998 resultados para Obesity -- Teenagers -- Girona
Treball resultat d’un seguit de recerques paral·leles a l’estudi de l’obra filològica d’Antoni de Bastero, considerat avui el més important filòleg del segle XVIII, precursor dels estudis literaris i lingüístics moderns al nostre país
Aquest treball es centra, sobretot, en un objectiu principal que és conèixer la relació entre turisme i museus: com és aquesta relació, què en pensen diferents autors de la literatura acadèmica específica del tema. El present estudi es concreta en la relació dels museus i turisme a la ciutat de Girona. A partir d’aquest objectiu general es pretén conèixer la relació existent entre el sector museus i el sector turisme a la ciutat deGirona; conèixer les actuacions que fan els museus de la ciutat (Museu del Cinema, Museu d’Història dels Jueus, Museu-Tresor de la Catedral, Museu d’Art, Museu d’Història de la Ciutat i Museu d’Arqueologia de Girona) en relació al turisme; aproximar-se al grau d’implicació dels sis museus de Girona amb el turisme
Els objectius d’aquest treball són, per una banda, presentar i caracteritzar, de forma general i no exhaustiva, la relació existent entre el sector turístic i els equipaments museístics. Per una altra banda, exposar els primers mesos de posada en funcionament del Pla de Comunicació Turística del Museu d’Art redactat per la Facultat de Turisme de la Universitat de Girona
En el año 2008 tuvo lugar el aniversario del centenario de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la ciudad greco-romana de Ampurias. Precisamente las investigaciones de esa época tienen un significado cultural y simbólico muy importante para el desarrollo de la autognosis de Cataluña a comienzos del siglo XX. El presente artículo intenta llamar la atención sobre los verdaderos comienzos de las investigaciones sobre la antigua ciudad, que habían comenzado bastante antes. Si nos concentramos en considerar los lugares de patrocinio público las excavaciones privadas fueron habituales en todas las épocas entonces las excavaciones científicas comenzaron siete décadas antes. Responsable fue la Comisión de Monumentos de Girona, que contó con el apoyo financiero de la Diputación Provincial.
Notice about the geologic and geomorphologic maps of Santa Coloma de Farners, at scale 1:10,000 published by Unitat de Geologia of the Universitat de Girona
The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the present state of thepractical application of cooperative learning methodologies at the University of Girona,to assess its strengths and weaknesses and to extract from that criteria, ideas andprinciples. These materials will be the basis upon which a guide or manual of use oncooperative learning will be drafted. The guide will be at the disposal of the UdGteaching staff and other people interested in it, with the aim of helping them with theirteaching and foster a higher degree of use of cooperative learning at the University. Thepaper presents the survey already conducted, as well as the methodology followed, thehypotheses of the study and the results obtained
The Onyar River basin is situated in the depression of la Selva. His origins are related to tectonic activity during Neogen in this region. In his evolution, we note a slowly and continuous downfall which directs the morphodinamical behaviour. In this sense, the drainage network has a directional trend towards the north, as consecuence of fault systems, and specially the N-S oriented one. A fault of this system has an important influence in the basin morphology, directs the drainage towards the north and avoids a closely drainage in the basin
With the aim of radiocarbon dating Llora travertines, chemical and isotopic data of strearn water and present travertines have been analyzed. The purpose is to determine the radiocarbon activity of present travertines in order to assign an initial radiocarbon activity to the old ones. Applying this methodology we conclude that travertines are from Holocen age around 4.000 years BP
Se describen los domos graníticos de la cuenca del río Ridaura. Sus caraterísticas geométricas se relacionan estrechamente con la disposición de las fracturas. Su génesis deriva de una fase subsuperficial, bajo un manto de alteración, presumiblemente desarrollada durante el Plioceno, y una fase de exhumación torrencial, que comprende desde el Plioceno terminal hasta la actualidad
In 1978 University de Girona's Unity of Geodynamics started publishing geological maps, in several themes and scales, of various areas of the Province of Girona (fig. 1). So far, up to 38 maps, gathered in several collections, have been published
Since 1978, the unity of Geodynamics of the University of Girona has been publishing a series of detailed geological and geomorphological maps of different municipal terms of the Province of Girona, mainly on the scale of 1:10.000, situated for the major part in the Littoral and Prelittoral mountain ranges of the Cadena Costera Catalana. These mountain ranges are constituted of materials belonging to the palaeozoic era, basically metamorphous and igneous rocks (plutomc and hypoabyssal rocks)
The main environmental impacts related to the gravel pits in the medium course of the Fluvià river have been assessed. In order to compute the global impact and index based on the numerical values of different impacts has been defined. This index is applied to different areas and the results reveal that the environmental impact expected for a gravel pit is high or moderate close to the main streams and low in the rest of the territory
The aim of the research presented in this article is to understand undergraduate students’ appraisal of the influence of reflective learning methodology in different aspects of their learning, and to obtain evidence of the main difficulties encountered by students and the main contributions of this kind of methodology into their learning process. The study was conducted in four different degree courses (Social education, Environmental sciences, Nursing, and Psychology) at the University of Girona Through the development of a self-report reflective learning questionnaire and its application to 162 students who participated in the experiences, we conclude that reflective learning can be positively assessed as having great potential to train university undergraduates