995 resultados para MAPK ACTIVATION


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The activation of T cells is vital to the successful elimination of pathogens, but can also have a deleterious role in autoimmunity and transplant rejection. Various signalling pathways are triggered by the T-cell receptor; these have key roles in the control of the T-cell response and represent interesting targets for therapeutic immunomodulation. Recent findings define MALT1 (mucosa-associated-lymphoid-tissue lymphoma-translocation gene 1) as a protein with proteolytic activity that controls T-cell activation by regulating key molecules in T-cell-receptor-induced signalling pathways


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Proteins disabled in Fanconi anemia (FA) are necessary for the maintenance of genome stability during cell proliferation. Upon replication stress signaling by ATR, the FA core complex monoubiquitinates FANCD2 and FANCI in order to activate DNA repair. Here, we identified FANCD2 and FANCI in a proteomic screen of replisome-associated factors bound to nascent DNA in response to replication arrest. We found that FANCD2 can interact directly with minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins. ATR signaling promoted the transient association of endogenous FANCD2 with the MCM2-MCM7 replicative helicase independently of FANCD2 monoubiquitination. FANCD2 was necessary for human primary cells to restrain DNA synthesis in the presence of a reduced pool of nucleotides and prevented the accumulation of single-stranded DNA, the induction of p21, and the entry of cells into senescence. These data reveal that FANCD2 is an effector of ATR signaling implicated in a general replisome surveillance mechanism that is necessary for sustaining cell proliferation and attenuating carcinogenesis.


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There are at least six psychotherapeutic treatments of personality disorders having received empirical and clinical validation in terms of their efficacy. These treatments are based on different theoretical models, namely the cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic and interpersonal models. This article briefly presents these treatments, focusing on the process of therapeutic change. It is assumed that the process of emotional activation is one of the most interesting theoretical psychotherapy ingredient in treatments of these patients. The treatments are discussed regarding this hypothesis and its clinical implications.


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Lat(Y136F) knock-in mice harbor a point mutation in Tyr(136) of the linker for activation of T cells and show accumulation of Th2 effector cells and IgG1 and IgE hypergammaglobulinemia. B cell activation is not a direct effect of the mutation on B cells since in the absence of T cells, mutant B cells do not show an activated phenotype. After adoptive transfer of linker for activation of T cell mutant T cells into wild-type, T cell-deficient recipients, recipient B cells become activated. We show in vivo and in vitro that the Lat(Y136F) mutation promotes T cell-dependent B cell activation leading to germinal center, memory, and plasma cell formation even in an MHC class II-independent manner. All the plasma and memory B cell populations found in physiological T cell-dependent B cell responses are found. Characterization of the abundant plasmablasts found in secondary lymphoid organs of Lat(Y136F) mice revealed the presence of a previously uncharacterized CD93-expressing subpopulation, whose presence was confirmed in wild-type mice after immunization. In Lat(Y136F) mice, B cell activation was polyclonal and not Ag-driven because the increase in serum IgG1 and IgE concentrations involved Abs and autoantibodies with different specificities equally. Although the noncomplement-fixing IgG1 and IgE are the only isotypes significantly increased in Lat(Y136F) serum, we observed early-onset systemic autoimmunity with nephritis showing IgE autoantibody deposits and severe proteinuria. These results show that Th2 cells developing in Lat(Y136F) mice can trigger polyclonal B cell activation and thereby lead to systemic autoimmune disease.


