966 resultados para Old age homes - Catalunya - Santpedor
International migration sets in motion a range of significant transnational processes that connect countries and people. How migration interacts with development and how policies might promote and enhance such interactions have, since the turn of the millennium, gained attention on the international agenda. The recognition that transnational practices connect migrants and their families across sending and receiving societies forms part of this debate. The ways in which policy debate employs and understands transnational family ties nevertheless remain underexplored. This article sets out to discern the understandings of the family in two (often intermingled) debates concerned with transnational interactions: The largely state and policydriven discourse on the potential benefits of migration on economic development, and the largely academic transnational family literature focusing on issues of care and the micro-politics of gender and generation. Emphasizing the relation between diverse migration-development dynamics and specific family positions, we ask whether an analytical point of departure in respective transnational motherhood, fatherhood or childhood is linked to emphasizing certain outcomes. We conclude by sketching important strands of inclusions and exclusions of family matters in policy discourse and suggest ways to better integrate a transnational family perspective in global migration-development policy.
Gerodontology teaching amongst European dental schools – A European College of Gerodontology survey.
Introduction: In 2009, the European College of Gerodontology (ECG) published the Gerodontology undergraduate teaching guidelines. Seven years later it conducted a survey to explore the current status of Gerodontology teaching amongst the European dental schools.
Methods: The ECG Education Committee developed an electronic questionnaire that was emailed to the Deans or other contact persons in 185 dental schools in 40 European countries. The questionnaire recorded the prevalence, contents and methodology of Gerodontology education. Two weeks later a reminder was sent to non-respondents.
Results: The first wave of responses included 70 dental schools from 28 European countries. Gerodontology was included in the undergraduate curricula of 77% of the respondents and was compulsory in 61% of them. The course was usually offered in senior students and was interdisciplinary; the educators included dentists, physicians, nurses and other care providers. Lecturing was the most common educational technique (75%), and the most common topics included medical problems in old age, pharmacology and polypharmacy, the association between general and oral health, nutritional and chewing problems, xerostomia and prosthodontic management. Clinical training was usually offered within the dental school clinics (50%) and less often in remote locations (nursing homes, geriatric hospitals, day centers).
Key Conclusions: An increasing number of European dental schools teach Gerodontology at the undergraduate curriculum. The study is still ongoing, but a "worst case scenario" has to be born in mind, where dental schools, who failed to participate in the survey, may not be teaching in Gerodontology.
A problemática do envelhecimento tem assumido, nos últimos anos, uma crescente importância na consciência coletiva da população, tornando-se cada vez mais importante compreender a população idosa e a sua realidade. Posto isto, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo e correlacional, que teve como objectivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e atitudes face à velhice de idosos, bem como a relação entre estas e as variáveis sociodemográficas e familiares. Foram inquiridos 100 idosos, com mais de 65 anos e sem deficit cognitivo . Para a recolha de dados utilizou-se uma entrevista estruturada, constituída dados sóciodemográficos do idoso, WHOQOL-AGE (Caballero, Miret, Power, Chatterji, Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Koskinen, Leonardi, Olaya, Haro &Ayuso-Mateos, 2013) e o AAQ ( Laidlaw, Power, Schmidt and the WHOQOL-OLD Group, 2007). Dos resultados destacamos os seguintes: A amostra é constituída por 52% de idosos do sexo masculino tendo uma média de idades de 74,7 (DP=6,8). È no fator Perdas Psicossociais e no Desenvolvimento Psicológico que os idosos têm uma melhor atitude face ao envelhecimento. É no item “Tem dinheiro suficiente para satisfazer as suas necessidades?” que os idosos apresentam uma menor qualidade de vida. Não ter doença diagnosticada e ser do sexo masculino permitem ter melhores atitudes face ao envelhecimento. A Qualidade de Vida está relacionada com a idade, com o estado de saúde e com a intensidade de preocupação da família. Constatou-se que os idosos que não estão institucionalizados apresentam uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma melhor atitude face à velhice. Quem não precisa de ajudas técnicas para se movimentar apresenta uma melhor qualidade de vida. Diferenças nas atitudes face ao envelhecimento consoante a residência onde habita são significativas nas mudanças físicas e no desenvolvimento psicológico sendo que os idosos que não vivem em lares têm uma atitude mais positiva em ambos os fatores. / Over the past few years the issue of aging has played a growing importance in the population`s collective consciousness becoming increasingly important to understand the elderly population and this reality. Therefore a quantitative correlational study was performed to assess the quality of life of seniors and their attitudes towards old age, and the relationship between these and the socio-demographic and family factors. 