928 resultados para OPTICAL CDMA


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Adaptive least mean square (LMS) filters with or without training sequences, which are known as training-based and blind detectors respectively, have been formulated to counter interference in CDMA systems. The convergence characteristics of these two LMS detectors are analyzed and compared in this paper. We show that the blind detector is superior to the training-based detector with respect to convergence rate. On the other hand, the training-based detector performs better in the steady state, giving a lower excess mean-square error (MSE) for a given adaptation step size. A novel decision-directed LMS detector which achieves the low excess MSE of the training-based detector and the superior convergence performance of the blind detector is proposed.


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In this study we quantify the relationship between the aerosol optical depth increase from a volcanic eruption and the severity of the subsequent surface temperature decrease. This investigation is made by simulating 10 different sizes of eruption in a global circulation model (GCM) by changing stratospheric sulfate aerosol optical depth at each time step. The sizes of the simulated eruptions range from Pinatubo‐sized up to the magnitude of supervolcanic eruptions around 100 times the size of Pinatubo. From these simulations we find that there is a smooth monotonic relationship between the global mean maximum aerosol optical depth anomaly and the global mean temperature anomaly and we derive a simple mathematical expression which fits this relationship well. We also construct similar relationships between global mean aerosol optical depth and the temperature anomaly at every individual model grid box to produce global maps of best‐fit coefficients and fit residuals. These maps are used with caution to find the eruption size at which a local temperature anomaly is clearly distinct from the local natural variability and to approximate the temperature anomalies which the model may simulate following a Tambora‐sized eruption. To our knowledge, this is the first study which quantifies the relationship between aerosol optical depth and resulting temperature anomalies in a simple way, using the wealth of data that is available from GCM simulations.


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We test the response of the Oxford-RAL Aerosol and Cloud (ORAC) retrieval algorithm for MSG SEVIRI to changes in the aerosol properties used in the dust aerosol model, using data from the Dust Outflow and Deposition to the Ocean (DODO) flight campaign in August 2006. We find that using the observed DODO free tropospheric aerosol size distribution and refractive index increases simulated top of the atmosphere radiance at 0.55 µm assuming a fixed erosol optical depth of 0.5 by 10–15 %, reaching a maximum difference at low solar zenith angles. We test the sensitivity of the retrieval to the vertical distribution f the aerosol and find that this is unimportant in determining simulated radiance at 0.55 µm. We also test the ability of the ORAC retrieval when used to produce the GlobAerosol dataset to correctly identify continental aerosol outflow from the African continent and we find that it poorly constrains aerosol speciation. We develop spatially and temporally resolved prior distributions of aerosols to inform the retrieval which incorporates five aerosol models: desert dust, maritime, biomass burning, urban and continental. We use a Saharan Dust Index and the GEOS-Chem chemistry transport model to describe dust and biomass burning aerosol outflow, and compare AOD using our speciation against the GlobAerosol retrieval during January and July 2006. We find AOD discrepancies of 0.2–1 over regions of intense biomass burning outflow, where AOD from our aerosol speciation and GlobAerosol speciation can differ by as much as 50 - 70 %.


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This study examines the effect of seasonally varying chlorophyll on the climate of the Arabian Sea and South Asian monsoon. The effect of such seasonality on the radiative properties of the upper ocean is often a missing process in coupled general circulation models and its large amplitude in the region makes it a pertinent choice for study to determine any impact on systematic biases in the mean and seasonality of the Arabian Sea. In this study we examine the effects of incorporating a seasonal cycle in chlorophyll due to phytoplankton blooms in the UK Met Office coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM HadCM3. This is achieved by performing experiments in which the optical properties of water in the Arabian Sea - a key signal of the semi-annual cycle of phytoplankton blooms in the region - are calculated from a chlorophyll climatology derived from Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) data. The SeaWiFS chlorophyll is prescribed in annual mean and seasonally-varying experiments. In response to the chlorophyll bloom in late spring, biases in mixed layer depth are reduced by up to 50% and the surface is warmed, leading to increases in monsoon rainfall during the onset period. However when the monsoons are fully established in boreal winter and summer and there are strong surface winds and a deep mixed layer, biases in the mixed layer depth are reduced but the surface undergoes cooling. The seasonality of the response of SST to chlorophyll is found to depend on the relative depth of the mixed layer to that of the anomalous penetration depth of solar fluxes. Thus the inclusion of the effects of chlorophyll on radiative properties of the upper ocean acts to reduce biases in mixed layer depth and increase seasonality in SST.


