On the basis of two sedimentary records from the central Sea of Okhotsk, we reconstruct the closely coupled glacial/interglacial changes in terrigenous flux, marine productivity, and sea ice coverage over the past 1.1 Myr. The correspondance of our sedimentary records to the China loess grain size record (China loess particle timescale, CHILOPARTS) suggests that environmental changes in both the Sea of Okhotsk area and in SE Asia were closely related via the Siberian atmospheric high-pressure cell. During full glacial times our records point to a strong Siberian High causing northerly wind directions, the extension of the sea ice cover, and a reduced Amur River discharge. Deglacial maxima of terrigenous flux were succeeded by or synchronous to high-productivity events. Marine productivity was strengthened during glacial terminations because of an effective nutrient utilization at times of enhanced water column stratification and high nutrient supply from fluvial runoff and sea ice thawing. During interglacials, SE monsoonal winds prevailed, analogous to today's summer situation of a pronounced Mongolian Heat Low and a strong Hawaiian High. Strong freshwater discharge induced by high precipitation rates in the Amur drainage area and a seasonally reduced and mobile sea ice cover favored marine productivity (although being considerably lower than during the terminations) and a lowered flux of ice-rafted detritus.
Un porcentaje no desdeñable de mujeres jóvenes con cáncer de mama esporádico son portadoras de mutaciones germinales en BRCA1/2. Esta prevalencia está estrechamente condicionada por otras variables como el tipo de población, fenotipo tumoral y edad de diagnóstico de cáncer de mama. La presencia de una estructura familiar no informativa es una variable predictiva de la presencia de mutaciones en BRCA1/2 en estas pacientes, pero este hallazgo no ha sido debidamente validado en cohortes independientes. Existe una fuerte asociación entre las mutaciones en BRCA1 y los tumores mamarios de tipo triple negativo (TN). En el presente trabajo analizamos la utilidad de las variables estructura familiar no informativa y fenotipo TN como variables predictivas de mutaciones germinales en BRCA1/2 en una cohorte de mujeres jóvenes ( 35 años) con cáncer de mama esporádico previamente remitidas (1998-2012) a unidades de asesoramiento genético españolas (n = 341). Retrospectivamente, la estructura familiar fue clasificada en informativa, no informativa o no clasificable mediante la revisión centralizada de los pedigrees disponibles en el momento de realizarse los respectivos estudios genéticos. Asimismo, los tumores de mama fueron clasificados en TN, no-TN y no clasificables mediante la revisión de las historias clínicas. Veinticuatro pacientes (7.12 %) fueron portadoras de mutaciones patogénicas, 14 en BRCA1 y 10 en BRCA2. Tanto la estructura familiar no informativa (OR = 3.61, p = 0.027) como el subtipo TN (OR = 3.14, p = 0.013) fueron variables independientes de la presencia de mutaciones germinales en BRCA1/2. La prevalencia de mutaciones en el subgrupo de mujeres con al menos un factor predictivo (estructura familiar no informativa, subtipo TN o ambos) fue del 13.5 %, frente al 2.8 % en aquellas mujeres con estrucutra familiar informativa y tumores no-TN (OR = 5.31, p = 0.006). Demostramos, con la información disponible en un contexto de práctica clínica rutinaria, la utilidad de la estructura familiar y el fenotipo TN como modelo predictivo de mutaciones germinales en BRCA1/2 en mujeres jóvenes con cáncer de mama esporádico. Nuestro estudio sugiere que restringir el análisis tan solo a aquellas mujeres con al menos un factor predicitivo podría ser una estrategia válida para optimizar la realización de estudios genéticos en este subgrupo de mujeres.
