921 resultados para Nutritional well-being


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Taking the appropriation of objects as a theoretical starting point, this study makes a distinction between a conceptual and practical level of adopting new objects and products in everyday life. The study applies the concept of appropriation in social food research and examines consumers appropriation of functional foods, i.e., foods developed to improve health and well-being or reduce the risk of disease beyond the usual nutritional effects of foods. The study uses the concept of appropriation to understand the adoption and the process of making functional foods our own . First, the study focuses on the conceptual appropriation by analysing consumers interpretations and opinions on functional foods. Second, it analyses the use of functional foods and examines the role of sociodemographic and food- and health-related background factors in the use of functional foods. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used in the study. Altogether 1210 Finns representative of the population took part in a survey carried out in 2002 as computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). The survey examined the acceptability and use of functional foods in Finland. In 2004, eight focus group discussions were organised for 45 users and non-users of cholesterol-lowering spreads. The qualitative study focused on consumers interpretative perspectives on healthy eating and functional foods. The findings are reported in four original articles and a summary article. The results show that the appropriation of functional foods is a multifaceted phenomenon. The conceptual appropriation is related to consumers interpretations of functional foods in the context of healthy foods and healthy eating; their trust in the products, their manufacturers, research and control; and the relationship of functional foods and the ideal of natural foods. The analysis of the practical appropriation of four different types of foods marketed as functional showed that there are sociodemographic differences between users and non-users of the products, but more importantly, the differences are related to consumers food- and health-related views and practices. Consumers ways of appropriating functional foods in the conceptual and practical sense take shape in a complex web of ideas and everyday practices concerning food, health and eating as a whole. The results also indicate that the conceptual and practical appropriation are not necessarily uniform or coherent processes. Consumers interpret healthy eating and functional foods from a variety of perspectives and there is a multiplicity of rationales of using functional foods. Appropriation embraces many opposing dimensions simultaneously: good experiences and doubts, approval and criticism, expectations and things taken for granted.


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Work has a central role in the lives of big share of adult Finns and meals they eat during the workday comprise an important factor in their nutrition, health, and well-being. On workdays, lunch is mainly eaten at worksite canteens or, especially among women, as a packed meal in the workplace s break room. No national-level data is available on the nutritional quality of the meals served by canteens, although the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health laid out the first nutrition recommendations for worksite canteens in 1971. The aim of this study was to examine the contribution of various socio-demographic, socioeconomic, and work-related factors to the lunch eating patterns of Finnish employees during the working day and how lunch eating patterns influence dietary intake. Four different population-based cross-sectional datasets were used in this thesis. Three of the datasets were collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population survey from 1979 to 2001, n=24746, and 2005 to 2007, n=5585, the National Findiet 2002 Study, n=261), and one of them by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Work and Health in Finland survey from 1997, 2000, and 2003, n=6369). The Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population survey and the Work and Health in Finland survey are nationally representative studies that are conducted repeatedly. Survey information was collected by self-administered questionnaires, dietary recalls, and telephone interviews. The frequency of worksite canteen use has been quite stable for over two decades in Finland. A small decreasing trend can be seen in all socioeconomic groups. During the whole period studied, those with more years of education ate at worksite canteens more often than the others. The size of the workplace was the most important work-related determinant associated with the use of a worksite canteen. At small workplaces, other work-related determinants, like occupation, physical strain at work, and job control, were also associated with canteen use, whereas at bigger workplaces the associations were almost nonexistent. The major social determinants of worksite canteen availability were the education and occupational status of employees and the only work-related determinant was the size of the workplace. A worksite canteen was more commonly available to employees at larger workplaces and to those with the higher education and the higher occupational status. Even when the canteen was equally available to all employees, its use was nevertheless determined by occupational class and the place of residence, especially among female employees. Those with higher occupational status and those living in the Helsinki capital area ate in canteens more frequently than the others. Employees who ate at a worksite canteen consumed more vegetables and vegetable and fish dishes at lunch than did those who ate packed lunches. Also, the daily consumption of vegetables and the proportion of the daily users of vegetables were higher among those male employees who ate at a canteen. In conclusion, life possibilities, i.e. the availability of a canteen, education, occupational status, and work-related factors, played an important role in the choice of where to eat lunch among Finnish employees. The most basic prerequisite for eating in a canteen was availability, but there were also a number of underlying social determinants. Occupational status and the place of residence were the major structural factors behind individuals choices in their lunch eating patterns. To ensure the nutrition, health, and well-being of employees, employers should provide them with the option to have good quality meals during working hours. The availability of worksite canteens should be especially supported in lower socioeconomic groups. In addition, employees should be encouraged to have lunch at a worksite canteen when one is available by removing structural barriers to its use.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Nutrição), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinity is often reduced to a singular construct, consisting of “toxic” traits viewed as detrimental to well-being. However, the concept allows for variation in hegemony, including the possibility of forms more conducive to well-being. Through in-depth interviews with thirty male meditators in the United Kingdom, we explored the social dimensions of meditation practice to examine its potential implications for well-being. Most participants became involved with “communities of practice” centered on meditation that promoted new local hegemonies, and these included ideals experienced as conducive to well-being, like abstinence. However, social processes associated with hegemony, like hierarchy and marginalization, were not overturned. Moreover, participants faced challenges enacting new practices in relation to the broader system of hegemonic masculinity—outside these communities—reporting censure. Our findings are cautionary for professionals seeking to encourage well-being behaviors: that is, there is potential for adaptation in men, yet complex social processes influence this change.


