915 resultados para Neighbour disputes


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The flowering, sex ratio, and spatial distribution of four dioecious species of Trichilia (Meliaceae) were studied in a semi-deciduous forest in southeastern Brazil. All reproductive trees (T. clausseni, T. pallida and T. catigua) with dbh greater than or equal to5 cm within a 1-ha plot were collected, sexed, mapped and, for individuals of each species, the distances to the nearest neighbour of the same and opposite sex were measured. For the shrub species T elegans (dbh <5 cm), all reproductive individuals were sampled randomly in 10 samples of 10 x 10 m. The reproductive phenology was observed at weekly to monthly intervals from May 1988 to January 1990. The species are strictly dioecious, did not present any sex-mixed trees or sex switching during the study, and sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1. The size distributions and the relative size variation were not significantly different. between sexes. There was no significant segregation or clumping between individuals of either sex and no fruit production without pollination. Onset of flowering and flowering peak were synchronous between male and female plants for all species studied. Flower synchrony was related to outcrossing and pollinator attraction rather than climatic factors.


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Social behavior of Hypsiboas albomarginatus was studied in the Atlantic rain forest, Municipality of Ubatuba, in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Vocalizations of H. albomarginatus are described, including contexts in which they were emitted and temporal and spectral parameters differentiating advertisement from aggressive calls. Dominant call frequency was inversely correlated with male length and body mass but not with environmental temperature. Number of pulses per note was not correlated with any variable, and advertisement call amplitude was influenced by temperature and time. During chorus aggregation, males interacted acoustically by emitting advertisement calls in antiphony, or by emitting aggressive calls. Some disputes among males culminated in physical combat; males performed kicks and slaps on rivals' heads, in an apparent attempt to dislodge rivals from perches. Visual signals were also displayed during conflicts between males, contributing to an escalation of aggressive behavior. Visual signals were not recorded during courtship between males and females but may help in the accurate localization of the signaling male during aggressive interactions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O artigo apresenta algumas das principais contribuições da teoria marxista para a educação ambiental, considerando que a prática educativa no Brasil se constituiu em diálogo com concepções pedagógicas e autores inseridos neste campo. Iniciamos com uma breve contextualização da produção de inspiração crítica (estritamente marxista ou não) e as disputas teóricas inseridas na educação ambiental. Logo após, discorremos sobre a influência e a apropriação das pedagogias críticas e de conceitos estruturantes da concepção marxiana de educação na formulação teórico-metodológica em educação ambiental. Como síntese e conclusão, argumentamos sobre a importância do materialismo histórico-dialético nas discussões ambientais contemporâneas, refletindo criticamente sobre como ele aí se apresenta, particularmente na educação ambiental.


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A história política do Museu do Índio, criado em 1953, no Rio de Janeiro, sob a orientação institucional do antropólogo Darcy Ribeiro, permite conhecer algumas relações sociais estabelecidas em torno de elementos da natureza no Brasil. O estudo do momento inicial na constituição deste patrimônio cultural, de sua história e das disputas que gerou, inclusive na memória, é realizado a partir da noção de coerência ilusória de uma geração de etnólogos, militares e intelectuais e da ação do Estado nacional brasileiro na década de 1950. As fontes e documentação consultadas são de natureza arquivística, jornalística e bibliográfica.


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Este texto apresenta algumas hipóteses e idéias sobre o comércio de abastecimento da cidade de São Paulo, entre os anos 1765-1822, através de dados quantitativos e qualitativos levantados em dois conjuntos documentais produzidos pelo Senado da Câmara: Atas e Papéis Avulsos. Este comércio é entendido como um dos circuitos do organismo colonial, conforme proposto por José Roberto do Amaral Lapa. Neste sentido, vem sendo constatado seu funcionamento autônomo, de acordo com os fluxos do mercado interno, as ações dos negociantes-arrematadores de contratos e as reações do Senado da Câmara de São Paulo para enfrentar seus contextos de crise e a radicalização de relações de poder em torno deste circuito mercantil, como fator desencadeador de disputas e hostilidades entre interesses políticos locais, negociantes-arrematadores e autoridades régias.


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Não é segredo para os estudiosos e é reconhecido pelos atores envolvidos no jogo político que o Prefeito desempenha importantes atividades, podendo influenciar o dia-a-dia da população, a relação com outras esferas de governo e as eleições gerais. Tomando como universo empírico os candidatos ao cargo de Prefeito das capitais brasileiras em 2008, procuramos identificar e analisar as bases de recrutamento desses concorrentes ao principal posto político do município. As interpretações correntes na literatura concentram-se sobre os vencedores da disputa eleitoral, deixando de lado os derrotados. O que os vencedores têm que os derrotados não têm? Seria o perfil dos vencedores diferente daquele encontrado no grupo dos derrotados? Com o propósito de oferecer uma contribuição aos estudos das bases de recrutamento dos membros pertencentes às elites locais, o texto está organizado em uma única seção, onde vamos discutir três dimensões: (i) gênero, faixa etária e naturalidade; (ii) nível de instrução, grupo profissional e mandato executivo e (iii) gastos com campanha e tamanho do patrimônio. Essas características podem ajudar a construir um perfil sociopolítico dos membros pertencentes aos grupos dos vencedores e dos derrotados nas eleições municipais de 2008 para o cargo de Prefeito das capitais brasileiras. Além disso, o estudo desses atributos pode indicar quais predominaram na disputa eleitoral, isto é, quais deles podem mostrar as características que circundam o processo seletivo dos integrantes do distinto grupo político.