OBJECTIVE Cannabidiol (CBD) and D9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) are nonpsychoactive phytocannabinoids affecting lipid and glucose metabolism in animal models. This study set out to examine the effects of these compounds in patients with type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 62 subjects with noninsulin-treated type 2 diabetes were randomized to five treatment arms: CBD (100 mg twice daily), THCV (5 mg twice daily), 1:1 ratio of CBD and THCV (5 mg/5 mg, twice daily), 20:1 ratio of CBD and THCV (100 mg/5 mg, twice daily), or matched placebo for 13 weeks. The primary end point was a change in HDL-cholesterol concentrations from baseline. Secondary/tertiary end points included changes in glycemic control, lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, body weight, liver triglyceride content, adipose tissue distribution, appetite, markers of inflammation, markers of vascular function, gut hormones, circulating endocannabinoids, and adipokine concentrations. Safety and tolerability end points were also evaluated. RESULTS Compared with placebo, THCV significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose (estimated treatment difference [ETD] = 21.2 mmol/L; P < 0.05) and improved pancreatic b-cell function (HOMA2 b-cell function [ETD = 244.51 points; P < 0.01]), adiponectin (ETD = 25.9 3 106 pg/mL; P < 0.01), and apolipoprotein A (ETD = 26.02 mmol/L; P < 0.05), although plasma HDL was unaffected. Compared with baseline (but not placebo), CBD decreased resistin (2898 pg/ml; P < 0.05) and increased glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (21.9 pg/ml; P < 0.05). None of the combination treatments had a significant impact on end points. CBD and THCV were well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS THCV could represent a newtherapeutic agent in glycemic control in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é preparar um cermeto do tipo Al2O3/Ti(C,N) com propriedades mecânicas adequadas à sua utilização na maquinação de materiais do tipo DIN ISO 513:K01-K10 e ISO H01-H10. De forma a incrementar a sinterabilidade do cermeto investigou-se o efeito da adição de dopantes metálicos, nomeadamente alumínio metálico (Al) e hidreto de titânio (TiH2) e o efeito da substituição da moagem convencional por moagem de alta energia. As variáveis das etapas principais de processamento, i.e., da moagem, prensagem e sinterização, foram selecionadas com trabalho realizado quer na Universidade de Aveiro quer na empresa Palbit. Foram preparadas três composições do cermeto Al2O3/Ti(C,N) com adições de 5%TiH2, 1%Al e 5%TiH21%Al através da moagem de alta energia. Os parâmetros de moagem, i.e. a velocidade de rotação, o rácio bolas/pó e o tempo de moagem foram otimizados para os seguintes valores: 350 rpm, 10:1 e 5 h, respetivamente. A utilização da moagem de alta energia permitiu uma redução do tamanho de partícula dos pós até aproximadamente 100 nm e a obtenção de uma boa uniformidade da distribuição das fases (Al2O3+Ti(C,N)). A etapa de conformação foi efetuada por prensagem uniaxial seguida de prensagem isostática. A avaliação da reatividade dos cermetos através de dilatometria em atmosfera de vácuo revelou que a densificação é maioritariamente realizada em estado sólido. A adição de apenas 1%Al é a menos efetiva para a densificação. Os cermetos foram sinterizados através de sinterização convencional em forno de vazio a 1650ºC e prensagem a quente (1650ºC com uma pressão uniaxial de 25 MPa). Os valores de densificação obtidos, aproximadamente 80% e 100%, respetivamente, indicam que a aplicação de pressão durante a sinterização é efetiva para atingir densificações elevadas nos compactos, compatíveis com as suas aplicações tecnológicas. As propriedades mecânicas de dureza e de tenacidade avaliadas nos três cermetos apresentaram valores aproximados de 1800-1900 HV50 para a dureza e entre 5.4 e 7.7 MPa.m1/2 para a tenacidade à fratura.
