833 resultados para PBDEs in adults
Abstract Background Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity (Lp-PLA2) is a good marker of cardiovascular risk in adults. It is strongly associated with stroke and many others cardiovascular events. Despite this, the impact of obesity on this enzyme activity and its relation to biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in adolescents is not very well investigated. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the influence of obesity and cardiometabolic markers on Lp-PLA2 activity in adolescents. Results This cross-sectional study included 242 adolescents (10–19 years) of both gender. These subjects were classified in Healthy Weight (n = 77), Overweight (n = 82) and Obese (n = 83) groups. Lipid profile, glucose, insulin, HDL size, LDL(−) and anti-LDL(−) antibodies were analyzed. The Lp-PLA2 activity was determined by a colorimetric commercial kit. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and body composition were monitored. Food intake was evaluated using three 24-hour diet recalls. The Lp-PLA2 activity changed in function to high BMI, waist circumference and fat mass percentage. It was also positively associated with HOMA-IR, glucose, insulin and almost all variables of lipid profile. Furthermore, it was negatively related to Apo AI (β = −0.137; P = 0.038) and strongly positively associated with Apo B (β = 0.293; P < 0.001) and with Apo B/Apo AI ratio (β = 0.343; P < 0.001). The better predictor model for enzyme activity, on multivariate analysis, included Apo B/Apo AI (β = 0.327; P < 0.001), HDL size (β = −0.326; P < 0.001), WC (β = 0.171; P = 0.006) and glucose (β = 0.119; P = 0.038). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that changes in Apo B/Apo AI ratio were associated with a 73.5 times higher risk to elevated Lp-PLA2 activity. Conclusions Lp-PLA2 changes in function of obesity, and that it shows important associations with markers of cardiovascular risk, in particular with waist circumference, glucose, HDL size and Apo B/Apo AI ratio. These results suggest that Lp-PLA2 activity can be a cardiovascular biomarker in adolescence.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact of intra-urban atmospheric conditions on circulatory and respiratory diseases in elder adults. METHODS: Cross-sectional study based on data from 33,212 hospital admissions in adults over 60 years in the city of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, from 2003 to 2007. The association between atmospheric variables from Congonhas airport and bioclimatic index, Physiological Equivalent Temperature, was analyzed according to the district's socioenvironmental profile. Descriptive statistical analysis and regression models were used. RESULTS: There was an increase in hospital admissions due to circulatory diseases as average and lowest temperatures decreased. The likelihood of being admitted to the hospital increased by 12% with 1ºC decrease in the bioclimatic index and with 1ºC increase in the highest temperatures in the group with lower socioenvironmental conditions. The risk of admission due to respiratory diseases increased with inadequate air quality in districts with higher socioenvironmental conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The associations between morbidity and climate variables and the comfort index varied in different groups and diseases. Lower and higher temperatures increased the risk of hospital admission in the elderly. Districts with lower socioenvironmental conditions showed greater adverse health impacts.
OBJECTIVE: Bevacizumab has been widely used as a vascular endothelial growth factor antagonist in the treatment of retinal vasoproliferative disorders in adults and, more recently, in infants with retinopathy of prematurity. Recently, it has been proposed that vascular endothelial growth factor acts as a protective factor for neurons and glial cells, particularly in developing nervous tissue. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bevacizumab on the developing retinas of juvenile rabbits. METHODS: Juvenile rabbits received bevacizumab intravitreously in one eye; the other eye acted as an untreated control. Slit-lamp and fundoscopic examinations were performed both prior to and seven days after treatment. At the same time, retina samples were analyzed using immunohistochemistry to detect autophagy and apoptosis as well as proliferation and glial reactivity. Morphometric analyses were performed, and the data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: No clinical abnormalities were observed in either treated or untreated eyes. However, immunohistochemical analyses revealed a reduction in the occurrence of programmed cell death and increases in both proliferation and reactivity in the bevacizumab-treated group compared with the untreated group. CONCLUSIONS: Bevacizumab appears to alter programmed cell death patterns and promote gliosis in the developing retinas of rabbits; therefore, it should be used with caution in developing eyes
Abstract Background Physical attributes of the places in which people live, as well as their perceptions of them, may be important health determinants. The perception of place in which people dwell may impact on individual health and may be a more telling indicator for individual health than objective neighborhood characteristics. This paper aims to evaluate psychometric and ecometric properties of a scale on the perceptions of neighborhood problems in adults from Florianopolis, Southern Brazil. Methods Individual, census tract level (per capita monthly familiar income) and neighborhood problems perception (physical and social disorders) variables were investigated. Multilevel models (items nested within persons, persons nested within neighborhoods) were run to assess ecometric properties of variables assessing neighborhood problems. Results The response rate was 85.3%, (1,720 adults). Participants were distributed in 63 census tracts. Two scales were identified using 16 items: Physical Problems and Social Disorder. The ecometric properties of the scales satisfactory: 0.24 to 0.28 for the intra-class correlation and 0.94 to 0.96 for reliability. Higher values on the scales of problems in the physical and social domains were associated with younger age, more length of time residing in the same neighborhood and lower census tract income level. Conclusions The findings support the usefulness of these scales to measure physical and social disorder problems in neighborhoods.
