924 resultados para MICROSATELLITE


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Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate 41 microsatellite markers for heterologous amplifications in piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus). Some markers were tested for the first time. Loci were optimized for PCR conditions and applied to a sample of 49 individuals. Thirty-one loci resulted in PCR product formation, whereas ten loci yielded intelligible polymorphic patterns in the evaluated sample and can be used for amplifications in this species. From the evaluated markers, four loci (BoM1, BoM13, Bh6, and Bh16) are valid to be applied in the study of piracanjuba.


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Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a tree from North America, where it is often used for economical purposes, whereas it is widespread and invasive in Europe. Plastid DNA variation was Wrst investigated in both its native and invasive ranges using microsatellite loci and sequences of three intergenic spacers (trnT-trnL, trnD-trnT and trnS-trnG). This analysis was focused on P. serotina var. serotina, with the inclusion of samples of closely related taxa. Length variation at a microsatellite locus (ccmp5) and a few sequence polymorphisms were identi- Wed among P. serotina samples. Four new primer pairs were then designed to speciWcally amplify variable regions and a combination of Wve markers was Wnally proposed for phylogeographic studies in P. serotina. These loci allow identiWcation of six chlorotypes in P. serotina var. serotina, which may be particularly useful to depict the maternal origins of European invasive populations


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Parasite population structure is often thought to be largely shaped by that of its host. In the case of a parasite with a complex life cycle, two host species, each with their own patterns of demography and migration, spread the parasite. However, the population structure of the parasite is predicted to resemble only that of the most vagile host species. In this study, we tested this prediction in the context of a vector-transmitted parasite. We sampled the haemosporidian parasite Polychromophilus melanipherus across its European range, together with its bat fly vector Nycteribia schmidlii and its host, the bent-winged bat Miniopterus schreibersii. Based on microsatellite analyses, the wingless vector, and not the bat host, was identified as the least structured population and should therefore be considered the most vagile host. Genetic distance matrices were compared for all three species based on a mitochondrial DNA fragment. Both host and vector populations followed an isolation-by-distance pattern across the Mediterranean, but not the parasite. Mantel tests found no correlation between the parasite and either the host or vector populations. We therefore found no support for our hypothesis; the parasite population structure matched neither vector nor host. Instead, we propose a model where the parasite's gene flow is represented by the added effects of host and vector dispersal patterns.


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RÉSUMÉ Le Grand tétras est un galliforme de montagne apparenté au faisan et au tétras lyre. Il est distribué de manière continue à travers la toundra et les montagnes de moyenne altitude en Europe de l'ouest. Toutefois, les populations d'Europe de l'ouest ont subi un déclin constant au cours des derniers siècles. Les causes de ce déclin sont probablement liées à l'activité humaine, telle .que l'élevage ou le tourisme, qui ont engendré une modification et une fragmentation de l'habitat de l'espèce. Malheureusement, les populations soumises à de forts déclins démographiques peuvent subir des effets génétiques (augmentation de la consanguinité et perte de diversité génétique) pouvant diminuer leur potentiel de reproduction et conduire irrémédiablement à l'extinction. Cette thèse présente les analyses conduites dans le but d'estimer l'impact du déclin démographique des populations de Grand tétras sur l'étendue et la distribution de leur variabilité génétique dans le Jura et dans les Pyrénées. Du fait de la législation locale protégeant les tétraonidés en général, mais également en raison de la biologie très cryptique du Grand tétras, l'ensemble des analyses de cette étude a été réalisé à partir de matériel génétique extrait des fientes (ou échantillonnage génétique non invasif). Dans la première partie de l'étude, je détaille les protocoles d'extraction. d'ADN et d'amplification par PCR modifiés à partir des protocoles classiques utilisant des échantillons conventionnels, riches en ADN. L'utilisation d'ADN fécal impose des contraintes dues à la mauvaise qualité et à la faible quantité du matériel génétique à disposition dans les fientes. Ces contraintes ont pu être partiellement contournées en réalisant des répétitions multiples du génotypage afin d'obtenir un degré de fiabilité suffisante. J'ai également analysé les causes de la dégradation de l'ADN dans les excréments. Parmi les causes les plus communes, telles que l'activité bactérienne, l'hydrolyse spontanée et la dégradation enzymatique par les DNases libres, c'est ce dernier facteur qui apparaît comme étant la cause majeure et la plus rapide responsable de la dégradation de la qualité des