100 seniors with more than 65 years and without cognitive deficit were surveyed. For data collection we used a structured interview consisting of sociodemographic data of the elderly, WHOQOL-AGE (Caballero Miret Power Chatterji Tobiasz-Adamczyk Koskinen Leonardi Olaya Ayuso-Mateos & Haro 2013) and AAQ (Laidlaw Power Schmidt and the WHOQOL-OLD Group 2007). We highlight: The sample is composed of 52% of males with a mean age of 74.7 (SD = 6.8). It is in the factor Psychosocial Losses and Psychological Development that elderly people have a better attitude towards aging. It is in the item "Do you have enough money to meet your needs?" that seniors show less quality of life. Not having illness and being male allows having better attitudes towards aging. Quality of Life is related to age, health condition and the intensity of family concerns. It was observed that the elderly who are not institutionalized have a better quality of life and a better attitude towards old age. Who does not need assistive devices to move around has a better quality of life. Differences in attitudes towards aging, according to residency, are significant in physical changes and psychological development, thus verifying that elderly who do not live in nursing homes have a more positive attitude in both factors.
Background: Older adults experience varying challenges in old age. This study aims to explore the indicators of adjustment to aging (AtA) and to examine the potential explanatory mechanisms of a correlational model for AtA for the old and oldest-old adults. Methods: This qualitative study comprised demographics and semistructured interviews. Complete information on 152 older adults aged between 75 years and 102 years (mean ¼ 83.76 years; standard deviation ¼ 6.458). Data was subjected to content analysis. The correlational model of indicators of AtA was analyzed using a multiple correspondence analysis. Results: “Occupation and achievement” was the most mentioned indicator of AtA by the old participants (17.7%), whereas “existential meaning and spirituality” was the most verbalized indicator of AtA for the oldest-old participants (16.9%). AtA was explained by a three-factor model for each age group. For the old participants, the largest factor “occupational and social focus” accounted for 33.6% of total variance, whereas for the oldest-old participants, “spirituality and health focus” represented 33.5% of total variance. Conclusion: The outcomes presented in this paper stressed the varied perspectives concerning AtA, contoured in two different models, and the need of considering these when designing and implementing programs in health care for the old and the oldest-old.
Este estudo investigou, em contexto psicogenético, que lugar a generosidade ocupa no universo moral de crianças e adolescentes em contraposição à satisfação de um interesse próprio. Foram entrevistados, individualmente, 30 alunos de uma escola pública de Vitória-ES, os quais foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com a faixa etária (7, 10 e 13 anos). Foi utilizada uma história-dilema que trazia um conflito entre a possibilidade de manifestar a generosidade e a oportunidade de satisfazer um interesse próprio. Em todas as faixas etárias pesquisadas, a maioria dos participantes optou pela generosidade em detrimento da satisfação do próprio interesse. A porcentagem dessa resposta na faixa etária de 10 anos, contudo, foi inferior às porcentagens nas demais idades estudadas. Pode-se afirmar, portanto, que a generosidade faz parte do universo moral infantil e adolescente. Este trabalho contribui para a expansão do campo de pesquisas sobre a moralidade e oferece importantes subsídios para propostas de educação moral que contemplem virtudes como a generosidade.
INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer os padrões de utilização de antibióticos no município de Sorocaba, avaliando o diagnóstico referido, a terapêutica empregada e sua utilização. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se um instrumento de avaliação aplicado por 12 meses em usuários de antibióticos. Foram coletados dados de 403 usuários e referiram-se à: informações sociodemográficas e de saúde, diagnóstico e terapêutica. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se grande utilização e a maior utilização prévia na faixa etária de 0-10 anos (p<0,05). As infecções com envolvimento pulmonar foram as mais citadas (p<0,05) e as penicilinas, os fármacos mais utilizados, presentes em 45,1% das prescrições. Tempo médio de terapêutica (8,9 dias) esteve abaixo do preconizado para otites. Em sinusites, 22% das prescrições não orientaram para o uso recomendado (10 dias). CONCLUSÕES: A inexistência e não utilização de protocolos terapêuticos têm resultado em grande diferença nos padrões de prescrição, levando a insucesso terapêutico e recidiva de infecções - situações frequentemente encontradas neste estudo.