Drug dependence is a major health problem in adults and has been recognized as a significant problem in adolescents. We previously demonstrated that repeated treatment with a behaviorally sensitizing dose of ethanol in adult mice induced tolerance or no sensitization in adolescents and that repeated ethanol-treated adolescents expressed lower Fos and Egr-1 expression than adult mice in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). In the present work, we investigated the effects of acute and repeated ethanol administration on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element-binding protein (CREB) DNA-binding activity using the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and the phosphorylated CREB (pCREB)/CREB ratio using immunoblotting in both the PFC and hippocampus in adolescent and adult mice. Adult mice exhibited typical locomotor sensitization after 15 days of daily treatment with 2.0 g/kg ethanol, whereas adolescent mice did not exhibit sensitization. Overall, adolescent mice displayed lower CREB binding activity in the PFC compared with adult mice, whereas opposite effects were observed in the hippocampus. The present results indicate that ethanol exposure induces significant and differential neuroadaptive changes in CREB DNA-binding activity in the PFC and hippocampus in adolescent mice compared with adult mice. These differential molecular changes may contribute to the blunted ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization observed in adolescent mice.
Background Adult community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a relevant worldwide cause of morbidity and mortality, however the aetiology often remains uncertain and the therapy is empirical. We applied conventional and molecular diagnostics to identify viruses and atypical bacteria associated with CAP in Chile. Methods We used sputum and blood cultures, IgG/IgM serology and molecular diagnostic techniques (PCR, reverse transcriptase PCR) for detection of classical and atypical bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumoniae) and respiratory viruses (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenzavirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus) in adults >18 years old presenting with CAP in Santiago from February 2005 to September 2007. Severity was qualified at admission by Fine's pneumonia severity index. Results Overall detection in 356 enrolled adults were 92 (26%) cases of a single bacterial pathogen, 80 (22%) cases of a single viral pathogen, 60 (17%) cases with mixed bacterial and viral infection and 124 (35%) cases with no identified pathogen. Streptococcus pneumoniae and RSV were the most common bacterial and viral pathogens identified. Infectious agent detection by PCR provided greater sensitivity than conventional techniques. To our surprise, no relationship was observed between clinical severity and sole or coinfections. Conclusions The use of molecular diagnostics expanded the detection of viruses and atypical bacteria in adults with CAP, as unique or coinfections. Clinical severity and outcome were independent of the aetiological agents detected.