échantillons. La rapidité de l'action enzymatique suggère que les plans d'échantillonnages de excréments sur le terrain pourraient être optimisés en les réalisant dans des conditions climatiques froides et sèches, favorisant ainsi l'inhibition des DNases. La seconde partie de la thèse est une étude par simulation visant à déterminer la capacité du logiciel Structure à identifier les structures génétiques complexes et hiérarchiques fréquemment rencontrées dans les populations naturelles, et ce en utilisant différents types de marqueurs génétiques. Les troisième et quatrième parties de cette thèse décrivent le statut génétique des populations résiduelles du Jura et des Pyrénées à partir de l'analyse de 11 loci microsatellites. Nous n'avons pas pu mettre en évidence dans les deux populations des effets liés à la consanguinité ou à la réduction de la diversité génétique. De plus, la différenciation génétique entre les patches d'habitats favorables reste modérée et corrélée à la distance géographique, ce qui suggère que la dispersion d'individus entre les patches a été importante au moins pendant ces dernières générations. La comparaison des paramètres de la diversité génétique avec ceux d'autres populations de Grand tétras, ou d'autres espèces proches, indique que la population du Jura a retenu une proportion importante de sa diversité originelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que le déclin récent des populations a jusqu'ici eu un impact modéré sur les facteurs génétiques et que ces populations semblent avoir conservé le potentiel génétique nécessaire à leur survie à long terme. Finalement, en cinquième partie, l'analyse de l'apparentement entre les mâles qui participent à la parade sur les places de chant (leks) indique que ces derniers sont distribués en agrégats de manière non aléatoire, préférentiellement entre individus apparentés. De plus, la corrélation entre les distances génétique et géographique entre les leks est en accord avec les motifs d'isolement par la distance mis en évidence à d'autres niveaux hiérarchiques (entre patches d'habitat et populations), ainsi qu'avec les études menées sur d'autres espèces ayant choisi ce même système de reproduction. En conclusion, cette première étude basée uniquement sur de l'ADN nucléaire aviaire extrait à partir de fèces a fourni des informations nouvelles qui n'auraient pas pu être obtenues par une méthode d'observation sur le terrain ou d'échantillonnage génétique classique. Aucun oiseau n'a été dérangé ou capturé, et les résultats sont comparables à d'autres études concernant des espèces proches. Néanmoins, la taille de ces populations approche des niveaux au-dessous desquels la survie à long terme est fortement incertaine. La persistance de la diversité génétique pour les prochaines générations reste en conséquence liée à la survie des adultes et à une reprise du succès de la reproduction. ABSTRACT Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) is a large grouse that is continuously distributed across the tundra and the mid-high mountains of Western Europe. However, the populations in Western Europe have been showing a constant decline during the last decades. The causes for this decline are possibly related to human activities, such as cattle breeding and tourism that have both led to habitat modification and fragmentation. Unfortunately, populations that have undergone drastic demographic bottlenecks often go through genetic processes of inbreeding and loss of diversity that decrease their fitness and eventually lead to extinction. This thesis presents the investigations conducted to estimate the impact of the demographic decline of capercaillie populations on the extent and distribution of their genetic variability in the Jura and in the Pyrenees mountains. Because grouse are protected by wildlife legislation, and also because of the cryptic behaviour of capercaillie, all DNA material used in this study was extracted from faeces (non-invasive genetic sampling). In the first part of my thesis, I detail the protocols of DNA extraction and PCR amplification adapted from classical methods using conventional DNA-rich samples. The use of faecal DNA imposes specific constraints due to the low quantity and the highly degraded genetic material available. These constraints are partially overcome by performing multiple genotyping repetitions to obtain sufficient reliability. I also investigate the causes of DNA degradation in faeces. Among the main degraders, namely bacterial activity, spontaneous hydrolysis, and free-¬DNase activities, the latter was pointed out as the most important according to our experiments. These enzymes degrade DNA very rapidly, and, as a consequence, faeces sampling schemes must be planned preferably in cold and dry weather conditions, allowing for enzyme activity inhibition. The second part of the thesis is a simulation study aiming to assess the capacity of the software Structure to detect population structure in hierarchical models relevant to situations encountered in wild populations, using several genetic markers. The methods implemented in Structure appear efficient in detecting the highest hierarchical structure. The third and fourth parts of the thesis describe the population genetics status of the remaining Jura and Pyrenees populations using 11 microsatellite loci. In either of these populations, no inbreeding nor