OBJETIVO: apresentar o perfil de casos notificados de violência física contra menores de 15 anos em Londrina, Paraná, no ano de 2006. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal, com coleta retrospectiva nos prontuários dos Conselhos Tutelares e serviços de atendimento do município. Os dados foram processados e tabulados pelo programa Epi Info. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 479 casos de violência por força corporal e 9 casos de violência por outros meios (7 por instrumentos, 1 por objeto cortante e 1 por substância corrosiva). Na violência por força corporal, predominaram vítimas do sexo feminino (53,4 por cento ) e maior risco na idade de seis anos (12,2 por 1.000). O pai foi o agressor mais frequente (48,8 por cento ) e o alcoolismo esteve presente em 64,0 por cento dos casos. A violência por instrumentos foi praticada através de cinta (42,9 por cento ), fio (28,6 por cento ), ferro (14,3 por cento ) e instrumento de cozinha (14,3 por cento ), com vítimas do sexo feminino (85,7 por cento ), na faixa etária de doze anos (33,3 por cento ), sendo o pai (71,4 por cento ) e a mãe (28,6 por cento ) os únicos agressores, com o alcoolismo presente em 57,1 por cento destas situações. A vítima de violência por objeto cortante era do sexo masculino, 13 anos e o agressor, desconhecido, tinha de 15 a 19 anos. A violência por substância corrosiva teve como vítima um adolescente de 13 anos, do sexo masculino, cujo agressor foi o pai, sendo o alcoolismo a situação presente. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam para a importância epidemiológica do abuso físico contra crianças e adolescentes e podem contribuir para a elaboração de estratégias de prevenção e acompanhamento das vítimas
Background. Recent studies have sought to describe HIV infection and transmission characteristics around the world. Identification of early HIV-1 infection is essential to proper surveillance and description of regional transmission trends. In this study we compare people recently infected (RI) with HIV-1, as defined by Serologic Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion (STARHS), to those with chronic infection. Methodology/Principal Findings Subjects were identified from 2002-2004 at four testing sites in São Paulo. Of 485 HIV-1-positive subjects, 57 (12%) were defined as RI. Of the participants, 165 (34.0%) were aware of their serostatus at the time of HIV-1 testing. This proportion was statistically larger (p<0.001) among the individuals without recent infection (n = 158, 95.8%) compared to 7 individuals (4.2%) with recently acquired HIV-1 infection. In the univariate analysis, RI was more frequent in <25 and >59 years-old age strata (p<0.001). The majority of study participants were male (78.4%), 25 to 45 years-old (65.8%), white (63.2%), single (61.7%), with family income of four or more times the minimum wage (41.0%), but with an equally distributed educational level. Of those individuals infected with HIV-1, the predominant route of infection was sexual contact (89.4%), with both hetero (47.5%) and homosexual (34.5%) exposure. Regarding sexual activity in these individuals, 43.9% reported possible HIV-1 exposure through a seropositive partner, and 49.4% reported multiple partners, with 47% having 2 to 10 partners and 37.4% 11 or more; 53.4% of infected individuals reported condom use sometimes; 34.2% reported non-injecting, recreational drug use and 23.6% were reactive for syphilis by VDRL. Subjects younger than 25 years of age were most vulnerable according to the multivariate analysis. ) Conclusions/Significance In this study, we evaluated RI individuals and discovered that HIV-1 has been spreading among younger individuals in São Paulo and preventive approaches should, therefore, target this age stratum
Background: Several epidemiologic studies have shown a possible association between thyroid function and cognitive decline. Our aim was to evaluate the association of subclinical hyperthyroidism and dementia in a population sample of older people Methods: A cross-sectional study - Sao Paulo Ageing & Health Study (SPAH) - in a population sample of low-income elderly people >= 65 years-old to evaluate presence of subclinical thyroid disease as a risk factor for dementia. Thyroid function was assessed using thyrotropic hormone and free-thyroxine as well as routine use of thyroid hormones or antithyroid medications. Cases of dementia were assessed using a harmonized one-phase dementia diagnostic procedure by the ""10/66 Dementia Research Group"" including Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Logistic regression models were used to test a possible association between subclinical hyperthyroidism and dementia. Results and discussion: Prevalence of dementia and of subclinical hyperthyroidism were respectively of 4.4% and 3.0%. After age adjustment, we found an association of subclinical hyperthyroidism and any type of dementia and vascular dementia (Odds Ratio, 4.1, 95% Confidence Interval [95% CI] 1.3-13.1, and 5.3 95% CI, 1.1-26.4; respectively). Analyzing data by gender, we found an association of subclinical hyperthyroidism with dementia and Alzheimer's disease only for men (OR, 8.0; 95% CI, 1.5-43.4; OR, 12.4; 95% CI, 1.2-128.4; respectively). No women with subclinical hypothyroidism presented Alzheimer's disease in the sample. Conclusion: The results suggest a consistent association among people with subclinical hyperthyroidism and dementia.