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Sol-gel derived inorganic materials are of interest as hosts for non-linear optically active guest molecules and they offer particular advantages in the field of non-linear optics. Orientationally ordered glasses have been prepared using a sol-gel system based on tetramethoxysilane, methyltrimethoxysilane and a non-linear optical chromophore Disperse Red 1. The novel technique of photo-induced poling was used to generate enhanced levels of polar order. The level of enhancement is strongly dependent on the extent of gelation and an optimum preparation time of ∼100 h led to an enhancement factor of ∼5. Films prepared in this manner exhibited a high stability of the polar order.


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A range of side chain liquid crystal copolymers have been prepared using mesogenic and non-mesogenic units. It is found that high levels of the non-mesogenic moieties may be introduced without completely disrupting the organization of the liquid crystal phase. Incorporation of this comonomer causes a marked reduction in the glass transition temperature (Tg), presumably as a result of enhanced backbone mobility and a corresponding lowering of the nematic transition temperature, thereby restricting the temperature range for stability of the liquid crystal phase. The effect of the interactions between the various components of these side-chain polymers on their electro-optic responses is described. Infrared (i.r.) dichroism measurements have been made to determine the order parameters of the liquid crystalline side-chain polymers. By identifying a certain band (CN stretching) in the i.r. absorption spectrum, the order parameter of the mesogenic groups can be obtained. The temperature and composition dependence of the observed order parameter are related to the liquid crystal phase transitions and to the electro-optic response. It is found that the introduction of the non-mesogenic units into the polymer chain lowers the threshold voltage of the electro-optic response over and above that due to the reduction in the order parameter. The dynamic electro-optic responses are dominated by the temperature-dependent viscosity and evidence is presented for relaxation processes involving the polymer backbone which are on a time scale greater than that for the mesogenic side-chain units.


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A guest/host material system in which the guest molecule is a functionalized, optically nonlinear, chromophore is described. A verification of the crosslinking process, an assessment of the nonlinear properties of the chromophore, using Solvatochromic methods, and an investigation of the electric field induced molecular orientation using second-harmonic generation are included.


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Photoinduced poling (PIP) is a new technique which allows the room‐temperature preparation of guest/host polymer films exhibiting significant polar order for nonlinear optical applications. We report a comparison of this novel technique with the conventional electrode poling procedure performed at the glass transition temperature of the polymer using disperse red 1/poly(methylmethacrylate) films. In particular, in situ second harmonic generation measurements show that levels of polar order achieved using these two techniques are similar. In contrast, the stability of the polar order is reduced by up to 20 times in terms of the decay time constant in films prepared using PIP although the stability is very dependent upon the temperature at which the poling was performed.


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Experimental results of the temperature dependence of the nonlinear optical response of methyl red doped polymethylmethacrylate films in the range 20°C to 170°C are reported. It is found that the intensity of the phase conjugate signal resulting from degenerate four-wave mixing using pump and probe beams with parallel polarisation states increases dramatically on heating by a factor of ∼ 10, reaching a maximum at ∼ 100°C. The intensity of the phase conjugate signal for the case with crossed polarisation states of the pump and probe beams drops monotonically with increasing temperature. For both configurations the response time shortens with increasing temperature. The particular role of the polymer matrix in this temperature variation of the nonlinear optical response is discussed.


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The optical microstructures of thin sections of two liquid crystalline polymers are examined in the polarizing microscope. The polymers are random copolyesters based on hydroxybenzoic and hydroxynaphthoic acids (B-N), and hydroxybenzoic acid and ethylene terephthalate (B-ET). Sections cut from oriented samples, so as to include the extrusion direction, show microstructures in which there is no apparent preferred orientation of the axes describing the local optical anisotropy. The absence of preferred orientation in the microstructure, despite marked axial alignment of molecular chain segments as demonstrated by X-Ray diffraction, is interpreted in terms of the polymer having biaxial optical properties. The implication of optical biaxiality is that, although the mesophases are nematic, the orientation of the molecules is correlated about three (orthogonal) axes over distances greater than a micron. The structure is classified as a multiaxial nematic.


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We present a novel way of interacting with an immersive virtual environment which involves inexpensive motion-capture using the Wii Remote®. A software framework is also presented to visualize and share this information across two remote CAVETM-like environments. The resulting application can be used to assist rehabilitation by sending motion information across remote sites. The application’s software and hardware components are scalable enough to be used on a desktop computer when home-based rehabilitation is preferred.