834 resultados para Nitrogenio - Adsorção
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as características morfogenéticas e estruturais do capim-Tanzânia, a produção de forragem, as perdas de nitrogênio (N) por volatilização, reservas orgânicas e a avaliação do sistema radicular sob doses de nitrogênio sob pastejo. O experimento foi instalado na área Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no período de março de 2007 a março de 2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, encontravam-se as doses de N (0, 150, 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N) e, nas sub-parcelas, as estações do ano. As perdas de N por volatilização foram quantificadas depois da adubação N (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias). As amostragens das raízes foram realizadas nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. A aplicação do fertilizante N na pastagem foi parcelada em três aplicações. A produção de massa seca total e de lâmina foliar de forragem respondeu linearmente até 282 kg ha-1 de N na estação do verão. A adubação nitrogenada exerce efeito positivo nas taxas de alongamento e aparecimento foliar, e no número de folhas vivas em plantas de capim-Tanzânia nas estações da primavera e verão. Elevadas adubações nitrogenadas associada a intervalos menores de pastejo promovem uma maior porcentagem de lâmina foliar; no manejo de pastos de capim-Tanzânia sob lotação rotacionada com altura de 70 cm na entrada dos animais para o pastejo e saída com 30 cm de altura do resíduo. A interação entre o nível de adubação e o período depois da aplicação de uréia foi significativa para a variável volatilização acumulada de N-NH3. A aplicação da uréia acarreta perdas percentuais mais elevadas de N nos três primeiros dias após a aplicação. A perda média acumulada de N-NH3 no período para as três estações do ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
As características estruturais de sonogéis obtidos a partir da hidrólise ácida do TEOS estimulada por ultrasom foram estudadas por espalhamento de raios-x a baixo ângulo (SAXS). O estudo inclui: i) o processo de agregação em diferentes temperaturas; ii) o envelhecimento dos géis úmidos na fase líquida de preparação e depois da troca da fase líquida por álcool e acetona; iii) a secagem dos géis; iv) a estrutural evolução de xerogéis e aerogéis com o tratamento térmico até 1100 oC; e v) um estudo comparativo usando SAXS e adsorção de nitrogênio na caracterização de aerogéis e xerogéis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A disponibilidade de nutrientes é um dos fatores que controla a produção primária dos ecossistemas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da concentração de nitrato (N-NO3) no crescimento da macrófita aquática flutuante Pistia stratiotes. Um experimento com delineamento totalmente casualisado foi realizado em laboratório, consistindo de três réplicas e cinco tratamentos: (1) sem adição de nitrato; (2)196μg.L-1, (3) 490μg.L-1, (4) 980μg.L-1 e (5) 1960μg.L-1. Em intervalos de sete dias, durante 70 dias, foi obtida a massa fresca de P. stratiotes. A massa fresca foi transformada em massa seca, e a esses valores aplicou-se o modelo de crescimento logístico. Também foram analisados o diâmetro de roseta, o número de indivíduos, o volume de raiz, a absorção de N-NO3 e P-PO4 por P. stratiotes e os teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e clorofila a e b da biomassa. Os valores médios de capacidade suporte (K) encontrados foram: (1) 220,9 gMS.m-2; (2) 262,8 gMS.m-2; (3) 288,3 gMS.m-2; (4) 356,9 gMS.m-2; e (5) 394,6 gMS.m-2. Os resultados indicam que a relação entre concentração de nitrato e K é uma hipérbole que apresenta K como valor assintótico. Conclui-se que o aumento da disponibilidade de nitrato promove o aumento no crescimento desta espécie. Conclui-se também que P. stratiotes apresenta consumo de luxúria de nitrogênio e que a maior disponibilidade de nitrogênio promove o aumento do número de indivíduos e do diâmetro da roseta e a diminuição da relação volume de raiz/biomassa do indivíduo.
The tanning wastes are characterized to be significant sources of pollution in the hydrosphere when non adjusted or disposed adequated form. That happens because this industry type uses the chromium to tan hides, and this element is present in discharges concentrations in final wastes, characterizing this waste type as dangerous, according to the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, através da Norma Brasileira 10.004 de 2004. Due to this, the research proposes a form to reduction chromium of the tanning wastes through the process of adsorption. For that were used mining-wastes of Corumbataí Formation clays, material commonly used in the production of ceramic products in Rio Claro (SP). They were accomplished laboratory essays that involved the preparation of different clays pulps and subsequent mixture of these with the tanning wastes, maintaining them under different mixing times and adsorption contacts. After the separation of the mixtures, the leached were chemically analyzed and it was seen the efficiency of chromium reduction and your relationship with the variation of different times of contact clays/wastes and different grain sizes used in the pulps preparation.
