999 resultados para Musculoskeletal Evaluation


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The ability of 2 freshwater fishes, eastern rainbow fish Melanotaenia splendida splendida and fly-specked hardyhead Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum stercusmuscarum. native to North Queensland to prey on immature Aedes aegypti was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The predation efficiency of the 2 species was compared to the exotic guppy, Poecilia reticulata, which is commonly used as a biological control agent of mosquito larvae. Of the 3 fish species tested, M. s. splendida was shown to be the most promising agent for the biological control of Ae. aegypti that breed in wells. Melanotaenia s. splendida consumed significantly greater numbers of immature Ae. aegypti than P. reticulata, irrespective of developmental stage or light conditions. Unlike C. s. stercusmuscarum, M, s. splendida could be handled, transported, and kept in captivity for extended periods with negligible mortality. However, M. s. splendida was also an efficient predator of Litoria caerulea tadpoles, a species of native frog found in wells during the dry season. This result may limit the usefulness of M. s. splendida as a biological control agent of well-breeding Ae. aegypti and suggests that predacious copepods, Mesocyclops spp., are more suitable. However, the use of M. s. splendida as a mosquito control agent in containers that are unlikely to support frog populations (e.g., aquaculture tanks and drinking troughs) should be given serious consideration.


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Laboratory bioassay studies were conducted in southeast Queensland, Australia,: on the efficacy of Teknar (R), VectoBac (R) 12AS, and Cybate (R) (active ingredient: 1,200 international toxic units Bacillus thuringiensis var, israelensis [Bti]) against 3rd instars of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti. Ae. notoscriptus, Ae. vigilax, and Ae. camptorhynchus. Probit analyses were then used to determine LD,, (median lethal dose), LD95, and lethal dose ratios (LDR). Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, both container-habitat species, tolerated the highest Bti concentrations compared with saltmarsh Ae. vigilax and Ae. camptorhynchus. For example, the LDR for Ae. vigilax versus Ae. notoscriptus exposed to Cybate was 0.14 (95% confidence limit [CL] 0.03-0.61). Similarly, the Cybate LDR for Ae. camptorhynchus versus Ae. notoscriptus was 0.22 (95% CL 0.07-0.70). Teknar produced similar results with an LDR of 0.21 (95% CL 0.04-1.10) for Aedes vigilax versus Aedes notoscriptus. Differences in product efficacy were found when tested against the 2 container-breeding species. Cybate was less effective than Teknar with LDRs of 1.55 (95% CL 0.65-3.67) and 1.87 (95% CL 0.68-5.15) for Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, respectively. The significant differences in susceptibility between mosquito species and varying efficacy between products highlight the importance of evaluating concentration-response data prior to contracting with distributors of mosquito control products. This information is crucial to resistance management strategies.


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This paper examines the psychometric quality of the Early/Late Preferences Scale (PS) relative to that of the Composite Morningness Scale (CS). Questionnaires were completed by 670 undergraduate students aged 16-37 years (mean 22.5), of whom 64% were female. Both scales displayed satisfactory inter-item correlations and similar total mean scores to those reported previously, although the CS had higher variability. Principal axis factor analysis produced single-factor solutions for both scales, although loadings for Items 7 and 9 on the PS were low. Internal consistencies for both scales were good (PS=0.86, CS=0.90) with only a small improvement achieved by deleting Items 7 and 9 from the PS. Test-retest reliability over 11 weeks was good for both scales (PS=0.92, CS=0.89). Differences between morning, evening and intermediate groups in self-rated alertness at different times of day, and significant correlations with other indices of morning-evening orientation, provided evidence of validity for both scales. These results indicate that PS is psychometrically comparable with CS. In view of its simpler format and lower cultural specificity, PS may be considered a preferable measure for most applications.


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The suitability of spotlight counts to index red fox abundance was assessed in an arid environment through a comparison with a scat deposition index (active attractant). In most cases there was a high degree of correlation between the two indices, suggesting that the spotlight counts were accurately documenting fluctuations in population size. However, the precision of the spotlight index was often low (c.v. = 0.07-0.46), suggesting that the technique may not allow the statistical detection of small changes in abundance. During periods when there was an influx of new individuals into the population, the seasonal scat index displayed a three-month time lag in documenting abundance while foxes accustomed themselves to the presence of the regular food supply. The level of precision of the scat index was also found to be relatively low (c.v. = 0.21-0.48). Nevertheless, further refinements of this technique may produce a suitable measure of fox abundance.


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GCR1 has been tentatively identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as the first plant G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) (Josefsson and Rask 1997) implicated in the cytokinin sensory pathway (Plakidou-Dymock et al. 1998). A protein fusion of GCR1 and green fluorescent protein has been expressed in Arabidopsis and shown GCR1 to be located on the plasma membrane. Studies of plants with altered GCR1 expression have led us to question GCR1's involvement in cytokinin signaling. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing sense and antisense constructs for GCR1 have been produced and over- and under-expression confirmed. The analysis of 12 antisense and 17 sense lines has failed to reveal the previously reported Dainty phenotype or altered cytokinin sensitivity. We have used the Gauntlet approach to test the plants' response to various plant hormones although this has not yet identified a mutant phenotype. The yeast-two hybrid system has been used and so far there is no evidence to suggest GCR1 interacts with heterotrimeric G proteins. Before GCR1 can be identified as genuine G-protein coupled receptor, the identification of a ligand and a proof of association with heterotrimeric G-proteins should be obtained.


