889 resultados para PREDATORY ODOR


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections


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Alguns vegetais, como a soja (Glycine max L. Merr), despertam interesse, pois fornecem, entre outras substâncias, as isoflavonas, que apresentam importantes propriedades estrogênicas e, também, atuam como antioxidantes, antifúngicos e anticancerígenos. A menopausa, causada pela deficiência hormonal, é acompanhada de vários transtornos metabólicos, como perda de massa óssea, fenômenos vasomotores, dislipidemia, resistência insulínica, ganho de peso, depressão e aceleração do envelhecimento cutâneo. A terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) é eficaz, embora possa causar efeitos secundários, como câncer de mama. Nestes casos, a fitoterapia com fitormônios por via cutânea é uma alternativa importante. Dentre as preparações de uso tópico, sistemas emulsionados e géis são muito utilizados, pois favorecem a solubilidade e a estabilidade de fármacos. Para avaliar a estabilidade das formulações, foram consideradas as características organolépticas (aspecto, cor, odor) e as características físico-químicas (valor de pH, viscosidade e densidade, etc.), separação de fases e/ou coalescência. Algumas formulações apresentam-se com características desejáveis e adequadas para a veiculação de isoflavonas presentes em extrato de soja, podendo-se sugeri-las como sistemas adequados e estáveis para sua veiculação pela via dérmica


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The meat quality is evaluated by consumers according to their physical characteristics, such as color, texture, juiciness, tenderness and odor. The stress during the life of the animal and at the moment before the slaughter may be responsible for changes in the transformation of muscle into meat. Such changes may lead to the appearance of DFD (Dark, Firm and Dry) and PSE (Pale, Soft and Exudative) meats, which are poorly accepted in the market – because of their unusual aspect – and inadequate to industrial processing. Factors related to the handling, loading, transport, unloading, resting period and stunning are singled out as critical, since that, in these phases the animals are subjected to adverse situations to which they are accustomed. The aim of this study is to identify the process of ante-mortem and the slaughter itself in which the animals are subjected to stressful situations, as well as the consequences of stress on meat quality


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The platinosomiase is a disease the hepatobiliary system of domestic felines being caused by trematode Platynosomum fastosum. The life cycle of the parasite includes the presence of three intermediate hosts (snails, terrestrial isopodes, lizards or frogs). The cat is considered definitive host of the parasite and acquires the infection eating a vertebrate intermediate host containing metacercariae. The adult parasites generally inhabit the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts of cats. The severity of clinical manifestations depends mainly on the number of flukes in the biliary tract. Many animals are asymptomatic or exhibit nonspecific clinical manifestations such as anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. In large infestations can occur biliary obstruction resulting in jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis cholangiohepatitis and even death. The definitive diagnosis is accomplished through by the detection of fluke eggs in feces or through laparotomy and liver biopsy. Treatment should be based on the use of anthelmintic for the elimination of the parasite and supportive therapy for the animal. Prevention is difficult due to predatory nature of the cat. The control can be accomplished through periodic fecal examinations


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O genero Musa apresenta características em suas inflorescências como: grande tamanho, visibilidade, odor floral e fluxo de néctar abundante, que tornam o gênero um importante recurso para morcegos fitófagos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar as interações entre morcegos filostomideos e flores de M. paradisiaca no pomar da fazenda Santo Antônio dos Ipês, Município de Jaú, São Paulo. Três espécies (Glossophaga soricina, Anoura caudifer e Phyllostomus discolor) foram observadas alimentando-se do néctar das flores das bananeiras do pomar. Três formas distintas de comportamento de visita foram observadas: “adejo” para G. soricina e A. caudifer, “pouso de frente na inflorescência” para G. soricina e “pouso de cabeça para baixo na inflorescência” para P. discolor. As visitas ocorreram durante toda noite (das 18h00 às 6h00), com pico de vistas das 20h00 à 1h00. As visitas entre duas sub-famílias ocorriam de forma alternada nestes horários. Apesar das três espécies de filostomideos partilharem o néctar das bananeiras, os glossofagineos são os principais beneficiados por esse recurso alimentar, uma vez que cerca de 88% (N=694) das visitas registradas às suas flores foram realizadas por G. soricina e A. caudifer, enquanto apenas 12% (N=97) foram por P. discolor