Background. Recent studies have sought to describe HIV infection and transmission characteristics around the world. Identification of early HIV-1 infection is essential to proper surveillance and description of regional transmission trends. In this study we compare people recently infected (RI) with HIV-1, as defined by Serologic Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion (STARHS), to those with chronic infection. Methodology/Principal Findings. Subjects were identified from 2002-2004 at four testing sites in Sao Paulo. Of 485 HIV-1-positive subjects, 57 (12%) were defined as RI. Of the participants, 165 (34.0%) were aware of their serostatus at the time of HIV-1 testing. This proportion was statistically larger (p<0.001) among the individuals without recent infection (n = 158, 95.8%) compared to 7 individuals (4.2%) with recently acquired HIV-1 infection. In the univariate analysis, RI was more frequent in,25 and >59 years-old age strata (p < 0.001). The majority of study participants were male (78.4%), 25 to 45 years-old (65.8%), white (63.2%), single (61.7%), with family income of four or more times the minimum wage (41.0%), but with an equally distributed educational level. Of those individuals infected with HIV-1, the predominant route of infection was sexual contact (89.4%), with both hetero (47.5%) and homosexual (34.5%) exposure. Regarding sexual activity in these individuals, 43.9% reported possible HIV-1 exposure through a seropositive partner, and 49.4% reported multiple partners, with 47% having 2 to 10 partners and 37.4% 11 or more; 53.4% of infected individuals reported condom use sometimes; 34.2% reported non-injecting, recreational drug use and 23.6% were reactive for syphilis by VDRL. Subjects younger than 25 years of age were most vulnerable according to the multivariate analysis. Conclusions/Significance. In this study, we evaluated RI individuals and discovered that HIV-1 has been spreading among younger individuals in Sao Paulo and preventive approaches should, therefore, target this age stratum.
Context. To study the evolution of Li in the Galaxy it is necessary to observe dwarf or subgiant stars. These are the only long-lived stars whose present-day atmospheric chemical composition reflects their natal Li abundances according to standard models of stellar evolution. Although Li has been extensively studied in the Galactic disk and halo, to date there has only been one uncertain detection of Li in an unevolved bulge star. Aims. Our aim with this study is to provide the first clear detection of Li in the Galactic bulge, based on an analysis of a dwarf star that has largely retained its initial Li abundance. Methods. We performed a detailed elemental abundance analysis of the bulge dwarf star MOA-2010-BLG-285S using a high-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectrum obtained with the UVES spectrograph at the VLT when the object was optically magnified during a gravitational microlensing event (visual magnification A similar to 550 during observation). The Li abundance was determined through synthetic line profile fitting of the (7)Li resonance doublet line at 670.8 nm. The results have been corrected for departures from LTE. Results. MOA-2010-BLG-285S is, at [Fe/H] = -1.23, the most metal-poor dwarf star detected so far in the Galactic bulge. Its old age (12.5 Gyr) and enhanced [alpha/Fe] ratios agree well with stars in the thick disk at similar metallicities. This star represents the first unambiguous detection of Li in a metal-poor dwarf star in the Galactic bulge. We find an NLTE corrected Li abundance of log epsilon(Li) = 2.16, which is consistent with values derived for Galactic disk and halo dwarf stars at similar metallicities and temperatures. Conclusions. Our results show that there are no signs of Li enrichment or production in the Galactic bulge during its earliest phases. Observations of Li in other galaxies (omega Cen) and other components of the Galaxy suggest further that the Spite plateau is universal.