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Indirect evidence suggests that activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) influences recovery of the myocardium after transient ischemia. The present study examined the relationship between postischemic injury and activity of PDH and the role of mitochondrial calcium uptake for observed changes in PDH activity. Isovolumically beating isolated rat hearts perfused with erythrocyte-enriched buffer containing glucose, palmitate, and insulin were submitted to either 20 or 35 min of no-flow ischemia. After 20 min of no-flow ischemia, hearts exhibited complete recovery of developed left ventricular pressure (DLVP). The proportion of myocardial PDH in the active state was modestly increased to 38% (compared with 13% in control hearts) without a change in glucose oxidation. In contrast, in hearts subjected to 35 min of no-flow ischemia (which exhibited poor recovery of DLVP), there was marked stimulation of glucose oxidation (+460%; P < 0.01) and pronounced increase in the active fraction of PDH to 72% (P < 0.01). Glycolytic flux was not significantly altered. Ruthenium red (6 microM) completely abolished the activation of PDH and the increase in glucose oxidation. The results indicate that variable stimulation of glucose oxidation during reperfusion is related to different degrees of activation of PDH, which depends on the severity of the ischemic injury. Activation of PDH seems to be mediated by myocardial calcium uptake.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa, when deprived of oxygen, generates ATP from arginine catabolism by enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway, encoded by the arcDABC operon. Under conditions of low oxygen tension, the transcriptional activator ANR binds to a site centered 41.5 bp upstream of the arcD transcriptional start. ANR-mediated anaerobic induction was enhanced two- to threefold by extracellular arginine. This arginine effect depended, in trans, on the transcriptional regulator ArgR and, in cis, on an ArgR binding site centered at -73.5 bp in the arcD promoter. Binding of purified ArgR protein to this site was demonstrated by electrophoretic mobility shift assays and DNase I footprinting. This ArgR recognition site contained a sequence, 5'-TGACGC-3', which deviated in only 1 base from the common sequence motif 5'-TGTCGC-3' found in other ArgR binding sites of P. aeruginosa. Furthermore, an alignment of all known ArgR binding sites confirmed that they consist of two directly repeated half-sites. In the absence of ANR, arginine did not induce the arc operon, suggesting that ArgR alone does not activate the arcD promoter. According to a model proposed, ArgR makes physical contact with ANR and thereby facilitates initiation of arc transcription.


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RÉSUMÉ Les kinases activées par des mitogènes (MAPKs) constituent une importante famille d'enzymes conservée dans l'évolution. Elles forment un réseau de signalisation qui permet à la cellule de réguler spécifiquement divers processus impliqués dans la différenciation, la survie ou l'apoptose. Les kinases formant le module MAPK sont typiquement disposées en cascades de trois partenaires qui s'activent séquentiellement par phosphorylation. Le module minimum est constitué d'une MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), d'une MAPK kinase (MAPKK) et d'une MAPK. Une fois activée, la MAPK phosphoryle différents substrats tels que des facteurs de transcription ou d'autres protéines. Chez les mammifères, trois groupes principaux de MAPKs ont été identifiés. Il s'agit du groupe des kinases régulées par des signaux extracellulaires du type «mitogènes » (ERK), ainsi que des groupes p38 et cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), ou SAPK pour stress activated protein kinase, plutôt activées par des stimuli de type «stress ». De nombreuses études ont impliqué JNK dans la régulation de différents processus physiologiques et pathologiques, comme le diabète, les arthrites rhumatoïdes, l'athérosclérose, l'attaque cérébrale, les maladies de Parkinson et d'Alzheimer. JNK, en particulier joue un rôle dans la mort des cellules sécrétrices d'insuline induite par l'interleukine (IL)-1 β, lors du développement du diabète de type 1. IB1 est une protéine scaffold (échafaud) qui participe à l'organisation du module de JNK. IB1 est fortement exprimée dans les neurones et les cellules β du pancréas. Elle a été impliquée dans la survie des cellules, la régulation de l'expression du transporteur du glucose de type 2 (Glut-2) et dans le processus de sécrétion d'insuline glucose-dépendante. IBl est caractérisée par plusieurs domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine : un domaine de liaison à JNK (JBD), un domaine homologue au domaine 3 de Src (SH3) et un domaine d'interaction avec des tyrosines phosphorylées (PID). Des partenaires d'IB1, incluant les membres de la familles des kinases de lignée mélangée (MLKs), la MAPKK MKK7, la phosphatase 7 des MAPKs (MKP-7) ainsi que la chaîne légère de la kinésine, ont été isolés. Tous ces facteurs, sauf les MLKs et MKK7 interagissent avec le domaine PID ou l'extrême partie C-terminale d'IBl (la chaîne légère de la