971 resultados para Mixed oxides. Combustion by microwave. Alternatives fuels
Biofuels are alternative fuels that have the promise of reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels and decreasing emission of greenhouse gases from energy consumption. This thesis analyses the environmental impacts focusing on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production and delivery of biofuel using the new Integrated Hydropyrolysis and Hydroconversion (IH2) process. The IH2 process is an innovative process for the conversion of woody biomass into hydrocarbon liquid transportation fuels in the range of gasoline and diesel. A cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with diverse feedstocks production systems and delivery to the IH2 facility plus producing and using these new renewable liquid fuels. The biomass feedstocks analyzed include algae (microalgae), bagasse from a sugar cane-producing locations such as Brazil or extreme southern US, corn stover from Midwest US locations, and forest feedstocks from a northern Wisconsin location. The life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings of 58%–98% were calculated for IH2 gasoline and diesel production and combustion use in vehicles compared to fossil fuels. The range of savings is due to different biomass feedstocks and transportation modes and distances. Different scenarios were conducted to understand the uncertainties in certain input data to the LCA model, particularly in the feedstock production section, the IH2 biofuel production section, and transportation sections.
Ethanol-gasoline fuel blends are increasingly being used in spark ignition (SI) engines due to continued growth in renewable fuels as part of a growing renewable portfolio standard (RPS). This leads to the need for a simple and accurate ethanol-gasoline blends combustion model that is applicable to one-dimensional engine simulation. A parametric combustion model has been developed, integrated into an engine simulation tool, and validated using SI engine experimental data. The parametric combustion model was built inside a user compound in GT-Power. In this model, selected burn durations were computed using correlations as functions of physically based non-dimensional groups that have been developed using the experimental engine database over a wide range of ethanol-gasoline blends, engine geometries, and operating conditions. A coefficient of variance (COV) of gross indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) correlation was also added to the parametric combustion model. This correlation enables the cycle combustion variation modeling as a function of engine geometry and operating conditions. The computed burn durations were then used to fit single and double Wiebe functions. The single-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used the least squares method to compute the single-Wiebe parameters, while the double-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used an analytical solution to compute the double-Wiebe parameters. These compounds were then integrated into the engine model in GT-Power through the multi-Wiebe combustion template in which the values of Wiebe parameters (single-Wiebe or double-Wiebe) were sensed via RLT-dependence. The parametric combustion models were validated by overlaying the simulated pressure trace from GT-Power on to experimentally measured pressure traces. A thermodynamic engine model was also developed to study the effect of fuel blends, engine geometries and operating conditions on both the burn durations and COV of gross IMEP simulation results.
This report is a dissertation proposal that focuses on the energy balance within an internal combustion engine with a unique coolant-based waste heat recovery system. It has been predicted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration that the transportation sector in the United States will consume approximately 15 million barrels per day in liquid fuels by the year 2025. The proposed coolant-based waste heat recovery technique has the potential to reduce the yearly usage of those liquid fuels by nearly 50 million barrels by only recovering even a modest 1% of the wasted energy within the coolant system. The proposed waste heat recovery technique implements thermoelectric generators on the outside cylinder walls of an internal combustion engine. For this research, one outside cylinder wall of a twin cylinder 26 horsepower water-cooled gasoline engine will be implemented with a thermoelectric generator surrogate material. The vertical location of these TEG surrogates along the water jacket will be varied along with the TEG surrogate thermal conductivity. The aim of this proposed dissertation is to attain empirical evidence of the impact, including energy distribution and cylinder wall temperatures, of installing TEGs in the water jacket area. The results can be used for future research on larger engines and will also assist with proper TEG selection to maximize energy recovery efficiencies.
Spray characterization under flash boiling conditions was investigated utilizing a symmetric multi-hole injector applicable to the gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine. Tests were performed in a constant volume combustion vessel using a high-speed schlieren and Mie scattering imaging systems. Four fuels including n-heptane, 100% ethanol, pure ethanol blended with 15% iso-octane by volume, and test grade E85 were considered in the study. Experimental conditions included various ambient pressure, fuel temperature, and fuel injection pressure. Visualization of the vaporizing spray development was acquired by utilizing schlieren and laser-based Mie scattering techniques. Time evolved spray tip penetration, spray angle, and the ratio of the vapor to liquid region were analyzed by utilizing digital image processing techniques in MATLAB. This research outlines spray characteristics at flash boiling and non-flash boiling conditions. At flash boiling conditions it was observed that individual plumes merge together, leading to significant contraction in spray angle as compared to non-flash boiling conditions. The results indicate that at flash boiling conditions, spray formation and expansion of vapor region is dependent on momentum exchange offered by the ambient gas. A relation between momentum exchange and liquid spray angle formed was also observed.