El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en la clínica veterinaria ubicada en la Facultad de Ciencia Animal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria . Se determinaron diferentes variables a evaluar para comparar la acción de 4 distintos protocolos anestésicos en caninos, utilizando propofol, ketamina, d iazepam, xilacina 2%, m idazolam, sulfato de atropina, maleato de acepromacina y ketoprofeno mediantes los cuales se evaluó el comportamiento de los 14 pacientes quirúr gicos determinándose los siguientes resultados: La frecuencia respiratoria promedio en los diferentes tiempo s fue: pre operatorio : 76 – 20 con una media de 48 , trans operatorio : 56 – 10 con una media de 33 y post operatorio : 36 – 8 con una media de 22 movi mientos por minuto. La frecuencia cardiaca promedio en los diferente tiempos fue: pre operatorio : 140 – 40 con una media de 90 , trans operatorio : 180 – 64 con una media de 122 y post operatorio 160 - 40 con una media de 100 pulsaciones por minuto. La temper atura rectal promedio en los di ferentes tiempo fue: pre operatorio : 40.4 - 37. 5 con una media de 38.9 , trans operatorio : 40 – 37 con una media de 38.5 y post operatorio : 39.2 - 37.2 con una media de °C. El porcentaje de hematocrito promedio en los diferentes tiempos fue: pre operatorio : 47 – 25 con una media de 37 , trans operatorio : 3 9 – 24 con una media de 31.5 y post operatorio : 39 – 24 con una media de 31.5 % . Donde al comparar la acción de estos protocolos en los diferentes tiempos, no conllevaron a ninguno de los pacientes intervenidos a situaciones críticas que condujeran a emergencias en el intraoperatorio, concluyendo que los protocolos empleados tienen amplio margen de seguridad y garantizaro n integralmente los cuatro puntos cardinales de la anestesia
Es un estudio clínico controlado en el que se incluyeron 88 pacientes de ambos sexos en dos grupos asignados aleatoriamente. El grupo infiltración (n = 44) recibió 80 mg de metilprednisolona + 25 mg de bupivacaína al 0.5con epinefrina al 1:200.000 y el grupo conservador (n = 44) recibió 15 mg diarios por vía oral de meloxicam + calor local húmedo y ejercicios de fortalecimiento. En cada grupo hubo 22 pacientes con patología discal diagnosticada por tomografía axial computadorizada. Se evaluó el dolor según la Escala Análoga Visual y la discapacidad según la Escala de Roland Morris, en seis controles, cada semana por 4 semanas y a los 3 y 6 meses. Resultados. En condiciones basales los grupos fueron comparables en la valoración del dolor y la discapacidad. En los dos grupos de estudio no se encontraron diferencias significativas, en cuanto se refiere a la discapacidad y el dolor , sin embargo en el seguimiento tanto la infiltración como el tratamiento conservador produjo alivio inmediato de la sintomatología pero en los controles posteriores el tratamiento conservador tuvo una mejor respuesta en los dos parámetros, dolor a los 3 meses (p = 0.027) y 6 meses (p = 0.039) , discapacidad a la cuarta semana (p = 0.019), El análisis por subgrupos según patología discal no tuvo diferencias significativas. En la escala de Likert que valora la mejoría desde la percepción del paciente hubo una tendencia a beneficiar al grupo que recibió el tratamiento conservador RR 0.8 (IC95: 0.55-1.16). Conclusiones. La infiltración epidural de 80 mg de metilprednisolona + 15 mg de bupivacaína para tratamiento de la lumbalgia crónica con o sin patología discal tuvo igual respuesta que 15 mg diarios de meloxicam por vía oral más terapia física, en un seguimiento de 6 meses
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the electrical and mechanical responses to inhibitory non-adrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) nerve stimulation in the bovine retractor penis muscle (BRP) and compare them with those to an inhibitory extract made from this muscle. The extract may contain the NANC inhibitory transmitter of the BRP and possibly of other smooth muscles. Because of species differences in the electrical response to NANC nerves in the rat and rabbit anococcygeus the effects of the extract on these tissues was also investigated. Prior to the investigation of the extract, both the excitatory and inhibitory responses to field stimulation in the BRP, and the effects of passive membrane potential displacement were studied using conventional intra- or extracellular (sucrose