kinésine). Comme d'autres protéines scaffolds déjà décrites, IBl et un autre membre de la famille, IB2, sont capables d'homo- et d'hétérodimériser. L'interaction a lieu par l'intermédiaire de leur région C-terminale, contenant les domaines SH3 et PID. Mais ni le mécanisme moléculaire, ni la fonction de la dimérisation n'ont été caractérisés. Le domaine SH3 joue un rôle central lors de l'assemblage de complexes de macromolécules impliquées dans la signalisation intracellulaire. Il reconnaît de préférence des ligands contenant un motif riche en proline de type PxxP et s'y lie. Jusqu'à maintenant, tous les ligands isolés se liant à un domaine SH3 sont linéaires. Bien que le domaine SH3 soit un domaine important de la transmission des signaux, aucun partenaire interagissant spécifiquement avec le domaine SH3 d'IB1 n'a été identifié. Nous avons démontré qu'IBl homodimérisait par un nouveau set unique d'interaction domaine SH3 - domaine SH3. Les études de cristallisation ont démontré que l'interface recouvrait une région généralement impliquée dans la reconnaissance classique d'un motif riche en proline de type PxxP, bien que le domaine SH3 d'IB1 ne contienne aucun motif PxxP. L'homodimère d'IB1 semble extrêmement stable. Il peut cependant être déstabilisé par trois mutations ponctuelles dirigées contre des résidus clés impliqués dans la dimérisation. Chaque mutation réduit l'activation basale de JNK dépendante d'IB 1 dans des cellules 293T. La déstabilisation de la dimérisation induite par la sur-expression du domaine SH3, provoque une diminution de la sécrétion d'insuline glucose dépendant. SUMMARY Mitogen activated kinases (MAPK) are an important and conserved enzyme family. They form a signaling network required to specifically regulate process involved in cell differentiation, proliferation or death. A MAPK module is typically organized in a threekinase cascade which are activated by sequential phosphorylation. The MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), the MAPK kinase (MAPKK) and the MAPK constitute the minimal module. Once activated, the MAPK phosphorylates its targets like transcription factors or other proteins. In mammals, three major groups of MAPKs have been identified : the group of extra-cellular regulated kinase (ERK) which is activated by mitogens and the group of p38 and cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) or SAPK for stress activated protein kinase, which are activated by stresses. Many studies implicated JNK in many physiological or pathological process regulations, like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, strokes or Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. In particular, JNK plays a crucial role in pancreatic β cell death induced by Interleukin (IL)-1 β in type 1 diabetes. Islet-brain 1 (IB 1) is a scaffold protein that interacts with components of the JNK signal-transduction pathway. IB 1 is expressed at high levels in neurons and in pancreatic β-cells, where it has been implicated in cell survival, in regulating expression of the glucose transporter type 2 (Glut-2) and in glucose-induced insulin secretion. It contains several protein-protein interaction domains, including a JNK-binding domain (JBD), a Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and a phosphotyrosine interaction domain (PID). Proteins that have been shown to associate with IB 1 include members of the Mixed lineage kinase family (MLKs), the MAPKK MKK7, the MAPK phosphatase-7 MKP7, as well as several other ligands including kinesin light chain, LDL receptor related family members and the amyloid precursor protein APP. All these factors, except MLK3 and MKK7 have been shown to interact with the PID domain or the extreme C-terminal part (Kinesin light chain) of IB 1. As some scaffold already described, IB 1 and another member of the family, IB2, have previously been shown to engage in oligomerization through their respective C-terminal regions that include the SH3 and PID domains. But neither the molecular mechanisms nor the function of dimerization have yet been characterized. SH3 domains are central in the assembly of macromolecular complexes involved in many intracellular signaling pathways. SH3 domains are usually characterized by their preferred recognition of and association with canonical PxxP motif. In all these cases, a single linear sequence is sufficient for binding to the SH3 domain. However, although SH3 domains are important elements of signal transduction, no protein that interacts specifically with the SH3 domain of IB 1 has been identified so far. Here, we show that IB 1 homodimerizes through a navel and unique set of SH3-SH3 interactions. X-ray crystallography studies indicate that the dieter interface covers a region usually engaged in PxxP-mediated ligand recognition, even though the IB 1 SH3 domain lacks this motif. The highly stable IB 1 homodimer can be significantly destabilized in vitro by individual point-mutations directed against key residues involved in dimerization. Each mutation reduces IB 1-dependent basal JNK activity in 293T cells. Impaired dimerization induced by over-expression of the SH3 domain also results in a significant reduction in glucose-dependent insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.


