916 resultados para Making Links
This narrated slideshow (8 minutes) shows how UK copyright law applies to an example book and explores how a tutor can make copies of selected chapters to distribute to students
collectively edited resource for INFO2009 initially created as a demonstrator
Las empresas son parte fundamental de esta sociedad, pues estas son las que brindan los diferentes recursos para que la humanidad viva. Éstas son creadas por personas para las personas, es decir, las personas son quienes tienen que estar informadas de todo cambio tanto interno como externo que influyen de diversas maneras en la organización, tener una excelente comunicación entre los diferentes eslabones organizacionales, para así lograr perdurar en el tiempo. De acuerdo con Scott (2003), las empresas forman parte de un sistema abierto, que recibe inputs del entorno y tiene la capacidad de aprovecharlos y transformarlos para prolongar su existencia . Obtener un clima organizacional es fundamental en las organizaciones, pues es allí donde se ve el rendimiento del personal, según su satisfacción al realizar la labor que tengan dentro de la empresa. En este aspecto entran diferentes factores fundamentales los cuales ayudan a perdurar, uno de ellos es la toma de decisiones, que deben ser en un ambiente de comunicación recíproco, estableciendo una visión que le permita a la empresa mantenerse en el tiempo. Como ejemplo de esto, se pretende dar a conocer la importancia que ha tenido Arturo Calle en el mercado nacional
This 10-minute presentation introduces e-theses, outlines their benefits and the issues they raise and describes the process requird to create and submit them. It is available as an Adobe Presenter slideshow, as an MP4 video and as a YouTube video with optional captions for accessibility.
an online tutorial, a pdf version, a powerpoint presentation, links to regulations.
Handout which contains a set of links to a variety of background resources associated with the topics for a technical report coursework. Resources are clustered into three overview areas, but contain links which be used to address each of the six questions scenarios.
KFC, the chain fast-food restaurants in UK, planed to launched coffee products through campaigns. There are two main reasons for KFC to make the decision. The first one is KFC tried to promote its coffee products with KFC A.M. breakfast plan and it failed at last. The second reason is that KFC needs extension points of interest. The financial condition of KFC has been steady but no breakthrough growth. It has been showed that there is enormous potential of “fast-drink” market in UK. After the success of KFC “Krushems” series, it is reasonable for the company launched coffee products. However, KFC also faced to many challenges to win the market. Compare to the main competitor of McDonald’s, KFC’s quantity of restaurants is far too less. Moreover, KFC has a brand limitation that focuses more family than single urban. The dominant competitors are another challenge KFC need to manage. To sum up, KFC has to win these challenges to be a bigger player in UK coffee market.
Published on Jun 7, 2012 by icocomms This ICO training video helps answer questions about the Data Protection Act, its impact on the working environment and how to handle and protect people's information. (Produced by Central Office of Information, Crown Copyright 2006)
Stepped Animation
Links to video's (wip)
link to the documents which describe each of the tasks, one of which students may choose to submit