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Breeding success and nest-site characteristics were studied during the 1996-1997 breeding season in a colony of Scarlet Ibises Eudocimus ruber in south-eastern Brazil to test the hypothesis that nest-site characteristics and clutch size affect nest success. Two nesting pulses produced young, the earlier being more successful. Predation accounted for most failures during the first pulse, wind destruction during the second. A third pulse with few nests produced no young. Adult Ibises abandoned nests when they lost sight of other incubating birds. Logistic regression analysis indicated that nest success during the first pulse was positively related to clutch size, number of nests in the nest tree and in the nearest tree, and negatively to the distance to the nearest neighbour. During the second pulse there were significant negative associations between success, nest height and distance to the fourth nearest nest, and a positive association between success and nest cover. The results agree with the 'selfish herd' hypothesis, indicating that nest aggregation may increase breeding success, but the nest-site characteristics affecting success can differ over the course of one breeding season.


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A parallel technique, for a distributed memory machine, based on domain decomposition for solving the Navier-Stokes equations in cartesian and cylindrical coordinates in two dimensions with free surfaces is described. It is based on the code by Tome and McKee (J. Comp. Phys. 110 (1994) 171-186) and Tome (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1993) which in turn is based on the SMAC method by Amsden and Harlow (Report LA-4370, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1971), which solves the Navier-Stokes equations in three steps: the momentum and Poisson equations and particle movement, These equations are discretized by explicit and 5-point finite differences. The parallelization is performed by splitting the computation domain into vertical panels and assigning each of these panels to a processor. All the computation can then be performed using nearest neighbour communication. Test runs comparing the performance of the parallel with the serial code, and a discussion of the load balancing question are presented. PVM is used for communication between processes. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the Abdication, analyzing how and why sections of the army joined the liberal groups against the emperor, focusing on the period that immediately preceded this event. The argument is that the alliance between sections of the army and the liberal groups in 1831 was possible because the expansion of the "public space" in the city of Rio de Janeiro, a process in which newspapers such as "O Republico" played a key role as they became a privileged locus for political disputes. The article shows that that newspaper helped to build a political identity based on the defense of Brazilian interests against Portuguese despotism, giving momentum to internal conflicts around this subject that were already taking place among sections of the army and hence triggering the process that would lead to the Abdication.


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Extended X-ray absorption fine spectroscopy (EXAFS) and Raman scattering studies of InF3-BaF2 and InF3-SrF2 binary glasses are reported. For all compositions, the local structure of the glasses is built with InF6 units. For all glasses studied, the indium neighbour's number and the In-F mean bond length are equal to the values of the InF3 crystalline phase (6 and 0.205 nm, respectively). © 1996 Chapman & Hall.


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The sedimentary Curitiba basin is located in the Central-Southern part of the first Parananense plateau, and comprises Curitiba (PR), and part of the neighbour Municipalities (fig.1). It is supposed to be of Plio-Pleistocene age. It has a shallow sedimentary fulfillment, represented by the Guabirotuba formation (BIGARELLA and SALAMUNI, 1962) which is dristributed over a large area of about 3.000km2. The internal geometry, not entirely known yet, is actually object of detailed research, that shows its geological evolution to Cenozoic tectonic movements. For the purpose of this study the definition of the structural contour of the basement and their depo-centers is fundamental. This paper presents the results of the integration of surface and subsurface data, processed by statistical methods, which allowed a more precise definition of the morphostructural framework of the basement. For the analysis of the geological spacial data, specific softwares were used for statistical processing for trend surfaces analysis. The data used in this study are of following types: a) drilling logs for ground water; b) description of surface points of geological maps (CRPM, 1977); c) description of points of geotechnical drillings and down geological survey. The data of 223 drilling logs for ground water were selected out of 770 wells. The description files of 700 outcrops, as well as planialtimetric field data, were used for the localization of the basement outcrop. Thus, a matrix with five columns was set up: utm E-W (x) and utm N-S (y); surface altitude (z); altimetric cote of the contact between sedimentary rocks and the basement (k); isopachs (l). For the study of the basement limits, the analysis of surface trends of 2(nd) and 3(rd) degree polinomial for the altimetric data (figs. 2 and 3) were used. For the residuals the method of the inverse of the square of the distance (fig.4) was used. The adjustments and the explanations of the surfaces were made with the aid of multiple linear regressions. The analysis of 3rd degree polinomial trend surface (fig.3) confirmed that the basement tends to be more exposed towards NNW-SSE explaining better the data trend through an ellipse, which striking NE-SW and dipping SW axis coincides with the trough of the basin observed in the trending surface of the basement. The performed analysis and the respective images offer a good degree of certainty of the geometric model of the Curitiba Basin and of the morphostructure of its basement. The surface trend allows to sketch with a greater degree of confidence the structural contour of the topgraphic surface (figs. 5 and 6) and of the basement (figs. 7 and 8), as well as the delimitation of intermediate structural heights, which were responsible for isolated and assymmetric depocenters. These details are shown in the map of figures 9 and 10. Thus, the Curitiba Basin is made up by a structural trough stretching NE-SW, with maximum preserved depths of about 80m, which are separated by heights and depocenters striking NW-SE (fig. 11). These structural features seems to have been controlled by tectonic reactivation during the Tertiary (HASUI, 1990) and which younger dissection was conditioned by neotectonic processes (SALAMUNI and EBERT, 1994).