926 resultados para NEONATAL INTENSIVE-CARE
Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death.Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23 0/7 to 266/7 weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of ≥1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life.Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions.Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. © 2012 Nature America, Inc.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
OBJETIVO: analisar os conhecimentos dos pediatras que atuam com pacientes neonatais em relação à avaliação e o tratamento da dor do recém-nascido. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal com 104 pediatras (de um total de 110) que trabalhavam em 1999 a 2001, nas sete unidades de terapia intensiva e nos 14 berçários da cidade de Belém, e responderam a um questionário escrito com perguntas a respeito do seu perfil demográfico e do conhecimento de métodos de avaliação e de tratamento da dor no recém-nascido. RESULTADOS: cem por cento dos médicos referiram acreditar que o recém-nascido sente dor, mas apenas um terço deles conhecia alguma escala para avaliar a dor nessa faixa etária. A maioria dos entrevistados referia perceber a presença de dor no recém-nascido por meio de parâmetros comportamentais. O choro foi o preferido para avaliar a dor do bebê a termo; a mímica facial para o prematuro, e a freqüência cardíaca para o neonato em ventilação mecânica. Menos de 10% dos entrevistados diziam usar analgesia para punções venosas e capilares; 30 a 40% referiam empregar analgesia para punções lombares, dissecações venosas, drenagens de tórax e ventilação mecânica. Menos da metade dos entrevistados referiu aplicar medidas para o alívio da dor no pós-operatório de cirurgia abdominal em neonatos. O opióide foi o medicamento mais citado para a analgesia (60%), seguido pelo midazolam (30%). CONCLUSÃO: os pediatras demonstraram pouco conhecimento a respeito dos métodos de avaliação e tratamento da dor no período neonatal. Há necessidade de reciclagens e de atualização no tema para os profissionais de saúde que atuam com recém-nascidos doentes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: This pilot study aimed to verify if glycemic control can be achieved in type 2 diabetes patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), using insulin glargine (iGlar) associated with regular insulin (iReg), compared with the standard intensive care unit protocol, which uses continuous insulin intravenous delivery followed by NPH insulin and iReg (St. Care). Patients and Methods: Patients (n = 20) within 24 h of AMI were randomized to iGlar or St. Care. Therapy was guided exclusively by capillary blood glucose (CBG), but glucometric parameters were also analyzed by blinded continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Results: Mean glycemia was 141 +/- 39 mg/dL for St. Care and 132 +/- 42 mg/dL for iGlar by CBG or 138 +/- 35 mg/dL for St. Care and 129 +/- 34 mg/dL for iGlar by CGMS. Percentage of time in range (80-180 mg/dL) by CGMS was 73 +/- 18% for iGlar and 77 +/- 11% for St. Care. No severe hypoglycemia (<= 40 mg/dL) was detected by CBG, but CGMS indicated 11 (St. Care) and seven (iGlar) excursions in four subjects from each group, mostly in sulfonylurea users (six of eight patients). Conclusions: This pilot study suggests that equivalent glycemic control without increase in severe hyperglycemia may be achieved using iGlar with background iReg. Data outputs were controlled by both CBG and CGMS measurements in a real-life setting to ensure reliability. Based on CGMS measurements, there were significant numbers of glycemic excursions outside of the target range. However, this was not detected by CBG. In addition, the data indicate that previous use of sulfonylurea may be a potential major risk factor for severe hypoglycemia irrespective of the type of insulin treatment.
Metabolic disturbances are quite common in critically ill patients. Glycemic control appears to be an important adjuvant therapy in such patients. In addition, disorders of lipid metabolism are associated with worse prognoses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects that two different glycemic control protocols have on lipid profile and metabolism. We evaluated 63 patients hospitalized for severe sepsis or septic shock, over the first 72 h of intensive care. Patients were randomly allocated to receive conservative glycemic control (target range 140-180 mg/dl) or intensive glycemic control (target range 80-110 mg/dl). Serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and oxidized low-density lipoprotein were determined. In both groups, serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol were below normal, whereas those of free fatty acids, triglycerides, and oxidized low-density lipoprotein were above normal. At 4 h after admission, free fatty acid levels were higher in the conservative group than in the intensive group, progressively decreasing in both groups until hour 48 and continuing to decrease until hour 72 only in the intensive group. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels were elevated in both groups throughout the study period. Free fatty acids respond to intensive glycemic control and, because of their high toxicity, can be a therapeutic target in patients with sepsis.