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The genetic selection and the nutritional management to improve milk production make the dairy cattle more susceptible to the development of diseases, such as the abomasal displacement. It is the most frequently detected abomasal problem and it is the main cause of abdominal surgeries in dairy cattle. It is a multifactorial disease that occurs mainly in dairy cattle of high production during the puerperium. The abomasal displacement can occur to the right (DAD) or to the left (DAE), being the former more frequent than the latter. It is related to feeding management and occurs in animals that also have other diseases such as hypocalcaemia, ketosis and retained placenta. The disease causes economical losses in dairy cattle because of the costs with treatment, reduction of production, increase of the interval between the parturition, loss of body weight, early discard of the matrix and mortality. The most usual clinical signs are apathy, dehydration, low to serious ruminal timpanismo (gas accumulation in the abomasum) with reduction or lack of motility, liquid splash sound during the ballottement of the right flank, metallic sound to percussion, presence of a structure similar to distended viscera in the thorax or in the paralombar cavity on the side corresponding to the displacement, and liquefied, dark, scarce and fetid feces. The treatment is surgical, and the most used technique is the omentopexy on the left flank. The hidroelectrolytic correction must be performed and the concomitant diseases must be treated. The prophylaxis consists of adequate nutrition and pre-parturition management, besides reduction of stress and other diseases of the puerperium


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As estruturas da derme como os folículos pilosos e os ductos das glândulas sudoríparas e de óleo, proporcionam uma via de passagem por onde os micro-organismos atingem os tecidos mais profundos da pele. A transpiração fornece umidade e alguns nutrientes para o crescimento microbiano (TORTORA, 2012). Dentre os vários gêneros de bactérias que constituem a microbiota residente das axilas, encontram-se o Staphylococcus e o Micrococcus, responsáveis pelo odor do ácido isovalérico, o odor caracterísitico das axilas. Estão presentes também bactérias do gênero Corynebacterium, responsáveis pelo odor axilar pungente dos esteróides androgênicos (JACKMAN & NOBLE, 1983). O método mais eficaz de inibir a produção de exoenzimas bacterianas responsáveis pelo mau odor axiliar são as composições desodorantes. O método consiste em produzir um veículo cosmético (emulsão, suspensão em gás, composição hidroalcoólica, entre outros) e adicionar um ativo desodorante dissolvido ou em suspensão, que tem como propriedade a inibição da produção das exoenzimas bacterianas que levam à produção dos cheiros desagradáveis. (EIGEN & FROEBE, 1997). Neste trabalho testamos a suscetibilidade de três espécies de bactérias semelhantes às que compõem a microbiota permanente das axilas (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 e Corynebacterium xerosis ATCC 373), frente a três formulações cosméticas hidroalcoólicas de desodorantes em spray contendo ativos desodorantes. Utilizamos também a linhagem Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, pois esta enterobactéria pode estar presente nas axilas principalmente pelo contato destas com as mãos (BORICK & SARRA, 1960). A metodologia utilizada para os testes foi baseada na norma M7-A7 (CLSI, 2006), que trata dos testes de sensibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos por diluição para bactérias de crescimento aeróbico. A fórmula desodorante que teve melhor desempenho sobre...


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With the constant increase in the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation, mainly due to the high consumption patterns, it becomes difficult to manage correctly the solid waste and thus minimize their impact on the environment. One of the most problems of the large amount of waste generated is the liquid originated from physical, chemical and biological decomposition process of organic wastes, with dark color and bad smell, called leachate: it can reach the soil, polluting the groundwater and the surface water. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the process of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation applied in the treatment of the leachate generated in the not controlled landfill of Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Insects of the suborder Heteroptera are known for their odor, for being pests, or for being disease carriers. To gain better insight into the cytogenetic characteristics of heteropterans, 18 species of terrestrial Heteroptera belonging to eight families were studied. The presence of heteropycnotic corpuscles during prophase I, terminal or interstitial chiasmas, telomeric associations between chromosomes, ring disposals of autosomes during metaphase, and late migrations of the sex chromosomes during anaphase were analyzed. These features showed identical patterns to other species of Heteroptera previously described in the literature. Another studied characteristic was chromosome complements. The male chromosome complements observed were 2n = 12 chromosomes [10A + XY, Galgupha sidae (Amyot & Serville) (Corimelaenidae) and Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli) (Scutelleridae)]; 2n = 13 [10A + 2m + X0, Harmostes serratus (Fabricius), Harmostes apicatus (Stål), Jadera haematoloma (Herrich-Schaeffer), Jadera sanguinolenta (Fabricius), Jadera sp. (Rhopalidae)], and Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood) (Alydidae); 2n = 13 [12A + X0, Stenocoris furcifera (Westwood) (Alydidae); 2n = 14 [12A + XY, Dictyla monotropidia (Stål) (Tingidae)]; 2n = 19 [18A + X0, Acanonicus hahni (Stål) (Coreidae)]; 2n = 21 [18A + 2m + X0, Acanthocephala sp. (Dallas) (Coreidae)]; 2n = 27 [24A + 2m + X0, Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Coreidae)]; 2n = 18 [16A + XY, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) (Lygaeidae)]; 2n = 17 [14A + X1X2Y, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis (Costa) (Lygaeidae)]; 2n = 16 [12A + 2m + XY, Pachybrachius bilobatus (Say) (Lygaeidae)]; 2n = 26 [24A + XY, Atopozelus opsinus (Elkins) (Reduviidae)]; and 2n = 27 [24A + X1X2Y, Doldina carinulata (Stål) (Reduviidae)]. The diversity of the cytogenetic characteristics of Heteroptera was reflected in the 18 studied species. Thus, this study extends the knowledge of these characteristics, such as the variations related to chromosome complements, sex chromosome systems, and meiotic behavior.