reduced genetic diversity was detected. Furthermore, the genetic differentiation between patches defined by habitat suitability remains moderate and correlated with geographical distance, suggesting that significant dispersion between patches was at work at least until the last generations. The comparison of diversity indicators with other species or other populations of capercaillie indicate that population in the Jura has retained a large part of its original genetic diversity. These results suggest that the recent decline has had so forth a moderate impact on• genetic factors and that these populations might have retained the potential for long term survival, if the decline is stopped. Finally, in the fifth part, the analysis of relatedness between males participating in the reproduction parade, or lek, indicate that capercaillie males, like has been shown for some other grouse species, gather on leks• among individuals that are more related than the average of the population. This pattern appears to be due to both population structure and kin-association. As a conclusion, this first study relying exclusively on nuclear DNA extracted from faeces has provided novel information that was not available through field observation or classical genetic sampling. No bird has been captured or disturbed, and the results are consistent with other studies of closely related species. However, the size of these populations is approaching thresholds below which long-term survival is unlikely. The persistence of genetic diversity for the forthcoming generations remains therefore bond to adult survival and to the increase of reproduction success.


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Résumé: Les vipères du genre Vipera sont des serpents venimeux distribués dans la totalité du Paléarctique. Malgré cette répartition considérable, elles sont extrêmement menacées, leur déclin étant principalement dû à la destruction et à la fragmentation de leur habitat ainsi qu'à la persécution humaine. Afin d'apporter de nouveaux éléments dans le contexte de la protection de ce groupe de reptiles, nous avons utilisé durant ce travail de thèse différents marqueurs moléculaires pour étudier la structuration génétique à petite et à large échelle chez trois espèces appartenant au genre Vipera. La première étude, une phylogéographie moléculaire de la vipère ammodytes (Vipera ammodytes), a montré dans l'ensemble de l'aire de répartition une forte structuration génétique provenant d'isolements antérieures au Pléistocène. La présence d'un nombre important de clades dans le centre des Balkans suggère que cette région a fourni de nombreux refuges isolés durant les glaciations. Ces dernières ont également eu un impact considérable sur la diversité génétique au sein de la majorité des clades, suite à d'importants goulots d'étranglement durant le Pléistocène. L'étude de la phylogéographie de la vipère aspic (Vipera aspis) a montré une différenciation génétique entre les populations présentes de chaque côté des Alpes, mais également une forte structuration interne avec la mise en évidence d'un refuge en France. Cette étude est la première à établir clairement l'utilisation d'un refuge français pour un vertébré terrestre. La troisième partie de cette thèse a étudié la phylogéographie de la vipère péliade (Vipera berus), espèce cible de ce travail. En plus de la mise en évidence d'un groupe génétique inattendu (localisé dans le nord de l'Italie, le sud de l'Autriche, le nord de la Slovénie et l'extrême sud-est de la Suisse), la variabilité génétique au sein du groupe nordique (comprenant les animaux de l'entier de l'aire de répartition de l'espèce à l'exception des individus du groupe italien et les animaux provenant des Balkans) est suffisamment importante pour conclure à l'utilisation de refuges glaciaires nordiques durant les dernières glaciations, en complément des refuges habituellement décrits pour la majorité des espèces animales (soit les péninsules ibérique, italienne et balakanique). Ces résultats nous ont conduit à effectuer une étude morphologique (quatrième partie) comparant les vipères péliades du "clade italien" et du "clade nordique" décrits ci-dessus. Seules de petites différences morphologiques ont pu être mises en évidence, malgré une séparation de ces groupes estimée à plus d'un million d'années. Une étude à plus petite échelle, centrée sur le Massif jurassien et certaines populations alpines et françaises, a été entreprise afin d'estimer leur diversité génétique et d'évaluer la structuration génétique entre les populations à l'aide de marqueurs microsatellites (cinquième partie). Une importante structuration a été observée entre les populations distantes de plus de 3 kilomètres, la structuration entre les populations plus proches étant plus limitée. De plus, une diversité génétique plus faible dans les populations jurassiennes et alpines comparativement aux populations du massif central et de la côte atlantique a été constatée, probablement due à une perte de diversité génétique lors de la recolonisation post-glaciaire. La sixième étude s'est intéressée au succès reproducteur des mâles de vipères péliades en conditions naturelles. Une corrélation entre la taille des mâles et leur succès reproducteur a été relevée, les individus de plus grande taille ayant un succès reproducteur plus élevé. Le taux de multipaternité a aussi été