gap) recording techniques. The majority of cells in the BRP were electrically quiescent independent of the resting tone. The most frequent (in approximately 25% of preparations) form of spontaneous activity, oscillations in membrane potential and tone, may represent a pacemaker activity. The BRP had cable properties; the time constant and space constant indicated a high membrane resistance. In the absence of tone, field stimulation of the BRP evoked excitatory junction potentials (ejps) in every cell impaled and contractions, graded with the strength, frequency and number of pulses; spikes were not observed. Guanethidine (1-3 x 10-5M) abolished the ejps and contractions, confirming their adrenergic origin. Noradrenaline added exogenously depolarised and contracted the muscle. These effects were blocked by the a-adrenoceptor antagonists, phentolamine and prazosin. However, phentolamine (2.5x 10-6M) inhibited the contraction without reducing the ejp significantly. These effects may be independent of adrenoceptor blockade or the ejp may be mediated by a substance other than noradrenaline (e.g. ATP) released from adrenergic nerves. Prazosin (1.4 x lO-6M) failed to block either the ejp or contraction, indicating the possible existence of two types of adrenoceptor in the BRP; one activated by neuronally-released and the other by exogenously-added noradrenaline. ATP, a contaminant in the extract, also depolarised and contracted the BRP. Physostigmine reduced whilst atropine enhanced the ejps and contractions without similarly affecting the response to exogenous noradrenaline. This confirmed the presence of a cholinergic inhibitory innervation acting on the excitatory adrenergic fibres (Klinge and Sjostrand, 1977). TEA (1 x lO-4M) enhanced the ejp and contraction. Higher concentrations (0.5 to 10 x 10-3M) depolarised, increased the tone and evoked electrical and mechanical oscillations but no spikes. The depolarisation and contraction to exogenous noradrenaline were not enhanced, indicating that TEA acts on the adrenergic nerves. Some post-synaptic effect to block K+ channels also seems likely. The relationship between ejp amplitude and membrane potential in the double sucrose gap was linear and indicated a reversal potential more positive than -30mV. Electrotonic pulse amplitude decreased during the ejp, indicating an increased membrane conductance. Ejps and contractions were reduced following the replacement of the NaCl of the Krebs solution with sodium glutamate. This may be due to the effects of glutamate itself (e.g. Ca2+ chelation) rather than reduction in the membrane Cl- gradient. Tone usually developed spontaneously and was accompanied by membrane depolarisation (from -53 to -45mV) which may open voltage-dependent channels, causing Ca2+ entry and/or its release from intracellular binding sites. Field stimulation produced inhibitory potentials (ijps) and relaxations graded with the strength and number of pulses but showing little frequency dependence. Rebound depolarisation and contraction often followed the ijp and relaxation. Tetrodotoxin (3 x IO-6M), but not adrenergic or cholinergic antagonists, abolished the ijp and relaxation, confirming their non-adrenergic non-cholinergic neurogenic nature. The extract, prepared and acid-activated as described by Gillespie, Hunter and Martin (1981), hyperpolarised and relaxed the BRP, as did sodium nitroprusside and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Unlike the activated extract or sodium nitroprusside, desensitisation to ATP occurred rapidly and without any change in the inhibitory electrical or mechanical responses to field stimulation. The ijp and relaxation in the BRP were insensitive to apamin but abolished by oxyhaemoglobin (4-8 x 10-6M), as were the responses to extract and sodium nitroprusside. In TEA (10-2M), field stimulation evoked relaxations with no accompanying electrical change. The ijp may be unconnected with or additional to another mechanism producing relaxation. The relationship between membrane potential and ijp in the BRP was non-linear. Ijp amplitude was initially increased during membrane potential displacement from -45mV to approximately -60mV. Thereafter (-60 to -l03mV) the ijp was reduced. Ijps were abolished at -27 and -103mV; reversal was not observed. The hyperpolarisation to extract was also enhanced during passive displacement of the