992 resultados para Methodological importance


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Background Despite Human Papillomavirus (HPV)’s impact on the health of both sexes, there is debate around the inclusion of males in HPV vaccination programmes. The aim of this scoping review was to synthesize the evidence on vaccine acceptability to males. Given that the vaccine is most effective in adolescent males, vaccine acceptance in parents and health care professionals (HCPs) was also examined. Method A rapid synthesis using specified key words of published systematic reviews into vaccine acceptability in adolescent males, parents and HCPs was conducted. The most common electronic databases were searched including: Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO, and CINAHL. Results There was variability amongst studies with respect to design and methodological approaches. Despite this there appears to be a positive attitude towards male HPV vaccination from both parents and older males. There is currently insufficient evidence on vaccine acceptance to adolescent males. Understanding the risks involved in HPV acquisition, and receiving a recommendation from a HCP, appear to be the major factors involved in males deciding to be vaccinated. Parents consistently report the importance of a HCP recommendation, yet HCPs (in the US) appear to have a preference for vaccinating older than younger adolescents, and for vaccinating females. Conclusions The absence of an agreed definition of vaccine acceptance leads to a lack of a universally accepted tool for its measurement. This makes comparison of studies difficult. With no established theoretical framework the identification and exploration of factors that influence vaccine uptake can be variable. In addition, acceptance is not indicative of uptake. The majority of studies are cross-sectional which makes the identification of factors that lead to actual vaccine uptake difficult. Prospective, longitudinal studies identifying individuals that acted on vaccine intention should be conducted to identify the factors that mediate the uptake.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring behaviour, health and productivity. The sheep has been used extensively as a model species to inform human studies. However, in the farmed environment, the consequences for the lamb of the imposition of prenatal stresses upon the ewe have received much less attention. The stressors that pregnant ewes are most frequently exposed to include sub-optimal nutrition and those related to housing, husbandry and environment which may be either acute or chronic. A systematic review of the literature was adopted to identify material which had production-relevant maternal stressors and lamb outcomes. The current review focussed upon the lamb up to weaning around the age of 100 days and the results clearly demonstrate that stressors imposed upon the ewe have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Maternal under-nutrition (UN) in the last third of pregnancy consistently impaired lamb birth-weight and subsequent vigour and performance, while earlier UN had a variable effect on performance. Feeding the ewe above requirements did not have positive effects on lamb performance and welfare. Social and husbandry stressors such as transport, shearing, mixing and physiological treatments designed to mimic acute stress which would be considered disadvantageous for the ewe had positive or neutral effects for the lamb, highlighting a potential conflict between the welfare of the ewe and her lamb. This review also identified considerable gaps in knowledge, particularly in respect of the impact of disease upon the ewe during pregnancy and interactions between different stressors and the responses of ewe and lamb.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring biology in humans and a variety of other species. It also is becoming increasingly apparent that prenatal events can have important consequences for the behavior, health, and productivity of offspring in farmed species. Pregnant cattle may experience many potentially important stressors, for instance, relating to their social environment, housing system and physical environment, interactions with humans and husbandry procedures, and their state of health. We examined the available literature to provide a review of the implications of prenatal stress for offspring welfare in cattle. The long-term effects of dystocia on cattle offspring also are reviewed. To ensure a transparent and repeatable selection process, a systematic review approach was adopted. The research literature clearly demonstrates that prenatal stress and difficult births in beef and dairy cattle both have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Common husbandry practices, such as transport, were shown to influence offspring biology and the importance of environmental variables, including thermal stress and drought, also were highlighted. Maternal disease during pregnancy was shown to negatively impact offspring welfare. Moreover, dystocia-affected calves suffer increased mortality and morbidity, decreased transfer of passive immunity, and important physiological and behavioral changes. This review also identified considerable gaps in our knowledge and understanding of the effects of prenatal stress in cattle. © 2012 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.


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Free-roaming dogs (FRD) represent a potential threat to the quality of life in cities from an ecological, social and public health point of view. One of the most urgent concerns is the role of uncontrolled dogs as reservoirs of infectious diseases transmittable to humans and, above all, rabies. An estimate of the FRD population size and characteristics in a given area is the first step for any relevant intervention programme. Direct count methods are still prominent because of their non-invasive approach, information technologies can support such methods facilitating data collection and allowing for a more efficient data handling. This paper presents a new framework for data collection using a topological algorithm implemented as ArcScript in ESRI® ArcGIS software, which allows for a random selection of the sampling areas. It also supplies a mobile phone application for Android® operating system devices which integrates Global Positioning System (GPS) and Google Maps™. The potential of such a framework was tested in 2 Italian regions. Coupling technological and innovative solutions associated with common counting methods facilitate data collection and transcription. It also paves the way to future applications, which could support dog population management systems.


