974 resultados para Open source software -- TFG


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Over the last decade advances and innovations from Silicon Photonics technology were observed in the telecommunications and computing industries. This technology which employs Silicon as an optical medium, relies on current CMOS micro-electronics fabrication processes to enable medium scale integration of many nano-photonic devices to produce photonic integrated circuitry. However, other fields of research such as optical sensor processing can benefit from silicon photonics technology, specially in sensors where the physical measurement is wavelength encoded. In this research work, we present a design and application of a thermally tuned silicon photonic device as an optical sensor interrogator. The main device is a micro-ring resonator filter of 10 $\mu m$ of diameter. A photonic design toolkit was developed based on open source software from the research community. With those tools it was possible to estimate the resonance and spectral characteristics of the filter. From the obtained design parameters, a 7.8 x 3.8 mm optical chip was fabricated using standard micro-photonics techniques. In order to tune a ring resonance, Nichrome micro-heaters were fabricated on top of the device. Some fabricated devices were systematically characterized and their tuning response were determined. From measurements, a ring resonator with a free-spectral-range of 18.4 nm and with a bandwidth of 0.14 nm was obtained. Using just 5 mA it was possible to tune the device resonance up to 3 nm. In order to apply our device as a sensor interrogator in this research, a model of wavelength estimation using time interval between peaks measurement technique was developed and simulations were carried out to assess its performance. To test the technique, an experiment using a Fiber Bragg grating optical sensor was set, and estimations of the wavelength shift of this sensor due to axial strains yield an error within 22 pm compared to measurements from spectrum analyzer. Results from this study implies that signals from FBG sensors can be processed with good accuracy using a micro-ring device with the advantage of ts compact size, scalability and versatility. Additionally, the system also has additional applications such as processing optical wavelength shifts from integrated photonic sensors and to be able to track resonances from laser sources.


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A replicação de base de dados tem como objectivo a cópia de dados entre bases de dados distribuídas numa rede de computadores. A replicação de dados é importante em várias situações, desde a realização de cópias de segurança da informação, ao balanceamento de carga, à distribuição da informação por vários locais, até à integração de sistemas heterogéneos. A replicação possibilita uma diminuição do tráfego de rede, pois os dados ficam disponíveis localmente possibilitando também o seu acesso no caso de indisponibilidade da rede. Esta dissertação baseia-se na realização de um trabalho que consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação genérica para a replicação de bases de dados a disponibilizar como open source software. A aplicação desenvolvida possibilita a integração de dados entre vários sistemas, com foco na integração de dados heterogéneos, na fragmentação de dados e também na possibilidade de adaptação a várias situações. ABSTRACT: Data replication is a mechanism to synchronize and integrate data between distributed databases over a computer network. Data replication is an important tool in several situations, such as the creation of backup systems, load balancing between various nodes, distribution of information between various locations, integration of heterogeneous systems. Replication enables a reduction in network traffic, because data remains available locally even in the event of a temporary network failure. This thesis is based on the work carried out to develop an application for database replication to be made accessible as open source software. The application that was built allows for data integration between various systems, with particular focus on, amongst others, the integration of heterogeneous data, the fragmentation of data, replication in cascade, data format changes between replicas, master/slave and multi master synchronization.


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The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a project launched by the Chinese Government whose main goal is to connect more than 65 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania developing infrastructures and facilities. To support the prevention or mitigation of landslide hazards, which may affect the mainland infrastructures of BRI, a landslide susceptibility analysis in the countries involved has been carried out. Due to the large study area, the analysis has been carried out using a multi-scale approach which consists of mapping susceptibility firstly at continental scale, and then at national scale. The study area selected for the continental assessment is the south-Asia, where a pixel-based landslide susceptibility map has been carried out using the Weight of Evidence method and validated by Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Then, we selected the regions of west Tajikistan and north-east India to be investigated at national scale. Data scarcity is a common condition for many countries involved into the Initiative. Therefore in addition to the landslide susceptibility assessment of west Tajikistan, which has been conducted using a Generalized Additive Model and validated by ROC curves, we have examined, in the same study area, the effect of incomplete landslide dataset on the prediction capacity of statistical models. The entire PhD research activity has been conducted using only open data and open-source software. In this context, to support the analysis of the last years an open-source plugin for QGIS has been implemented. The SZ-tool allows the user to make susceptibility assessments from the data preprocessing, susceptibility mapping, to the final classification. All the output data of the analysis conducted are freely available and downloadable. This text describes the research activity of the last three years. Each chapter reports the text of the articles published in international scientific journal during the PhD.