In materials science, the search for technological improvements have become one of the main subject of study of researchers. This is especially true in the case of materials with reduced sizes, in the nanometer scale. Important phenomena to be studied in these cases are the desorption and adsorption on two-dimensional materials, such as graphene. These phenomena are of great importance in the study of interactions between organic films, synthesis or catalysis of reactions on surfaces and even in the creation of nanoscale devices [1, 2, 3, 4]. Between the most important topics related to these phenomena are the storage of gases in low-dimensional systems and the study of nanostructured fuel cells or batteries. In this context we used two different parametrizations for the reactive force field ReaxFF to study the potential barriers and reaction barriers of our system. First we made a study about the Reaction Barriers and Energy Barriers for bonds between graphene and the following atoms: sulfur, fluorine, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. It is important to have this information in order to make it possible to understand how these atoms react with the graphene sheet. Subsequently, we calculate reaction barriers for mixed structures where fluorine is a fixed element bonded to graphene and other element is simultaneously bonded to graphene. This other element (N, O, H or S) is varied in its possible relative positions (ortho, meta and para in relation to fluorine in either: the same side and in the opposite side of the graphene membrane)
This paper presents a study of the applicability of adsorption isotherms, known as Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm, between the biosorptive interaction of yeast lyophilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae and textile dyes. To that end, we prepared stock solutions of the textile dyes Direct Red 23 and Direct Red 75 in the concentration of 1.000μg/mL and a yeast suspension at 2,5%. We did experiments for two cases, firstly for the case that we have a fix concentration of yeast at 0,500mg/mL and an variable concentration of dye range from40, 50, 60, 80 and 100μg/mL, then for the case that we fixed the concentration of dye at 100μg/mL and the yeast concentration was variable range from 0,250, 0,500, 0,750, 1,000, 1,250mg/mL. For the dye Direct Red 23 we did analysis in the pH 2,5, 4,5 and 6,5; for the Direct Red 75, we just did for the pH 2,5. We leave the dye solution in contact with the yeast for 2 hours at a constant temperature of 30°C and then centrifuged and analyzed the sample in a spectrophotometer and finally made and analysis of parameters for the removal and study of the isotherms. After the biosorption, was observed that for the Direct Red 23 in the pH 2,5 was needed 1,407mg/mL of yeast for total removal, while for the pH 4,5 was needed 8,806mg/mL and in pH 6,5 was 9,286mg/mL; for the Direct Red 75 in pH 2,5 was needed 1,337mg/mL. This difference can be explain by the adsorption isotherms, was observed that in the case when the yeast was fix when we had in a acid pH the behavior of the system was compatible with the Langmuir isotherm, and thus, an monolayer pattern. And that when we decrease the acidity of the medium the system became more compatible with a Freundlich isotherm, and thus, a multilayer pattern; for the case that the yeast was variable this is not much evident, however for the pH 2,5 she became compatible with a Langmuir isotherm... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A number of methods and products have been developed in order to eliminate or reduce the negative effects that hydrocarbons cause to the environment, including hydrophobic expanded vermiculite, used in oil residue filtering systems at gas stations. However, upon adsorbing organic compounds, the vermiculite is no longer used and is sent to landfills. The aim of the present study was to wash granular and powdered vermiculite containing oil lubricant in its pores with distilled water and solutions of 0.1% SDS surfactant and rhamnolipids, with the aim of removing the lubricant and the possibility of reusing the mineral. The greatest amount of lubricant removal was obtained through washing with 0.1% SDS and both granulometric forms. This may be associated to the industrial purification received by the surfactant. However, the biosurfactant is ecologically more viable due to its low toxicity and ease of degradability. In the readsorption tests, greatest adsorption was obtained with the granular vermiculite washed in SDS solution. In order to enable the reuse of the mineral, further tests are needed to enhance desorption/adsorption efficiency.
The application of microwave radiation on the sample preparation has been expanding increasingly in areas involving decomposition by wet and dry roads, fusion, extraction, acceleration of chemical reactions, for example. Currently, the use of microwave ovens for analytical purposes are recognized for having excellent performance for organic and inorganic samples. In the international market there are several kinds of microwaves oven which adapt the varied purposes, however yet with elevated prices which incapacitate your use as routine equipment in laboratory. Thus, many researchers have been choosing for developing own projects of microwaves oven production or to use domestic oven for the laboratory, with or without adaptations. For the evaluation of the proposed method was used in the Kjeldahl methodology for determining total nitrogen in samples of crude protein, using a domestic microwave oven and a digester pot made up in TeflonTM and distillation by steam. Were made to adapt and characterization of a domestic microwave oven, the confeccion vessel digester and the metal support for the vessel. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by comparison of two methods, the standard method for conventional heating and by the proposed method, with heating by microwave radiation through the calculated values of relative standard deviation analysis