995 resultados para Material recovery
The Missouri River Flood Recovery newsletter is published by the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division in cooperation with members of the Missouri River Recovery Coordination Task Force.
The Missouri River Flood Recovery newsletter is published by the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division in cooperation with members of the Missouri River Recovery Coordination Task Force.
The Missouri River Flood Recovery newsletter is published by the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division in cooperation with members of the Missouri River Recovery Coordination Task Force.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Protocols for enhanced recovery provide comprehensive and evidence-based guidelines for best perioperative care. Protocol implementation may reduce complication rates and enhance functional recovery and, as a result of this, also reduce length-of-stay in hospital. There is no comprehensive framework available for pancreaticoduodenectomy. METHODS: An international working group constructed within the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society constructed a comprehensive and evidence-based framework for best perioperative care for pancreaticoduodenectomy patients. Data were retrieved from standard databases and personal archives. Evidence and recommendations were classified according to the GRADE system and reached through consensus in the group. The quality of evidence was rated "high", "moderate", "low" or "very low". Recommendations were graded as "strong" or "weak". RESULTS: Comprehensive guidelines are presented. Available evidence is summarised and recommendations given for 27 care items. The quality of evidence varies substantially and further research is needed for many issues to improve the strength of evidence and grade of recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: The present evidence-based guidelines provide the necessary platform upon which to base a unified protocol for perioperative care for pancreaticoduodenectomy. A unified protocol allows for comparison between centres and across national borders. It facilitates multi-institutional prospective cohort registries and adequately powered randomised trials.
The thermal properties of concrete materials, such as coeffi cient of thermal expansion (CTE), thermal conductivity, and heat capacity, are required by the MEPDG program as the material inputs for pavement design. However, a limited amount of test data is available on the thermal properties of concrete in Iowa. The default values provided by the MEPDG program may not be suitable for Iowa concrete, since aggregate characteristics have signifi cant infl uence on concrete thermal properties.
In three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), the in-flow contrast between the coronary blood and the surrounding myocardium is attenuated as compared to thin-slab two-dimensional (2D) techniques. The application of a gadolinium (Gd)-based intravascular contrast agent may provide an additional source of signal and contrast by reducing T(1blood) and supporting the visualization of more distal or branching segments of the coronary arterial tree. In six healthy adults, the left coronary artery (LCA) system was imaged pre- and postcontrast with a 0.075-mmol/kg bodyweight dose of the intravascular contrast agent B-22956. For imaging, an optimized free-breathing, navigator-gated and -corrected 3D inversion recovery (IR) sequence was used. For comparison, state-of-the-art baseline 3D coronary MRA with T(2) preparation for non-exogenous contrast enhancement was acquired. The combination of IR 3D coronary MRA, sophisticated navigator technology, and B-22956 allowed for an extensive visualization of the LCA system. Postcontrast, a significant increase in both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR; 46%, P < 0.05) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR; 160%, P < 0.01) was observed, while vessel sharpness of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery and the left coronary circumflex (LCX) were improved by 20% (P < 0.05) and 18% (P < 0.05), respectively.
Stigma is a "natural" social reaction, partly unconscious and automatic towards "different" and "vulnerable" populations. Suspicion of danger, unemployment, excluded from society, locked in hospital, assaulted or killed are the possible consequences of mental disorders' stigma. Despite advances in psychiatric treatments, the stigma of the "madness" remains a barrier to access to recovery. The stigmatization process is more complex than simple labeling, and leads to discrimination and loss of social power. Understanding the mechanisms of stigmatization can determine targets for effective interventions to fight stigma at the individual, institutional and political levels. The roles of patient and family associations, as well as the recovery model for the professionals, are essential. The aim of this article is to review the various aspects of mental disorders' stigma and to examine ways to cope with them.
This study was designed to test the hypothesis that subjects having faster oxygen uptake (VO(2)) kinetics during off-transients to exercises of severe intensity would obtain the smallest decrement score during a repeated sprint test. Twelve male soccer players completed a graded test, two severe-intensity exercises, followed by 6 min of passive recovery, and a repeated sprint test, consisting of seven 30-m sprints alternating with 20 s of active recovery. The relative decrease in score during the repeated sprint test was positively correlated with time constants of the primary phase for the VO(2) off-kinetics (r = 0.85; p < 0.001) and negatively correlated with the VO(2) peak (r = -0.83; p < 0.001). These results strengthen the link found between VO(2) kinetics and the ability to maintain sprint performance during repeated sprints.
BACKGROUND: This review aims to present a consensus for optimal perioperative care in colonic surgery and to provide graded recommendations for items for an evidenced-based enhanced perioperative protocol. METHODS: Studies were selected with particular attention paid to meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials and large prospective cohorts. For each item of the perioperative treatment pathway, available English-language literature was examined, reviewed and graded. A consensus recommendation was reached after critical appraisal of the literature by the group. RESULTS: For most of the protocol items, recommendations are based on good-quality trials or meta-analyses of good-quality trials (quality of evidence and recommendations according to the GRADE system). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evidence available for each item of the multimodal perioperative-care pathway, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society, International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (IASMEN) and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) present a comprehensive evidence-based consensus review of perioperative care for colonic surgery.
Para cualquier arqueólogo, la cultura material representa la base de toda investigación ya que es la documentación prioritaria sobre la cual construye sus teorías e interpretaciones. En los últimos años, algunos antropólogos como Appadurai o Kopitoff han propuesto una nueva lectura de cómo analizar la cultura material en el ámbito de la etnografía. Algunas de sus propuestas, debidamente adaptadas, permiten una reflexión más amplia sobre el estudio de la cultura material, que proponemos aquí.