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Laboratory studies investigated the interaction between the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and sublethal doses of the insecticides imidacloprid and cyromazine when applied to larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlinenta (Say). When second instars were fed potato leaf discs treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and a range of doses of B. bassiana, a synergistic action was demonstrated. Similar results were observed when larvae were sprayed directly with B. bassiana conidia and immediately fed leaf discs treated with imidacloprid. No synergistic interaction was detected when larvae were fed leaf discs treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid 24 h after application of R. bassiana conidia to larvae. However, a synergistic interaction was detected when larvae were fed leaf discs treated with imidacloprid and sprayed with B, bassiana conidia 24 h later. Although sublethal doses of both imidacloprid and the triazine insect growth regulator (IGR) cyromazine prolonged the duration of the second instar, only imidacloprid interacted with B. bassiana to produce a synergistic response in larval mortality. In leaf consumption studies, the highest dose of B, bassiana tested promoted feeding in inoculated second instars. Feeding was inhibited when larvae were fed foliage treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and significantly reduced when fed foliage treated with a sublethal dose of cyromazine. Starvation of larvae for 24 h immediately after B. bassiana treatment produced a similar result to the combined treatment of B. bassiana and imidacloprid and increased the level of mycosis when compared with B. bassiana controls. Imidacloprid treatment affected neither the rate of germination of B. bassiana conidia on the insect cuticle nor the rate at which conidia were removed from the integument after application. The statistical analysis used to detect synergism and the possible role of starvation-induced stress factors underlying the observed synergistic interactions are discussed.


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To assess existing information regarding detectable differences in osteoarthritis (OA), a systematic literature search was conducted up to December 1999. Thirty-three articles were considered methodologically relevant to the definition and categorization of detectable differences in OA. It was determined that the musculoskeletal literature contains a wealth of information that relates to observed changes, much of which is derived from the clinical trials literature, but there have been relatively few methodological studies that have systematically evaluated the nature, categorization, and relevance of the change. Furthermore, most of those that have been published take the perspective of an individual or groups of experts other than that of the patient. This summary of the current literature reveals that the diverse sources of information go part way towards developing an understanding of detectable differences and their importance in the area of OA research and clinical practice. Stakeholders' interests as well as factors that modulate perceptions of importance need to be taken under consideration. In particular, the patient's perspective of the importance of change at an individual level requires further evaluation. This area of clinical research is relatively underdeveloped, but there is considerable opportunity for progress.


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In the treatment of atherosclerotic disease, stenting in the presence of a glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa antagonist is becoming an increasingly common procedure. The ‘Do Tirofiban and ReoPro Give Similar Efficacy Trial’ (TARGET) was designed to determine whether the cheaper tirofiban was as effective and safe as abciximab in the prevention of ischaemic events with stenting. Unexpectedly, abciximab was shown to be superior to tirofiban. Tirofiban is a selective GP IIb/IIIa antagonist whereas abciximab has additional anti-inflammatory actions, which may contribute to its superiority.


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Carvedilol, a non-selective β-adrenoceptor blocker with ancillary properties, and metoprolol and bisoprolol, selective β1-blockers without ancillary properties, have been shown to reduce mortality and morbidity in heart failure. In the Beta-blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial (BEST), bucindolol, a non-selective β-adrenoceptor blocker with different ancillary properties to carvedilol, did not reduce overall survival in heart failure. Possible explanations for this include: more Blacks being included in the trial, bucindolol being more ‘sympatholytic’ than the other β-blockers and more advanced heart failure in BEST. Another possible explanation is that bucindolol is stimulating cardiac β2-adrenoceptors to counter the effects of inhibiting cardiac β1-adrenoceptors. Bucindolol is not the best treatment and carvedilol, metoprolol and bisoprolol should be preferred in heart failure.


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The standard approach to preventing acute coronary syndromes (ACSs)has been to inhibit platelet aggregation with aspirin and to inhibit blood coagulation with low molecular-weight heparin (LMWH). Even with this combination there is still a substantial short and long-term cardiovascular risk. The Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to prevent Recurrent Events (CURE) trial [1] compared clopidogrel plus aspirin against aspirin alone in patients with ACSs. The clopidogrel regimen was a loading dose of 300 mg p.o. followed by 75 mg/day and the recommended dose of aspirin was 75 - 325 mg/day. The first primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke and this occurred significantly less often in the clopidogrel than the placebo group (9.3 vs. 11.4%). Although there were more clopidogrel patients with life-threatening bleeding (clopidogrel 2.2%, placebo 1.8%), this represented GI haemorrhages and bleeding at sites of arterial puncture rather than fatal bleeding. This trial suggests a role for clopidogrel in the long-term treatment of ACSs