This dissertation represents experimental and numerical investigations of combustion initiation trigged by electrical-discharge-induced plasma within lean and dilute methane air mixture. This research topic is of interest due to its potential to further promote the understanding and prediction of spark ignition quality in high efficiency gasoline engines, which operate with lean and dilute fuel-air mixture. It is specified in this dissertation that the plasma to flame transition is the key process during the spark ignition event, yet it is also the most complicated and least understood procedure. Therefore the investigation is focused on the overlapped periods when plasma and flame both exists in the system. Experimental study is divided into two parts. Experiments in Part I focuses on the flame kernel resulting from the electrical discharge. A number of external factors are found to affect the growth of the flame kernel, resulting in complex correlations between discharge and flame kernel. Heat loss from the flame kernel to code ambient is found to be a dominant factor that quenches the flame kernel. Another experimental focus is on the plasma channel. Electrical discharges into gases induce intense and highly transient plasma. Detailed observation of the size and contents of the discharge-induced plasma channel is performed. Given the complex correlation and the multi-discipline physical/chemical processes involved in the plasma-flame transition, the modeling principle is taken to reproduce detailed transitions numerically with minimum analytical assumptions. Detailed measurement obtained from experimental work facilitates the more accurate description of initial reaction conditions. The novel and unique spark source considering both energy and species deposition is defined in a justified manner, which is the key feature of this Ignition by Plasma (IBP) model. The results of numerical simulation are intuitive and the potential of numerical simulation to better resolve the complex spark ignition mechanism is presented. Meanwhile, imperfections of the IBP model and numerical simulation have been specified and will address future attentions.
The U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard mandates that by 2022, 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels must be produced on a yearly basis. Ethanol production is capped at 15 billion gallons, meaning 21 billion gallons must come from different alternative fuel sources. A viable alternative to reach the remainder of this mandate is iso-butanol. Unlike ethanol, iso-butanol does not phase separate when mixed with water, meaning it can be transported using traditional pipeline methods. Iso-butanol also has a lower oxygen content by mass, meaning it can displace more petroleum while maintaining the same oxygen concentration in the fuel blend. This research focused on studying the effects of low level alcohol fuels on marine engine emissions to assess the possibility of using iso-butanol as a replacement for ethanol. Three marine engines were used in this study, representing a wide range of what is currently in service in the United States. Two four-stroke engine and one two-stroke engine powered boats were tested in the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, near Annapolis, Maryland over the course of two rounds of weeklong testing in May and September. The engines were tested using a standard test cycle and emissions were sampled using constant volume sampling techniques. Specific emissions for two-stroke and four-stroke engines were compared to the baseline indolene tests. Because of the nature of the field testing, limited engine parameters were recorded. Therefore, the engine parameters analyzed aside from emissions were the operating relative air-to-fuel ratio and engine speed. Emissions trends from the baseline test to each alcohol fuel for the four-stroke engines were consistent, when analyzing a single round of testing. The same trends were not consistent when comparing separate rounds because of uncontrolled weather conditions and because the four-stroke engines operate without fuel control feedback during full load conditions. Emissions trends from the baseline test to each alcohol fuel for the two-stroke engine were consistent for all rounds of testing. This is due to the fact the engine operates open-loop, and does not provide fueling compensation when fuel composition changes. Changes in emissions with respect to the baseline for iso-butanol were consistent with changes for ethanol. It was determined iso-butanol would make a viable replacement for ethanol.
BACKGROUND Functional characterization of mutations involving the SCN5A-encoded cardiac sodium channel has established the pathogenic mechanisms for type 3 long QT syndrome and type 1 Brugada syndrome and has provided key insights into the physiological importance of essential structure-function domains. OBJECTIVE This study sought to present the clinical and biophysical phenotypes discerned from compound heterozygosity mutations in SCN5A on different alleles in a toddler diagnosed with QT prolongation and fever-induced ventricular arrhythmias. METHODS A 22-month-old boy presented emergently with fever and refractory ventricular tachycardia. Despite restoration of sinus rhythm, the infant sustained profound neurological injury and died. Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing, comprehensive open-reading frame/splice mutational analysis of the 12 known long QT syndrome susceptibility genes was performed. RESULTS The infant had 2 SCN5A mutations: a maternally inherited N-terminal frame shift/deletion (R34fs/60) and a paternally inherited missense mutation, R1195H. The mutations were engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologously expressed transiently in HEK293 cells. As expected, the frame-shifted and prematurely truncated peptide, SCN5A-R34fs/60, showed no current. SCN5A-R1195H had normal peak and late current but abnormal voltage-dependent gating parameters. Surprisingly, co-expression of SCN5A-R34fs/60 with SCN5A-R1195H elicited a significant increase in late sodium current, whereas co-expression of SCN5A-WT with SCN5A-R34fs/60 did not. CONCLUSIONS A severe clinical phenotype characterized by fever-induced monomorphic ventricular tachycardia and QT interval prolongation emerged in a toddler with compound heterozygosity involving SCN5A: R34fs/60, and R1195H. Unexpectedly, the 94-amino-acid fusion peptide derived from the R34fs/60 mutation accentuated the late sodium current of R1195H-containing Na(V)1.5 channels in vitro.
