687 resultados para POLYIMIDE OLIGOMERS


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A galectina-4 humana (HGal-4), pertencente à família das galectinas, possui dois domínios de reconhecimento de carboidratos (CRDs) com alta afinidade para β-galactosídeos e se encontra amplamente distribuída em células normais e neoplásicas de diferentes organismos. Suas funções snglobam uma grande variedade de eventos celulares, tais como processos inflamatórios, neoplásicos, progressão tumoral e metástase. Entretanto, muitas perguntas sobre suas interações com diferentes carboidratos, a especificidade destas interações e o papel específico das galectinas permanecem ainda sem resposta. No presente trabalho, propomos a investigação das interações galectina-glicano da galectina-4 humana e de seus domínios CRDs independentes (CRD-I e CRD-II) através de um conjunto de métodos biofísicos. Através do método de dicroísmo circular (CD), usando várias regiões espectrais, e fluorescência fomos capazes de entender mudanças ocorrentes na estrutura secundária e terciária das protéinas quando da interação com lactose/sacarose. Estes dados, juntamente com testes de hemaglutinação, mostraram que a glectina-4 e os CRDs respondem de forma distinta à ligação com açúcar. Por diferentes técnicas (fluorescência, ITC e MST) determinamos as constantes de dissociação para os domínios CRDs (Kd ~0,5 mM) e para HGal-4 e, de forma qualitativa, os valores obtidos indicaram possíveis estados oligoméricos dessas proteínas. A investigação da interação proteína-membrana da HGal-4 foi feita, primeiramente, com miméticos de membranas e monitorada pela técnica de RPE em crescente complexidade de composição de tais miméticos, indo desde composições mais simples, passando por lipid rafts na presença de diferentes glicolipídeos (GM1, LPS) e chegando-se à interação com células tumorais (U87MG, T98G e HT-29). Tais experimentos mostraram que galectina-4 reconhece e se liga naqueles modelos onde existem glicanos complexos na superfície. Investigamos também a participação de HGal-4 endógena e exógena no tratamento quimioterápico de células tumorais e verificamos um papel importante de HGal-4 para células HT-29. Finalizando esta tese, apresentamos o trabalho realizado em um ano de estágio na University of Oxford, durante o qual, investigamos a estrutura da região C-terminal de um receptor da família GPCR, qual seja o receptor de neurotensina NTS1. Aqui, mais uma vez, foi empregada a técnica de RPE que aliada à produção/marcação de mutantes do receptor, permitiu determinar que a hélice H8 se estabiliza quando em proteolipossomos.


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A biomassa lignicelulósica tem sua estrutura composta por celulose, hemicelulose e lignina. Dentre essas, a lignina tem se mostrado interessante por ser uma fonte precursora sustentável de fragmentos aromáticos antes obtidos apenas de combustíveis fósseis. Sua estrutura é composta por resíduos de fenilpropanóides p-hidroxibenzeno (H), guaiacil (G) e siringil (S) unidas por ligações C–C e C–O–C em que a ligação β–O–4 é a predominante (mais de 50%). Devido à sua complexidade estrutural e conformacional, a clivagem de suas ligações é pouco seletiva e a caracterização dos fragmentos resultantes é complexa. Uma estratégia comumente empregada para evitar esses desafios é o uso de modelos mais simples. Entretanto, poucas metodologias são reportadas na literatura para a sua síntese e a maioria delas envolve o emprego de halocetonas. O presente trabalho desenvolveu duas novas metodologias promissoras para síntese desses oligômeros, contendo ligação β–O–4 por meio da química de diazo: (a) reação de inserção O–H entre fenol e α–aril diazocetonas, e (b) compostos α–diazo β-cetoéster. Ademais, a utilização de monômeros contendo a função fenol e diazocetona no mesmo anel permitiria a síntese de cadeias de diversos tamanhos em uma única etapa. Como ponto de partida para o estudo, limitou-se à síntese de dímeros, visando entender a reação de inserção O–H. Os produtos desejados foram obtidos em rendimentos de 27–51% após catálise com Cu(hfac)2. Por fim, os modelos de lignina propriamente ditos foram sintetizados após simples adição aldólica e redução em rendimentos globais de 51–78%. Os estudos envolvendo a inserção de fenol em α–diazo β-cetoéster mostraram resultados promissores, corroborando para uma nova estratégia sintética para a obtenção de modelos de lignina. Novos estudos em nosso laboratório estão sendo desenvolvidos para se obter resultados mais conclusivos.