investigué, démontrant que la proportion de pontes issues de plusieurs pères est élevée (69%) malgré la faible densité de vipères observée sur le site étudié. Finalement, aucun lien entre le nombre de pères au sein d'une ponte et la mortalité des jeunes à la naissance n'a pu être mis en évidence, contrastant avec des travaux précédents. En conclusion, l'observation de la structuration très marquée chez les vipères péliades devrait permettre d'affiner les méthodes de protection de l'espèce dans le massif jurassien. A plus large échelle, l'importante structuration génétique observée chez les vipères ammodytes, aspic et péliade résultant de l'utilisation de nombreux refuges glaciaires, complémentaires aux refuges habituellement utilisés par les espèces animales, démontre l'intérêt de l'analyse phylogéographique des reptiles pour la compréhension des phénomènes de colonisation et d' extinction des populations durant la fin du Tertiaire et le Quaternaire. La mise en évidence chez les différentes espèces de vipères étudiées de nombreux groupes génétiques distincts (ESUs) devrait conduire à des modifications de la taxonomie ainsi qu'au statut de protection de ces espèces. Abstract: The vipers of the genus Vipera are venomous snakes widespread throughout the Palaearctic regions. Despite a large distribution area, several species are extremely threatened, especially due to the destruction and fragmentation of their habitats, as well as by human persecution. In order to increase the knowledge on these species and to improve their protection, several molecular markers have been used to investigate the genetic structure on small and large scales, within three species of the genus Vipera. The first study, a molecular phylogeography of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes), showed a considerable structuring throughout the distribution area, due to isolation into refugia before the Pleistocene. A high number of clades in the centre of the Balkans suggests that this region harboured numerous isolated glacial refugia during the last glaciation. Moreover, low genetic diversity within several clades implies that most populations of nose-horned vipers have suffered bottlenecks during the Pleistocene. The study of the phylogeography of the asp viper (Vipera aspis) showed genetic differentiation between populations on each side of the Alps, as well as considerable internal genetic structure, suggesting the use of a glacial refugium in France. This study is the first to establish firmly the occurrence of a French refugia for a terrestrial vertebrate. The third part of this work involved a phylogeographic study of the adder (Vipera berus), the target species of this thesis. Three clades were revealed: a Balkan clade (corresponding to the subspecies V. b. sachalinensis), an unexpected Italian clade (limited to northern Italy, southern Austria, northern Slovenia and southeasternmost corner of Switzerland) and a Northern clade clade (including adders of the whole distribution area excepted animals from the Balkan and the Italian clades). The genetic variability within the Northern clade is sufficiently high to conclude that a northern glacial refugia during the last glaciation, in addition to those refugia already described for the main species (Iberian, Italian and Balkan peninsula). These results motivated a morphological study (part four) comparing the adders from the Italian and the Northern clades describe above. Only small morphological differences have been found, despite the split between these two clades have taken place more than 1 million years ago. A study on a local scale, focused on the Jura Mountains, on a few populations in the Alps and France was, performed to estimate the genetic diversity and the genetic structure between populations using microsatellite markers (part five). Considerable structure was observed between populations separated by more than 3 kilometres, whereas the structure between closer populations is less marked. Moreover, lower genetic diversity in the populations from Jura Mountains and Alps was noticed compared to populations from Massif Central of Atlantic coast. Such loss of genetic variation probably followed post-glacial recolonisation. The sixth study focused on the reproductive success of male adders in the wild. A positive correlation between body length and reproductive success was observed. Multiple paternity was also observed in most of clutches (69%) despite the low density of adders in the study area. Finally, no relationship was found between the number of fathers in a clutch and the survival of offspring at birth, contradicting previous studies. To conclude, the observation of a significant genetic structure in Vipera berus will enable recommendations to be made to improve protection of this species in the Jura Mountain. On a larger scale, the considerable genetic structure found within Vipera ammdoytes, V. aspis and V. berus, resulting from isolation in additional glacial refugia to those already described for other species, demonstrates the relevance of phylogeographic studies of reptiles to better understand the colonisation and disappearance during the last Tertiary and the Quaternary. The observation of several groups of evolutionary significant units (ESUs) within the three studied species might lead to a revision of the taxonomy, as well as their conservation status.


