1000 resultados para Musical consumption


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The study is significant from both an application perspective of marketing management as well as from an academic angle. The market for personal care products is a highly fragmented one, with intense competition for specific niche segments. It is well known in marketing literature that the bulk of the volume of sale is accounted for by the minority who are the heavy users. This study will help the marketers to identify the personality profile of such a group and understand how the interaction of personality factors at least partially explains differences in consumption. This knowledge might be useful for better segmentation using psychographic variables as well as for designing specific advertisement campaigns to target the vulnerable groups of customers. From a theoretical perspective, the research may contribute to understanding how specific personality variables and their interaction lead to differences in consumption. The knowledge corresponding to self theory, social comparison theory, persuasibility, evidence from psychology of eating disorders: these all may be integrated into a common frame work for explaining consumption of products having a social function.


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“At resale stores I have seen brand new clothes with original price tag still hanging from the sleeve. Some children have so many toys that they stay frustrated, not knowing which one to pick up for their next amusement. Presumably sensible adults trade in perfectly good cars just to have something shinier and newer. Didn’t us once live productive normal lives, without all these gadgets” [Cunningham (2005)]. During late eighties, nearly forty four percent of the participants, who took part in a consumer survey conducted in the US, responded positively to the question “My closets are filled with still 2 unopened items” [Faber and O’Guinn (1988)]. Reading such excerpts does not greatly surprise us anymore; as such reports have become common now. For many people shopping has moved beyond something that caters to their needs and wants and has become a hobby [Cunningham (2005)], an activity that they engage in to satisfy their hedonistic or pleasure-seeking goals [Ramnathan and Menon(2006), O’Cass and McEween (2004), Faber and O’Guinn (1989)]. Others look at their new possession as something that fills a void in their lives [Belk (1985), Diener et al. (1993)].


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broad of a packet is in transit at any one time. In GBR, each node in the network can look at itsneighbors wireless ad hoc networking (? Eld. A sensor node, typically'hop count (depth) and use this to decide which node to forward contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and a the packet on to. If the nodes' power level drops below a wireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is one certain level it will increase the depth to discourage trafiE of the critical issue for sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limitedlifetime. Routing schemes are used to transfer data collectedby sensor nodes to base stations. In the literature many routing protocols for wireless sensor networks are suggested. In this work, four routing protocols for wireless sensor networks viz Flooding, Gossiping, GBR and LEACH have been simulated using TinyOS and their power consumption is studied using PowerTOSSIM. A realization of these protocols has beencarried out using Mica2 Motes.


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broad of a packet is in transit at any one time. In GBR, each node in the network can look at itsneighbors wireless ad hoc networking (? Eld. A sensor node, typically'hop count (depth) and use this to decide which node to forward contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and a the packet on to. If the nodes' power level drops below a wireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is one certain level it will increase the depth to discourage trafiE of the critical issue forfor sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limited lifetime.


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broadwireless ad hoc networking (?Eld. A sensor node, typically'contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and awireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is oneof the critical issue for sensor networks since most sensorsare equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limited lifetime.In thiswork, four routing protocols for wireless sensor networks vizFlooding, Gossiping, GBR and LEACH have been simulated using Tiny OS and their power consumption is studied usingcaorwreiredTOoSuStIuMs.ingAMirceaal2izMaotitoens.of these protocols has been carried out using mica 2 motes


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Recycling nutrients form sanitary wastes back into agricultural ecosystems offers an option to alleviate soil depletion in regions where the use of mineral fertiliser is limited. Exemplary nutrient and water cycling approaches, including collection, treatment and use of human urine, are established at Valley View University (VVU) in Greater Accra, Ghana. Concerns have been recently raised in regard to fate and impact of pharmaceutical residues in soils and interlinked environment. To evaluate in how far emerging knowledge can be transposed onto VVU, urban and rural environments in Greater Accra, spatial disease occurrence and drug consumption patterns were studied. Malaria has been found to represent the most severe health burden in Ghana, but there is also a high prevalence of infectious diseases. Drugs consumed in great quantities and in respect to their residual loads potentially problematic in the environment belong to therapeutic groups of: antibiotics, analgesics, drugs for diabetes, antimalarials, cardiovascular drugs and anthelmintics. Drug consumption revealed to be highest in urban and lowest in rural areas. At VVU the range of consumed drugs is comparable to urban areas except for the negligible use of diabetes and cardiovascular medication as well as contraceptives.


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In contemporary society, green consumption is a popular concept. The life styles of people and consumption behaviors are moderated in accordance to the ‘green ideology’. The process of green consumption can be observed through social behaviors such as preference of bio foods, recycling, reusing, limiting the over consumption and using environmentally friendly transport systems. However, mainstream economic analyses on green consumption argued that consumer behaviors are due to the rational choice of individuality based on utility and self-preferences. The hypothesis of this paper on consumer behavior in green consumption is configured by discourses according to the discourse analysis.