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Frying is a widely used method of preparing food, because it is a very fast and convenient process, and because it provides specific characteristics of color, flavor, odor, and texture, besides having great consumer acceptance. Therefore, the interest in the physiological effects that oils heated at high temperatures can cause to the human body arises. The aim of this work was to analyze the levels of frying used oil alteration in different kinds of foods served at the university restaurant at “Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas” (IBILCE), in São José do Rio Preto-SP. In addition, it aims to make the restaurant aware of the good ways to fry and the commitment of providing good quality food to students and professionals of the Institute. With this purpose, determination of total polar compounds, conjugated dienoic acids, peroxide value, and fatty acid profile were analyzed. Two rapid tests were also used: 3M Fat Monitor and Oil Test kit. The results were compared with limits recommended for the disposal of oils and fats used in frying by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), by other countries, and by other researches. Thus, it was concluded that the university restaurant provides the consumers with fried food of good quality, since none of the analyses showed results above recommended, although there is a need of improvement in the quality control of the oil used, in order to avoid unnecessary costs to the university restaurant.


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Brazilian wines are appreciated by consumers for having fruity odor and taste which are typical from Vitis labrusca cultivars. The rusticity of these cultivars, the winemaking and the physicochemical properties are some of the key factors to obtain a quality beverage. In this context, the aim of this article was to analyze the quality of three white wines from wineries located in northwest region of São Paulo state by determining physicochemical properties and sensory profile. Data were analyzed by statistical tests and by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It was possible to observe statistical differences (P<0,05) in most physicochemical properties. Furthermore, the PCA showed that the attributes body and color significantly explained the variance of the first and second component, respectively, higlighting the Vitis vinifera wine. Thus the connection between the physicochemical and sensory properties of white wines was important for characterization of these beverages produced in the northwest of São Paulo.


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Brazilian red wines are very appreciated by consumers from tropical regions, because they typically have aromatic and fruity taste. Thus, the aim of this article is to verify the quality of red wines from wineries located in Northwest region of São Paulo, based on the relationship between physicochemical properties and sensory attributes. Three red wines from this region was evaluated by sensory and analytical methods and it was possible to observe significant differences in the fixed acidity, alcoholic content, total phenolic content and total dry extract. Multidimensional Scaling showed relationship between total phenolic content and astringency, total dry extract and body and the relationship of volatile acidity in the assessment of odor samples. It was possible to see the physicochemical influence in sensory evaluation, indicating the importance of the chemical profile in the elucidation of possible sensory alterations in red wines.


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Despite the Amazon Forest being the largest tropical forest in the world, and cradle of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis), no studies have aimed to report the occurrence of mites associated with native trees from this ecosystem. Our survey investigates the phytoseiid mites associated with five species of native rubber trees from nine sites of the Amazon Forest, and also presents a major review of phytoseiid species from natural vegetation in Brazil. We found a total of 1305 mites, belonging to 30 species, of which seven were new to science, Amblydromalus akiri sp. nov., Amblyseius chicomendesi sp. nov., Amblyseius duckei sp. nov., Amblyseius manauara sp. nov., Iphiseiodes katukina sp. nov., Iphiseiodes raucuara sp. nov. and Typhlodromips igapo sp. nov.; beyond two new records for Brazil, Iphiseiodes kamahorae and Amblyseius martus. Our results emphasize the importance of Amazon native trees as an unexplored source of predator mites, which in turn may be further studied as biological control agents of pest mites on rubber trees. The impressive diversity, endemism and rate of new species found highlight the importance of studies on arthropod communities associated with the Amazon vegetation.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV