989 resultados para Orbit
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work presents a semi-analytical and numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third-body using a double averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up to the second order. The important reason for this procedure is to eliminate terms due to the short periodic motion of the spacecraft and to show smooth curves for the evolution of the mean orbital elements for a long-time period. The aim of this study is to calculate the effect of lunar perturbations on the orbits of spacecrafts that are traveling around the Earth. An analysis of the stability of near-circular orbits is made, and a study to know under which conditions this orbit remains near circular completes this analysis. A study of the equatorial orbits is also performed. Copyright (C) 2008 R. C. Domingos et al.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this work is to test an algorithm to estimate, in real time, the attitude of an artificial satellite using real data supplied by attitude sensors that are on board of the CBERS-2 satellite (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). The real-time estimator used in this work for attitude determination is the Unscented Kalman Filter. This filter is a new alternative to the extended Kalman filter usually applied to the estimation and control problems of attitude and orbit. This algorithm is capable of carrying out estimation of the states of nonlinear systems, without the necessity of linearization of the nonlinear functions present in the model. This estimation is possible due to a transformation that generates a set of vectors that, suffering a nonlinear transformation, preserves the same mean and covariance of the random variables before the transformation. The performance will be evaluated and analyzed through the comparison between the Unscented Kalman filter and the extended Kalman filter results, by using real onboard data.
The determination of a specific orbit and the procedure to calculate orbital maneuvers of artificial satellites are problems of extreme importance in the study of orbital mechanics. Therefore, the transferring problem of a spaceship from one orbit to another, and the attention due to this subject has in increased during the last years. Many applications can be found in several space activities, for example, to put a satellite in a geostationary orbit, to change the position of a spaceship, to maintain a specific satellite's orbit, in the design of an interplanetary mission, and others. The Brazilian Satellite SCD-1 (Data Collecting Satellite) will be used as example in this paper. It is the first satellite developed entirely in Brazil, and it remains in operation to this date. SCD-1 was designed, developed, built, and tested by Brazilian scientists, engineers, and technicians working at INPE (National Institute for Space Research, and in Brazilian Industries. During the lifetime, it might be necessary do some complementary maneuvers, being this one either an orbital transferring, or just to make periodical corrections. The purpose of transferring problem is to change the position, velocity and the satellite's mass to a new pre determined state. This transfer can be totally linked (in the case of "Rendezvous") or partially free (free time, free final velocity, etc). In the global case, the direction, the orientation and the magnitude of the thrust to be applied must be chosen, respecting the equipment's limit. In order to make this transferring, either sub-optimal or optimal maneuvers may be used. In the present study, only the sub-optimal will be shown. Hence, this method will simplify the direction of thrust application, to allow a fast calculation that may be used in real time, with a very fast processing. The thrust application direction to be applied will be assumed small and constant, and the purpose of this paper is to find the time interval that the thrust is applied. This paper is basically divided into three parts: during the first one the sub-optimal maneuver is explained and detailed, the second presents the Satellite SCD-1, and finally the last part shows the results using the sub-optimal maneuver applied to the Brazilian Satellite.
In this work, we use a nonlinear control based on Optimal Linear Control. We used as mathematical model a Duffing equation to model a supporting structure for an unbalanced rotating machine with limited power (non-ideal motor). Numerical simulations are performed for a set control parameter (depending on the voltage of the motor, that is, in the static and dynamic characteristic of the motor) The interaction of the non-ideal excitation with the structure may lead to the occurrence of interesting phenomena during the forward passage through the several resonance states of the system. Chaotic behavior is obtained for values of the parameters. Then, the proposed control strategy is applied in order to regulate the chaotic behavior, in order to obtain a periodic orbit and to decrease its amplitude. Both methodologies were used in complete agreement between them. The purpose of the paper is to give suggestions and recommendations to designers and engineers on how to drive this kind of system through resonance.
This paper presents the linear optimal control technique for reducing the chaotic movement of the micro-electro-mechanical Comb Drive system to a small periodic orbit. We analyze the non-linear dynamics in a micro-electro-mechanical Comb Drive and demonstrated that this model has a chaotic behavior. Chaos control problems consist of attempts to stabilize a chaotic system to an equilibrium point, a periodic orbit, or more general, about a given reference trajectory. This technique is applied in analyzes the nonlinear dynamics in an MEMS Comb drive. The simulation results show the identification by linear optimal control is very effective.