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Au regard des agressions environnementales constantes que la peau doit endurer, l'équilibre fragile entre l'expression et la répression des gènes épidermiques, nécessaire à la différentiation et la prolifération des kératinocytes, pourrait facilement être perturbé en l'absence des mécanismes de stabilisation robustes. La présence d'un système neuroendocrinien local est donc importante afin de coordonner une réponse aux éventuelles irritations. En effet, l'expression de plusieurs neurohormones, des neurotransmetteurs et des neuropeptides, y compris des dérivés pro-opiomélanocortine comme la ß-endorphine et [Met5]-enképhaline, ainsi que l'expression du récepteur 8-opioïde (DOR) a été démontré dans la peau. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels ils modulent la fonction des kératinocytes sont mal connus. Le présent travail démontre que la voie de signalisation DOR active spécifiquement la voie ERK 1/2 MAPK dans les lignées cellulaires de kératinocytes humains, inhibant la prolifération des cellules et entraîne une diminution de l'épaisseur épidermique dans un modèle organotypique de peau. De plus, l'expression de DOR retarde nettement l'induction de la kératine 10 (KRT 10) et la kératine 1 (KRT 1) dans une modèle 2D de différentiation in vitro, et supprime l'induction de KRT 10 dans un modèle organotypique de peau. Ceci est accompagné de la dérégulation de l'involucrine (IVL), la loricrine (LOR) et la fïlaggrin (FLG), résultant en une induction nettement réduite de leur expression lors de l'initiation de la différentiation in vitro. De plus, POU2F3 a été identifié comme un facteur de transcription régulant les gènes de différentiation des kératinocytes modulés par DOR. Il a été démontré que la régulation négative de POU2F3 via la voie DOR-ERK affecte les principaux aspects de la fonction des kératinocytes. Toutefois, il est évident que des facteurs supplémentaires influencent la fonctionnalité de la voie DOR elle-même. Le calcium et le contact cellule-cellule augmentent la quantité des récepteurs à la surface cellulaire des kératinocytes. Les kératinocytes dont les récepteurs sont internalisés ne répondent pas de la même manière que ceux possédant des récepteurs fonctionnels localisée à la membrane. Ce travail suggère que lors de signaux intrinsèques ou extrinsèques spécifiques, les kératinocytes sont capable de répondre via le système opioïdergique neuro-epidermique. Cette réponse doit être spatialement et temporairement contrôlée afin d'éviter un déséquilibre de l'homéostasie épidermique et un retard de cicatrisation. La compréhension de ce processus très complexe pourrait permettre à terme le développement de meilleurs traitements des affections cutanées pathologiques. En complément des études précédentes sur des souris DOR-défïcientes, ces données suggèrent que l'activation de DOR dans les kératinocytes humains influence la morphogenèse et l'homéostasie de l'épiderme, et pourrait jouer un rôle lors du processus de cicatrisation. - In view of the constant environmental assaults that the skin must endure, the delicate balance of an eloquent sequence of epidermal gene expression and repression, that is required for appropriate differentiation and proliferation of keratinocytes, might easily become derailed in the absence of robust stabilizing mechanisms. The presence of a local neuroendocrine system is thereby important to coordinate a response towards irritations. In fact, the expression of several neurohormones, neurotransmitters, and neuropeptides, including proopiomelanocortin derivatives, such as ß- endorphin and [Met5]-enkephalin has been shown in skin, as well as expression of the 6-opioid receptor (DOR). However, there is currently a lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which their signalling modulates keratinocyte function. The present work demonstrates that DOR