Background and Purpose-The goal of the present study was to identify risk factors for vascular disease in the elderly. Methods-We conducted a prospective study of control subjects from a population-based study of stroke in Perth, Western Australia, that was completed in 1989 to 1990 and used record linkage and a survey of survivors to identify deaths and nonfatal vascular events. Data validated through reference to medical records were analyzed with the use of Cox proportional hazards models. Results-Follow-up for the 931 subjects was 88% complete. By June 24, 1994, 198 (24%) of the subjects had died (96 from vascular disease), and there had been 45 nonfatal strokes or myocardial infarctions. The hazard ratio for diabetes exceeded 2.0 for all end points, whereas the consumption of meat >4 times weekly was associated with a reduction in risk of less than or equal to 30%. In most models, female sex and consumption of alcohol were associated with reduced risks, whereas previous myocardial infarction was linked to an increase in risk. Conclusions-There are only limited associations between lifestyle and major vascular illness in old age. Effective health promotion activities in early and middle life may be the key to a longer and healthier old age.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory cell subset proportions in the upper gingival connective tissue, including mature dendritic cells (DC) in elderly and younger patients with generalized chronic periodontitis in order to further understand the effect of aging on gingival inflammatory phenomenon. Methods: Gingival tissue specimens presenting chronic periodontitis from 8 elderly patients aged >75 (test group, group T) and from 8 younger patients aged 50-60 (considered as controls, group C) were analysed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against CD45RB, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD68, DC-SIGN, DC-LAMP molecules. The number of each immunolabelled cells subset was counted using image analysis. Results: The difference in the number of CD45RB + leucocytes in the upper gingival connective tissue between groups was not significant permitting to use it as reference. As compared. to group C, the lymphocyte subsets/CD45RB + leucocytes ratios tended to decrease in group T but the decrease was significant only for CD4 + T lymphocytes/ CD45RB + cells ratio (p < 0.03). On the opposite, the ratios of antigen-presenting cells DC-SIGN + cells/CD45RB + cells and DC-LAMP + cells/CD45RB + cells were significantly increased;(p < 0.03 and <0.0001, respectively) in group T. Moreover, in group T the DC-LAMP + cells/DC-SIGN + cells ratio was significantly increased (p < 0.05) showing an increased number of matured dendritic cells. Conclusion: During chronic periodontitis in elderly patients, our results show a decrease in the ratio of gingival CD4 + lymphocyte subset associated with an increase in the ratios of antigen-presenting cells subsets and more particularly maturated DC-LAMP + dendritic cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article examines young people's perceptions of their conversations with older people (age 65-85) across nine cultures-five Eastern and four Western. Responses from more than 1,000 participants were entered into a cross-national factor analysis, which revealed four initial factors that underlie perceptions of intergenerational conversations. Elder nonaccommodation was when young participants reported that older people negatively stereotyped the young and did not attend to their communication needs. On the other hand, elder accommodation was when older people were perceived as supportive, attentive and generally encouraging to young people. A third factor was respect/obligation and a fourth factor labeled age-irrelevant positivity described a situation where young people felt conversations with much older people were emotionally positive and satisfying, age did not matter: Examining cross-cultural differences, some East versus West differences were observed, as might be expected, on the basis of simplistic accounts of Eastern collectivism versus Western individualism. However the results challenge commonsense notions of the status of old age in Eastern versus Western cultures. On some dimensions, participants from Korea, Japan, People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and the Philippines appear to have relatively less positive perceptions of their conversations with older people than the Western cultures-the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. But there was also evidence of considerable cultural variability, particularly among Eastern cultures-variability that has heretofore all too often been glossed over when global comparisons of East versus West are made. A range of explanations for these cultural differences is explored and implications for older people in these societies are also considered.
In Australia there has been rapid growth in the number of geriatricians and the provision of aged care services. This has been accompanied by increasing sophistication in the assessment and management of the common syndromes of old age: impaired cognition, incontinence, impaired mobility, impaired homeostasis and iatrogenic disease. Innovative systems of service delivery have been developed in diverse fields including dementia services and orthogeriatrics. Adequate planning and funding strategies are required to ensure that older people continue to have appropriate access to high quality services and that there is provision for education and research in ageing.