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Published as an article in: Economics Letters, 2010, vol. 107, issue 2, pages 284-287.


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[ES] El marco teórico del trabajo tiene como finalidad explicar los procesos de cooperación diseñados para las microempresas, con el propósito de establecer propuestas y argumentos para la formación de acuerdos, identificar los factores que afectan el desarrollo de los mismos, así como los sistemas de innovación nacional, regional y local para la animación de la cooperación entre firmas. Con ello, se propone una metodología para promover la cooperación entre microempresas, coordinada por agentes locales y la administración pública de los proyectos Micro y e-Micro (2002-2007) de la ciudad de Murcia.


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[ES] Las Pymes colombianas, al igual que las de América Latina, afrontan una serie de barreras para la exportación asociadas a la carencia de recursos y capacidades organizacionales y directivas, las cuales hacen que su permanencia en los mercados internacionales sea cuestionable. Al no superar tales barreras y mostrar una posición competitiva más fuerte difícilmente éstas podrán penetrar y sobrevivir en los mercados internacionales y aprovechar las grandes oportunidades que ofrece el mercado mundial. Especialmente, aquéllas que surgen como resultado de los acuerdos de integración y de los sistemas de preferencia suscritos y otorgados a Colombia.


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Descreve a elaboração da Política de Indexação da Câmara dos Deputados como exemplo de política de informação para a estruturação da Arquitetura da Informação. Tem por objetivo analisar a relevância institucional das políticas de informação para a implementação de um modelo de Arquitetura de Informação na Câmara dos Deputados. Relata que sistemas de informação legislativa e administrativa da Casa são separados, o que dificulta a criação de diretrizes e regras sobre a informação, mesmo havendo a necessidade de utilização compartilhada destes dados, gerando resistências às políticas de informação. Exemplifica que processo de indexação, que é fortemente influenciado pela subjetividade do indexador, e que sem normas claras sobre como proceder, acaba prejudicando a recuperação de um documento em um sistema de informação, pois além do conhecimento do assunto tratado no documento, o indexador deve ter orientação quanto aos procedimentos que deve observar para garantir a qualidade, a consistência e a coerência da indexação. Avalia que para a elaboração de uma Política de Indexação, além da técnica, há uma necessidade de amplos acordos, criação de significados conjuntos e de estruturas de governança, formalizados em normas com força impositiva e coercitiva que serão seguidos por toda a Casa.


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Most of the patent licensing agreements that are observed include royalties, in particular per-unit or ad valorem royalties. This paper shows that in a differ entiated duopoly that competes á la Cournot the optimal contract for an internal patentee always includes a positive royalty. Moreover, we show that the patentee would prefer to use ad valorem royalties rather than per-unit royalties when goods are complements or when they are substitutes and the degree of differentiation is suffciently low. The reason is that by including an ad valorem royalty in the licensing contract the patentee can commit strategically to be more (less) aggressive when goods are complements (substitutes) since his licensing revenues become increasing with the price of output of his rival. As a result, licensing may hurt consumers although it always increases social welfare.


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Contents: Fisheries Subsidies. Status of fisheries subsidies talks at the WTO. Preferential Free Trade Agreements. Collapse of Doha Round results in rise of FTAs Update on EU Generalised System of Preferences regime Fisheries Trade-related Regulation. Soltai encounters quality problems. Update on Fiji seafood export ban to the EU. EU sanitary inspections in other developing countries Tuna Markets. Developments in the US debate on the mercury content of tuna. Other developments in the US market. Japanese tuna fisheries and seafood markets. Greenpeace tuna campaign moves to the UK. Thai Union predicts growth for 2008. (PDF contains 12 pages)


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Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is a typical compliant offshore structure for oil exploitation in deep water. Most of the existing mathematical models for analyzing the dynamic response of TLP are based on explicit or implicit assumptions that displacements (translations and rotations) are small magnitude. Herein a theoretical method for analyzing the nonlinear dynamic behavior of TLP with finite displacement is developed, in which multifold nonlinearities are taken into account, i.e. finite displacement, coupling of the six degrees of freedom, instantaneous position, instantaneous wet surface, free surface effects and viscous drag force. Using this theoretical model, we perform the numerical analysis of dynamic response of a representative TLP. The comparison between the degenerative linear solution of the proposed nonlinear model and the published one shows good agreements. Furthermore, numerical results are presented which illustrate that nonlinearities exert a distinct influence on the dynamic responses of the TLP.


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[ES] En el Archivo General de la Universidad de Navarra, dentro del Fondo Luis de Eleizalde, se conservan un telegrama y ocho cartas de Sabino Arana Goiri al propio Eleizalde, fechadas entre el 3 de diciembre de 1900 y el 21 de agosto de 1902. Se trata de una documentación inédita, de gran interés para conocer diversos aspectos de la ideología y la acción política y cultural del fundador del nacionalismo vasco en los últimos años de su vida. Las cartas aportan nuevos datos sobre las difíciles relaciones de Arana con los fueristas del semanario Euskalduna, su participación en el Congreso de Hendaya para la unificación ortográfica del euskera, las publicaciones periódicas creadas por él (en especial la revista cultural Euzkadi), su controvertida evolución españolista de 1902, etc.