signalling specifically activates the ERK 1/2 MAPK pathway in human keratinocyte cell lines. This activation inhibits cell proliferation, resulting in decreased epidermal thickness in an organotypic skin model. Furthermore, DOR expression markedly delays induction of keratin intermediate filament Keratin 10 (KRT 10) and KRT 1 during in vitro differentiation, and abolishes the induction of KRT 10 in the organotypic skin model. This is accompanied by deregulation of involucrin (IVL), loricrin (LOR), and filaggrin (FLG), illustrated by a markedly reduced induction of their expression upon initiation of differentiation in vitro. Additionally, POU2F3 was identified as a transcription factor mediating the DOR induced regulation of keratinocyte differentiation related genes. It was revealed that DOR-mediated ERK-dependent downregulation of this factor affects key aspects of keratinocyte function. However, it is evident that additional triggers influence the functionality of the DOR itself. Calcium at concentrations above 0.1 mM and cell-cell contact both enhance the presence of receptor molecules on the keratinocytes cell surface. Keratinocytes with internalized receptor do not respond to DOR ligands in the same way as keratinocytes with a functional membrane localized receptor.


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The nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha, beta, and gamma activate the transcription of multiple genes involved in lipid metabolism. Several natural and synthetic ligands have been identified for each PPAR isotype but little is known about the phosphorylation state of these receptors. We show here that activators of protein kinase A (PKA) can enhance mouse PPAR activity in the absence and the presence of exogenous ligands in transient transfection experiments. Activation function 1 (AF-1) of PPARs was dispensable for transcriptional enhancement, whereas activation function 2 (AF-2) was required for this effect. We also show that several domains of PPAR can be phosphorylated by PKA in vitro. Moreover, gel retardation experiments suggest that PKA stabilizes binding of the liganded PPAR to DNA. PKA inhibitors decreased not only the kinase-dependent induction of PPARs but also their ligand-dependent induction, suggesting an interaction between both pathways that leads to maximal transcriptional induction by PPARs. Moreover, comparing PPAR alpha knockout (KO) with PPAR alpha WT mice, we show that the expression of the acyl CoA oxidase (ACO) gene can be regulated by PKA-activated PPAR alpha in liver. These data demonstrate that the PKA pathway is an important modulator of PPAR activity, and we propose a model associating this pathway in the control of fatty acid beta-oxidation under conditions of fasting, stress, and exercise.


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Muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1β) is considered to be the gene that controls fatty acid mitochondrial β-oxidation. A functional peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) responsive element (PPRE) and a myocite-specific (MEF2) site that binds MEF2A and MEF2C in the promoter of this gene had been previously identified. We investigated the roles of the PPRE and the MEF2 binding sites and the potential interaction between PPARα and MEF2C regulating the CPT1β gene promoter. Mutation analysis indicated that the MEF2 site contributed to the activation of the CPT1β promoter by PPAR in C2C12 cells. The reporter construct containing the PPRE and the MEF2C site was synergistically activated by co-expression of PPAR, retinoid X receptor (RXR) and MEF2C in non-muscle cells. Moreover, protein-binding assays demonstrated that MEF2C and PPAR specifically bound to one another in vitro. Also for the synergistic activation of the CPT1β gene promoter by MEF2C and PPARα-RXRα, a precise arrangement of its binding sites was essential.