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The present communication studies the adsorption of aniline on platinum single crystal electrodes and the electrochemical properties of the first layers of polyaniline(PANI) grown on those platinum surfaces. The adsorption process was studied in aqueous acidic solution (0.1 M HClO4) and the electrochemical properties of thin films of PANI in both aqueous (1 M HClO4) and non-aqueous media (tetrabutyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6) with additions of methanesulphonic acid in acetonitrile). First of all, it was found that the adsorption of aniline on platinum single crystal surfaces is a surface sensitive process, and even more important that the adsorption features found at low concentrations (5 × 10−5 M) can be directly correlated to the electrochemical properties of thin films of PANI in the very early stages of polymerization. The Pt(1 1 0) surface was found to be more suitable to obtain polymers with more reversible redox transitions when studied in aqueous media (1 M HClO4). This is in good agreement with the higher polymerization rates found on this surface compared to Pt(1 0 0) and Pt(1 1 1). Finally the differences in ionic exchange rate were greatly enhanced when they were studied in organic media. The AC 250 Hz response in the case of the thin films synthesized on Pt(1 1 0) is about twice greater than that obtained in the other basal planes using polymer layers with the same thickness.


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The synthesis of nano-sized ZIF-11 with an average size of 36 ± 6 nm is reported. This material has been named nano-zeolitic imidazolate framework-11 (nZIF-11). It has the same chemical composition and thermal stability and analogous H2 and CO2 adsorption properties to the conventional microcrystalline ZIF-11 (i.e. 1.9 ± 0.9 μm). nZIF-11 has been obtained following the centrifugation route, typically used for solid separation, as a fast new technique (pioneering for MOFs) for obtaining nanomaterials where the temperature, time and rotation speed can easily be controlled. Compared to the traditional synthesis consisting of stirring + separation, the reaction time was lowered from several hours to a few minutes when using this centrifugation synthesis technique. Employing the same reaction time (2, 5 or 10 min), micro-sized ZIF-11 was obtained using the traditional synthesis while nano-scale ZIF-11 was achieved only by using centrifugation synthesis. The small particle size obtained for nZIF-11 allowed the use of the wet MOF sample as a colloidal suspension stable in chloroform. This helped to prepare mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) by direct addition of the membrane polymer (polyimide Matrimid®) to the colloidal suspension, avoiding particle agglomeration resulting from drying. The MMMs were tested for H2/CO2 separation, improving the pure polymer membrane performance, with permeation values of 95.9 Barrer of H2 and a H2/CO2 separation selectivity of 4.4 at 35 °C. When measured at 200 °C, these values increased to 535 Barrer and 9.1.


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Bio-based films formed by poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with an oligomer of the lactic acid (OLA) were used as supporting matrices for an antibacterial agent (carvacrol). This paper reports the main features of the processing and physico-chemical characterization of these innovative biodegradable material based films, which were extruded and further submitted to filmature process. The effect of the addition of carvacrol and OLA on their microstructure, chemical, thermal and mechanical properties was assessed. The presence of these additives did not affect the thermal stability of PLA_PHB films, but resulted in a decrease in their crystallinity and in the elastic modulus for the active formulations. The obtained results showed the effective presence of additives in the PLA or the PLA_PHB matrix after processing at high temperatures, making them able to be used in active and bio-based formulations with antioxidant/antimicrobial performance.


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Blends of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with a lactic acid oligomer (OLA) added at three different concentrations (15, 20 and 30 wt% by weight), were prepared by an optimized extrusion process to improve the processability and mechanical properties of these biopolymers for flexible film manufacturing. Morphological, chemical, thermal, mechanical, barrier and migration properties were investigated and formulations with desired performance in eco-friendly films were selected. The efficiency of OLA as plasticizer for PLA_PHB blends was demonstrated by the significant decrease of their glass transition temperatures and a considerable improvement of their ductile properties. The measured improvements in the barrier properties are related to the higher crystallinity of the plasticized PLA_PHB blends, while the overall migration test underlined that all the proposed formulations maintained migration levels below admitted levels. The PLA_PHB blend with 30 wt% OLA was selected as the optimum formulation for food packaging, since it offered the best compromise between ductility and oxygen and water vapor barrier properties with practically no migration.