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Protecting the quality of children growth and development becomes a supreme qualification for the betterment of a nation. Double burden child malnutrition is emerging worldwide which might have a strong influence to the quality of child brain development and could not be paid-off on later life. Milk places a notable portion during the infancy and childhood. Thus, the deep insight on milk consumption pattern might explain the phenomenon of double burden child malnutrition correlated to the cognitive impairments. Objective: Current study is intended (1) to examine the current face of Indonesian double burden child malnutrition: a case study in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, (2) to investigate the association of this phenomenon with child brain development, and (3) to examine the contribution of socioeconomic status and milk consumption on this phenomenon so that able to formulate some possible solutions to encounter this problem. Design: A cross-sectional study using a structured coded questionnaire was conducted among 387 children age 5-6 years old and their parents from 8 areas in Bogor, West-Java, Indonesia on November 2012 to December 2013, to record some socioeconomic status, anthropometric measurements, and history of breast feeding. Diet and probability of milk intake was assessed by two 24 h dietary recalls and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Usual daily milk intake was calculated using Multiple Source Method (MSM). Some brain development indicators (IQ, EQ, learning, and memory ability) using Projective Multi-phase Orientation method was also executed to learn the correlation between double burden child malnutrition and some brain development indicator. Results and conclusions: A small picture of child double burden malnutrition is shown in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, where prevalence of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is 27.1%, Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) is 24.9%, and overnutrition is 7.7%. This phenomenon proves to impair the child brain development. The malnourished children, both under- and over- nourished children have significantly (P-value<0.05) lower memory ability compared to the normal children (memory score, N; SAM = 45.2, 60; MAM = 48.5, 61; overweight = 48.4, 43; obesity = 47.9, 60; normal = 52.4, 163). The plausible reasons behind these evidences are the lack of nutrient intake during the sprout growth period on undernourished children or increasing adiposity on overnourished children might influence the growth of hippocampus area which responsible to the memory ability. Either undernutrition or overnutrition, the preventive action on this problem is preferable to avoid ongoing cognitive performance loss of the next generation. Some possible solutions for this phenomenon are promoting breast feeding initiation and exclusive breast feeding practices for infants, supporting the consumption of a normal portion of milk (250 to 500 ml per day) for children, and breaking the chain of poverty by socioeconomic improvement. And, the national food security becomes the fundamental point for the betterment of the next. In the global context, the causes of under- and over- nutrition have to be opposed through integrated and systemic approaches for a better quality of the next generation of human beings.


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Se presenta experiencia educativa en Educación Infantil que propone actividades musicales que favorezcan el desarrollo del alumnado. Se realiza en el CEIP Padre Manjón en Huétor Tájar, Granada. Los objetivos son: coordinar los movimientos; situarse adecuadamente en el espacio; controlar el tono muscular; relajarse; aprender a escuchar; desarrollar la capacidad de comunicación; fomentar y potenciar la creatividad; expresar las propias emociones; aprender a crear y trabajar en grupo; desarrollar la confianza en sí mismo y la autoestima. La metodología consiste en desarrollar en la clase de música cuatro actividades diferentes, pero de manera que los niños y niñas la vivan como una unidad y no como una sucesión de experiencias aisladas. Está dirigido al profesorado.


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Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que propone la grabación de romances clásicos cantados por el alumnado y acompañados de instrumentos para conseguir acercar el mundo actual y real de la música y la producción musical a nuestro alumnado. Se realiza en el CEIP Manuel Siurot en La Palma del Condado, Huelva. Los objetivos son: desarrollar en el alumnado y en el profesorado la capacidad de exploración e investigación; aplicar las destrezas artísticas, plásticas, musicales y dinámicas, al aprendizaje de otras áreas; integrar a toda la comunidad en el proyecto educativo; enriquecer la fantasía y la creatividad de nuestro alumnado; cultivar en nuestro alumnado los tres ámbitos básicos de la disciplina musical: el aspecto vocal, el instrumental y el de movimiento.


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Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que pretende familiarizar al alumnado con discapacidad auditiva con el ámbito musical utilizando un método apropiado dada sus características. Se realiza en el CEIP Buenos Aires de la Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz. Los objetivos son: familiarizar al alumnado sordo con el ámbito musical, utilizando un método apropiado dadas las características de dicho alumnado; fomentar la reflexión del profesorado sobre su propia práctica, y el trabajo en equipo, dentro del marco de la autonomía pedagógica y organizativa de los centros docentes; comprender y actuar sobre la diversidad de situaciones de aprendizajes que se producen en el aula, y la adopción de medidas que den respuestas ajustadas a esta diversidad; fomentar las innovaciones en el desarrollo de prácticas y materiales educativos; facilitar la integración de aquellos colectivos socialmente más desfavorecidos; proporcionar propuestas de actividades de refuerzo y ampliación en el área de Música para ajustar la enseñanza a las necesidades; integrar la música con las otras áreas de la etapa de Primaria de manera que se produzca una enseñanza globalizada; estimular el aprendizaje del ámbito musical en el alumnado con deficiencia auditiva; fomentar actitudes de colaboración entre el profesorado en el desarrollo de diversas propuestas curriculares. El proceso consta de varias fases: primera, evaluación diagnóstica y documentación; segunda, actuación y evaluación procesual; tercera, evaluación final y memoria. El resultado ha sido satisfactorio, se han cumplido todos los objetivos creando un marco adecuado para el aprendizaje del área musical en alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales debido a la deficiencia auditiva.


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Motivar al alumnado de Infantil y primer ciclo de E. Primaria para el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura a través de la fusión del cuento con la música.


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Cuaderno de trabajo dirigido a los alumnos de Primaria y dividido en dos partes claramente diferenciadas: teoría musical y flauta. La primera parte está compuesta por un total de 128 fichas de trabajo en las que, además de la explicación del contenido, se acompaña de una ficha de trabajo, de utilidad para el profesor como repaso e incluso como evaluación. Los contenidos tratados han sido seleccionados en función de los propuestos por el MEC seleccionando, por parte de los autores, aquellos que son más factibles de ser tratados bajo esta modalidad de trabajo. La segunda parte es un método para la flauta dulce donde se han seleccionado 56 canciones desde un punto de vista pedagógico.


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Corresponde a la segunda edición de la obra. Además de la antología, la obra contiene unos anexos explicativos y un glosario de términos detalladamente definidos