939 resultados para PLATELET-ADHESION
La mancanza di procedure standard per la verifica delle strutture in compositi, al contrario dei materiali metallici, porta all’esigenza di una continua ricerca nel settore, al fine di ottenere risultati significativi che culminino in una standardizzazione delle procedure. In tale contesto si colloca la ricerca svolta per la stesura del presente elaborato, condotta presso il laboratorio DASML del TU Delft, nei Paesi Bassi. Il materiale studiato è un prepreg (preimpregnated) costituito da fibre di carbonio (M30SC) e matrice epossidica (DT120) con la particolare configurazione [0°/90°/±45°/±45°/90°/0°]. L’adesivo utilizzato per l’incollaggio è di tipo epossidico (FM94K). Il materiale è stato assemblato in laboratorio in modo da ottenere i provini da testare, di tipo DCB, ENF e CCP. Due differenti qualità dello stesso materiale sono state ottenute, una buona ottenuta seguendo le istruzione del produttore, ed una povera ottenuta modificando il processo produttivo suggerito, che risulta in un incollaggio di qualità nettamente inferiore rispetto al primo tipo di materiale. Lo scopo era quello di studiare i comportamenti di entrambe le qualità sotto due diversi modi di carico, modo I o opening mode e modo II o shear mode, entrambi attraverso test quasi-statici e a fatica, così da ottenere risultati comparabili tra di essi che permettano in futuro di identificare se si dispone di un materiale di buona qualità prima di procedere con il progetto dell’intera struttura. L’approccio scelto per lo studio dello sviluppo della delaminazione è un adattamento della teoria della Meccanica della Frattura Lineare Elastica (LEFM)
Fine powders commonly have poor flowability and dispersibility due to interparticle adhesion that leads to formation of agglomerates. Knowing about adhesion in particle collectives is indispensable to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of particle behavior in powders. Especially in pharmaceutical industry a control of adhesion forces in powders is mandatory to improve the performance of inhalation products. Typically the size of inhalable particles is in the range of 1 - 5 µm. In this thesis, a new method was developed to measure adhesion forces of particles as an alternative to the established colloidal probe and centrifuge technique, which are both experimentally demanding, time consuming and of limited practical applicability. The new method is based on detachment of individual particles from a surface due to their inertia. The required acceleration in the order of 500 000 g is provided by a Hopkinson bar shock excitation system and measured via laser vibrometry. Particle detachment events are detected on-line by optical video microscopy. Subsequent automated data evaluation allows obtaining a statistical distribution of particle adhesion forces. To validate the new method, adhesion forces for ensembles of single polystyrene and silica microspheres on a polystyrene coated steel surface were measured under ambient conditions. It was possible to investigate more than 150 individual particles in one experiment and obtain adhesion values of particles in a diameter range of 3 - 13 µm. This enables a statistical evaluation while measuring effort and time are considerably lower compared to the established techniques. Measured adhesion forces of smaller particles agreed well with values from colloidal probe measurements and theoretical predictions. However, for the larger particles a stronger increase of adhesion with diameter was observed. This discrepancy might be induced by surface roughness and heterogeneity that influence small and large particles differently. By measuring adhesion forces of corrugated dextran particles with sizes down to 2 µm it was demonstrated that the Hopkinson bar method can be used to characterize more complex sample systems as well. Thus, the new device will be applicable to study a broad variety of different particle-surface combinations on a routine basis, including strongly cohesive powders like pharmaceutical drugs for inhalation.
Endothelial dysfunction is the initiating event of atherosclerosis. The expression of connexin40 (Cx40), an endothelial gap junction protein, is decreased during atherogenesis. In the present report, we sought to determine whether Cx40 contributes to the development of the disease.
