940 resultados para Patient in the terminal phase


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Conservatism is a central theme of organismic evolution. Related species share characteristics due to their common ancestry. Some concern have been raised among evolutionary biologists, whether such conservatism is an expression of natural selection or of a constrained ability to adapt. This thesis explores adaptations and constraints within the plant reproductive phase, particularly in relation to the evolution of fleshy fruit types (berries, drupes, etc.) and the seasonal timing of flowering and fruiting. The different studies were arranged along a hierarchy of scale, with general data sets sampled among seed plants at the global scale, through more specific analyses of character evolution within the genus Rhamnus s.l. L. (Rhamnaceae), to descriptive and experimental field studies in a local population of Frangula alnus (Rhamnaceae). Apart from the field study, this thesis is mainly based on comparative methods explicitly incorporating phylogenetic relationships. The comparative study of Rhamnus s.l. species included the reconstruction of phylogenetic hypotheses based on DNA sequences. Among geographically overlapping sister clades, biotic pollination was not correlated with higher species richness when compared to wind pollinated plants. Among woody plants, clades characterized by fleshy fruit types were more species rich than their dry-fruited sister clades, suggesting that the fleshy fruit is a key innovation in woody habitats. Moreover, evolution of fleshy fruits was correlated with a change to more closed (darker) habitats. An independent contrast study within Rhamnus s.l. documented allometric relations between plant and fruit size. As a phylogenetic constraint, allometric effects must be considered weak or non-existent, though, as they did not prevail among different subclades within Rhamnus s.l. Fruit size was correlated with seed size and seed number in F. alnus. This thesis suggests that frugivore selection on fleshy fruit may be important by constraining the upper limits of fruit size, when a plant lineage is colonizing (darker) habitats where larger seed size is adaptive. Phenological correlations with fruit set, dispersal, and seed size in F. alnus, suggested that the evolution of reproductive phenology is constrained by trade-offs and partial interdependences between flowering, fruiting, dispersal, and recruitment phases. Phylogenetic constraints on the evolution of phenology were indicated by a lack of correlation between flowering time and seasonal length within Rhamnus cathartica and F. alnus, respectively. On the other hand, flowering time was correlated with seasonal length among Rhamnus s.l. species. Phenological differences between biotically and wind pollinated angiosperms also suggested adaptive change in reproductive phenology.


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[ES] Background: Malignant transformation of intestinal endometriosis is a rare event with an unknown rate of incidence. Metachronous progression of endometriosis to adenocarcinoma from two distant intestinal foci happening in the same patient has not been previously reported. Case presentation: We describe a case of metachronic transformation of ileal and rectal endometriosis into an adenocarcinoma occurring in a 45-year-old female without macroscopic pelvic involvement of her endometriosis. First, a right colectomy was performed due to intestinal obstruction by an ileal mass. Pathological examination revealed an ileal endometrioid adenocarcinoma and contiguous microscopic endometriotic foci. Twenty months later, a rectal mass was discovered. An endoscopic biopsy revealed an adenocarcinoma. En bloc anterior rectum resection, hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy were performed. A second endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from a focus of endometriosis within the wall of the rectum was diagnosed. Conclusion: Intestinal endometriosis should be considered a premalignant condition in premenopausal women.


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Phase variable expression, mediated by high frequency reversible changes in the length of simple sequence repeats, facilitates adaptation of bacterial populations to changing environments and is frequently important in bacterial virulence. Here we elucidate a novel phase variable mechanism for NadA expression, an adhesin and invasin of Neisseria meningitidis. The NadR repressor protein binds to operators flanking the phase variable tract of the nadA promoter gene and contributes to the differential expression levels of phase variant promoters with different numbers of repeats, likely due to different spacing between operators. It is shown that IHF binds between these operators, and may permit looping of the promoter, allowing interaction of NadR at operators located distally or overlapping the promoter. The 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, a metabolite of aromatic amino acid catabolism that is secreted in saliva, induces nadA expression by inhibiting the DNA binding activity of the NadR repressor. When induced, only minor differences are evident between NadR-independent transcription levels of promoter phase variants, which are likely due to differential RNA polymerase contacts leading to altered promoter activity. These results suggest that NadA expression is under both stochastic and tight environmental-sensing regulatory control, and both regulations are mediated by the NadR repressor that and may be induced during colonization of the oropharynx where it plays a major role in the successful adhesion and invasion of the mucosa. Hence, simple sequence repeats in promoter regions may be a strategy used by host-adapted bacterial pathogens to randomly switch between expression states that may nonetheless still be induced by appropriate niche-specific signals.


