranium from sediments by weak solutions of ammonium hydrocarbonate followed by ICP-MS analysis of nuclides. To estimate contamination of authigenic uranium by terrigenous one contents of 232Th and some other clastogenic elements in the extracts were measured simultaneously. Selectivity of extraction of authigenic uranium from the sediments treated with 1% NH4HCO3 solution appeared to be no worse than 99%. The method was applied to analysis of isotopic composition of authigenic uranium at several key horizons of the earlier dated core from the Baikal Lake. Measurements directly show that 234U/238U values in Baikal water varied depending on climate, which contradicts existing hypotheses. Measured 234U/238U ratios in water of the paleo-Baikal match corresponding values reconstructed from isotopic data for total uranium in the sediments on supposition that U/Th ratio is constant in terrigenous fraction of the sediments. Direct experimental determination of total and authigenic nuclides in sediments enhances potentiality of the method for 234U-230Th dating of non-carbonate lacustrine sediments including those from the Baikal Lake within intervals corresponding to periods of glaciation, when sediments were rich in terrigenous components. Portions of terrigenous and authigenic uranium are well separated and we can study variability of sources of terrigenous matter and refine the earlier model for reconstructing climate humidity in the East Siberia.


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ODP Site 798 on the Oki Ridge in the Southern Japan Sea yielded the first continuous and well-preserved record of Pleistocene planktonic foraminifers in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean region. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifers completed for 122 samples from the 200-m-thick Pleistocene section cored at ODP Site 798 provides a proxy record of variations in sea-surface temperature, productivity, and circulation during the past 1.6 m.y. in an area beneath the track of the Tsushima Current. Faunal census data allow recognition of five distinct assemblages: (1) type A assemblages dominated by sinistrally coiling forms of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma representing polar-subpolar surface temperatures, (2) type B assemblages dominated by Globigerina bulloides and thought to represent periods of increased surface productivity and upwelling, (3) type C assemblages marked by significant abundances of dextrally coiling forms of N. pachyderma thought to represent the warm transitional waters of the Tsushima Current, (4) type D assemblages distinguished by relatively high percentages of dextral N. pachyderma and Globorotalia inflata that also represent warmer surface temperatures and increased flow of the Tsushima Current, and (5) type E assemblages marked by relatively large numbers of the delicate species Globigerina quinqueloba and Globigerinita spp., indicative of exceptional preservation conditions and/or episodic high production of these taxa. Early and middle Pleistocene coiling patterns of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma at Site 798 can be correlated with Pleistocene coiling trends and planktonic foraminiferal datums established in the onshore Oga Peninsula sequence of Northern Honshu and open-ocean N. pachyderma coiling dominance shifts in the North Pacific region. A sustained early Pleistocene warm period recognized in both the Oga Peninsula sequence and the Northern Pacific can clearly be recognized at Site 798. In addition, the late Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal record at Site 798 shows good correlation with glaciation/deglaciation events for the Northern Hemisphere as delineated by oxygen isotopes and represents the first detailed analysis of Pleistocene sea-surface temperature changes in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean region.


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The circulation and internal structure of the oceans exert a strong influence on Earth's climate because they control latitudinal heat transport and the segregation of carbon between the atmosphere and the abyss (Sigman et al., 2010, doi:10.1038/nature09149). Circulation change, particularly in the Atlantic Ocean, is widely suggested (Bartoli et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.020; Haug and Tiedemann, 1998, doi:10.1038/31447; Woodard et al., 2014, doi:10.1126/science.1255586; McKay et al., 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1112248109) to have been instrumental in the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation when large ice sheets first developed on North America and Eurasia during the late Pliocene, approximately 2.7 million years ago (Bailey et al., 2013, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.06.004). Yet the mechanistic link and cause/effect relationship between ocean circulation and glaciation are debated. Here we present new records of North Atlantic Ocean structure using the carbon and neodymium isotopic composition of marine sediments recording deep water for both the Last Glacial to Holocene (35-5 thousand years ago) and the late Pliocene to earliest Pleistocene (3.3-2.4 million years ago). Our data show no secular change. Instead we document major southern-sourced water incursions into the deep North Atlantic during prominent glacials from 2.7 million years ago. Our results suggest that Atlantic circulation acts as a positive feedback rather than as an underlying cause of late Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation. We propose that, once surface Southern Ocean stratification (Sigman, et al., 2004, doi:10.1038/nature02357) and/or extensive sea-ice cover (McKay et al., 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1112248109) was established, cold-stage expansions of southern-sourced water such as those documented here enhanced carbon dioxide storage in the deep ocean, helping to increase the amplitude of glacial cycles.


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Oxygen isotope measurements in Greenland ice demonstrate that a series of rapid warm-cold oscillations -called Dansgaard-Oeschger events- punctuated the last glaciation (Dansgard et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/364218a0). Here we present records of sea surface temperature from North Atlantic sediments spanning the past 90 kyr which contain a series of rapid temperature oscillations closely matching those in the ice-core record, confirming predictions that the ocean must bear the imprint of the Dansgaard-Oeschger events (Broecker et al., 1988, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(88)90082-8; 1990, doi:10.1029/PA005i004p00469). Moreover, we show that between 20 and 80 kyr ago, the shifts in ocean-atmosphere temperature are bundled into cooling cycles, lasting on average 10 to 15 kyr, with asymmetrical saw-tooth shapes. Each cycle culminated in an enormous discharge of icebergs into the North Atlantic (a 'Hein-rich event' (Bond et al., 1992, doi:10.1038/360245a0; Broecker et al., 1992, doi:10.1007/BF00193540), followed by an abrupt shift to a warmer climate. These cycles document a previously unrecognized link between ice sheet behaviour and ocean-atmosphere temperature changes. An important question that remains to be resolved is whether the cycles are driven by external factors, such as orbital forcing, or by inter-nal ice-sheet dynamics.


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Oxygen isotope and palaeomagnetic analysis of the lower half of LDGO piston core V28-179 shows that glacial-interglacial fluctuations have characterised Eart's climate for the past 3.2 Myr, before shich there was a period of stable 'interglacial' or 'preglacial' climate. The scale of glaciations increased about 2.5 Myr ago.