954 resultados para Ocean-atmosphere interaction


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Recent evidence that dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a significant component of the organic carbon flux below the photic layer of the ocean (1), together with verification of high respiration rates in the dark ocean (2), suggests that the downward flux of DOC may play a major role in supporting respiration there. Here we show, on the basis of examination of the relation between DOC and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), that the DOC flux supports ~10% of the respiration in the dark ocean. The contribution of DOC to pelagic respiration below the surface mixed layer can be inferred from the relation between DOC and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU, µM O2), a variable quantifying the cumulative oxygen consumption since a water parcel was last in contact with the atmosphere. However, assessments of DOC/AOU relations have been limited to specific regions of the ocean (3, 4) and have not considered the global ocean. We assembled a large data set (N = 9824) of concurrent DOC and AOU observations collected in cruises conducted throughout the world's oceans (fig. S1, table S1) to examine the relative contribution of DOC to AOU and, therefore, respiration in the dark ocean. AOU increased from an average (±SE) 96.3 ± 2.0 µM at the base of the surface mixed layer (100 m) to 165.5 ± 4.3 µM at the bottom of the main thermocline (1000 m), with a parallel decline in the average DOC from 53.5 ± 0.2 to 43.4 ± 0.3 µM C (Fig. 1). In contrast, there is no significant decline in DOC with increasing depth beyond 1000 m depth (Fig. 1), indicating that DOC exported with overturning circulation plays a minor role in supporting respiration in the ocean interior (5). Assuming a molar respiratory quotient of 0.69, the decline in DOC accounts for 19.6 ± 0.4% of the AOU within the top 1000 m (Fig. 1). This estimate represents, however, an upper limit, because the correlation between DOC and AOU is partly due to mixing of DOC-rich warm surface waters with DOC-poor cold thermocline waters (6). Removal of this effect by regressing DOC against AOU and water temperature indicates that DOC supports only 8.4 ± 0.3% of the respiration in the mesopelagic waters.


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During the 1965 Atlantic Expedition of the "Meteor" concentrations of various atmospheric trace gases were measured. The following gases were considered: carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogene dioxide (NO2), and nitric oxide (NO). The air whereof these components were measured was sucked in from a height of 14 m above the surface of the sea. The results allow conclusions upon the long term global increase of the atmospheric CO2 content, the meridional distribution of the CO2 on the Atlantic Ocean, and the dependance of its concentration upon the time of the day and the thermal structure of the atmosphere. Attempts at determining concentrations of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide of non-continental origin failed at large. Concentrations of NO2, however, could succesfully be measured.


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The calcareous nannofossils of the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval of Sites 1258 and 1260 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207) have been studied in order to understand the depositional environment during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in the equatorial Atlantic. Nannofossil assemblages show a significant change in relative abundances during the positive d13Corg excursion interval. The strong increase of the high productivity indicator Zeugrhabdotus erectus and the simultaneous decrease of the oligotrophic taxa Watznaueria barnesiae and Watznaueria fossacincta are indicative of enhanced fertility. The decrease of Eprolithus floralis may be attributed to the surface-water temperature increase during OAE2, which is, however, not very significant (~2-3 °C), as suggested by published TEX86 data. It seems more likely that the decrease of E. floralis during OAE2 was evoked by the breakdown of water-column stratification, indicating it as a deep-dwelling species, which prefers stratified waters with a deep nutricline. Prediscosphaera spp. and Retecapsa ficula, which show a significant increase in relative abundances during OAE2, seem to prefer eutrophic environments, while Amphizygus brooksii and Zeugrhabdotus noeliae lower surface-water fertility. Gartnerago segmentatum, Broinsonia spp., Watznaueria biporta, and Seribiscutum gaultensis decrease in abundances during OAE2. It is not clear if they preferred an oligotrophic environment, cooler surface-waters, or if they were inhabitants of the lower photic zone. Published geochemical data suggest that enhanced fertility and higher temperatures during OAE2 may have been caused by submarine volcanic activity through the release of biolimiting micronutrients into the ocean and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The breakdown of water-column stratification may have increased further nutrient availability.