Middle atmospheric water vapour can be used as a tracer for dynamical processes. It is mainly measured by satellite instruments and ground-based microwave radiometers. Ground-based instruments capable of measuring middle-atmospheric water vapour are sparse but valuable as they complement satellite measurements, are relatively easy to maintain and have a long lifetime. MIAWARA-C is a ground-based microwave radiometer for middle-atmospheric water vapour designed for use on measurement campaigns for both atmospheric case studies and instrument intercomparisons. MIAWARA-C's retrieval version 1.1 (v1.1) is set up in a such way as to provide a consistent data set even if the instrument is operated from different locations on a campaign basis. The sensitive altitude range for v1.1 extends from 4 hPa (37 km) to 0.017 hPa (75 km). For v1.1 the estimated systematic error is approximately 10% for all altitudes. At lower altitudes it is dominated by uncertainties in the calibration, with altitude the influence of spectroscopic and temperature uncertainties increases. The estimated random error increases with altitude from 5 to 25%. MIAWARA-C measures two polarisations of the incident radiation in separate receiver channels, and can therefore provide two measurements of the same air mass with independent instrumental noise. The standard deviation of the difference between the profiles obtained from the two polarisations is in excellent agreement with the estimated random measurement error of v1.1. In this paper, the quality of v1.1 data is assessed for measurements obtained at two different locations: (1) a total of 25 months of measurements in the Arctic (Sodankylä, 67.37° N, 26.63° E) and (2) nine months of measurements at mid-latitudes (Zimmerwald, 46.88° N, 7.46° E). For both locations MIAWARA-C's profiles are compared to measurements from the satellite experiments Aura MLS and MIPAS. In addition, comparisons to ACE-FTS and SOFIE are presented for the Arctic and to the ground-based radiometer MIAWARA for the mid-latitude campaigns. In general, all intercomparisons show high correlation coefficients, confirming the ability of MIAWARA-C to monitor temporal variations of the order of days. The biases are generally below 13% and within the estimated systematic uncertainty of MIAWARA-C. No consistent wet or dry bias is identified for MIAWARA-C. In addition, comparisons to the reference instruments indicate the estimated random error of v1.1 to be a realistic measure of the random variation on the retrieved profile between 45 and 70 km.
Abstract. In this paper, we compare the diurnal variations in middle-atmospheric water vapor as measured by two ground-based microwave radiometers in the Alpine region near Bern, Switzerland. The observational data set is also compared to data from the chemistry–climate model WACCM. Due to the small diurnal variations of usually less than 1%, averages over extended time periods are required. Therefore, two time periods of five months each, December to April and June to October, were taken for the comparison. The diurnal variations from the observational data agree well with each other in amplitude and phase. The linear correlation coefficients range from 0.8 in the upper stratosphere to 0.5 in the upper mesosphere. The observed diurnal variability is significant at all pressure levels within the sensitivity of the instruments. Comparing our observations with WACCM, we find that the agreement of the phase of the diurnal cycle between observations and model is better from December to April than from June to October. The amplitudes of the diurnal variations for both time periods increase with altitude in WACCM, but remain approximately constant at 0.05 ppm in the observations. The WACCM data are used to separate the processes that lead to diurnal variations in middle-atmospheric water vapor above Bern. The dominating processes were found to be meridional advection below 0.1 hPa, vertical advection between 0.1 and 0.02 hPa and (photo-)chemistry above 0.02 hPa. The contribution of zonal advection is small. The highest diurnal variations in water vapor as seen in the WACCM data are found in the mesopause region during the time period from June to October with diurnal amplitudes of 0.2 ppm (approximately 5% in relative units).
The ground-based microwave radiometer MIAWARA-C recorded the upper stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour distribution continuously from June 2011 to March 2013 above the Arctic station of Sodankylä, Finland (67.4° N, 26.6° E) without major interruptions and offers water vapour profiles with temporal resolution of 1 h for average conditions. The water vapour time series of MIAWARA-C shows strong periodic variations in both summer and winter related to the quasi-2-day wave. Above 0.1 hPa the amplitudes are strongest in summer. The stratospheric wintertime 2-day wave is pronounced for both winters on altitudes below 0.1 hPa and reaches a maximum amplitude of 0.8 ppmv in November 2011. Over the measurement period, the instrument monitored the changes in water vapour linked to two sudden stratospheric warmings in early 2012 and 2013. Based on the water vapour measurements, the descent rate in the vortex after the warmings is 364 m d−1 for 2012 and 315 m d−1 for 2013.