The most consistent feature of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is profound thrombocytopenia with small platelets. The responsible gene encodes WAS protein (WASP), which functions in leucocytes as an actin filament nucleating agent -yet- actin filament nucleation proceeds normally in patient platelets regarding shape change, filopodia and lamellipodia generation. Because WASP localizes in the platelet membrane skeleton and is mobilized by alphaIIbbeta3 integrin outside-in signalling, we questioned whether its function might be linked to integrin. Agonist-induced alphaIIbbeta3 activation (PAC-1 binding) was normal for patient platelets, indicating normal integrin inside-out signalling. Inside-out signalling (fibrinogen, JON/A binding) was also normal for wasp-deficient murine platelets. However, adherence/spreading on immobilized fibrinogen was decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets, indicating decreased integrin outside-in responses. Another integrin outside-in dependent response, fibrin clot retraction, involving contraction of the post-aggregation actin cytoskeleton, was also decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets. Rebleeding from tail cuts was more frequent for wasp-deficient mice, suggesting decreased stabilisation of the primary platelet plug. In contrast, phosphatidylserine exposure, a pro-coagulant response, was enhanced for WASP-deficient patient and murine platelets. The collective results reveal a novel function for WASP in regulating pro-aggregatory and pro-coagulant responses downstream of integrin outside-in signalling.
Surface platforms were engineered from poly(L-lysine)-graft-poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PLL-g-PMOXA) copolymers to study the mechanisms involved in the non-specific adhesion of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Copolymers with three different grafting densities (PMOXA chains/Lysine residue of 0.09, 0.33 and 0.56) were synthesized and assembled on niobia (Nb O ) surfaces. PLL-modified and bare niobia surfaces served as controls. To evaluate the impact of fimbriae expression on the bacterial adhesion, the surfaces were exposed to genetically engineered E. coli strains either lacking, or constitutively expressing type 1 fimbriae. The bacterial adhesion was strongly influenced by the presence of bacterial fimbriae. Non-fimbriated bacteria behaved like hard, charged particles whose adhesion was dependent on surface charge and ionic strength of the media. In contrast, bacteria expressing type 1 fimbriae adhered to the substrates independent of surface charge and ionic strength, and adhesion was mediated by non-specific van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions of the proteins at the fimbrial tip. Adsorbed polymer mass, average surface density of the PMOXA chains, and thickness of the copolymer films were quantified by optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) and variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), whereas the lateral homogeneity was probed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Streaming current measurements provided information on the charge formation of the polymer-coated and the bare niobia surfaces. The adhesion of both bacterial strains could be efficiently inhibited by the copolymer film only with a grafting density of 0.33 characterized by the highest PMOXA chain surface density and a surface potential close to zero.
CD34 (+) progenitor cells are a promising source of regeneration in atherosclerosis or ischemic heart disease. However, as recently published, CD34(+) progenitor cells have the potential to differentiate not only into endothelial cells but also into foam cells upon interaction with platelets. The mechanism of platelet-induced differentiation of progenitor cells into foam cells is as yet unclear. In the present study we investigated the role of scavenger receptor (SR)-A and CD36 in platelet-induced foam cell formation. Human CD34(+) progenitor cells were freshly derived from human umbilical veins and were co-incubated with platelets (2 x 10(8)/mL) up to 14 days resulting in large lipid-laden foam cells. Developing macrophages expressed SR-A, CD36, and Lox-1 as measured by fluorescent-activated cell sorting analysis. The presence of a blocking anti-CD36 or anti-SR-A antibody nearly abrogated foam cell formation, whereas anti-Lox-1 did not affect foam cell formation. Consistently blocking either anti-CD36 or anti-SR-A antibody significantly reduced the phagocytosis of lipid-laden platelets by macrophages. We conclude that CD36 and SR-A play an important role in platelet-induced foam cell formation from CD34(+) progenitor cells and thus represent a promising target to inhibit platelet-induced foam cell formation.
Interaction between differentiating neurons and the extracellular environment guides the establishment of cell polarity during nervous system development. Developing neurons read the physical properties of the local substrate in a contact-dependent manner and retrieve essential guidance cues. In previous works we demonstrated that PC12 cell interaction with nanogratings (alternating lines of ridges and grooves of submicron size) promotes bipolarity and alignment to the substrate topography. Here, we investigate the role of focal adhesions, cell contractility, and actin dynamics in this process. Exploiting nanoimprint lithography techniques and a cyclic olefin copolymer, we engineered biocompatible nanostructured substrates designed for high-resolution live-cell microscopy. Our results reveal that neuronal polarization and contact guidance are based on a geometrical constraint of focal adhesions resulting in an angular modulation of their maturation and persistence. We report on ROCK1/2-myosin-II pathway activity and demonstrate that ROCK-mediated contractility contributes to polarity selection during neuronal differentiation. Importantly, the selection process confined the generation of actin-supported membrane protrusions and the initiation of new neurites at the poles. Maintenance of the established polarity was independent from NGF stimulation. Altogether our results imply that focal adhesions and cell contractility stably link the topographical configuration of the extracellular environment to a corresponding neuronal polarity state.
