872 resultados para MMS


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During Cruise VA 04/2 of the R. V. Valdivia in 1972, numerous samples were collected of manganese nodules, sodiments, and the pore water of the Sediments in the area betwoen 6° N and 11° N and between 149° W and 154° W in the Central Pacific. This paper reports on the geochemical study of 70 manganese nodules from 12 stations (box-core and dredge samples). The nodules Irom a single Station vary considerably in diemical composition. These variations are of the same magnitude as the variations in nodule composition over the entire survey area. The ratios of manganese to nickel, copper, and zinc show good positive correlation as do the ratios of iron to lead and, to a lesser extent, of iron to cobalt. No correlation was found between the environment of the manganese nodules and their metal content. Three internal zones, the outer. intermediate, and core zones, of some nodules were studied in detail. Trends of differences of Chemical composition from surface to core were found for numerous elements and elemental ratios.


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The 400-km-wide, low gradient Laptev Sea continental shelf consists of flat terrace-like features at regular depth intervals from 10 to 40 m below present sea level. The five large submarine valleys traversing the shelf do not continuously grade seaward, but contain elongated, closed basins. These terraces and closed basins plus deltaic sediments associated with the submarine valleys quite possibly mark sea level Stillstands, and enable reconstruction of the paleogeography of the Laptev Sea shore line at five periods during post-Wisconsin (Holocene) time. Radiocarbon dates on the silty-clay to clayey-silt sediments from cores of the northeastern Laptev Sea indicate average sedimentation intensity of 2 to 15 mg/cm2/yr. The presence of manganese nodules and crusts in surface samples from less than 55 m depths and a general decrease in total foraminiferal abundances with depth in the cores suggest that the present deposition rate is less than when sea level was lower. The main components of the shelf deposits are near- shore sediments which were spread over the shelf as Holocene sea level fluctuated and marine currents distributed modern fine sediment. Rare silty-sand layers and the coarser nuclei of the manganese crusts and nodules indicate ice rafting. However, this mechanism is probably only locally important as a significant transporting agent.


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Sea floor dredging by the H.M.S. Challenger, the U.S.S. Albatross, the U.S.S. EPC(R) 857, and vessels of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography shows that extensive deposits of manganese nodules are on the deep sea floor and that crusts of manganese dioxide cover many seamounts. Sea floor photography reveals that in some places these crusts are quite continuous and the nodules are closely packed. These crusts and nodules are fully oxidized and hydrated mixtures of man¬ganese and iron plus earthy impurities. Also, relatively high concen¬trations of the trace elements nickel, copper, and cobalt are present.


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Following the launch of the "Marion Dufresne 1", first supply ship of the Terres Australes and Antarctiques Françaises and part time oceanographic vessel in the Indian Ocean, a new marine geology program was developped at the Laboratoire de Géologie, MNHN. The first oceanographic cruise of the "Marion Dufresne 1" started in 1973 in the Southwestern Indian Ocean (OSIRIS I cruise). Forty piston-cores recovered nearly 200 m of sediments consisting in the first of the 450 cores of the Indian Ocean collection now deposited at the Museum. L. Leclaire being Director from 1980 to 1991, a multidisciplinary team (including sedimentologists and micropaleontologists) was involved in many oceanographic cruises in the Indian Ocean. Marine sedimentology was developped during annual cruises programs in collaboration with geophysicists, geochemists, and biologists. In 1995, the "Marion Dufresne 2" replaced the initial "Marion Dufresne 1".


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An area of about 22,000 km² on the northern Blake Plateau, off the coast of South Carolina, contains an estimated 2 billion metric tons of phosphorite concretions, and about 1.2 billion metric tons of mixed ferromanganese-phosphorite pavement. Other offshore phosphorites occur between the Blake Plateau and known continental deposits, buried under variable thicknesses of sediments. The phosphorite resembles other marine phosphorites in composition, consisting primarily of carbonate-fluorapatite, some calcite, minor quartz and other minerals. The apatite is optically pseudo-isotropic and contains about 6% [CO3]**2- replacing [PO4]**3- in its structure. JOIDES drillings and other evidence show that the phosphorite is a lag deposit derived from Miocene strata correlatable with phosphatic Middle Tertiary sediments on the continent. It has undergone variable cycles of erosion, reworking, partial dissolution and reprecipitation. Its present form varies from phosphatized carbonate debris, loose pellets, and pebbles, to continuous pavements, plates, and conglomeratic boulders weighing hundreds of kilograms. No primary phosphatization is currently taking place on the Blake Plateau. The primary phosphate-depositing environment involved reducing conditions and required at least temporary absence of the powerful Gulf Stream current that now sweeps the bottom of the Blake Plateau and has eroded away the bulk of the Hawthorne-equivalent sediments with which the phosphorites were once associated.