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Deutsch:In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten neue Methoden zur Synthese anorganischer Materialien mit neuartiger Architektur im Mikrometer und Nanometer Maßstab beschrieben werden. Die zentrale Rolle der Formgebung basiert dabei auf der templatinduzierten Abscheidung der anorganischen Materialien auf selbstorganisierten Monoschichten. Als Substrate eignen sich goldbedampfte Glasträger und Goldkolloide, die eine Mittelstellung in der Welt der Atome bzw. Moleküle und der makroskopischen Welt der ausgedehnten Festkörper einnehmen. Auf diesen Substraten lassen sich Thiole zu einer monomolekularen Schicht adsorbieren und damit die Oberflächeneigenschaften des Substrates ändern. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei dieser Arbeit stellt die Synthese speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Anwendung ausgerichteten Thiole dar.Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden goldbedampfte Glasoberflächen als Template verwendet. Die Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat wurde in Abhängigkeit der Schichtdicke der adsorbierten Monolage untersucht. Aragonit, eine der drei Hauptphasen des Calciumcarbonat Systems, wurde auf polyaromatischen Amid - Oberflächen mit Schichtdicken von 5 - 400 nm Dicke unter milden Bedingung abgeschieden. Die einstellbaren Parameter waren dabei die Kettenlänge des Polymers, der w-Substituent, die Bindung an die Goldoberfläche über Verwendung verschiedener Aminothiole und die Kristallisationstemperatur. Die Schichtdickeneinstellung der Polymerfilme erfolgte hierbei über einen automatisierten Synthesezyklus.Titanoxid Filme konnten auf Oberflächen strukturiert werden. Dabei kam ein speziell synthetisiertes Thiol zum Einsatz, das die Funktionalität einer Styroleinheit an der Oberflächen Grenze als auch eine Möglichkeit zur späteren Entfernung von der Oberfläche in sich vereinte. Die PDMS Stempeltechnik erzeugte dabei Mikrostrukturen auf der Goldoberfläche im Bereich von 5 bis 10 µm, die ihrerseits über die Polymerisation und Abscheidung des Polymers in den Titanoxid Film überführt werden konnten. Drei dimensionale Strukturen wurden über Goldkolloid Template erhalten. Tetraethylenglykol konnte mit einer Thiolgruppe im Austausch zu einer Hydroxylgruppe monofunktionalisiert werden. Das erhaltene Molekül wurde auf kolloidalem Gold selbstorganisiert; es entstand dabei ein wasserlösliches Goldkolloid. Die Darstellung erfolgte dabei in einer Einphasenreaktion. Die so erhaltenen Goldkolloide wurden als Krstallisationstemplate für die drei dimensionale Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat verwendet. Es zeigte sich, dass Glykol die Kristallisation bzw. den Habitus des krsitalls bei niedrigem pH Wert modifiziert. Bei erhöhtem pH Wert (pH = 12) jedoch agieren die Glykol belegten Goldkolloide als Template und führen zu sphärisch Aggregaten. Werden Goldkolloide langkettigen Dithiolen ausgesetzt, so führt dies zu einer Aggregation und Ausfällung der Kolloide aufgrund der Vernetzung mehrer Goldkolloide mit den Thiolgruppen der Alkyldithiole. Zur Vermeidung konnte in dieser Arbeit ein halbseitig geschütztes Dithiol synthetisiert werden, mit dessen Hilfe die Aggregation unterbunden werden konnte. Das nachfolgende Entschützten der Thiolfunktion führte zu Goldkolloiden, deren Oberfläche Thiol funktionalisiert werden konnte. Die thiolaktiven Goldkolloide fungierten als template für die Abscheidung von Bleisulfid aus organisch/wässriger Lösung. Die Funktionsweise der Schutzgruppe und die Entschützung konnte mittels Plasmonenresonanz Spektroskopie verdeutlicht werden. Titanoxid / Gold / Polystyrol Komposite in Röhrenform konnten synthetisiert werden. Dazu wurde ein menschliches Haar als biologisches Templat für die Formgebung gewählt.. Durch Bedampfung des Haares mit Gold, Assemblierung eines Stryrolmonomers, welches zusätzlich eine Thiolfunktionalität trug, Polymerisation auf der Oberfläche, Abscheidung des Titanoxid Films und anschließendem Auflösen des biologischen Templates konnte eine Röhrenstruktur im Mikrometer Bereich dargestellt werden. Goldkolloide fungierten in dieser Arbeit nicht nur als Kristallisationstemplate und Formgeber, auch sie selbst wurden dahingehend modifiziert, dass sie drahtförmige Agglormerate im Nanometerbereich ausbilden. Dazu wurden Template aus Siliziumdioxid benutzt. Zum einen konnten Nanoröhren aus amorphen SiO2 in einer Sol Gel Methode dargestellt werden, zum anderen bediente sich diese Arbeit biologischer Siliziumoxid Hohlnadeln aus marinen Schwämmen isoliert. Goldkolloide wurden in die Hohlstrukturen eingebettet und die Struktur durch Ausbildung von Kolloid - Thiol Netzwerken mittels Dithiol Zugabe gefestigt. Die Gold-Nanodrähte im Bereich von 100 bis 500 nm wurden durch Auflösen des SiO2 - Templates freigelegt.


