998 resultados para MacDonald, Julie
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Zephyranthes Herb. is a taxonomically complex and cytologically variable group, with about 65 species of Neotropical distribution. Chromosome number variability in 32 individuals of a Zephyranthes sylvatica population from Northeast Brazil was investigated. Three cytotypes were found: 2n = 12 (one metacentric, four submetacentric and one acrocentric pairs), in 24 individuals; 2n = 12 + 1B, in five and three individuals with 2n = 18, a triploid cytotype. All diploid individuals showed chromosomes with polymorphism in pair one and two, while in triploids this polymorphism was observed in all chromosome triplets, generally with two homomorphic chromosomes and a higher or lower heteromorphic chromosome. All individuals had reticulated interfasic nucleus and a slightly asymmetric chromosome complement, with one metacentric chromosome pair and the others more submetacentric to acrocentric. These data confirm the cytological variability previously registered for the genus. Mechanisms involved in karyotypic evolution in this population are discussed.
INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) apresentam um quadro de anorexia que pode estar relacionado com o processo inflamatório crônico, característico desta população. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se há associação entre inflamação e o hormônio orexígeno, acyl-grelina, em pacientes com DRC em hemodiálise (HD). MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 36 pacientes (61,1% homens; 46,7 ± 14,9 anos; IMC 22,9 ± 3,9 kg/m²) em programa regular de HD (65,0 ± 46,8 meses em HD). Os níveis plasmáticos de acyl-grelina e dos marcadores inflamatórios (TNF-α, IL-6 e PCR) foram medidos com o uso do método imunoenzimático (ELISA, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Dados antropométricos foram coletados para avaliação do estado nutricional e a ingestão alimentar foi analisada por meio de recordatório alimentar de 24h de 2 dias. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram elevados níveis de IL-6 (83 ± 10 pg/mL), TNF-α (21,06 pg/mL [20,6-40,0]) e PCR (2,7 pg/mL [1,7-3,4]) quando comparados a valores normais. Os níveis plasmáticos de acyl-grelina (18,0 pg/mL [1,3-77,7 pg/mL]) foram baixos comparados com valores de indivíduos saudáveis. Porém, pacientes com elevado IMC (> 25 kg/m²) apresentaram menores concentrações plasmáticas de acyl-grelina (13,6 [1,3-30,5] pg/mL) em relação aos pacientes com IMC < 25 kg/m² (21,7 [7,4-77,7] pg/mL (p < 0,05). Houve correlação negativa entre o IMC e acyl-grelina (r = -0,38; p = 0,02), porém, não houve correlação significativa entre acyl-grelina e os marcadores inflamatórios. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos pacientes em HD apresentarem baixas concentrações de acyl-grelina e uma provável resistência a este hormônio, não houve associação entre inflamação e acyl-grelina.
Resumo O Dia Mundial do Rim de 2016 estará focado na doença renal na infância e os antecedentes da doença renal no adulto ,que pode começar na mais tenra infância. A doença renal crônica (DRC) na infância é diferente daquela dos adultos, como o maior grupo de diagnóstico entre as crianças inclui anomalias congênitas e doenças hereditárias, com glomerulopatias e doença renal com diabetes sendo relativamente incomum. Além disso, muitas crianças com lesão renal aguda acabarão por desenvolver sequelas que podem levar à hipertensão e doença renal crônica mais tarde na infância ou na idade adulta. As crianças nascidas precoces ou aquelas que nascem pequenas para a idade gestacional têm relativamente maior risco de desenvolver DRC mais tarde na vida. As pessoas com parto de alto risco e história no início da infância devem ser acompanhadas de perto, a fim de se detectar sinais precoces da doença renal em tempo hábil, para submetê-las à prevenção ou tratamento eficaz. O tratamento pode ser bem-sucedido para DRC avançada na infância; há evidência de que as crianças se saem bem melhor do que os adultos, se receberem terapia de substituição renal, incluindo diálise e transplante, enquanto que apenas uma minoria das crianças podem necessitar desse último. Uma vez que existem disparidades no acesso aos cuidados de saúde, é necessário um esforço de modo a que as crianças com doença renal, onde quer que morem, possam ser tratadas de forma eficaz, independentemente das suas circunstâncias geográficas ou econômicas. Nossa esperança é que o Dia Mundial do Rim, leve informação ao público em geral, aos formuladores de políticas públicas e cuidadores sobre as necessidades e possibilidades que cercam a doença renal na infância.
Imprimé + manuscrit
Brock novice women's crew pull their way to the finish line during their championship race on October 27, 1984 in the novice women's dash. This was Brock's first ever gold medal in women's rowing. Members of the crew from left (bow) to right (stroke) are: Lesley Esford, Tonia Smithers, Darlene Kelly, Amanda Abbott, Nancy Horne, Janis Dudman, Brenda Miller, Michelle Priester and coxie Julie McMenemy.