This study investigated the association between physician education in EOL and variability in EOL practice, as well as the differences between beliefs and practices regarding EOL in the ICU. Physicians from 11 ICUs at a university hospital completed a survey presenting a patient in a vegetative state with no family or advance directives. Questions addressed approaches to EOL care, as well physicians' personal, professional and EOL educational characteristics. The response rate was 89%, with 105 questionnaires analyzed. Mean age was 38 +/- A 8 years, with a mean of 14 +/- A 7 years since graduation. Physicians who did not apply do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders were less likely to have attended EOL classes than those who applied written DNR orders [0/7 vs. 31/47, OR = 0.549 (0.356-0.848), P = 0.001]. Physicians who involved nurses in the decision-making process were more likely to be ICU specialists [17/22 vs. 46/83, OR = 4.1959 (1.271-13.845), P = 0.013] than physicians who made such decisions among themselves or referred to ethical or judicial committees. Physicians who would apply "full code" had less often read about EOL [3/22 vs. 11/20, OR = 0.0939 (0.012-0.710), P = 0.012] and had less interest in discussing EOL [17/22 vs. 20/20, OR = 0.210 (0.122-0.361), P < 0.001], than physicians who would withdraw life-sustaining therapies. Forty-four percent of respondents would not do what they believed was best for their patient, with 98% of them believing a less aggressive attitude preferable. Legal concerns were the leading cause for this dichotomy. Physician education about EOL is associated with variability in EOL decisions in the ICU. Moreover, actual practice may differ from what physicians believe is best for the patient.
O gerenciamento de custos de materiais de consumo hospitalar é um tema atual em pesquisa, principalmente em unidades de saúde especializadas. Os enfermeiros são destacados como os principais gestores do consumo e custo de materiais hospitalares. Neste estudo, objetivou-se caracterizar unidades pediátricas semi-intensivas e intensivas de um hospital de ensino e verificar o consumo e os custos de materiais utilizados na assistência a pacientes internados nessas unidades. Estudo descritivo, exploratório, retrospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa; os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar; analisados com base na classificação ABC. O gasto médio foi semelhante entre as UTIs cardiológica e neonatal e menor nas UTI e semi-intensiva pediátricas; houve variação significativa de consumo mensal de materiais; os materiais de maior custo tiveram mais impacto no orçamento das unidades estudadas. Os dados obtidos revelaram a importância do uso de método sistêmico de análise de consumo e gastos de materiais em unidades pediátricas e subsidiam ações administrativas de economia.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a percepção da equipe multiprofissional sobre ruído ambiente em uma unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com delineamento qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas abertas com 43 profissionais que atuavam na unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. As entrevistas gravadas foram transcritas e realizou-se a análise temática. RESULTADOS: Apreenderam-se quatro núcleos temáticos: Como a equipe percebe o ruído na unidade; O que gera ruído na unidade; Os efeitos do ruído nos bebês, trabalhadores, familiares e acompanhantes; Como reduzir o ruído na unidade. CONCLUSÃO: A equipe tem conhecimento sobre o ruído na unidade, apontando possibilidades e limitações para sua redução.
BACKGROUND: Physiologic data display is essential to decision making in critical care. Current displays echo first-generation hemodynamic monitors dating to the 1970s and have not kept pace with new insights into physiology or the needs of clinicians who must make progressively more complex decisions about their patients. The effectiveness of any redesign must be tested before deployment. Tools that compare current displays with novel presentations of processed physiologic data are required. Regenerating conventional physiologic displays from archived physiologic data is an essential first step. OBJECTIVES: The purposes of the study were to (1) describe the SSSI (single sensor single indicator) paradigm that is currently used for physiologic signal displays, (2) identify and discuss possible extensions and enhancements of the SSSI paradigm, and (3) develop a general approach and a software prototype to construct such "extended SSSI displays" from raw data. RESULTS: We present Multi Wave Animator (MWA) framework-a set of open source MATLAB (MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA) scripts aimed to create dynamic visualizations (eg, video files in AVI format) of patient vital signs recorded from bedside (intensive care unit or operating room) monitors. Multi Wave Animator creates animations in which vital signs are displayed to mimic their appearance on current bedside monitors. The source code of MWA is freely available online together with a detailed tutorial and sample data sets.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Critical incident reporting alone does not necessarily improve patient safety or even patient outcomes. Substantial improvement has been made by focusing on the further two steps of critical incident monitoring, that is, the analysis of critical incidents and implementation of system changes. The system approach to patient safety had an impact on the view about the patient's role in safety. This review aims to analyse recent advances in the technique of reporting, the analysis of reported incidents, and the implementation of actual system improvements. It also explores how families should be approached about safety issues. RECENT FINDINGS: It is essential to make as many critical incidents as possible known to the intensive care team. Several factors have been shown to increase the reporting rate: anonymity, regular feedback about the errors reported, and the existence of a safety climate. Risk scoring of critical incident reports and root cause analysis may help in the analysis of incidents. Research suggests that patients can be successfully involved in safety. SUMMARY: A persisting high number of reported incidents is anticipated and regarded as continuing good safety culture. However, only the implementation of system changes, based on incident reports, and also involving the expertise of patients and their families, has the potential to improve patient outcome. Hard outcome criteria, such as standardized mortality ratio, have not yet been shown to improve as a result of critical incident monitoring.
