918 resultados para Northern Qi
The distribution and traits of fish are of interest both ecologically and socio-economically. In this thesis, phenotypic and structural variation in fish populations and assemblages was studied on multiple spatial and temporal scales in shallow coastal areas in the archipelago of the northern Baltic Proper. In Lumparn basin in Åland Islands, the fish assemblage displayed significant seasonal variation in depth zone distribution. The results indicate that investigating both spatial and temporal variation in small scale is crucial for understanding patterns in fish distribution and community structure in large scale. The local population of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis L displayed habitat-specific morphological and dietary variation. Perch in the pelagic zone were on average deeper in their body shape than the littoral ones and fed on fish and benthic invertebrates. The results differ from previous studies conducted in freshwater habitats, where the pelagic perch typically are streamlined in body shape and zooplanktivorous. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen differed between perch with different stomach contents, suggesting differentiation of individual diet preferences. In the study areas Lumparn and Ivarskärsfjärden in Åland Islands and Galtfjärden in Swedish east coast, the development in fish assemblages during the 2000’s indicated a general shift towards higher abundances of small-bodied lower-order consumers, especially cyprinids. For European pikeperch Sander lucioperca L., recent declines in adult fish abundances and high mortalities (Z = 1.06–1.16) were observed, which suggests unsustainably high fishing pressure on pikeperch. Based on the results it can be hypothesized that fishing has reduced the abundances of large predatory fish, which together with bottom-up forcing by eutrophication has allowed the lower-order consumer species to increase in abundances. This thesis contributes to the scientific understanding of aquatic ecosystems with new descriptions on morphological and dietary adaptations in perch in brackish water, and on the seasonal variation in small-scale spatial fish distribution. The results also demonstrate anthropogenic effects on coastal fish communities and underline the urgency of further reducing nutrient inputs and regulating fisheries in the Baltic Sea region.
[N. 1:4400000].
Findings on the effects of weather on health, especially the effects of ambient temperature on overall morbidity, remain inconsistent. We conducted a time series study to examine the acute effects of meteorological factors (mainly air temperature) on daily hospital outpatient admissions for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Zunyi City, China, from January 1, 2007 to November 30, 2009. We used the generalized additive model with penalized splines to analyze hospital outpatient admissions, climatic parameters, and covariate data. Results show that, in Zunyi, air temperature was associated with hospital outpatient admission for CVD. When air temperature was less than 10°C, hospital outpatient admissions for CVD increased 1.07-fold with each increase of 1°C, and when air temperature was more than 10°C, an increase in air temperature by 1°C was associated with a 0.99-fold decrease in hospital outpatient admissions for CVD over the previous year. Our analyses provided statistically significant evidence that in China meteorological factors have adverse effects on the health of the general population. Further research with consistent methodology is needed to clarify the magnitude of these effects and to show which populations and individuals are vulnerable.
Rice, the seed of Oryza species, is the major cereal crop in most of the developing countries. Nearly 95% of global rice production is done in Asian countries, and about half of the world’s population consumes it. Some speciality rices are not commonly consumed. Colored rice is one of such variety. In these varieties, high amounts of anthocyanin pigment are deposited in the rice coat to form its black (also known as purple), brown and red colors. Minimum studies are there to explain the properties of these rice varieties of Thailand. Thus, the current study was aimed to assess the physicochemical and antioxidative properties of three rice varieties (Chiang Mai Black rice, Mali Red rice and Suphanburi-1 Brown rice) of different cultivars of northern Thailand. Rice bran extracts of these three cultivars were prepared with different solvents (polar and non-polar) for the evaluation of total phytochemical content and anti-oxidant free-radical-scavenging properties. Chiang Mai Black rice contained higher concentration of phenolic acid, flavonoids, and anthocyanins (Cyanidin 3-glucoside, peonidin 3-glucoside, cyanidin chloride). Chiang Mai Black rice is richer in free-radical-scavenging compounds and activities than the other tested varieties. Polar extractions of rice bran are high in anti-oxidative compounds and activities than non-polar extractions.
Finnish Defence Studies is published under the auspices of the National Defence College, and the contributions reflect the fields of research and teaching of the College. Finnish Defence Studies will occasionally feature documentation on Finnish Security Policy. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the National Defence College.
Finnish Defence Studies is published under the auspices of the National Defence College, and the contributions reflect the fields of research and teaching of the College. Finnish Defence Studies will occasionally feature documentation on Finnish Security Policy. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the National Defence College.
Teoksessa A complete system of geography / E. Bowen, (London) 1747. Plate n:o 25.
Par le même. Publié à l'église de Jiang avec l'autorisation du P. Francisco Furtado.
Docteur en 1597. Ouvrage daté de 1678 ; par Zhang Xing yao et le P. Couplet (1622-1692).
Ce personnage, postnom Ting jun, docteur en 1592, fut converti par le P. Ricci. Ouvrage de Ding Zhi lin (XVIIe ou XVIIIe siècle).