O objetivo é relatar manifestação incomum de linfoma não-Hodgkin de órbita. Paciente masculino, de 75 anos, se apresentou com queixa de lacrimejamento crônico bilateral. Havia feito dacriocistorrinostomia endonasal à direita e à esquerda por duas vezes, sem sucesso. Ao exame, massas de consistência fibroelástica, em topografia das bolsas de gordura das pálpebras inferiores e proptose axial. O paciente negava outros sintomas ou sinais sistêmicos. Hemograma sem alteração, hormônios tireoidianos normais. A tomografia computadorizada mostrava infiltrado difuso na órbita e proptose axial. Biópsia de gordura orbitária e de medula óssea diagnosticaram linfoma não-Hodgkin. O paciente foi tratado com quimioterapia, sendo em seguida submetido à cirurgia da via lacrimal bilateral, com resolução do quadro. A doença sistêmica que exigia diagnóstico e tratamento adequados para que se tivesse bom prognóstico estava mascarada pelo quadro de epífora bilateral.
The so-called gravitomagnetic field arised as an old conjecture that currents of matter (no charges) would produce gravitational effects similar to those produced by electric currents in electromagnetism. Hans Thirring in 1918, using the weak field approximation to the Einsteins field equations, deduced that a slowly rotating massive shell drags the inertial frames in the direction of its rotation. In the same year, Joseph Lense applied to astronomy the calculations of Thirring. Later, that effect came to be known as the Lense- Thirring effect. Along with the de Sitter effect, those phenomena were recently tested by a gyroscope in orbit around the Earth, as proposed by George E. Pugh in 1959 and Leonard I. Schiff in 1960. In this dissertation, we study the gravitational effects associated with the rotation of massive bodies in the light of the Einsteins General Theory of Relativity. With that finality, we develop the weak field approximation to General Relativity and obtain the various associated gravitational effects: gravitomagnetic time-delay, de Sitter effect (geodesic precession) and the Lense-Thirring effect (drag of inertial frames). We discus the measures of the Lense-Thirring effect done by LAGEOS Satellite (Laser Geodynamics Satellite) and the Gravity Probe B - GPB - mission. The GPB satellite was launched into orbit around the Earth at an altitude of 642 km by NASA in 2004. Results presented in May 2011 clearly show the existence of the Lense-Thirring effect- a drag of inertial frames of 37:2 7:2 mas/year (mas = milliarcsec)- and de Sitter effect - a geodesic precession of 6; 601:8 18:3 mas/year- measured with an accuracy of 19 % and of 0.28 % respectively (1 mas = 4:84810��9 radian). These results are in a good agreement with the General Relativity predictions of 41 mas/year for the Lense-Thirring effect and 6,606.1 mas/year for the de Sitter effect.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os adipócitos da gordura orbitária de coelhos após enucleação e evisceração. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados vinte e três espécimes de gordura orbitária, provenientes de 23 coelhos com idade de 42 dias, sendo 11 submetidos à cirurgia de enucleação e 12 à evisceração. Os animais foram sacrificados 30, 90 e 180 dias após a cirurgia, avaliando-se a gordura orbitária ao microscópio óptico (aumento de 200x) e usando o programa IpWin 32. A área média celular foi calculada a partir do número de adipócitos por campo e da área de cada adipócito, tendo sido comparados os resultados dos grupos (enucleação e evisceração) usando teste estatístico não paramétrico para avaliação da área dos adipócitos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre a área média dos adipócitos quando considerado o procedimento cirúrgico (enucleação e evisceração), ou quando considerado o momento de sacrifício. CONCLUSÃO: Tendo em vista que a área dos adipócitos foi semelhante e não variou significativamente após a enucleação ou a evisceração, em período de observação de até 180 dias, a diminuição de volume orbitário que ocorre nas cavidades anoftálmicas deve ser conseqüência de outros mecanismos, como mudanças na distribuição espacial da gordura da órbita.