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To compare methods to estimate the incidence of visual field progression used by 3 large randomized trials of glaucoma treatment by applying these methods to a common data set of annually obtained visual field measurements of patients with glaucoma followed up for an average of 6 years.


The methods used by the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS), the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS), and the Early Manifest Glaucoma Treatment study (EMGT) were applied to 67 eyes of 56 patients with glaucoma enrolled in a 10-year natural history study of glaucoma using Program 30-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer (Humphrey Instruments, San Leandro, Calif). The incidence of apparent visual field progression was estimated for each method. Extent of agreement between the methods was calculated, and time to apparent progression was compared.


The proportion of patients progressing was 11%, 22%, and 23% with AGIS, CIGTS, and EMGT methods, respectively. Clinical assessment identified 23% of patients who progressed, but only half of these were also identified by CIGTS or EMGT methods. The CIGTS and the EMGT had comparable incidence rates, but only half of those identified by 1 method were also identified by the other.


The EMGT and CIGTS methods produced rates of apparent progression that were twice those of the AGIS method. Although EMGT, CIGTS, and clinical assessment rates were comparable, they did not identify the same patients as having had field progression.


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There is no consensus in the literature as to which stock characteristic best explains returns. In this study, we employ a novel econometric approach better suited than the traditional characteristic sorting method to answer this question for the UK market. We evaluate the relative explanatory power of market, size, momentum, volatility, liquidity and book-to-market factors in a semiparametric characteristic-based factor model which does not require constructing characteristic portfolios. We find that momentum is the most important factor and liquidity is the least important based on their relative contribution to the fit of the model and the proportion of sample months for which factor returns are significant. Overall, this study provides strong evidence to support that the momentum characteristic can best explain stock returns in the UK market. The econometric approach employed in this study is a novel way to assess relevant investment risk in international financial markets outside U.S. Moreover, multinational institutions and investors can use this approach to identify regional factors in order to diversify their portfolios.


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Phosphorus cycling in the biosphere has traditionally been thought to involve almost exclusively transformations of the element in its pentavalent oxidation state. Recent evidence, however, suggests that a significant fraction of environmental phosphorus may exist in a more reduced form. Most abundant of these reduced phosphorus compounds are the phosphonates, with their direct carbon–phosphorus bonds, and striking progress has recently been made in elucidating the biochemistry of microbial phosphonate transformations. These advances are now presented in the context of their contribution to our understanding of phosphorus biogeochemistry and of such diverse fields as the productivity of the oceans, marine methanogenesis and the discovery of novel microbial antimetabolites.


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After briefly reviewing the nature of DNA methylation, its general role in cancer and the tools available to interrogate it, we consider the literature surrounding DNA methylation as relating to prostate cancer. Specific consideration is given to recurrent alterations. A list of frequently reported genes is synthesised from seventeen studies that have reported on methylation changes in malignant prostate tissue, and we chart the timing of those changes in the diseases history through amalgamation of several previously published data sets. We also review associations with genetic alterations and hormone signalling, before the practicalities of investigating prostate cancer methylation using cell lines are assessed. We conclude by outlining the interplay between DNA methylation and prostate cancer metabolism and their regulation by Androgen Receptor, with a specific discussion of the mitochondria and their associations with DNA methylation.


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Este trabalho de investigação tem como objectivo contribuir para o aprofundamento de estudos vocacionados para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, suportado pelo encontro entre duas Culturas do Fazer, a cerâmica e a joalharia, e orientado pela Cultura do Projecto, o design. A análise e a ponderação acerca dos pontos em comum entre estas duas culturas materiais, em particular no contexto português, são a base para a definição e a aplicação de um novo concept de produto, mediado por uma metodologia projectual e sustentado nas noções de Modularidade, de Arquétipo, de Tipologia, de Valor Semântico, de Valor Simbólico, de Sistema de Produto e de Design Estratégico. Esta dissertação desenvolve-se ao longo de duas partes, após uma introdução em que se define o objecto de estudo e a metodologia da investigação. A primeira parte tem quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo trata do enquadramento teórico da Cultura Cerâmica a partir de uma análise históricotipologica (desde a cultura mesopotâmica até ao século XXI) orientando-se para o contexto português: os lugares de produção cerâmica e o azulejo como portador de cultura. O segundo capítulo, centrando-se em Portugal como lugar de investigação, estuda a Joalharia num âmbito experimental, analisando o valor simbólico da jóia. No terceiro capítulo interpreta-se o design entre tradição e inovação, nomeadamente a sua importância como veiculador cultural, o seu relacionamento com o artesanato e a relevância do laboratório como lugar de experimentação. O quarto capítulo analisa a acção do cruzamento entre os dois sectores – cerâmica e joalharia – na definição da cultura material, na Europa e em Portugal. Clarifica-se também o conceito de Sistema de Produto quando aplicado, como projecto piloto, à Joalharia, servindo-se de estudos de caso como mediadores experimentais. A segunda parte tem três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo analisam-se e averiguam-se tipologias de jóias existentes, assim como algumas provas laboratoriais que permitem o entendimento da tecnologia cerâmica no desenvolvimento de um projecto de Joalharia. Possibilita-se, deste modo, o surgimento dos primeiros estudos tipológico-formais determinantes para a definição da tipologia de projecto jóia-azulejo. No segundo capítulo define-se uma estratégia metodológica para aplicar a um produto de jóia cerâmica, analisando a particular importância do factor emocional na tomada de decisão do cliente. O terceiro capítulo defende um projecto experimental, como momento de verificação, aplicação e materialização do estudo desenvolvido nesta dissertação, proporcionando uma ocasião projectual para avaliar as potencialidades de um produto futuro, orientado pelo design, fruto do cruzamento entre a Cultura Cerâmica e a Joalharia em Portugal.