Background: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) following perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy in term infants improves mortality and neurodevelopmental outcome. In Europe, most neonatal units perform active cooling whereas in Switzerland passive cooling is predominantly used. Aims: (i) To determine how many infants were cooled within the last 5 years in Switzerland, (ii) to assess the cooling methods, (iii) to evaluate the variation of temperature of different cooling methods, and (iv) to evaluate the use of neuromonitoring. Study design: Retrospective cohort study. Patients: Notes of all cooled term infants between March 2005 and December 2010 in 9 perinatal and two paediatric intensive care centres were retrospectively reviewed. Active cooling was compared to passive cooling alone and to passive cooling in combination with gel packs. Results: 150 infants were cooled. Twenty-seven (18.2%) were cooled actively, 34 (23%) passively and 87 (58.8%) passively in combination with gel packs. Variation of temperature was significantly different between the three methods. Passive cooling had a significant higher variation of temperature (SD of 0.89) than both passive cooling in combination with gel packs (SD of 0.79) and active cooling (SD of 0.76). aEEG before TH was obtained in 35.8% of the infants and 86.5% had full EEG. One cUS was performed in 95.3% and MRI in 62.2% of the infants. Conclusion: Target temperature can be achieved with all three cooling methods. Passive cooling has the highest variation of temperature. Neuromonitoring should be improved in Swiss neonatal and paediatric intensive care units. Our results stress the importance of national registries.
OBJECTIVE: To test the feasibility of and interactions among three software-driven critical care protocols. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Intensive care units in six European and American university hospitals. PATIENTS: 174 cardiac surgery and 41 septic patients. INTERVENTIONS: Application of software-driven protocols for cardiovascular management, sedation, and weaning during the first 7 days of intensive care. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: All protocols were used simultaneously in 85% of the cardiac surgery and 44% of the septic patients, and any one of the protocols was used for 73 and 44% of study duration, respectively. Protocol use was discontinued in 12% of patients by the treating clinician and in 6% for technical/administrative reasons. The number of protocol steps per unit of time was similar in the two diagnostic groups (n.s. for all protocols). Initial hemodynamic stability (a protocol target) was achieved in 26+/-18 min (mean+/-SD) in cardiac surgery and in 24+/-18 min in septic patients. Sedation targets were reached in 2.4+/-0.2h in cardiac surgery and in 3.6 +/-0.2h in septic patients. Weaning protocol was started in 164 (94%; 154 extubated) cardiac surgery and in 25 (60%; 9 extubated) septic patients. The median (interquartile range) time from starting weaning to extubation (a protocol target) was 89 min (range 44-154 min) for the cardiac surgery patients and 96 min (range 56-205 min) for the septic patients. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple software-driven treatment protocols can be simultaneously applied with high acceptance and rapid achievement of primary treatment goals. Time to reach these primary goals may provide a performance indicator.
There is no accepted way of measuring prothrombin time without time loss for patients undergoing major surgery who are at risk of intraoperative dilution and consumption coagulopathy due to bleeding and volume replacement with crystalloids or colloids. Decisions to transfuse fresh frozen plasma and procoagulatory drugs have to rely on clinical judgment in these situations. Point-of-care devices are considerably faster than the standard laboratory methods. In this study we assessed the accuracy of a Point-of-care (PoC) device measuring prothrombin time compared to the standard laboratory method. Patients undergoing major surgery and intensive care unit patients were included. PoC prothrombin time was measured by CoaguChek XS Plus (Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland). PoC and reference tests were performed independently and interpreted under blinded conditions. Using a cut-off prothrombin time of 50%, we calculated diagnostic accuracy measures, plotted a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and tested for equivalence between the two methods. PoC sensitivity and specificity were 95% (95% CI 77%, 100%) and 95% (95% CI 91%, 98%) respectively. The negative likelihood ratio was 0.05 (95% CI 0.01, 0.32). The positive likelihood ratio was 19.57 (95% CI 10.62, 36.06). The area under the ROC curve was 0.988. Equivalence between the two methods was confirmed. CoaguChek XS Plus is a rapid and highly accurate test compared with the reference test. These findings suggest that PoC testing will be useful for monitoring intraoperative prothrombin time when coagulopathy is suspected. It could lead to a more rational use of expensive and limited blood bank resources.