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The objective of this thesis was to improve the commercial CFD software Ansys Fluent to obtain a tool able to perform accurate simulations of flow boiling in the slug flow regime. The achievement of a reliable numerical framework allows a better understanding of the bubble and flow dynamics induced by the evaporation and makes possible the prediction of the wall heat transfer trends. In order to save computational time, the flow is modeled with an axisymmetrical formulation. Vapor and liquid phases are treated as incompressible and in laminar flow. By means of a single fluid approach, the flow equations are written as for a single phase flow, but discontinuities at the interface and interfacial effects need to be accounted for and discretized properly. Ansys Fluent provides a Volume Of Fluid technique to advect the interface and to map the discontinuous fluid properties throughout the flow domain. The interfacial effects are dominant in the boiling slug flow and the accuracy of their estimation is fundamental for the reliability of the solver. Self-implemented functions, developed ad-hoc, are introduced within the numerical code to compute the surface tension force and the rates of mass and energy exchange at the interface related to the evaporation. Several validation benchmarks assess the better performances of the improved software. Various adiabatic configurations are simulated in order to test the capability of the numerical framework in modeling actual flows and the comparison with experimental results is very positive. The simulation of a single evaporating bubble underlines the dominant effect on the global heat transfer rate of the local transient heat convection in the liquid after the bubble transit. The simulation of multiple evaporating bubbles flowing in sequence shows that their mutual influence can strongly enhance the heat transfer coefficient, up to twice the single phase flow value.


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Focusing on spondylodiscitis in elderly patients current literature does not contain much information.


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To investigate whether next of kin can be addressed as proxy to assess patients' satisfaction with care in the intensive care unit (ICU).


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Nowadays, aerosol processes are widely used for the manufacture of nanoparticles (NPs), creating an increased occupational exposure risk of workers, laboratory personnel and scientists to airborne particles. There is evidence that possible adverse effects are linked with the accumulation of NPs in target cells, pointing out the importance of understanding the kinetics of particle internalization. In this context, the uptake kinetics of representative airborne NPs over 30 min and their internalization after 24 h post-exposure were investigated by the use of a recently established exposure system. This system combines the production of aerosolized cerium oxide (CeO(2)) NPs by flame spray synthesis with its simultaneous particle deposition from the gas-phase onto A549 lung cells, cultivated at the air-liquid interface. Particle uptake was quantified by mass spectrometry after several exposure times (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min). Over 35% of the deposited mass was found internalized after 10 min exposure, a value that increased to 60% after 30 min exposure. Following an additional 24 h post-incubation, a time span, after which adverse biological effects were observed in previous experiments, over 80% of total CeO(2) could be detected intracellularly. On the ultrastructural level, focal cerium aggregates were present on the apical surface of A549 cells and could also be localized intracellularly in vesicular structures. The uptake behaviour of aerosolized CeO(2) is in line with observations on cerium suspensions, where particle mass transport was identified as the rate-limiting factor for NP internalization.