Die TGFbeta/BMP Signaltransduktionskaskade ist wichtig für viele Entwicklungsprozesse fast aller embryonaler sowie extraembryonaler Gewebe und sie ist ebenso essentiell bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Homöostase im adulten Organismus. In vielen Mausmodellen und Zellkulturversuchen wurde gezeigt, dass Liganden dieses Signalweges in verschiedene Stadien der Knorpel- und Knochenentwicklung involviert sind. BMPs sind beispielsweise maßgeblich an der frühen Kondensation und Bildung des Knorpels und später an Proliferation und Hypertrophie der Chondrozyten beteiligt. BMPs können ektopisch Knochenbildung auslösen und das Expressionsmuster der Liganden und spezifischen Rezeptoren in der Wachstumsfuge lässt auf eine wichtige Rolle der BMPs in der Wachstumsfuge schließen. Der gezielte knock out der BMP-Rezeptoren Bmpr1a und Bmpr1b in proliferierenden Chondrozyten führt zur Ausbildung einer generellen Chondrodysplasie. Smad1, Smad5 und Smad8 sind die Mediatoren der BMP-Signalkaskade. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Rolle und Funktion der Smad1- und Smad5-Proteine in der Wachstumsfuge untersucht werden. Hierzu wurden konditionale Smad1-knock out-Mäuse mit einer transgenen Mauslinie gekreuzt, die die Cre-Rekombinase spezifisch in proliferierenden Chondrozyten exprimiert. Diese Mäuse wurden mit und ohne heterozygotem Smad5-Hintergrund charakterisiert. Bei einem knock out von Smad1 allein konnte ein leichte Verkürzung der Wachstumsfuge beobachtet werden, wobei prähypertrophe und hypertrophe Zone gleichermaßen betroffen waren. Dieser Phänotyp war verstärkt in Mäusen mit zusätzlichem heterozygotem Smad5-Hintergrund. Eine Verringerung der Proliferationsrate konnte zusammen mit einer verminderten Ihh-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich konnte anhand von Röntgenaufnahmen eine Dysorganisation der nasalen Region und ein fehlendes nasales Septum beobachtet werden. Produktion und Mineralisation der extrazellulären Matrix waren nicht beeinträchtigt. Um die Rolle der BMP- und TGFbeta-Signalkaskaden während der endochondralen Ossifikation zu vergleichen, wurden transgene Mäuse generiert, in denen die TGFbeta-Signalkaskade spezifisch in proliferierenden Chondrozyten gestört war. Zwei Mauslinien, die ähnliche Phänotypen zeigten, wurden untersucht. Esl1 ist ein TGFbeta-bindendes Protein, von dem man annimmt, dass es die TGFbeta-Signalkaskade inhibieren kann. Esl1-knock out-Mäuse sind kleiner als Wildtypmäuse und die Überexpression von Esl1 in proliferierenden Chondrozyten führt zu einer Verlängerung der Wachstumsfuge und einer verstärkten Proliferationsrate. Knorpelmarker, wie Col2a1 und Sox9 sind in diesen Mäusen herunterreguliert, während Col10a1 und Ihh als Marker für die hypertrophe und prähypertrophe Zone herunterreguliert waren. Dies führt zu der Annahme, dass mehr Zellen in die terminale Differenzierung eintreten. Bei transgenen Mäusen, in denen ein dominant-negativer (dn) TGFbeta-Rezeptor in proliferierenden Chondrozyten überexprimiert wurde, konnte eine verlängerte prähypertrophe Zone, eine erhöhte Ihh-Expression, sowie eine verstärkte Proliferationsrate beobachtet werden. Zusätzlich konnte in homozygoten Tieren ein craniofacialer Phänotyp beschrieben werden, der zu Problemen bei der Nahrungsaufnahme und damit zu einer starken Wachstumsbeeinträchtigung führte. Die BMP- und TGFbeta-Signalkaskaden haben möglicherweise antagonistische Effekte in der Wachstumsfuge. Während der Ausfall von BMP in proliferierenden Chondrozyten aufgrund einer gesunkenen Proliferationsrate zu einer Verkürzung der Wachstumsfuge führte, kann man in Mäusen mit einer Störung der TGFbeta-Signalkaskade eine verstärkte Proliferation in einer daher verlängerten Wachstumsfuge beobachten. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Generation einer transgenen Mauslinie, die die Cre-Rekombinase spezifisch in hypertrophen Chondrozyten exprimiert. Promoterstudien mit transgenen Mäusen weisen darauf hin, dass ein putatives AP1-Element, etwa 4 kb vor dem ersten Exon des Col10a1 gelegen, wichtig für die spezifische Expression in hypertrophen Chondrozyten ist. Ein Konstrukt, dass vier Kopien dieses Elements und den basalen Promoter enthält, wurde benutzt, um die Cre-Rekombinase spezifisch zu exprimieren. Diese Mauslinie befindet sich in der Testphase und erste Daten deuten auf eine spezifische Expression der Cre-Rekombinase in hypertrophen Chondrozyten hin.