membrane potential to more negative values (-57mV). Membrane resistance increased during the ijp. The extract produced inconsistent changes in membrane resistance, possibly because of the presence of more than one active component. K+ withdrawal failed to enhance the ijp or hyperpolarisation to extract and 20mM K+ did not abolish the the ijp at membrane potentials exceeding EK (-49mV). Thus, the ijp or hyperpolarisation to extract are unlikely to be mediated by an increased K+ conductance. Reducing the Cl- abolished the hyperpolarisation to field stimulation and extract. This occurred more quickly than the anticipated reduction in the Cl- gradient and may be due to Ca2+ chelation by the anion substitute (glutamate or benzenesulphonate) or blockade of the resting conductance which is normally inactivated by the transmitter. Ouabain (1-5x 10-5M), which reduces both the Na+ and Cl- gradients, abolished the ijp, implicating either of these ions as the ionic species involved. In the rat and rabbit anococcygeus, field stimulation and extract each reduced guanethidine-induced tone. This was unaccompanied in the majority of cells in the rat by any significant electrical response. In the remaining cells, inhibition of the membrane potential oscillations occurred. The rabbit anococcygeus differed in that inhibition of the electrical oscillations was observed in every cell exhibiting this behaviour. However, the majority of cells in the rabbit were electrically quiescent and showed only small hyperpolarisations to field stimulation and no electrical response to extract. Apamin (1 x 10-7M) failed to block the electrical and mechanical response to field stimulation in the rabbit but did inhibit transiently that to extract. The latter effect may be due to the initial excitatory effects of apamin. The similarities between the electrical effects of the extract and those of inhibitory nerve stimulation in the BRP, rat and rabbit anococcygeus muscles are generally consistent with their being mediated by the same active component. Moreover, the ijp in the BRP shows properties which have not been reported in other non-adrenergic noncholinergically innervated smooth muscles.
La Enfermedad de Kawasaki es una enfermedad febril aguda auto limitada, siendo la vasculitis más frecuente en la población infantil menor de 5 años. Al momento existen dos estudios previos sobre epidemiología y características clínicas en El Salvador. Objetivos: Describir el perfil clínico-epidemiológico de la Enfermedad de Kawasaki en el Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom entre Enero 2009 a Diciembre 2013. Material y métodos: Diseño descriptivo, transversal, observacional y retrospectivo. Se incluyeron los expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Kawasaki encontrados en la base de datos del Departamento de Estadística del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom entre enero de 2009 a diciembre de 2013, se tomó en cuenta la epidemiología, manifestaciones clínicas, hallazgos de laboratorio y ecocardiograma. Se estima que se presentan de un 10 a 20 nuevos casos por año, con predominio en edad preescolar y sexo masculino. Según estudios previos se observa una tendencia de aumento de casos en el país.
Coordinación del monográfico: Matxalen Legarreta Iza
Se evaluó el efecto de la progesterona exógena aplicada en dos momentos del metaestro temprano sobre el tamaño del embrión, tamaño y función del cuerpo lúteo, en 21 ovejas de la raza Corriedale en la Granja Irquís de la Universidad de Cuenca en un diseño de bloques al azar. Se compararon las medias con la prueba de Tukey con nivel de significación de 0,05. Los tratamientos realizados fueron: T1) Control; T2) aplicación de P4 entre los días 2 al 4 posteriores al servicio; T3) aplicación de P4 entre los días 3 al 5 posteriores al servicio. La duración del estudio fue de 60 días. El incremento de los niveles séricos de progesterona en sangre evidencia una diferencia significativa (P˂0,05), entre tratamientos con valores promedio 8,20; 21,0; 13,6 ng/ml para los tratamientos T1, T2, T3 respectivamente. No hubo diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para el tamaño y función del cuerpo lúteo. Los resultados indican que la aplicación de P4 en etapa del metaestro temprano no afecto el tamaño y función del cuerpo lúteo, pero incrementa significativamente los niveles de P4 en esa etapa.