Aquest llibre reuneix un estudi arqueològic extraordinàriament acurat referit a tot un seguit d'actuacions detectades a partir del registre arqueològic, que caracteritzen l'espai urbà de l'antiga Iluro durant el període de l'Antiguitat tardana. S'hi estudia amb molt deteniment cadascuna de les accions detectades -així com tot el mobiliari ceràmic relacionat- amb la finalitat de situar-les correctament en el temps, però també per entendre, a través de la cultura material, la dinàmica que pren la ciutat a les darreries de l'Antiguitat; per a poder intuir, més que saber, quina societat es desenvolupa darrere d¿aquests contenidors plens de productes alimentaris arribats d¿un ultramar llunyà i alhora molt proper; una societat capaç de respondre a l¿estímul exterior amb una producció pròpia que competirà o substituirà una gran part de la que ve de fora.
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is strongly and transiently expressed in the developing heart but its function is not well documented. This work examined the role, either protective or detrimental, that endogenous and exogenous NO could play in the functioning of the embryonic heart submitted to hypoxia and reoxygenation. Spontaneously beating hearts isolated from 4-day-old chick embryos were either homogenized to determine basal inducible NOS (iNOS) expression and activity or submitted to 30 min anoxia followed by 100 min reoxygenation. The chrono-, dromo- and inotropic responses to anoxia/reoxygenation were determined in the presence of NOS substrate (L-arginine 10 mM), NOS inhibitor L-NIO (1-5 mM), or NO donor (DETA NONOate 10-100 microM). Myocardial iNOS was detectable by immunoblotting and its activity was specifically decreased by 53% in the presence of 5 mM L-NIO. L-Arginine, L-NIO and DETA NONOate at 10 microM had no significant effect on the investigated functional parameters during anoxia/reoxygenation. However, irrespective of anoxia/reoxygenation, DETA NONOate at 100 microM decreased ventricular shortening velocity by about 70%, and reduced atrio-ventricular propagation by 23%. None of the used drugs affected atrial activity and hearts of all experimental groups fully recovered at the end of reoxygenation. These findings indicate that (1) by contrast with adult heart, endogenously released NO plays a minor role in the early response of the embryonic heart to reoxygenation, (2) exogenous NO has to be provided at high concentration to delay postanoxic functional recovery, and (3) sinoatrial pacemaker cells are the less responsive to NO.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the reference method for measuring concentrations of antimicrobials in blood. This technique requires careful sample preparation. Protocols using organic solvents and/or solid extraction phases are time consuming and entail several manipulations, which can lead to partial loss of the determined compound and increased analytical variability. Moreover, to obtain sufficient material for analysis, at least 1 ml of plasma is required. This constraint makes it difficult to determine drug levels when blood sample volumes are limited. However, drugs with low plasma-protein binding can be reliably extracted from plasma by ultra-filtration with a minimal loss due to the protein-bound fraction. This study validated a single-step ultra-filtration method for extracting fluconazole (FLC), a first-line antifungal agent with a weak plasma-protein binding, from plasma to determine its concentration by HPLC. Spiked FLC standards and unknowns were prepared in human and rat plasma. Samples (240 microl) were transferred into disposable microtube filtration units containing cellulose or polysulfone filters with a 5 kDa cut-off. After centrifugation for 60 min at 15000g, FLC concentrations were measured by direct injection of the filtrate into the HPLC. Using cellulose filters, low molecular weight proteins were eluted early in the chromatogram and well separated from FLC that eluted at 8.40 min as a sharp single peak. In contrast, with polysulfone filters several additional peaks interfering with the FLC peak were observed. Moreover, the FLC recovery using cellulose filters compared to polysulfone filters was higher and had a better reproducibility. Cellulose filters were therefore used for the subsequent validation procedure. The quantification limit was 0.195 mgl(-1). Standard curves with a quadratic regression coefficient > or = 0.9999 were obtained in the concentration range of 0.195-100 mgl(-1). The inter and intra-run accuracies and precisions over the clinically relevant concentration range, 1.875-60 mgl(-1), fell well within the +/-15% variation recommended by the current guidelines for the validation of analytical methods. Furthermore, no analytical interference was observed with commonly used antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and immunosuppressive agents. Ultra-filtration of plasma with cellulose filters permits the extraction of FLC from small volumes (240 microl). The determination of FLC concentrations by HPLC after this single-step procedure is selective, precise and accurate.
In July of 2009, the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) received Byrne Justice Assistance Grant/American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding from the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery) program housed at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women (ICIW) in Mitchellville, Iowa. The STAR Program is a licensed inpatient substance abuse treatment program that utilizes a Therapeutic Community model (TC). All offenders exiting the STAR program between October 1, 2004 and June 30, 2008 were included in the study (n=173). A comparison sample was drawn of offenders exiting the ICIW during the same release time frame with identified but untreated substance abuse needs (n= 173). March 31, 2010 was designated as the cut-off date for the study. This yielded an average post-program follow-up time of 3.1 years. The STAR group was further divided into two groups by time of program exit. Participants exiting the program between October 1, 2004 and June 30, 2006 were designated as STAR 1 (n=78) and those exiting the program between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2008 were designated as STAR 2 (n=95). In order to have comparable tracking time between STAR groups, tracking time for STAR 1 concluded July 31, 2008. This yielded an average post release follow-up time of 2.4 years for both groups. Demographic, Program, Intervention, and Outcome data were examined. Comparisons were made between groups as well as categories of participation.
Audit report on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) - Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors program for the Iowa Green Renewable Electrical Energy Network Inc. (IGREEN) for the year ended June 30, 2012