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In 1974, the Geological Survey of Japan began its systematic investigation of manganese nodules in the Central Pacific Basin on the new geological research vessel Hakurei Maru. The first cruise (GH 74-5) was carried out over an eastern part area of the Basin (6°-10°30'N, 164°30'-171°30'W), and the authors report here the preliminary results on the occurrence of manganese nodule deposits, paying particular consideration to their relationship to submarine topography and surficial and sub-bottom sedimentary facies. The surveyed area comprises a deep-sea basin at 5,000-5,400 m, defined to the north and east by the chain of seamounts and guyots of the Christmas Ridge. The deep-sea basin is divided roughly into 2 contrasting topographic features. The eastern part is characterised by flattened topography resulting from continuous deposition of turbidities; the meridian and western parts are characterised by gently rolling topography and the existence of a large number of deep-sea hills. Manganese nodules are almost lacking in the former flattened eastern area, whereas they are widely distributed in the latter rolling meridian and western parts. The population density of nodules varies from less than 1 Kg/m² to 26 kg/m² and the higher density is found in the siliceous-calcareous ooze zone of rather small, flat basins surrounded by deep-sea hills. The density is closely related to the thickness of the transparent layer obtained by 3.5 kHz PDR profiling over the whole area. Considering the various data of grab sampling, 3.5 kHz PDR profiling and to a lesser extent of deep-sea television and camera observations, the most promising manganese field in the present area seems to be confined to the north of the western sector of the area.


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The cores described here were taken during the R/V Atlantis Cruise 260 from October until November 1960 by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution at the Muir Seamount. A total of 27 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for sampling and study.


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Concentrations of tin in sea water decreased from estuarine and shelf (0.02-0.04 µg/kg) to surface Atlantic waters (0.009 µg/kg). Mean contents (ppm) in other materials included: ultramafic rocks, 0.8; basalts, 1.7; silicic rocks, 2.5; red clays, 3.4; amphibolites, 1.2. Oceanic ferromanganese deposits contained from 0.2 to 5.8 ppm; tin and cobalt contents were correlated.


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A compilation of chemical analyses of Pacific Ocean nodules using an x-ray fluorescence technique. The equipment used was a General Electric XRD-5 with a tungsten tube. Lithium fluoride was used as the diffraction element in assaying for all elements above calcium in the atomic table and EDDT was used in conjunction with a helium path for all elements with an atomic number less than calcium. Flow counters were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to eliminate x-ray lines of different but integral orders in gathering count data. The stability of the equipment was found to be excellent by the author. The equipment was calibrated by the use of standard ores made from pure oxide forms of the elements in the nodules and carefully mixed in proportion to the amounts of these elements generally found in the manganese nodules. Chemically analyzed standards of the nodules themselves were also used. As a final check, a known amount of the element in question was added to selected samples of the nodules and careful counts were taken on these samples before and after the addition of the extra amount of the element. The method involved the determination and subsequent use of absorption and activation factors for the lines of the various elements. All the absorption and activation factors were carefully determined using the standard ores. The chemically analyzed samples of the nodules by these methods yielded an accuracy to at least three significant figures.


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The chemical analyses of ferromanganese encrustations found on the seabed west of Misool, eastern Indonesia, indicate that these deposits formed in a way different from that of world-wide occurring manganese nodules. Ferromanganese coated pebbles and fragments that were found in the deeper parts of the study area probably originate from nearby ridges. The ferromanganese crust on the upper part of a dolomite fragment of ?30 kg is likely to be formed by hydrogenous processes, whereas that from the lower part seems to be formed by diagenetic processes mainly. These assumptions are supported by pore-water data from two box cores taken in the same area. The manganese and iron profiles versus depth in these cores indicate a high flux of these metals to the uppermost sediment layer, and possibly into the overlying bottom water. Factor analysis for the principal components of the microprobe analytical results of the mainly hydrogenous ferromanganese crust demonstrates a strong correlation of manganese with the trace metals, of iron with phosphorus and an antipathetic relationship between iron and manganese. Similar results have also been reported for abyssal manganese nodules in the world oceans. Factor analysis for the principal components of the analytical data obtained for the diagenetic ferromanganese crust results in a clear dolomite (Ca/Mg) dilution factor only.


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The cores described in this report were taken on the SEVENTOW Expedition in February-September 1970 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Thomas Washington. A total of 193 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.


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Basalt samples obtained from the Siqueiros transform fault/fracture zone and the adjacent East Pacific Rise are mostly very fresh oceanic tholeiite and fractionated oceanic tholeiite with Fe+3/ Fe+2 ? 0.25; however, alkali basalts occur in the area as well. The rocks of the tholeiitic suite are ol + pl phyric and ol + pl + cpx phyric basalts, while the alkali basalts are ol and ol + pl phyric. Microprobe analyses of the tholeiitic suite phenocrysts indicate that they are Fo68-Fo86, An58-An75, and augite (Ca34Mg50Fe16). The range of olivine and plagioclase compositions represents the chemical variation of the phenocryst compositions with fractionation. The phenocyrsts in the alkali basalts are Fo81 and An69. The suite of tholeiites comprises a fractionation series characterized by relative enrichment of Fe, Ti, Mn, V, Na, K, and P and depletion of Ca, Al, Mg, Ni, and Cr. The fractionated tholeiites occur on the median ridge (which is a sliver of normal oceanic crust) of the double Siqueiros transform fault, on the western Siqueiros fracture zone, and on the adjoining East Pacific Rise, while the two transform fault troughs contain mostly unfractionated or only slightly fractionated tholeiite. We suggest that the fractionated tholeiites are produced by fractional crystallization of more 'primitive' tholeiitic liquid in a crustal magma chamber below the crest of the East Pacific Rise. This magma chamber may be disrupted by the transform fault troughs, thus explaining the paucity of fractionated tholeiites in the troughs. The alkali basalts are found only on the flanks of a topographic high near the intersection of the northern transform trough with the East Pacific Rise.