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Malgré le rôle important joué par les comportements alimentaires durant la grossesse, et de leurs implications pour la santé de la mère et de l’enfant à naître, plusieurs études soulignent que les besoins d’informations des femmes enceintes à faible revenu ou issues de minorités ethniques n’ont pas été comblés. Le comportement de recherche d’informations de femmes enceintes immigrantes maghrébines à faible revenu sera donc abordé via le modèle d’Engel, Kollat et Blackwell. L’objectif général est l’exploration de ce comportement de recherche d’informations en lien avec des thématiques associées à leur alimentation au cours de la grossesse. La thèse propose quatre questions spécifiques de recherche visant l’exploration des facteurs d’ordre individuel et d’environnement susceptibles d’influencer une recherche active d’informations, des sources auprès desquelles des informations sont recherchées, et de la nature de l’information recueillie. Un total de 28 femmes enceintes volontaires (14 primigestes et 14 secondigestes) ont été recrutées via le Dispensaire diététique de Montréal entre les mois d’août 2010 et 2011. Des entrevues semi-structurées de 60 à 90 minutes ont été réalisées par l’étudiante au doctorat. Les données ont été soumises à une analyse de contenu via le logiciel NVivo. Des facteurs d’ordre individuel susceptibles d’influencer le comportement de recherche active d’informations furent identifiés: perspective idéologique à l’égard de la grossesse, présence de malaises de grossesse, perception du caractère contradictoire des informations reçues, perceptions liées au caractère adéquat de l’information reçue, perceptions liées au caractère suffisant de l’information détenue, variation du poids corporel, valorisation du bien-être du bébé, attitudes à l’égard de la supplémentation prénatale, valorisation d’une saine alimentation et motivation à apprendre. Des facteurs d’environnement susceptibles d’influencer le comportement de recherche active d’informations ont été identifiés: culture (habitudes alimentaires, croyances alimentaires, croyances religieuses, perte de repères culturels traditionnels quant aux soins de santé et conseils offerts durant la grossesse) et interactions avec les membres de l’environnement social. Des sources d’informations significatives en lien avec la nutrition prénatale se sont avérées être pour les primigestes: diététiste, mère, amies, mari et Internet. Pour les secondigestes, ces sources d’informations étaient: diététiste, médecin, amies et mari. Une source d’informations professionnelle significative concernant la supplémentation prénatale et le gain de poids durant la grossesse, tant pour les primigestes que secondigestes, s’est révélée être la diététiste. Peu de femmes ont rapporté avoir reçu des professionnels de l’information à propos de la salubrité alimentaire et des risques de gagner trop de poids. Les résultats soulèvent une réflexion à l’égard de l’implication des professionnels en période prénatale et quant à la révision de leurs approches de counseling nutritionnel. Les résultats amènent également à réfléchir quant à l’amélioration des activités ayant pour objectif de répondre aux besoins d’informations des femmes enceintes immigrantes maghrébines à faible revenu en lien avec des thématiques liées à l’alimentation durant la grossesse. Pour terminer, il serait utile que de futures recherches s’attardent à mieux comprendre le comportement de recherche d’informations en lien avec des thématiques associées à l’alimentation de femmes enceintes de différents horizons culturels ou de celle de l’enfant à venir.