In many plant species, the genetic template of early life-stages is formed by animal-mediated pollination and seed dispersal and has profound impact on further recruitment and population dynamics. Understanding the impact of pollination and seed dispersal on genetic patterns is a central issue in plant population biology. In my thesis, I investigated (i) contemporary dispersal and gene flow distances as well as (ii) genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure (SGS) across subsequent recruitment stages in a population of the animal-pollinated and dispersed tree Prunus africana in Kakamega Forest, West Kenya. Using microsatellite markers and parentage analyses, I inferred distances of pollen dispersal (father-to-mother), seed dispersal/maternal gene flow (mother-to-offspring) as well as paternal gene flow (father-to-offspring) for four early life stages of the species (seeds and fruits, current year seedlings, seedlings ≤ 3yr, seedlings > 3yr). Distances of pollen and seed dispersal as well as paternal gene flow were significantly shorter than expected from the spatial arrangement of trees and sampling plots. They were not affected by the density of conspecific trees in the surrounding. At the propagule stage, mean pollen dispersal distances were considerably (23-fold) longer than seed dispersal distances, and paternal gene flow distances exceeded maternal gene flow by a factor of 25. Seed dispersal distances were remarkably restricted, potentially leading to a strong initial SGS. The initial genetic template created by pollination and seed dispersal was extensively altered during later recruitment stages. Potential Janzen-Connell effects led to markedly increasing distances between offspring and both parental trees in older life stages. This showed that distance and density-dependent mortality factors are not exclusively related to the mother tree, but also to the father. Across subsequent recruitment stages, the pollen to seed dispersal ratio and the paternal to maternal gene flow ratio dropped to 2.1 and 3.4, respectively, in seedlings > 3yr. The relative changes in effective pollen dispersal, seed dispersal, and paternal gene flow distances across recruitment stages elucidate the mechanisms affecting the contribution of the two processes pollen and seed dispersal to overall gene flow. Using the same six microsatellite loci, I analyzed genetic diversity and SGS across five life stages, from seed rain to adults. Levels of genetic diversity within the studied P. africana population were comparable to other Prunus species and did not vary across life stages. In congruence with the short seed dispersal distances, I found significant SGS in all life stages. SGS decreased from seed and early seedling stages to older juvenile stages, and it was higher in adults than in late juveniles of the next generation. A comparison of the data with direct assessments of contemporary gene flow patterns indicate that distance- or density-dependent mortality, potentially due to Janzen-Connell effects, led to the initial decrease in SGS. Intergeneration variation in SGS could have been driven by variation in demographic processes, the effect of overlapping generations, and local selection processes. Overall, my study showed that complex sequential processes during recruitment contribute to the spatial genetic structure of tree populations. It highlights the importance of a multistage perspective for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of animal-mediated pollen and seed dispersal on spatial population dynamics and genetic patterns of trees.
The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of restricted food access on Solea senegalensis behaviour and daily expression of clock genes in central (diencephalon and optic tectum) and pheripheral (liver) tissues. The Senegalese sole is a marine teleost fish belonging to the Class of Actinopterygii, Order Pleuronectiformes and Family Soleidae. Its geographical distribution in the Mediterranean sea is fairly broad, covering the south and east of the Iberian Peninsula, the North of Africa and Middle East until the coast of Turkey. From a commercial perspective Solea senegalensis has acquired in recent years, a key role in aquacolture industry of the Iberian Peninsula. The Senegalese sole is also acquiring an important relevance in chronobiological studies as the number of published works focused on the sole circadian system has increased in the last few years. The molecular mechanisms underlying sole circadian rhythms has also been explored recently, both in adults and developing sole. Moreover, the consideration of the Pleuronectiformes Order as one of the most evolved teleost groups make the Senegalese sole a species of high interest under a comparative and phylogenetic point of view. All these facts have reinforced the election of Senegalese sole as model species for the present study. The animals were kept under 12L:12D photoperiod conditions and divided into three experimental groups depending on the feeding time: fed at midlight (ML), middark (MD) or random (RND) times. Throughout the experiment, the existence of a daily activity rhythm and it synchronization to the light-dark and feeding cycles was checked. To this end locomotor activity was registred by means of two infrared photocells placed in pvc tube 10 cm below the water surface (upper photocell) and the other one was located 10 cm above the bottom of the tank (bottom photocell). The photocell were connected to a computer so that every time a fish interrupted the infrared light beam, it produced an output signal that was recorded. The number of light beam interruptions was stored every 10 minutes by specialized software for data acquisition.