Background and aims: The selective SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin (DAPA) reduces hyperglycaemia independently of insulin secretion or action by inhibiting renal glucose reabsorption. This study (MB102014) is a randomised double-blind, placebo (PBO)-controlled trial of DAPA added to metformin (MET) in T2DM (n=546) inadequately controlled with MET alone. Previously reported short-term data at week 24 showed significant mean reductions in the primary [HbA1c] and secondary [fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and weight] endpoints with DAPA compared to PBO. Here we report efficacy and safety results at week 102 of the long-term extension. Materials and methods: Patients aged 18-77 years with HbA1c 7-10% received DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg or PBO, plus open-label MET (≥1500mg/d). Exploratory endpoints at week 102 included changes from baseline in HbA1c, FPG and weight, and were analyzed by longitudinal repeated measures analysis. Results: Overall 71.2% of patients completed 102 weeks of the study; fewer on PBO (63.5%) than on DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg (68.3%, 73.0%, 79.8%), due mainly to more patients on PBO discontinuing for lack of efficacy. At week 102, all DAPA groups showed greater mean reductions from baseline in HbA1c, FPG and weight compared to PBO (table), effects that were similar to those observed at week 24 and maintained throughout the trial. More patients at week 102 also achieved a therapeutic response of HbA1c<7% with DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg (20.7%, 26.4%, 31.5%) than with PBO (15.4%). Adverse events (AEs), serious AEs and AEs leading to discontinuation were balanced across all groups. Signs and symptoms suggestive of genital infection (GenInf) were reported in 11.7%, 14.6%, 12.6% (DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg) and 5.1% (PBO) of patients, with 1 discontinuation due to GenInf. Signs and symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection (UTI) were reported in 8.0%, 8.8%, 13.3% (DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg) and 8.0% (PBO), with 1 discontinuation due to UTI. No event of pyelonephritis was reported. Conclusion: In comparison to PBO, DAPA added to MET over 102 weeks demonstrated greater and sustained improvements in glycaemic control, clinically meaningful reduction in weight, and no increased risk of hypoglycaemia in patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with MET alone.
A distribuição diamétrica serve para caracterizar os estágios sucessionais, estados de conservação, regimes de manejo, processos de dinâmicas de crescimento e produção, grupos ecológicos de espécies (pioneira; secundária inicial tardia e; clímax). O objetivo deste trabalho é definir um padrão de estratificação dos estádios sucessionais aplicando-se a estrutura diamétrica com base na distribuição da abundância e dominância em área basal das árvores e palmeiras nos lotes de assentamento no Projeto Desenvolvimento Sustentável Virola-Jatobá (ANAPU-PA). O inventário foi realizado em 32 lotes, nestes foram instaladas de 4 a 5 parcelas (10m x 40m) e inventariados todos os indivíduos >10 cm de DAP. Os resultados sejam de área basal, ou número de árvores por classe diamétrica, talvez mais importante que ajudar a classificar o estádio das coberturas florestais, tenha revelado outros indicadores como a proporcionalidade das contribuições dessas diferentes classes no entendimento dessas coberturas florestais e uma informação qualitativa em termos de riqueza e diversidade, contribuiria de forma substancial os produtores a tomarem decisões diversas sobre o uso, manejo e conservação dos lotes florestais.