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The paper deals with the integration of ROS, in the proprietary environment of the Marchesini Group company, for the control of industrial robotic systems. The basic tools of this open-source software are deeply studied to model a full proprietary Pick and Place manipulator inside it, and to develop custom ROS nodes to calculate trajectories; speaking of which, the URDF format is the standard to represent robots in ROS and the motion planning framework MoveIt offers user-friendly high-level methods. The communication between ROS and the Marchesini control architecture is established using the OPC UA standard; the tasks computed are transmitted offline to the PLC, supervisor controller of the physical robot, because the performances of the protocol don’t allow any kind of active control by ROS. Once the data are completely stored at the Marchesini side, the industrial PC makes the real robot execute a trajectory computed by MoveIt, so that it replicates the behaviour of the simulated manipulator in Rviz. Multiple experiments are performed to evaluate in detail the potential of ROS in the planning of movements for the company proprietary robots. The project ends with a small study regarding the use of ROS as a simulation platform. First, it is necessary to understand how a robotic application of the company can be reproduced in the Gazebo real world simulator. Then, a ROS node extracts information and examines the simulated robot behaviour, through the subscription to specific topics.


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Since the majority of the population of the world lives in cities and that this number is expected to increase in the next years, one of the biggest challenges of the research is the determination of the risk deriving from high temperatures experienced in urban areas, together with improving responses to climate-related disasters, for example by introducing in the urban context vegetation or built infrastructures that can improve the air quality. In this work, we will investigate how different setups of the boundary and initial conditions set on an urban canyon generate different patterns of the dispersion of a pollutant. To do so we will exploit the low computational cost of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations to reproduce the dynamics of an infinite array of two-dimensional square urban canyons. A pollutant is released at the street level to mimic the presence of traffic. RANS simulations are run using the k-ɛ closure model and vertical profiles of significant variables of the urban canyon, namely the velocity, the turbulent kinetic energy, and the concentration, are represented. This is done using the open-source software OpenFOAM and modifying the standard solver simpleFoam to include the concentration equation and the temperature by introducing a buoyancy term in the governing equations. The results of the simulation are validated with experimental results and products of Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) from previous works showing that the simulation is able to reproduce all the quantities under examination with satisfactory accuracy. Moreover, this comparison shows that despite LES are known to be more accurate albeit more expensive, RANS simulations represent a reliable tool if a smaller computational cost is needed. Overall, this work exploits the low computational cost of RANS simulations to produce multiple scenarios useful to evaluate how the dispersion of a pollutant changes by a modification of key variables, such as the temperature.


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This is the first part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation.


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This is the second part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation. Here I am talking about the Making of Doljer


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FEA simulation of thermal metal cutting is central to interactive design and manufacturing. It is therefore relevant to assess the applicability of FEA open software to simulate 2D heat transfer in metal sheet laser cuts. Application of open source code (e.g. FreeFem++, FEniCS, MOOSE) makes possible additional scenarios (e.g. parallel, CUDA, etc.), with lower costs. However, a precise assessment is required on the scenarios in which open software can be a sound alternative to a commercial one. This article contributes in this regard, by presenting a comparison of the aforementioned freeware FEM software for the simulation of heat transfer in thin (i.e. 2D) sheets, subject to a gliding laser point source. We use the commercial ABAQUS software as the reference to compare such open software. A convective linear thin sheet heat transfer model, with and without material removal is used. This article does not intend a full design of computer experiments. Our partial assessment shows that the thin sheet approximation turns to be adequate in terms of the relative error for linear alumina sheets. Under mesh resolutions better than 10e−5 m , the open and reference software temperature differ in at most 1 % of the temperature prediction. Ongoing work includes adaptive re-meshing, nonlinearities, sheet stress analysis and Mach (also called ‘relativistic’) effects.