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AimOur aim was to understand the interplay of heterogeneous climatic and spatial landscapes in shaping the distribution of nuclear microsatellite variation in burrowing parrots, Cyanoliseus patagonus. Given the marked phenotypic differences between populations of burrowing parrots we hypothesized an important role of geographical as well climatic heterogeneity in the population structure of this species. LocationSouthern South America. MethodsWe applied a landscape genetics approach to investigate the explicit patterns of genetic spatial autocorrelation based on both geography and climate using spatial principal component analysis (sPCA). This necessitated a novel statistical estimation of the species climatic landscape, considering temperature- and precipitation-based variables separately to evaluate their weight in shaping the distribution of genetic variation in our model system. ResultsGeographical and climatic heterogeneity successfully explained molecular variance in burrowing parrots. sPCA divided the species distribution into two main areas, Patagonia and the pre-Andes, which were connected by an area of geographical and climatic transition. Moreover, sPCA revealed cryptic and conservation-relevant genetic structure: the pre-Andean populations and the transition localities were each divided into two groups, each management units for conservation. Main conclusionssPCA, a method originally developed for spatial genetics, allowed us to unravel the genetic structure related to spatial and climatic landscapes and to visualize these patterns in landscape space. These novel climatic inferences underscore the importance of our modified sPCA approach in revealing how climatic variables can drive cryptic patterns of genetic structure, making the approach potentially useful in the study of any species distributed over a climatically heterogeneous landscape.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The coexistence of hermaphrodites and female-sterile individuals, or androdioecy, has been documented in only a handful of plants and animals. This study reports its existence in the plant species Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae), in which female-sterile individuals have shorter pistils than seed-producing hermaphrodites. METHODS: Morphological analysis, in situ manual pollination, microsatellite genotyping and differential gene expression analysis using Arabidopsis microarrays were used to delimit variation between female-sterile individuals and hermaphrodites. KEY RESULTS: Female sterility in C. amara appears to be caused by disrupted ovule development. It was associated with a 2.4- to 2.9-fold increase in clonal propagation. This made the pollen number of female-sterile genets more than double that of hermaphrodite genets, which fulfils a condition of co-existence predicted by simple androdioecy theories. When female-sterile individuals were observed in wild androdioecious populations, their ramet frequencies ranged from 5 to 54 %; however, their genet frequencies ranged from 11 to 29 %, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted upper limit of 50 %. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a combination of sexual reproduction and increased asexual proliferation by female-sterile individuals probably explains the invasion and maintenance of female sterility in otherwise hermaphroditic populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the coexistence of female sterility and hermaphrodites in the Brassicaceae.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate agronomic and molecular traits of the 'Italia Muscat' clone and compare it with the cv. 'Italia', providing information to support the cultivation of 'Italia Muscat' this cultivar in the São Francisco River Valley. Agronomic characteristics of both clones were evaluated for two seasons in 2004. The characteristics were phenology, bud break (%), bud fertility (%), yield (kg) mass of bunches (g), length and width of bunches (cm), mass of berries (g), length and diameter of berries (mm), TSS (ºBrix), ATT (% titratable acidity) and TSS/TTA. Molecular analysis of seven SSR markers were carried out. The clone 'Italia Muscat' showed larger berries, mass of bunches and better TSS/TA ratio than 'Italia'. The molecular analysis resulted in the same allelic profile in both clones, highlighting the need to use a larger number of microsatellite markers or other molecular technique to allow their discrimination. Based on their morpho-agronomic characteristics, 'Italia Muscat' seems to be a good table grape cultivar alternative for grape growers of São Francisco River Valley.