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Objective. To assess differences in access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) and patient outcomes across public sector treatment facilities in the Free State province, South Africa. Design. Prospective cohort study with retrospective database linkage. We analysed data on patients enrolled in the treatment programme across 36 facilities between May 2004 and December 2007, and assessed percentage initiating ART and percentage dead at 1 year after enrolment. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate associations of facility-level and patient-level characteristics with both mortality and treatment status. Results. Of 44 866 patients enrolled, 15 219 initiated treatment within 1 year; 8 778 died within 1 year, 7 286 before accessing ART. Outcomes at 1 year varied greatly across facilities and more variability was explained by facility-level factors than by patient-level factors. The odds of starting treatment within 1 year improved over calendar time. Patients enrolled in facilities with treatment initiation available on site had higher odds of starting treatment and lower odds of death at 1 year compared with those enrolled in facilities that did not offer treatment initiation. Patients were less likely to start treatment if they were male, severely immunosuppressed (CD4 count ≤50 cells/μl), or underweight (<50 kg). Men were also more likely to die in the first year after enrolment. Conclusions. Although increasing numbers of patients started ART between 2004 and 2007, many patients died before accessing ART. Patient outcomes could be improved by decentralisation of treatment services, fast-tracking the most immunodeficient patients and improving access, especially for men.


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The terminal homologation by CH(2) insertion into the peptides mentioned in the title is described. This involves replacement of the N-terminal amino acid residue by a β(2) - and of the C-terminal amino acid residue by a β(3) -homo-amino acid moiety (β(2) hXaa and β(3) hXaa, resp.; Fig. 1). In this way, the structure of the peptide chain from the N-terminal to the C-terminal stereogenic center is identical, and the modified peptide is protected against cleavage by exopeptidases (Figs. 2 and 3). Neurotensin (NT; 1) and its C-terminal fragment NT(8-13) are ligands of the G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) NT1, NT2, NT3, and NT analogs are promising tools to be used in cancer diagnostics and therapy. The affinities of homologated NT analogs, 2b-2e, for NT1 and NT2 receptors were determined by using cell homogenates and tumor tissues (Table 1); in the latter experiments, the affinities for the NT1 receptor are more or less the same as those of NT (0.5-1.3 vs. 0.6 nM). At the same time, one of the homologated NT analogs, 2c, survives in human plasma for 7 days at 37° (Fig. 6). An NMR analysis of NT(8-13) (Tables 2 and 4, and Fig. 8) reveals that this N-terminal NT fragment folds to a turn in CD(3) OH. - In the case of the human analgesic opiorphin (3a), a pentapeptide, and of the HIV-derived B27-KK10 (4a), a decapeptide, terminal homologation (→3b and 4b, resp.) led to a 7- and 70-fold half-life increase in plasma (Fig. 9). With N-terminally homologated NPY, 5c, we were not able to determine serum stability; the peptide consisting of 36 amino acid residues is subject to cleavage by endopetidases. Three of the homologated compounds, 2b, 2c, and 5c, were shown to be agonists (Fig. 7 and 11). A comparison of terminal homologation with other stability-increasing terminal modifications of peptides is performed (Fig. 5), and possible applications of the neurotensin analogs, described herein, are discussed.


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We report the case of a woman with syncope and persistently prolonged QTc interval. Screening of congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) genes revealed that she was a heterozygous carrier of a novel KCNH2 mutation, c.G238C. Electrophysiological and biochemical characterizations unveiled the pathogenicity of this new mutation, displaying a 2-fold reduction in protein expression and current density due to a maturation/trafficking-deficient mechanism. The patient's phenotype can be fully explained by this observation. This study illustrates the importance of performing genetic analyses and mutation characterization when there is a suspicion of congenital LQTS. Identifying mutations in the PAS domain or other domains of the hERG1 channel and understanding their effect may provide more focused and mutation-specific risk assessment in this population.