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As human populations and resource consumption increase, it is increasingly important to monitor the quality of our environment. While laboratory instruments offer useful information, portable, easy to use sensors would allow environmental analysis to occur on-site, at lower cost, and with minimal operator training. We explore the synthesis, modification, and applications of modified polysiloxane in environmental sensing. Multiple methods of producing modified siloxanes were investigated. Oligomers were formed by using functionalized monomers, producing siloxane materials containing silicon hydride, methyl, and phenyl side chains. Silicon hydride-functionalized oligomers were further modified by hydrosilylation to incorporate methyl ester and naphthyl side chains. Modifications to the siloxane materials were also carried out using post-curing treatments. Methyl ester-functionalized siloxane was incorporated into the surface of a cured poly(dimethylsiloxane) film by siloxane equilibration. The materials containing methyl esters were hydrolyzed to reveal carboxylic acids, which could later be used for covalent protein immobilization. Finally, the siloxane surfaces were modified to incorporate antibodies by covalent, affinity, and adsorption-based attachment. These modifications were characterized by a variety of methods, including contact angle, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dye labels, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The modified siloxane materials were employed in a variety of sensing schemes. Volatile organic compounds were detected using methyl, phenyl, and naphthyl-functionalized materials on a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a refractometer. The Fabry-Perot interferometer was found to detect the analytes upon siloxane extraction by deformation of the Bragg reflectors. The refractometer was used to determine that naphthyl-functionalized siloxanes had elevated refractive indices, rendering these materials more sensitive to some analytes. Antibody-modified siloxanes were used to detect biological analytes through a solid phase microextraction-mediated enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (SPME ELISA). The SPME ELISA was found to have higher analyte sensitivity compared to a conventional ELISA system. The detection scheme was used to detect Escherichia coli at 8500 CFU/mL. These results demonstrate the variety of methods that can be used to modify siloxanes and the wide range of applications of modified siloxanes has been demonstrated through chemical and biological sensing schemes.


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The presence of polyoxymethylene (POM) in cometary grains has been debated years ago. Although never proven, its presence can not be excluded. Rosetta, the ESA mission to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, may answer this question. On board the spacecraft, COSIMA (COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyzer) will analyze the grains ejected from the nucleus using a Time Of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (TOF-SIMS). In this paper we report the extent to which COSIMA will be able to detect POM if this compound is present on cometary grains. We have analyzed two kinds of POM polymers with a laboratory model of COSIMA. Positive mass spectra display alternating sequence of peaks with a separation of 30.011 Da between 1 and 600 Da related to formaldehyde and its oligomers but also to the fragmentation of these oligomers. The separation of 30.011 Da of numbers peaks, corresponding to the fragmentation into H2CO is characteristic of POM and we show that it could be highlight by mathematical treatment. POM lifetime on COSIMA targets have also been studied as POM is thermally instable. It can be concluded that the cometary grains analysis have to be planned not too long after their collection in order to maximize the chances to detect POM. This work was supported by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).


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Owing to their pathogenical role and unique ability to exist both as soluble proteins and transmembrane complexes, pore-forming toxins (PFTs) have been a focus of microbiologists and structural biologists for decades. PFTs are generally secreted as water-soluble monomers and subsequently bind the membrane of target cells. Then, they assemble into circular oligomers, which undergo conformational changes that allow membrane insertion leading to pore formation and potentially cell death. Aerolysin, produced by the human pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila, is the founding member of a major PFT family found throughout all kingdoms of life. We report cryo-electron microscopy structures of three conformational intermediates and of the final aerolysin pore, jointly providing insight into the conformational changes that allow pore formation. Moreover, the structures reveal a protein fold consisting of two concentric β-barrels, tightly kept together by hydrophobic interactions. This fold suggests a basis for the prion-like ultrastability of aerolysin pore and its stoichiometry.


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Complexation of cadmium(II) by the ditopic (bis-tridentate) thiocarbazone ligand 1,5-bis(6-methyl-2-pyridylmethylene) thiocarbonohydrazide, H2L1, results in the self-assembly of a charge-neutral 2 x 2 molecular grid, [Cd-4(L-1)(4)], comprising four metals and four ligands in an interlocked cyclic array. The solid-state structure of this tetramer has been established by X-ray crystallography and in solution by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The presence of lower molecular weight oligomers was identified by both NMR and ESI-MS.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases (Ephs) function as molecular relays that interact with cell surface-bound ephrin ligands to direct the position of migrating cells. Structural studies revealed that, through two distinct contact surfaces on opposite sites of each protein, Eph and ephrin binding domains assemble into symmetric, circular heterotetramers. However, Eph signal initiation requires the assembly of higher order oligomers, suggesting additional points of contact. By screening a random library of EphA3 binding-compromised ephrin-A5 mutants, we have now determined ephrin-A5 residues that are essential for the assembly of high affinity EphA3 signaling complexes. In addition to the two interfaces predicted from the crystal structure of the homologous EphB2 center dot ephrin-B2 complex, we identified a cluster of 10 residues on the ephrin-A5 E alpha-helix, the E-F loop, the underlying H beta-strand, as well as the nearby B - C loop, which define a distinct third surface required for oligomerization and activation of EphA3 signaling. Together with a corresponding third surface region identified recently outside of the minimal ephrin binding domain of EphA3, our findings provide experimental evidence for the essential contribution of three distinct protein-interaction interfaces to assemble functional EphA3 signaling complexes.