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Das Ernährungsverhalten einer Bevölkerung hat einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden, die Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit der Menschen. Ernährungsbedingte, chronische Erkrankungen weisen in den westlichen Industrienationen eine hohe Inzidenz und Prävalenz auf. Präventionsmaßnahmen im Setting Schule sollen das Ernährungsverhalten der Kinder- und Jugendlichen positiv beeinflussen. Gerade in diesem Setting können Personen mit unterschiedlichem sozioökonomischem Status, sowie Personen aus diversen Lebensbereichen angesprochen werden. Der Ernährungsführerschein (EFS) ist eine schulbasierte Primärpräventions-maßnahme, der in der 3. Jahrgangsstufe/Grundschule durchgeführt wird. In 6 – 7 Unterrichtseinheiten erfolgt eine praxisnahe Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen über Ernährung, Lebensmittel und deren Zubereitung. Der EFS möchte eine Verhaltensänderung der Schulkinder bewirken. Sie erlernen Kompetenzen, damit sie in der Lage sind, sich selbst eine gesunde Mahlzeit zubereiten zu können. Aber kann dieses Projekt eine nachhaltige Verhaltensänderung bewirken? Die folgende Studie mit Mixed-Methods-Ansatz im Explanatory-Sequential-Design versucht genau dieser Frage nachzugehen. Auf eine quantitative Prä- und Postbefragung in 16 Klassen an 12 Grundschulen im Landkreis Marburg Biedenkopf und insgesamt 992 Befragungen folgte eine qualitative Studie mit neun problemzentrierten, leitfadengestützten Interviews. Der EFS zeigt keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Veränderung des Ernährungsverhaltens. Positiv zu bewerten ist, dass durch den EFS Alltagskompetenzen bei der Nahrungszubereitung gefördert wurden. Dieser positive Einfluss muss jedoch differenziert betrachtet werden, denn die qualitativen Studie zeigt, dass der EFS sehr gut in Familien aufgenommen wird, die sich bereits mit Ernährungsfragen auseinandersetzen und darauf achten, einen ernährungsphysiologisch günstigen Ernährungsstil zu leben oder anzustreben. In Familien der Billig- und Fleischesser konnte der EFS die Türen nicht öffnen. Aber gerade in diesem Segment wäre eine Veränderung des Essverhaltens induziert. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass der EFS für sich alleine nicht den Anspruch erheben kann, die Ernährungssituation der Kinder und Familien zu verbessern. Aber er bietet ein methodisch-didaktisch gut ausgearbeitetes Konzept und könnte als Baustein in die Entwicklung eines praxisnahen, erlebnisorientierten und ganzheitlichen Ernährungsbildungskonzepts unter Berücksichtigung diverser Settings und Lebenswelten der Kinder und Familien einfließen.


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Fundamental nutrition seeks to describe the complex biochemical reactions involved in assimilation and processing of nutrients by various tissues and organs, and to quantify nutrient movement (flux) through those processes. Over the last 25 yr, considerable progress has been made in increasing our understanding of metabolism in dairy cattle. Major advances have been made at all levels of biological organization, including the whole animal, organ systems, tissues, cells, and molecules. At the whole-animal level, progress has been made in delineating metabolism during late pregnancy and the transition to lactation, as well as in whole-body use of energy-yielding substrates and amino acids for growth in young calves. An explosion of research using multicatheterization techniques has led to better quantitative descriptions of nutrient use by tissues of the portal-drained viscera (digestive tract, pancreas, and associated adipose tissues) and liver. Isolated tissue preparations have provided important information on the interrelationships among glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid metabolism in liver, adipose tissue, and mammary gland, as well as the regulation of these pathways during different physiological states. Finally, the last 25 yr has witnessed the birth of "molecular biology" approaches to understanding fundamental nutrition. Although measurements of mRNA abundance for proteins of interest already have provided new insights into regulation of metabolism, the next 25 yr will likely see remarkable advances as these techniques continue to be applied to problems of dairy cattle biology. Integration of the "omics" technologies (functional genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) with measurements of tissue metabolism obtained by other methods is a particularly exciting prospect for the future. The result should be improved animal health and well being, more efficient dairy production, and better models to predict nutritional requirements and provide rations to meet those requirements.