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As medidas políticas tornam-se palco dos processos de apropriação e recepção que se desenvolvem a vários níveis, especificamente, na escola, na sociedade civil e na comunidade científica. A escola apresenta-se, neste processo, como um dos cenários em que alunos, pais e, em especial, os professores surgem como actores que reinterpretam o discurso oficial, reconhecendo nele potencialidades e limites, em face das suas expectativas, concepções e práticas, e que procedem à sua transposição pedagógica, através dos objectivos que seleccionam, dos objectos que lêem, das actividades e dos recursos mobilizados. A relevância social da leitura, a sua centralidade e transversalidade curriculares, assim como o investimento político no domínio da promoção leitora, na escola, através da criação do Plano Nacional de Leitura, fazem desta medida política, um campo privilegiado para a análise dos modos de recepção desenvolvidos pelos professores. Enquadrado numa perspectiva descritiva e interpretativa da investigação em Didáctica, assumindo a importância da construção pessoal e colectiva da leitura e dos leitores num quadro escolar, este estudo baseia-se no pressuposto de que a promoção da leitura, na escola, tendo como referência o PNL, terá de se ancorar no conhecimento sobre os modos de recepção desta medida política. Partindo de um desenho metodológico assente num estudo de caso, recolhemos dados, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, que nos permitem conhecer e interpretar a relação de um agrupamento de escolas do ensino básico com as práticas de leitura realizadas no âmbito do PNL. O percurso de análise e reflexão que construímos durante este estudo permitiu-nos sobretudo evidenciar a receptividade às propostas políticas, de nível global, actualizadas numa lógica de especificidade local. Constituem lugares de maior adesão, por parte dos professores, o reconhecimento das potencialidades do PNL, especificamente, o alargamento do fundo bibliográfico, o aumento das práticas de leitura, o maior conhecimento de diferentes géneros textuais e a possibilidade de integrar o livro nas práticas de leitura. O processo de interpretação destas propostas aparece contudo atravessado por tensões e ambiguidades. Entre os lugares de resistência, verifica-se uma certa dificuldade em desenvolver competências de leitura, de diversificação de textos e de modos de os ler. O estudo pretende constituir um contributo para o alargamento do conhecimento sobre os processos de construção escolar da leitura, de recepção desenvolvidos pelos professores, no âmbito do PNL, apresentando igualmente pistas para a avaliação das possibilidades de desenvolvimento e consecução desta medida política, assim como para a definição de políticas de formação contínua de professores.


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Constatada que foi uma lacuna na área da história do design gráfico português, a necessidade deste estudo surgiu naturalmente no sentido, se não de a colmatar pelo menos de a diminuir. Consequentemente, realizou-se a investigação desde o séc. XVII ao séc. XX. O trabalho baseou-se primeiramente na pesquisa de material, quer na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, quer na colecção de Madeira Luís em arquivo na Universidade de Aveiro. Foram ainda realizadas entrevistas a designers no sentido de obter um conhecimento maior sobre a prática de projecto, nomeadamente do projecto do cartaz. Foi selecionada uma amostra que se considerou representativa e criou-se uma base de dados no sentido de sistematizar os conteúdos que interessavam ser estudados. Essa amostra foi posteriormente objecto de uma selecção por parte de dez especialistas convidados. Paralelamente, analisaram-se os cartazes dessa selecção do ponto de vista do design utilizando como metodologia a aplicação do modelo triangular (autoria, tecnologia, programa) de Francisco Providência. Concluiu-se que a história do design do cartaz português é resultado de um conjunto de interacções que se prendem com os acontecimentos políticos, económicos, culturais que se devem mesclar com a prática projectual realçando a importância e a intervenção da autoria nesse processo. Importou revelar uma visão interna da disciplina narrada pela autoria. Considerando as hipóteses de investigação e a abordagem metodológica utilizada, foi possível obter uma perspectiva centrada no design sobre a história do design do cartaz português.