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Degradation of a synthetic tanning agent CNSF (a condensation product of 2-naphthatenesulfonic acid (2-NSA) and formaldehyde) by four activated sludges, two previously characterised bacterial strains, Arthrobacter sp. 2AC and Comamonas sp. 4BC, and the fungus Cunninghamella polymorpha, was studied in batch culture at 25 degrees C by determining the changes in the concentrations of CNSF and its component monomers and oligomers (n2-n11). The loss of individual oligomers was correlated with the length of the NSA-CH2 chain. Approximately 25% of the total CNSF was degraded (i.e. mineralised) by the microbes contained in the four activated sludges and by the two bacterial isolates but with different lag phases and at different overall rates. The decline in CNSF concentration was due almost entirely to the biodegradation of the monomers (34.3% of CNSF) and, in particular, 2-NSA (27% of CNSF). There was no change in the n2-n 11 components. The growth of C. polymorpha, on the other hand, arose from extracellular depolymerisation of CNSF oligomers and the biodegradation of the lower molecular mass products. Between 38% and 42% of total CNSF was degraded by C. polymorpha at 25 degrees C. The order of oligomer degradation was inversely related to degree of polymerisation. Eighty percent and 90% of the n4 and n5 and 100% oligomers n6-n11 were degraded after 120 h. At a higher temperature (37 degrees C) oligomers n4-n11 were degraded completely after 120 h. A combination of biodegradation (75%) and sorption to fungal biomass (25%) accounted for the measured loss of all oligomers from the solution phase. The CNSF degradation rates and the volume of fungal biomass produced (and therefore the extent of biosorption) were dependent on the presence of a second carbon source (both optimum at glucose 5 g/l). This is the first report that identifies and distinguishes between depolymerisation, sorption and biodegradation processes in the removal of CNSF and its component oligomers. The use of combinations of the depolymerising fungus C. polymorpha, and the monomer-degrading bacteria, Arthrobacter sp. 2AC and Comamonas sp. 4BC, have potential for wastewater treatment.


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We report the results of an experimental and theoretical study of the electronic and structural properties of a key eumelanin precursor-5,6,-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid ( DHICA) - and its dimeric forms. We have used optical spectroscopy to follow the oxidative polymerization of DHICA to eumelanin and observe red shifting and broadening of the absorption spectrum as the reaction proceeds. First principles density functional theory calculations indicate that DHICA oligomers ( possible reaction products of oxidative polymerization) have the gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital red-shifted gaps with respect to the monomer. Furthermore, different bonding configurations ( leading to oligomers with different structures) produce a range of gaps. These experimental and theoretical results lend support to the chemical disorder model where the broadband monotonic absorption characteristic of all melanins is a consequence of the superposition of a large number of nonhomogeneously broadened Gaussian transitions associated with each of the components of a melanin ensemble. These results suggest that the traditional model of eumelanin as an amorphous organic semiconductor is not required to explain its optical properties and should be thoroughly reexamined. These results have significant implications for our understanding of the physics, chemistry, and biological function of these important biological macromolecules. Indeed, one may speculate that the robust functionality of melanins in vitro is a direct consequence of its heterogeneity, i.e., chemical disorder is a "low cost" natural resource in these systems


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Ultem 1000 polyetherimide films prepared by cast-evaporating technique were covered with a 1H,1H,2H-tridecafluoro-oct-1-ene (PFO) plasma-polymerized layer. The effects of the plasma exposure time on the surface composition were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and surface energy analysis. The surface topography of the plasma layer was deduced from scanning electron microscopy. The F/C ratio for plasma-polymerized PFO under the input RF power of 50 W can be as high as 1.30 for 480 s and similar to 0.4-2 at % of oxygen was detected, resulting from the reaction of long-lived radicals in the plasma polymer with atmospheric oxygen. The plasma deposition of fluorocarbon coating from plasma PFO reduces the surface energy from 46 to 18.3 mJ m(-2). (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A range of polyimides have been subjected to electron beam radiolysis at different temperatures. These polyimides were chemically designed to suit space applications, being either transparent or having groups which provide oxidation resistance. The structural changes that occur in the polyimides, when subjected to electron beam irradiation doses up to 18.5 MGy and up to temperatures close to their glass transition temperatures, were studied using FT-Raman spectroscopy. The range of polyimides studied included a series of perfluoropolyimides, a silicon-modified polyimide, and Ultem. The changes in the Raman peak intensities of the different groups indicated scission reactions involving the imide rings and ether linkages. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.