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BACKGROUND: The presence of intraspecific color polymorphism can have multiple impacts on the ecology of a species; as a consequence, particular color morphs may be strongly selected for in a given habitat type. For example, the asp viper (Vipera aspis) shows a high level of color polymorphism. A blotched morph (cryptic) is common throughout its range (central and western Europe), while a melanistic morph is frequently found in montane populations, presumably for thermoregulatory reasons. Besides, rare atypical uniformly colored individuals are known here and there. Nevertheless, we found in a restricted treeless area of the French Alps, a population containing a high proportion (>50%) of such specimens. The aim of the study is to bring insight into the presence and function of this color morph by (i) studying the genetic structure of these populations using nine microsatellite markers, and testing for (ii) a potential local diversifying selection and (iii) differences in dispersal capacity between blotched and non-blotched vipers. RESULTS: Our genetic analyses support the occurrence of local diversifying selection for the non-blotched phenotype. In addition, we found significant color-biased dispersal, blotched individuals dispersing more than atypical individuals. CONCLUSION: We hypothesize that, in this population, the non-blotched phenotype possess an advantage over the typical one, a phenomenon possibly due to a better background matching ability in a more open habitat. In addition, color-biased dispersal might be partly associated with the observed local diversifying selection, as it can affect the genetic structure of populations, and hence the distribution of color morphs.


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ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity and structure in the germoplasm of Oenocarpus mapora conserved at Eastern Amazon. Thus, 88 individuals were genotyped with five microsatellite loci. These individuals belong to 24 accessions that were sampled in eight sample places of three Brazilian Amazon states conserved at the Active Germplasm Bank (AGB) of Embrapa Eastern Amazon. All loci were polymorphic and they generated 85 alleles with an average of 17 alleles per loci. Total genetic diversity (HE) was 0.48. Sample places were considered genetically distinct, with ?p = 0.354. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) identified that the genetic portion among areas was of 36.14% and within 63.86%. The Nei distances varied from 0.091 between Abaetetuba and Santo Antônio do Tauá, both in the state of Pará (PA), to 4.18, between Parintins, AM and Rio Branco, AC. By means of Bayesian analysis, it was identified nine clusters that compose the accessions of the germplasm bank, with different distributions among individuals. The study showed high fixation rates per sample area, which indicates that there may have been significant inbreeding or crossing among parental individuals. It suggests that future samples should be made of different plants in natural populations. Even though, it was verified that there is considerable genetic variation in the germplasm of O. mapora.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a frequently lethal disease with heterogeneous outcomes and drug responses. To resolve inconsistencies among the reported gene expression-based CRC classifications and facilitate clinical translation, we formed an international consortium dedicated to large-scale data sharing and analytics across expert groups. We show marked interconnectivity between six independent classification systems coalescing into four consensus molecular subtypes (CMSs) with distinguishing features: CMS1 (microsatellite instability immune, 14%), hypermutated, microsatellite unstable and strong immune activation; CMS2 (canonical, 37%), epithelial, marked WNT and MYC signaling activation; CMS3 (metabolic, 13%), epithelial and evident metabolic dysregulation; and CMS4 (mesenchymal, 23%), prominent transforming growth factor-β activation, stromal invasion and angiogenesis. Samples with mixed features (13%) possibly represent a transition phenotype or intratumoral heterogeneity. We consider the CMS groups the most robust classification system currently available for CRC-with clear biological interpretability-and the basis for future clinical stratification and subtype-based targeted interventions.