Simkania negevensis is a bacterium belonging to the order Chlamydiales but with certain biological characteristics different from those of chlamydia, according to which it was classified in the family Simkaniaceae. It is widespread in the environment, due to its ability to survive in amoebae also in phase cystic, for which it was hypothesized a possible transmission after contact with water in which they are present amoebae. So far it is known its role in diseases of the lower respiratory tract, such as childhood bronchiolitis and pneumonia in adults of the community, following its transmission through infected aerosols. A recent American study showed, by PCR, a high prevalence of S. negevensis in patients with lung transplant than other transplant recipients, assuming an association between the presence of the bacterium in these patients, and transplant rejection, were more frequent in lung transplant recipients infected compared to uninfected. There are no data so far analyzed in Italy relative to the population of dialysis and kidney transplant recipients relative to simkania negevensis why this study was undertaken in order to start a specific location and evaluate the scientific implications. Because its ability to assume persistent forms of infection, which may lead to a prolonged inflammatory response, Simkania negevensis, similar to other persistent bacteria or viruses, may be ivolved in pathologic complication. Sn may be a factor in graft rejection in mmunesuppressed lung transplant recipients, and further studies are planned to explore the posible association of Sn infections with various in vivo pathologies.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive astrocytic tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) in adults. The standard treatment consisting of surgery, followed by a combinatorial radio- and chemotherapy, is only palliative and prolongs patient median survival to 12 to 15 months. The tumor subpopulation of stem cell-like glioma-initiating cells (GICs) shows resistance against radiation as well as chemotherapy, and has been suggested to be responsible for relapses of more aggressive tumors after therapy. The efficacy of immunotherapies, which exploit the immune system to specifically recognize and eliminate malignant cells, is limited due to strong immunosuppressive activities of the GICs and the generation of a specialized protective microenvironment. The molecular mechanisms underlying the therapy resistance of GICs are largely unknown. rnThe first aim of this study was to identify immune evasion mechanisms in GICs triggered by radiation. A model was used in which patient-derived GICs were treated in vitro with fractionated ionizing radiation (2.5 Gy in 7 consecutive passages) to select for a more radio-resistant phenotype. In the model cell line 1080, this selection process resulted in increased proliferative but diminished migratory capacities in comparison to untreated control GICs. Furthermore, radio-selected GICs downregulated various proteins involved in antigen processing and presentation, resulting in decreased expression of MHC class I molecules on the cellular surface and diminished recognition potential by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Thus, sub-lethal fractionated radiation can promote immune evasion and hamper the success of adjuvant immunotherapy. Among several immune-associated proteins, interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) was found to be upregulated in radio-selected GICs. While high expression of IFITM3 was associated with a worse overall survival of GBM patients (TCGA database) and increased proliferation and migration of differentiated glioma cell lines, a strong contribution of IFITM3 to proliferation in vitro as well as tumor growth and invasiveness in a xenograft model could not be observed. rnMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the CNS in young adults of the Western World, which leads to progressive disability in genetically susceptible individuals, possibly triggered by environmental factors. It is assumed that self-reactive, myelin-specific T helper cell 1 (Th1) and Th17 cells, which have escaped the control mechanisms of the immune system, are critical in the pathogenesis of the human disease and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It was observed that in vitro differentiated interleukin 17 (IL-17) producing Th17 cells co-expressed the Th1-phenotypic cytokine Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in combination with the two respective lineage-associated transcription factors RORγt and T-bet after re-isolation from the CNS of diseased mice. Pathogenic molecular mechanisms that render a CD4+ T cell encephalitogenic have scarcely been investigated up to date. rnIn the second part of the thesis, whole transcriptional changes occurring in in vitro differentiated Th17 cells in the course of EAE were analyzed. Evaluation of signaling networks revealed an overrepresentation of genes involved in communication between the innate and adaptive immune system and metabolic alterations including cholesterol biosynthesis. The transcription factors Cebpa, Fos, Klf4, Nfatc1 