The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the emotion assumptions underlying just-world theory. This theory proposes that people have a need to believe in a just world - a world where people get what they deserve. The first emotion assumption is that people, therefore, find injustices (Le., undeserved outcomes) threatening and thus emotionally arousing. Second, it is this arousal that is assumed to drive subsequent strategies for maintaining the belief in a just world. One strategy an individual may use to maintain this belief is derogating victims of injustice, or seeing their character in a more negative light. To test these two assumptions, 102 participants viewed a video depicting either a victim who presumably presented a high threat to people's belief in ajust world (she was innocent and, therefore, undeserving of her fate) or low threat (she was not innocent and, therefore, more deserving of her fate) while their heart rate and EDA was measured. Half of the participants were then given the opportunity to help the victim whereas the other half were not given this opportunity. The manipulations were followed by both explicit and indirect measures of evaluations ofthe victim as well as self-report measures of affect experienced while watching the victim video, and an individual difference scale assessing the strength of participants' just-world beliefs (as well as other measures that were part ofa larger study). Results indicated that participants did report feeling more threatened by the innocent victim. Although there was some evidence of victim derogation on the implicit measure of victim evaluation, there was no evidence that emotional arousal drove the negative evaluations of the victim who could not be helped. Some interaction effects with individual differences in just-world beliefs did occur, but these were not entirely consistent with the rationale behind the individual difference scales. These results provide only weak support for the first emotion assumption ofjust-world theory. Implications of these findings as well as limitations of the study and future directions concerning just-world theory are discussed.
Background: Up to 40% of North American post-secondary students smoke at least occasionally, and most want to quit. Given students' preferences for free, easy-to-access, self-directed, convenient cessation methods, a motivational, incentive-based cessation contest may be an effective way to assist students to quit. The current study describes 3- and 6-month outcomes experienced by post-secondary student smokers who entered the 'Let's Make A Deal!' contest. Methodology: Contestants from five university campuses who chose to quit completely ('Quit For Good') or reduce their tobacco consumption by 50% ('Keep The Count') were invited to participate in a study of the contest. Three and six months after registration, participants were contacted by phone to assess their smoking and quitting behaviours. Qualitative and quantitative measures were collected, including weekly tobacco consumption, efficacy to resist temptations to smoke, use of quitting aids, and strategies to cope with withdrawal. Quitting was assessed using 7-day point prevalence and continuous abstinence. Results: Seventy-four (64.9%) of the 114 participants recruited for the study completed the follow-ups. Over 31 % of participants who entered Quit For Good and 23.5% of participants who entered Keep The Count were identified as quitters at the 6-month follow-up. Among the quitters, 45.5% experienced sustained abstinence from smoking for the 6-month duration of the study. Keep The Count contestants reduced their tobacco consumption by 57.2% at 3-month follow-up and sustained some of this reduction through to the 6-month follow-up. Qualitative data provides insights into how quitters coped with withdrawal and what hampered continuing smokers' efforts to quit. Significance: A motivational, incentive-based contest for post-secondary students can facilitate both smoking cessation and harm reduction. The contest environment, incentives, resources, and "buddies" provide positive structural and social supports to help smokers overcome potential barriers to quitting, successfully stop smoking, and manage potential triggers to relapse. The contest cessation rates are higher than the typical 5-7% associated with unassisted quitting.
Personality traits and personal values are two important domains of individual differences. Traits are enduring and distinguishable patterns of behaviour whereas values are societally taught, stable, individual preferences that guide behaviour in order to reach a specific end state. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relations between self and peer report within the domains of personality traits and values, to examine the correlations between values and traits, and to explore the amount of incremental validity of traits and values in predicting behaviour. Two hundred and fiftytwo men and women from a university setting completed self and peer reports on three questionnaires. In order to assess personality traits, the HEXACO-PI (Lee & Ashton, 2004) was used to identify levels of 6 major dimensions of personality in participants. To assess values, the Schwartz Value Survey (Schwartz, 1992) was used to identify the importance each participant placed on each of Schwartz's 10 value types. To measure behaviour, a Behavior Scale, created by Bardi and Schwartz (2003), consisting of items designed to measure the frequency of value-expressive behaviour was used. As expected, correlations between self and peer reports for the personality scales were high indicating that personality traits are easily observable to other people. Correlations between self and peer reports for the values and behaviour scales were only moderate, suggesting that some goals, and behaviours expressive of those goals, may not always be observable to others. Consistent with previous research, there were many strong correlations between traits and values. In addition to the similarities with past research, the present study found that the personality factor Honesty-Humility was correlated strongly with values scales (with five correlations exceeding .25). In the prediction of behaviour, it was found that both personahty and values were able to account for significant and similar amounts of variance. Personality outpredicted values for some behaviours, but the opposite was true of other behaviours. Each domain provided incremental validity beyond the other domain. The impUcations for these findings, along with limitations, and possibilities for future research are also discussed.
Based on a critical analysis of recent Canadian and British media, academic, and political representations of rave, in conjunction with the author's and ten female interviewees' past experiences as active rave participants, the purpose of this thesis is to show the ways that rave can be understood as political. Drawing on a post-structural understanding of politics, which understands macro social issues and micro personal experiences as intimately linked and inseparable, this thesis fills a gap in the existing rave literature by explicitly drawing out (a) the ways that active rave participation is entangled in dominant understandings of age and gender-appropriate activities, and (b) the implications that these entanglements have on the ways that some women experience and construct their past active rave participation. Specifically, the author examines the ways that age and gender intersect and inform the discourses on which research participants drew to describe and rationalize their experiences of becoming, being, and ceasing to be active rave participants in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. At the same time that the majority of research participants' introductions to rave followed heterosexualized and heternormative patterns, they also constructed active rave participation as a way to challenge popular representations of rave as an inappropriate activity, especially for young women. When rationalizing the cessation of their active rave participation, however, these women reproduced depictions of rave participation as a transitory and juvenile phase where older women are particularly misplaced. The various ways that these women simultaneously challenged, experienced, and facilitated dominant ageist and patriarchal discourses about who does and does belong in rave are interpreted as evidence that micro rave experiences cannot be divorced from macro discriminatory discourses, and that "the personal is political."