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In recent years, new analytical tools have allowed researchers to extract historical information contained in molecular data, which has fundamentally transformed our understanding of processes ruling biological invasions. However, the use of these new analytical tools has been largely restricted to studies of terrestrial organisms despite the growing recognition that the sea contains ecosystems that are amongst the most heavily affected by biological invasions, and that marine invasion histories are often remarkably complex. Here, we studied the routes of invasion and colonisation histories of an invasive marine invertebrate Microcosmus squamiger (Ascidiacea) using microsatellite loci, mitochondrial DNA sequence data and 11 worldwide populations. Discriminant analysis of principal components, clustering methods and approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods showed that the most likely source of the introduced populations was a single admixture event that involved populations from two genetically differentiated ancestral regions - the western and eastern coasts of Australia. The ABC analyses revealed that colonisation of the introduced range of M. squamiger consisted of a series of non-independent introductions along the coastlines of Africa, North America and Europe. Furthermore, we inferred that the sequence of colonisation across continents was in line with historical taxonomic records - first the Mediterranean Sea and South Africa from an unsampled ancestral population, followed by sequential introductions in California and, more recently, the NE Atlantic Ocean. We revealed the most likely invasion history for world populations of M. squamiger, which is broadly characterized by the presence of multiple ancestral sources and non-independent introductions within the introduced range. The results presented here illustrate the complexity of marine invasion routes and identify a cause-effect relationship between human-mediated transport and the success of widespread marine non-indigenous species, which benefit from stepping-stone invasions and admixture processes involving different sources for the spread and expansion of their range.


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There is increasing evidence regarding the role of chromosomal inversions in relevant biological processes such as local adaptation and speciation. A classic example of the adaptive role of chromosomal polymorphisms is given by the clines of inversion frequencies in Drosophila subobscura, repeatable across continents. Nevertheless, not much is known about the molecular variation associated with these polymorphisms. We characterized the genetic content of ca. 600 individuals from nine European populations following a latitudinal gradient by analysing 19 microsatellite loci from two autosomes (J and U) and the sex chromosome (A), taking into account their chromosomal inversions. Our results clearly demonstrate the molecular genetic uniformity within a given chromosomal inversion across a large latitudinal gradient, particularly from Groningen (Netherlands) in the north to Málaga (Spain) in the south, experiencing highly diverse environmental conditions. This low genetic differentiation within the same gene arrangement across the nine European populations is consistent with the local adaptation hypothesis for th evolutionof chromosomal polymorphisms. We also show the effective role of chromosomal inversions in maintaining different genetic pools within these inverted genomic regions even in the presence of high gene flow. Inversions represent thus an important barrier to gene flux and can help maintain specific allelic combinations with positive effects on fitness. Consistent patterns of microsatellite allele-inversion linkage disequilibrium particularly in loci within inversions were also observed. Finally, we identified areas within inversions presenting clinal variation that might be under selection.


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PURPOSE: To assess the prevalence of PRPH2 in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP), to report 6 novel mutations, to characterize the biochemical features of a recurrent novel mutation, and to study the clinical features of adRP patients. DESIGN: Retrospective clinical and molecular genetic study. METHODS: Clinical investigations included visual field testing, fundus examination, high-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus autofluorescence imaging, and electroretinogram (ERG) recording. PRPH2 was screened by Sanger sequencing in a cohort of 310 French families with adRP. Peripherin-2 protein was produced in yeast and analyzed by Western blot. RESULTS: We identified 15 mutations, including 6 novel and 9 previously reported changes in 32 families, accounting for a prevalence of 10.3% in this adRP population. We showed that a new recurrent p.Leu254Gln mutation leads to protein aggregation, suggesting abnormal folding. The clinical severity of the disease in examined patients was moderate with 78% of the eyes having 1-0.5 of visual acuity and 52% of the eyes retaining more than 50% of the visual field. Some patients characteristically showed vitelliform deposits or macular involvement. In some families, pericentral RP or macular dystrophy were found in family members while widespread RP was present in other members of the same families. CONCLUSIONS: The mutations in PRPH2 account for 10.3% of adRP in the French population, which is higher than previously reported (0%-8%) This makes PRPH2 the second most frequent adRP gene after RHO in our series. PRPH2 mutations cause highly variable phenotypes and moderate forms of adRP, including mild cases, which could be underdiagnosed.