and Spi1, associated with thymocyte development and naïve T cells were upregulated in encephalitogenic CNS-isolated CD4+ T cells, proposing a contribution to T cell plasticity. Correlation of the murine T-cell gene expression dataset to putative MS risk genes, which were selected based on their proximity (± 500 kb; ensembl database, release 75) to the MS risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) proposed by the most recent multiple sclerosis GWAS in 2011, revealed that 67.3% of the MS risk genes were differentially expressed in EAE. Expression patterns of Bach2, Il2ra, Irf8, Mertk, Odf3b, Plek, Rgs1, Slc30a7, and Thada were confirmed in independent experiments, suggesting a contribution to T cell pathogenicity. Functional analysis of Nfatc1 revealed that Nfatc1-deficient CD4+ T cells were restrained in their ability to induce clinical signs of EAE. Nfatc1-deficiency allowed proper T cell activation, but diminished their potential to fully differentiate into Th17 cells and to express high amounts of lineage cytokines. As the inducible Nfatc1/αA transcript is distinct from the other family members, it could represent an interesting target for therapeutic intervention in MS.rn
Menière disease usually begins in adults from 20 to 60 years old, and occurs in more than 10% of patients older than 65. The treatment of Menière disease in the elderly represents a challenge because of polymedication. Antivertiginous drugs such as betahistine and cinnarizin give good results with minor secondary effects. In contrast, major vestibular suppressor drugs such as thiethylperazin must be avoided as long-term treatment because of their side effects. Definitive vestibular surgical deafferentations such as labyrinthectomy and selective vestibular neurectomy represent optional procedures but must be carefully evaluated from case to case. Ablative procedures remain the efficient treatment of drop attacks, which represent a high potential risk of severe injuries by older patients sometimes with important social consequences.
Thrombotic events are being increasingly recognized during the neonatal period. An infant girl was born at 29 weeks' gestation after a pregnancy complicated by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. After an initial uncomplicated clinical course, her oxygen requirement increased, which was interpreted as an early sign of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. At 3 weeks of age, she suddenly collapsed and died of severe pulmonary hypertension. At autopsy, multiple pulmonary artery emboli and several older renal vein thromboses were found. Results of genetic analyses of the infant and her family were negative for thrombophilia. Although embolism represents a frequent emergency in adults, fatal pulmonary embolism has never, to our knowledge, been described for premature infants. This case suggests that thrombotic events are underdiagnosed and that additional studies are needed to define infants at risk and optimal treatment strategies.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY/PRINCIPLES: After arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) an early diagnosis helps preserve treatment options that are no longer available later. Paediatric AIS is difficult to diagnose and often the time to diagnosis exceeds the time window of 6 hours defined for thrombolysis in adults. We investigated the delay from the onset of symptoms to AIS diagnosis in children and potential contributing factors.
The documented data regarding the three-dimensional structure of the air capillaries (ACs), the ultimate sites of gas exchange in the avian lung is contradictory. Further, the mode of gas exchange, described as cross-current has not been clearly elucidated. We studied the temporal and spatial arrangement of the terminal air conduits of the chicken lung and their relationship with the blood capillaries (BCs) in embryos as well as the definitive architecture in adults. Several visualization techniques that included corrosion casting, light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used. Two to six infundibulae extend from each atrium and give rise to numerous ACs that spread centrifugally. Majority of the ACs are tubular structures that give off branches, which anastomose with their neighboring cognates. Some ACs have globular shapes and a few are blind-ending tapering tubes. During inauguration, the luminal aspects of the ACs are characterized by numerous microvillus-like microplicae, which are formed during the complex processes of cell attenuation and canalization of the ACs. The parabronchial exchange BCs, initially inaugurated as disorganized meshworks, are reoriented via pillar formation to lie predominantly orthogonal to the long axes of the ACs. The remodeling of the retiform meshworks by intussusceptive angiogenesis essentially accomplishes a cross-current system at the gas exchange interface in the adults, where BCs form ring-like patterns around the ACs, thus establishing a cross-current system. Our findings clarify the mode of gas exchange in the parabronchial mantle and illuminate the basis for the functional efficiency of the avian lung.