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Horticulture is “the first of all the arts and sciences”. This definition indicates both the breadth and depth of the discipline and its early inception as mankind changed from being hunter-gatherers to cultivators. Intensive crop production which is a form of horticulture preceded more extensive agricultural practices. From that time onwards the intricate involvement of horticulture in man’s life has become very apparent by its multitude of applications and the interests of those involved. These extend from the provision of foodstuffs and nutritional benefits through pharmaceuticals to aspects of rest and relaxation onto encouraging physical and mental well-being. Horticulture is therefore, a discipline with many components and as such that it can mean different things in the varying context of its use. This chapter introduces the meanings of horticulture as expressed by the authors who have contributed to this Trilogy of Books. They have analysed in considerable depth “Horticulture” as expressed in its facets of production, environment and society. Horticulture has impact and expression in each of these fields of human activity. This chapter also sets Horticulture into the wider context of the world of plants and their intensive cultivation both in their use by mankind and in the natural world. The aim is to demonstrate the depth and breadth of human activity associated with this discipline for it stretches from crop production, through landscape design and maintenance and into aspects of society and its expression in the arts and humanities. Horticulture touches almost every aspect of human activity. Increasingly Horticulture has significant importance in contributing towards the mitigation of the major problems which now face life on Earth such as:- climate change, food security, the loss of natural biodiversity, pollution, resource erosion and over-population. Indeed despite or perhaps because of its antiquity and therefore its strong connection between science, technology and practice horticulture can offer solutions that might allude other disciplines.


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Despite recent advances in the area of humanitarian responses and the publication and dissemination of various guidelines with regard to nutritional interventions, there is, however a paucity of studies which have examined the human right to food in complex emergencies. 186 countries including those affected by both human made and natural disasters and countries who are donors of humanitarian relief aid adopted the Rome Declaration on Food Security and World Summit plan of Action reaffirming “ the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger”. The human right to adequate and nutritious food in refugee settings implies that every refugee has physical and economic access to sufficient food to provide the necessary nutrients for effective physical and physiological functions and achieve well being. There are many grounds for believing that the current humanitarian responses to disasters more often violate than respect the human right to adequate and nutritious food. Using elements of household food security as our working framework this paper focuses on the complex ethical and moral questions raised by the conventional humanitarian assistance framework and in particular the issue of human right to food and household food security in refugee settings.


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While it is said that building positive relationships between students and teachers promotes both student emotional wellbeing and learning, the literature currently provides few clues on how to go about building such relations (and the priorities for action) which are grounded in the research. Interviews and a focus group were used to explore the perspectives of experienced teachers in promoting wellbeing among students facing adversity (i.e. prolonged difficulties and misfortune, such as poverty and issues associated with being a refugee). The results showed that teachers who nurtured relationships with students facing adversity meet considerable challenges. Priority challenges included grappling with unfamiliar student values; facing their own and other staff judgements; boundary issues; schools becoming refuges in communities under strain; and trying to still care when workplace changes appeared to work against positive teacher–student (TS) relationships. The paper concludes that such relationships are a site of tension, contradiction and intensity. Nevertheless, for these teachers, the specific challenges in relationships laid the foundations for meaningful student learning and mental health promotion.


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This study examined body image across pregnancy. Pregnant women ( N = 158) completed measures of general attractiveness, feeling fat, fitness and strength, salience of weight and shape, and ideal and current body size at pre-pregnancy (retrospective), and in early, middle and late pregnancy. Body image was found to be fairly stable across pregnancy such that women who started with greater body concerns maintained them over time. Although women were least satisfied with their stomach size at late pregnancy, women's ideal body shape increased in parallel with increases in body size. Women with the most body concerns reported more depressive symptoms, tendency towards dieting, and smoking during pregnancy suggesting they were at greater risk in terms of health and well-being during pregnancy.


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Prevention of childhood obesity is an international public health priority given the significant impact of obesity on acute and chronic diseases, general health, development and well-being. The international evidence base for strategies that governments, communities and families can implement to prevent obesity, and promote health, has been accumulating but remains unclear.

This review primarily aims to update the previous Cochrane review of childhood obesity prevention research and determine the effectiveness of evaluated interventions intended to prevent obesity in children, assessed by change in Body Mass Index (BMI). Secondary aims were to examine the characteristics of the programs and strategies to answer the questions "What works for whom, why and for what cost?"
Search methods

The searches were re-run in CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO and CINAHL in March 2010 and searched relevant websites. Non-English language papers were included and experts were contacted.
Selection criteria

The review includes data from childhood obesity prevention studies that used a controlled study design (with or without randomisation). Studies were included if they evaluated interventions, policies or programs in place for twelve weeks or more. If studies were randomised at a cluster level, 6 clusters were required.
Data collection and analysis

Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. Data was extracted on intervention implementation, cost, equity and outcomes. Outcome measures were grouped according to whether they measured adiposity, physical activity (PA)-related behaviours or diet-related behaviours. Adverse outcomes were recorded. A meta-analysis was conducted using available BMI or standardised BMI (zBMI) score data with subgroup analysis by age group (0-5, 6-12, 13-18 years, corresponding to stages of developmental and childhood settings).
Main results