El estudio geológico estructural y morfotectónico de la región de la región al norte de la ciudad de Alajuela, muestra una serie de fallas, estructuras volcánicas y alineamientos que pueden ser correlacionados con el terremoto de 1888, o bien, ser nuevas fuentes sísmicas, siendo la falla de Alajuela la alternativa más viable para el origen del terremoto y una depresión 1.5 km al este de Fraijanes, la probable área epicentral. Los datos obtenidos de los informes y periódicos de la época permiten estimar el patrón de distribución de las isosistas del terremoto del 30 de diciembre de 1888 y calcular junto con otros datos microsísmicos y a partir de relaciones empíricas, los parámetros sísimicos (profundidad, epicentro, magnitud, intensidad, aceleración). El terremoto de Fraijanes demostró hace casi un siglo ser muy destructivo, y hoy día con el aumento de población e infraestructura en la región, el grado de vulnerabilidad es mayor y por consiguiente aumento el riesgo sísmico.
The increasingly strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions make the fuel economy a pressing factor for automotive manufacturers. Lightweighting and engine downsizing are two strategies pursued to achieve the target. In this context, materials play a key role since these limit the engine efficiency and components weight, due to their acceptable thermo-mechanical loads. Piston is one of the most stressed engine components and it is traditionally made of Al alloys, whose weakness is to maintain adequate mechanical properties at high temperature due to overaging and softening. The enhancement in strength-to-weight ratio at high temperature of Al alloys had been investigated through two approaches: increase of strength at high temperature or reduction of the alloy density. Several conventional and high performance Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys have been characterized from a microstructural and mechanical point of view, investigating the effects of chemical composition, addition of transition elements and heat treatment optimization, in the specific temperature range for pistons operations. Among the Al-Cu alloys, the research outlines the potentialities of two innovative Al-Cu-Li(-Ag) alloys, typically adopted for structural aerospace components. Moreover, due to the increased probability of abnormal combustions in high performance spark-ignition engines, the second part of the dissertation deals with the study of knocking damages on Al pistons. Thanks to the cooperation with Ferrari S.p.A. and Fluid Machinery Research Group - Unibo, several bench tests have been carried out under controlled knocking conditions. Knocking damage mechanisms were investigated through failure analyses techniques, starting from visual analysis up to detailed SEM investigations. These activities allowed to relate piston knocking damage to engine parameters, with the final aim to develop an on-board knocking controller able to increase engine efficiency, without compromising engine functionality. Finally, attempts have been made to quantify the knock-induced damages, to provide a numerical relation with engine working conditions.
Angiodroid The CO2 Injector è un dispositivo medico che permette il dosaggio di CO2 nelle cavità vascolari a volumi e pressioni controllate. La CO2 agisce come mezzo di contrasto durante gli esami angiografici, offrendo notevoli vantaggi e bassissimo tasso di complicazioni rispetto ai mezzi di contrasto iodati. L’oggetto di questa tesi è lo studio di due Essential Performance Requirements (EPR) di Angiodroid, definiti come le prestazioni di una funzione clinica diversa da quella relativa alla sicurezza di base, in cui la perdita o la degradazione oltre i limiti specificati dal produttore comporta un rischio inaccettabile. Gli EPR presi in considerazione sono il volume e la pressione di iniezione di CO2, in quanto l’erogazione affidabile e ripetibile del gas permette sia di garantire la sicurezza del paziente sia di standardizzare i protocolli di iniezione per i diversi distretti vascolari. Sovradosaggio e sovrapressione della somministrazione della dose di CO2 possono comportare potenziali rischi clinici per il paziente, mentre sottodosaggio e una sottopressione non sono legati a rischi clinici, piuttosto comportano una scarsa qualità dell’immagine radiologica. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di validare gli intervalli di precisione del volume e della pressione di iniezione in diversi scenari entro i quali il dispositivo è considerato conforme e sicuro. I test di validazione sono stati eseguiti su 5 iniettori al termine della loro life cycle (8 anni) attraverso un invecchiamento accelerato. I valori di volume e la pressione di iniezione sono stati esaminati sia in aria, cioè senza carico, sia su un modello di paziente simulato, quindi con carico, utilizzando introduttori e cateteri angiografici autorizzati dalla Food and Drug Administration. Tutte le analisi sono state effettuate simulando gli scenari di funzionamento dell'iniettore più critici.