During development and regeneration of the mammalian nervous system, directional signals guide differentiating neurons toward their targets. Soluble neurotrophic molecules encode for preferential direction over long distances while the local topography is read by cells in a process requiring the establishment of focal adhesions. The mutual interaction between overlapping molecular and topographical signals introduces an additional level of control to this picture. The role of the substrate topography was demonstrated exploiting nanotechnologies to generate biomimetic scaffolds that control both the polarity of differentiating neurons and the alignment of their neurites. Here PC12 cells contacting nanogratings made of copolymer 2-norbornene ethylene (COC), were alternatively stimulated with Nerve Growth Factor, Forskolin, and 8-(4-chloro-phenylthio)-2'-O-methyladenosine-3',5'-cyclic (8CPT-2Me-cAMP) or with a combination of them. Topographical guidance was differently modulated by the alternative stimulation protocols tested. Forskolin stimulation reduced the efficiency of neurite alignment to the nanogratings. This effect was linked to the inhibition of focal adhesion maturation. Modulation of neurite alignment and focal adhesion maturation upon Forskolin stimulation depended on the activation of the MEK/ERK signaling but were PkA independent. Altogether, our results demonstrate that topographical guidance in PC12 cells is modulated by the activation of alternative neuronal differentiation pathways.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and circulating cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) predict cardiovascular risk. We hypothesized a positive relationship between PTSD caused by myocardial infarction (MI) and soluble CAMs. We enrolled 22 post-MI patients with interviewer-rated PTSD and 22 post-MI patients with no PTSD. At 32±6months after index MI, all patients were re-scheduled to undergo the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) interview and had blood collected to assess soluble CAMs at rest and after the CAPS interview. Relative to patients with no PTSD, those with PTSD had significantly higher levels of soluble vascular cellular adhesion molecule (sVCAM)-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1 at rest and, controlling for resting CAM levels, significantly higher sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 after the interview. Greater severity of PTSD predicted significantly higher resting levels of sVCAM-1 and soluble P-selectin in patients with PTSD. At follow-up, patients with persistent PTSD (n=15) and those who had remitted (n=7) did not significantly differ in CAM levels at rest and after the interview; however, both these groups had significantly higher sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 at rest and also after the interview compared to patients with no PTSD. Elevated levels of circulating CAMs might help explain the psychophysiologic link of PTSD with cardiovascular risk.
Drug-drug interaction between statins metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4 and clopidogrel have been claimed to attenuate the inhibitory effect of clopidogrel. However, published data regarding this drug-drug interaction are controversial. We aimed to determine the effect of fluvastatin and atorvastatin on the inhibitory effect of dual antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and clopidogrel. One hundred one patients with symptomatic stable coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and drug-eluting stent implantation were enrolled in this prospective randomised study. After an interval of two weeks under dual antiplatelet therapy with ASA and clopidogrel, without any lipid-lowering drug, 87 patients were randomised to receive a treatment with either fluvastatin 80 mg daily or atorvastatin 40 mg daily in addition to the dual antiplatelet therapy for one month. Platelet aggregation was assessed using light transmission aggregometry and whole blood impedance platelet aggregometry prior to randomisation and after one month of receiving assigned statin and dual antiplatelet treatment. Platelet function assessment after one month of statin and dual antiplatelet therapy did not show a significant change in platelet aggregation from 1st to 2nd assessment for either statin group. There was also no difference between atorvastatin and fluvastatin treatment arms. In conclusion, neither atorvastatin 40 mg daily nor fluvastatin 80 mg daily administered in combination with standard dual antiplatelet therapy following coronary drug-eluting stent implantation significantly interfere with the antiaggregatory effect of ASA and clopidogrel.