Contient : I, livre 1三孝廉讓產立高名San xiao lian rang chan li gao ming.Les trois licenciés charitables qui acquièrent de la célébrité ; II, livre 2兩縣令競義婚孤女Liang xian ling jing yi hun gu nü.L'orpheline ; III, livre 3滕大尹鬼斷家私Teng da yin gui duan jia si.Le portrait de famille ; IV, livre 4裴晉公義還原配Pei jin gong yi huan yuan phei.Comment le mandarin Dan bi perdit et retrouva sa fiancée ; V, livre 5杜十娘怒沈百寶箱Du shi niang nu chen bai bao xiang.Du Shi niang, de colère, jette dans l'eau la cassette de bijoux ; VI, livre 6李謫仙醉草嚇蠻書Li zhe xian zui cao he man shu.Le poète Li Tai bai ; VII, livre 7賣油郎獨占花魁Mai you lang du zhan hua khoei.Le vendeur d'huile qui seul possède la reine de beauté ; VIII, livre 8灌園叟(alias 吏)晚逢仙女Guan yuan sou (alias li) wan feng xian nü.Les pivoines ; IX, livre 9轉運漢巧遇洞庭紅Zhuan yun han qiao yu dong ting hong.Le couli des transports, adroitement, reçoit la beauté du Dong ting ; X, livre 10看財奴刁買寃家主Kan cai nu diao mai yuan jia zhu.Richesse mal acquise (Comment le ciel donne et reprend les richesses) ; XI, livre 11吳保安棄家贖友Wu bao an qi jia shu you.Véritable amitié ; XII, livre 12羊角哀舍命全交Yang jue ai she ming quan jiao.Yang Jue ai fait le sacrifice do sa vie par dévouement pour un ami ; XIII, livre 13沈小霞相會出師表Shen xiao xia xiang hui chu shi biao.Shen Xiao xia rencontre et présente le modèle des maîtres ; XIV, livre 14宋金郎團圓破氊笠Song jin lang tuan yuan po zhan li.Les tendres époux ; XV, livre 15盧太學詩酒傲公侯Lu tai xue shi jiu ao gong hou.Lu tai xue, poète et ivre, brave les princes ; XVI, livre 16李汧公窮邸遇俠客Li qian gong qiong di yu xie ke.Li Qian gong, dans sa résidence misérable, traite un hôte magnanime ; XVII, livre 17蘇小妹三難新郎Su xiao mei san nan xin lang.La jeune Su trois fois maltraite un nouveau marié ; XVIII, livre 18劉元普雙生貴子Liu yuan pu shuang sheng gui zi.Liu Yuan pu obtient deux beaux enfants ; XIX, livre 19俞伯牙摔琴謝知音Yu bai ya choai qin xie zhi yin.Le luth brisé ; XX, livre 20莊子休鼓盆成大道Zhuang zi xiu gu phen cheng da dao.La matrone du pays de Song ; XXI, livre 21老門生三世報恩Lao men sheng san shi bao en.Le vieil élève montre sa reconnaissance à la troisième génération ; XXII, livre 22鈍秀才一朝交泰Dun xiu cai yi zhao jiao tai.Le bachelier obtus tout d'un coup exerce son influence formatrice ; XXIII, livre 23蔣興哥重會珍珠衫Jiang xing ge chong hui zheng zhu shan.Le négociant ruiné (La tunique de perles) ; XXIV, livre 24陳御史巧勘金釵鈿Chen yu shi qiao kan jin tchhai tian.Une cause célèbre ; XXV, livre 25徐老僕義憤成家Xu lao bu yi fen cheng jia.Un serviteur méritant ; XXVI, livre 26蔡小姐忍辱報讐Cai xiao jie ren ru bao chou .L'héroïsme de la piété filiale ; XXVII, livre 27錢秀才錯占鳳凰儔.Qian xiu cai tsho zhan feng huang chou .Mariage forcé ; XXVIII, livre 28喬太守亂㸃鴛鴦譜.Qiao tai shou luan dian yuan yang pu.Le préfet Qiao pointe à tort le registre des unions ; XXIX, livre 29懷私怨很僕告主Huai si yuan hen bu gao zhu.Le crime puni ; XXX, livre 30念親恩孝女藏兒Nian qin en xiao nü cang er.La calomnie démasquée ; XXXI, livre 31呂大郎還金完骨肉Lü da lang huan jin wan gu ru.Les trois frères ; XXXII, livre 32金玉奴棒打薄情郎.Jin yu nu bang da bai qing lang.Femme et mari ingrats ; XXXIII, livre 33唐解元玩世出奇.Tang jie yuan wan shi chu qi.Le mariage du licencié Tang (Tang le jie yuan) ; XXXIV, livre 34女秀才移花接木.Nü xiu cai yi hua jie mu.La bachelière du pays de Zhu ; XXXV, livre 35王喬鸞百年長恨.Wang qiao luan bai nian chang hen.Le ressentiment perpétuel de Wang Qiao luan ; XXXVI, livre 36十三郎五歲朝天.Shi san lang wu sui chao tian.Shi san lang pendant cinq ans se tourne vers le ciel ; XXXVII, livre 37崔俊臣巧合芙蓉屏.Cui jun chen qiao he fu yong ping.Paravent révélateur ; XXXVIII, livre 38趙縣君喬送黃柑子.Zhao xian jun qiao song huang gan zi.Chantage ; XXXIX, livre 39誇妙術丹容提金.Khoa miao shu dan yong ti jin.Les alchimistes ; XL, livre 40逞多財(alias 錢多) 白丁橫帶Cheng duo cai (qian duo) bai ding heng dai.Cupidité et dérèglement