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An examination is made of investment prospects in the Nigerian marine fisheries, considering the following sectors: inshore demersal fishery; inshore pelagic fishery; and the offshore pelagic fishery. The marine fisheries resources of countries with which Nigeria has bilateral fishing rights agreements are discussed, considering Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Mauritania. Fishing gear and methods for the marine fishery sectors are outlined. Market potentials for fish products and profitability are also examined


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2006 1. Captured and tagged 475 Gulf sturgeons in five Florida rivers and one bay. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Assisted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) with the collection of Gulf sturgeon, implantation of acoustic tags, and monitoring of fish in a study to examine movement patterns and habitat use in Pensacola and Choctawhatchee bays post-Hurricane Ivan. 4. Provided technical assistance to Jon “Bo” Sawyer in completing a study – Summer Resting Areas of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Conecuh/Escambia River System, Alabama-Florida – for acquiring a Degree of Master of Science at Troy University, Alabama. 5. Coordinated tagging and data collection with NOAA observers aboard trawlers while collecting Gulf sturgeon during dredging operations in the coastal Gulf of Mexico. 6. Hosted the 7th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop. 7. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 23rd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system, and evaluating post-stocking success. 8. Continued updating and managing the Freshwater Mussel Survey Database, a Geographic Information System (GIS) database, for over 800 unique sites in the Northeast Gulf (NEG) drainages in Alabama (AL), Georgia (GA), and Florida (FL). 9. Formed a recovery implementation team for listed mussels in the ACF river basin and oversaw grant cooperative agreements for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the NEG watersheds. 10. Initiated a project in the Apalachicola River to relocate mussels stranded as a result of drought conditions, and calculate river flows at which mussels would be exposed. 11. Initiated a project in Sawhatchee Creek, Georgia to determine the status of threatened and endangered (T&E) freshwater mussels and target restoration projects, population assessments, and potential population augmentation to lead toward recovery of the listed species. 12. Initiated a study to determine the age and growth of the endangered fat threeridge mussel (Amblema neislerii). 13. Provided technical assistance to the Panama City Ecological Services office for a biological opinion on the operations of Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam and its effects on the listed species and designated and proposed critical habitat in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 14. Assisted with a multi-State, inter-agency team to develop a management plan to restore the Alabama shad in the ACF river system. 15. Conducted fishery surveys on Tyndall AFB, Florida and Ft. Benning, Georgia and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 16. Provided fishery technical assistance to four National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR). 17. Initiated an Aquatic Resources and Recreation Fishing Survey on Department of Defense facilities located in Region 4. 18. Identified 130 road-stream crossings on Eglin AFB for rehabilitation and elimination of sediment imputs. 19. Continued the Aquatics Monitoring Program at Eglin AFB to assess techniques that determine current status and sustainability of aquatic habitat and develop a measure to determine quality or degradation of habitat. 20. Assisted Eglin AFB Natural Resource managers in revising the installation’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and its associated component plans. 21. Coordinated recovery efforts for the endangered Okaloosa darter including population/life history surveys, stream restoration, and outreach activities. 22. Initiated a comprehensive status review of the Okaloosa darter with analyses performed to assess available habitat, preferred habitats, range expansions/reductions/fragmentations, population size, and probability of extinction. 23. Assisted the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem Partnership and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under a Memorandum of Agreement to develop conservation strategies, implement monitoring and assessment programs, and secure funds for aquatic management programs in six watersheds in northwest Florida and southeast Alabama. 24. Entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Air Force to encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources at Hurlburt Field, Florida. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources’ conservation needs and opportunities; including National Fishing Week, Earth Day, several festivals, and school outreach.


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[ES] El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar y analizar las discrepancias que hubo en el seno de la burguesía guipuzcoana durante los siglos XVIII y XIX en torno a la habilitación de los puertos guipuzcoanos para el comercio directo con América y el traslado de aduanas desde el interior a la costa. Para ello, se acude a la extensa historiografía que se ha ocupado del tema y se hace un análisis crítico de cierto número de representaciones enviadas por el grupo de comerciantes disidentes, con el fin de llevar a cabo un reco- rrido por el debate en torno a ambas cuestiones, que se prolongó desde el advenimiento de la dinastía borbónica hasta los decretos de 1841. A pesar de la visión unívoca que se ha dado del mencionado debate, según la cual parti- ciparon dos bloques perfectamente diferenciados, la documentación muestra una mayor heterogeneidad en las posturas, de manera que en el seno de la burguesía comercial se perciben ciertas divisiones y discrepancias. Si bien es cierto que en un principio los bloques parecen tener un discurso claramente beligerante, aunque también existen todavía puntos de coincidencia, a medi- da que transcurre el tiempo, las posturas se van radicalizando y diversifi- cando, creando una mayor heterogeneidad.


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In this paper, we briefly summarize two typical morphology characteristics of the self-organized void array induced in bulk of fused silica glass by a tightly focused femtosecond laser beam, such as the key role of high numerical aperture in the void array formation and the concentric-circle-like structure indicated by the top view of the void array. By adopting a physical model which combines the nonlinear propagation of femtosecond laser pulses with the spherical aberration effect (SA) at the interface of two mediums of different refractive indices, reasonable agreements between the simulation results and the experimental results are obtained. By comparing the fluence distributions of the case with both SA and nonlinear effects included and the case with only consideration of SA, we suggest that spherical aberration, which results from the refractive index mismatch between air and fused silica glass, is the main reason for the formation of the self-organized void array. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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6 p.