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This article describes the design, implementation, and experiences with AcMus, an open and integrated software platform for room acoustics research, which comprises tools for measurement, analysis, and simulation of rooms for music listening and production. Through use of affordable hardware, such as laptops, consumer audio interfaces and microphones, the software allows evaluation of relevant acoustical parameters with stable and consistent results, thus providing valuable information in the diagnosis of acoustical problems, as well as the possibility of simulating modifications in the room through analytical models. The system is open-source and based on a flexible and extensible Java plug-in framework, allowing for cross-platform portability, accessibility and experimentation, thus fostering collaboration of users, developers and researchers in the field of room acoustics.


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The change of paradigm imposed by the Bologna process, in which the student will be responsible for their own learning, and the presence of a new generation of students with higher technological skills, represent a huge challenge for higher education institutions. The use of new Web Social concepts in teaching process, supported by applications commonly called Web 2.0, with which these new students feel at ease, can bring benefits in terms of motivation and the frequency and quality of students' involvement in academic activities. An e-learning platform with web-based applications as a complement can significantly contribute to the development of different skills in higher education students, covering areas which are usually in deficit.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Actualmente muchas empresas ya sean grandes o pequeñas, se plantean implantar en su organización un sistema de información que les ayude en la toma de decisiones. Una de las tendencias actuales es implantar un sistema de BI (Business Intelligence). Muchas organizaciones implantan este tipo de sistemas sin haber realizado un estudio previo de las necesidades y problemas de la empresa, de los beneficios que se pretenden obtener con la implantación del sistema, de la aceptación y formación de los usuarios, de las herramientas y proveedores de BI,... y así un largo etcétera de situaciones y condiciones que se deberían tener en cuenta para la implantación de esta clase de sistemas en cualquier tipo de organización, ya sea grande o pequeña.En el presente artículo se realiza una síntesis de la amalgama de información existente en los sistemas de BI, se realiza una definición aclaratoria, así como también se expone su estado actual, beneficios, factores de riesgo, pasos para conseguir una implantación exitosa y los componentes y herramientas open source de los sistemas de BI. Primero se exponen las principales herramientas open source existentes en el mercado y se profundiza más especialmente en la Suite open source de BI Pentaho.


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In this article we introduce JULIDE, a software toolkit developed to perform the 3D reconstruction, intensity normalization, volume standardization by 3D image registration and voxel-wise statistical analysis of autoradiographs of mouse brain sections. This software tool has been developed in the open-source ITK software framework and is freely available under a GPL license. The article presents the complete image processing chain from raw data acquisition to 3D statistical group analysis. Results of the group comparison in the context of a study on spatial learning are shown as an illustration of the data that can be obtained with this tool.


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The system described herein represents the first example of a recommender system in digital ecosystems where agents negotiate services on behalf of small companies. The small companies compete not only with price or quality, but with a wider service-by-service composition by subcontracting with other companies. The final result of these offerings depends on negotiations at the scale of millions of small companies. This scale requires new platforms for supporting digital business ecosystems, as well as related services like open-id, trust management, monitors and recommenders. This is done in the Open Negotiation Environment (ONE), which is an open-source platform that allows agents, on behalf of small companies, to negotiate and use the ecosystem services, and enables the development of new agent technologies. The methods and tools of cyber engineering are necessary to build up Open Negotiation Environments that are stable, a basic condition for predictable business and reliable business environments. Aiming to build stable digital business ecosystems by means of improved collective intelligence, we introduce a model of negotiation style dynamics from the point of view of computational ecology. This model inspires an ecosystem monitor as well as a novel negotiation style recommender. The ecosystem monitor provides hints to the negotiation style recommender to achieve greater stability of an open negotiation environment in a digital business ecosystem. The greater stability provides the small companies with higher predictability, and therefore better business results. The negotiation style recommender is implemented with a simulated annealing algorithm at a constant temperature, and its impact is shown by applying it to a real case of an open negotiation environment populated by Italian companies


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Open source is typically outside of normal commercial software procurement processes.The Challenges.Increasingly diverse and distributed set of development resources.Little/no visibility into the origins of the software.Supply Chain Comparison: Hardware vs Software.Open source has revolutionized the mobile and device landscape, other industries will follow.Supply chain management techniques from hardware are useful for managing software.SPDX A standard format for communicating a software Bill of Materials across the supply chain.Effective management and control requires training, tools, processes and standards.