This review includes 55 studies (an additional 36 studies found for this update). The majority of studies targeted children aged 6-12 years. The meta-analysis included 37 studies of 27,946 children and demonstrated that programmes were effective at reducing adiposity, although not all individual interventions were effective, and there was a high level of observed heterogeneity (I2=82%). Overall, children in the intervention group had a standardised mean difference in adiposity (measured as BMI or zBMI) of -0.15kg/m2 (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.21 to -0.09). Intervention effects by age subgroups were -0.26kg/m2 (95% CI:-0.53 to 0.00) (0-5 years), -0.15kg/m2 (95% CI -0.23 to -0.08) (6-12 years), and -0.09kg/m2 (95% CI -0.20 to 0.03) (13-18 years). Heterogeneity was apparent in all three age groups and could not explained by randomisation status or the type, duration or setting of the intervention. Only eight studies reported on adverse effects and no evidence of adverse outcomes such as unhealthy dieting practices, increased prevalence of underweight or body image sensitivities was found. Interventions did not appear to increase health inequalities although this was examined in fewer studies.
Authors' conclusions

We found strong evidence to support beneficial effects of child obesity prevention programmes on BMI, particularly for programmes targeted to children aged six to 12 years. However, given the unexplained heterogeneity and the likelihood of small study bias, these findings must be interpreted cautiously. A broad range of programme components were used in these studies and whilst it is not possible to distinguish which of these components contributed most to the beneficial effects observed, our synthesis indicates the following to be promising policies and strategies:

· school curriculum that includes healthy eating, physical activity and body image

· increased sessions for physical activity and the development of fundamental movement skills throughout the school week

· improvements in nutritional quality of the food supply in schools

· environments and cultural practices that support children eating healthier foods and being active throughout each day

· support for teachers and other staff to implement health promotion strategies and activities (e.g. professional development, capacity building activities)

· parent support and home activities that encourage children to be more active, eat more nutritious foods and spend less time in screen based activities

However, study and evaluation designs need to be strengthened, and reporting extended to capture process and implementation factors, outcomes in relation to measures of equity, longer term outcomes, potential harms and costs.

Childhood obesity prevention research must now move towards identifying how effective intervention components can be embedded within health, education and care systems and achieve long term sustainable impacts.


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Background : Nutrition and physical activity are major determinants of health and quality of life; however, there exists little research focusing on determinants of these behaviours in older adults. This is important, since just as these behaviours vary according to subpopulation, it is likely that the determinants also vary. An understanding of the modifiable determinants of nutrition and physical activity behaviours among older adults to take into account the specific life-stage context is required in order to develop effective interventions to promote health and well-being and prevent chronic disease and improve quality of life.

Methods : The aim of this work is to identify how intrapersonal, social and environmental factors influence nutrition and physical activity behaviours among older adults living in urban and rural areas. This study is a cohort study of adults aged 55-65 years across urban and rural Victoria, Australia. Participants completed questionnaires at baseline in 2010 and will complete follow-up questionnaires in 2012 and 2014. Self-report questionnaires will be used to assess outcomes such as food intake, physical activity and sedentary behaviours, anthropometry and quality of life. Explanatory variables include socioeconomic position, and measures of the three levels of influence on older adults' nutrition and physical activity behaviours (intrapersonal, social and perceived environmental influences).

Discussion : Obesity and its determinant behaviours, physical inactivity and poor diet are major public health concerns and are significant determinants of the quality of life among the ageing population. There is a critical need for a better understanding of the determinants of nutrition and physical activity in this important target group. This research will provide evidence for the development of effective policies and programs to promote and support increased physical activity and healthy eating behaviours among older adults.


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This study investigated whether being driven to school was associated with lower weekday and weekend step counts, less active out-of-school leisure pursuits, and more sedentary behavior. Boys aged 10–13 years (n = 384) and girls aged 9–13 years (n = 500) attending 25 Australian primary schools wore a pedometer and completed a travel diary for one week. Parents and children completed surveys capturing leisure activity, screen time, and sociodemographics. Commute distance was objectively measured. Car travel was the most frequent mode of school transportation (boys: 51%, girls: 58%). After adjustment (sociodemographics, commute distance, and school clustering) children who were driven recorded fewer weekday steps than those who walked (girls: –1,393 steps p < .001, boys: –1,569 steps, p = .009) and participated in fewer active leisure activities (girls only: p = .043). There were no differences in weekend steps or screen time. Being driven to and from school is associated with less weekday pedometer-determined physical activity in 9- to 13-year-old elementary-school children. Encouraging children, especially girls, to walk to and from school (even for part of the way for those living further distances) could protect the health and well-being of those children who are insufficiently active.