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Glucose has been considered the major, if not the exclusive, energy substrate for the brain. But under certain physiological and pathological conditions other substrates, namely monocarboxylates (lactate, pyruvate and ketone bodies), can contribute significantly to satisfy brain energy demands. These monocarboxylates need to be transported across the blood-brain barrier or out of astrocytes into the extracellular space and taken up into neurons. It has been shown that monocarboxylates are transported by a family of proton-linked transporters called monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). In the central nervous system, MCT2 is the predominant neuronal isoform and little is known about the regulation of its expression. Noradrenaline (NA), insulin and IGF-1 were previously shown to enhance the expression of MCT2 in cultured cortical neurons via a translational mechanism. Here we demonstrate that the well known brain neurotrophic factor BDNF enhances MCT2 protein expression in cultured cortical neurons and in synaptoneurosome preparations in a time- and concentrationdependent manner without affecting MCT2 mRNA levels. We observed that BDNF induced MCT2 expression by activation of MAPK as well as PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways. Furthermore, we investigated the possible post-transcriptional regulation of MCT2 expression by a neuronal miRNA. Then, we demonstrated that BDNF enhanced MCT2 expression in the hippocampus in vivo, in parallel with some post-synaptic proteins such as PSD95 and AMPA receptor GluR2/3 subunits, and two immediate early genes Arc and Zif268 known to be expressed in conditions related to synaptic plasticity. In the last part, we demonstrated in vivo that a downregulation of hippocampal MCT2 via silencing with an appropriate lentiviral vector in mice caused an impairment of working memory without reference memory deficit. In conclusion, these results suggest that regulation of neuronal monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 expression could be a key event in the context of synaptic plasticity, allowing an adequate energy substrate supply in situations of altered synaptic efficacy. - Le glucose représente le substrat énergétique majeur pour le cerveau. Cependant, dans certaines conditions physiologiques ou pathologiques, le cerveau a la capacité d'utiliser des substrats énergéiques appartenant à la classe des monocarboxylates (lactate, pyruvate et corps cétoniques) afin de satisfaire ses besoins énergétiques. Ces monocarboxylates doivent être transportés à travers la barrière hématoencéphalique mais aussi hors des astrocytes vers l'espace extracellulaire puis re-captés par les neurones. Leur transport est assuré par une famillle de transporteurs aux monocarboxylates (MCTs). Dans le système nerveux central, les neurones expriment principalement l'isoforme MCT2 mais peu d'informations sont disponibles concernant la régulation de son expression. Il a été montré que la noradrénaline, l'insuline et l'IGF-1 induisent l'expression de MCT2 dans des cultures de neurones corticaux par un mécanisme traductionnel. Dans cette étude nous démontrons dans un premier temps que le facteur neurotrophique BDNF augmente l'expression de MCT2 à la fois dans des cultures de neurones corticaux et dans les préparations synaptoneurosomales selon un décours temporel et une gamme de concentrations propre. Aucun changement n'a été observé concernant les niveaux d'ARNm de MCT2. Nous avons observé que le BDNF induisait l'expression de MCT2 par l'activation simultanée des voies de signalisation MAPK et PI3K/Akt/mTOR. De plus, nous nous sommes intéressés à une potentielle régulation par les micro-ARNs de la synthèse de MCT2. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que le BDNF induit aussi l'expression de MCT2 dans l'hippocampe de la souris en parallèle avec d'autres protéines post-synaptiques telles que PSD95 et GluR2/3 et avec deux « immediate early genes » tels que Arc et Zif268 connus pour être exprimés dans des conditions de plasticité synaptique. Dans un dernier temps, nous avons démontré qu'une diminution d'expression de MCT2 induite par le biais d'un siRNA exprimé via un vecteur lentiviral dans l'hippocampe de souris générait des déficits de mémoire de travail sans affecter la mémoire de référence. En conclusion, ces résultats nous suggèrent que le transporteur aux monocarboxylates neuronal MCT2 serait essentiel pour l'apport énergétique du lactate pour les neurones dans des conditions de haute activité neuronale comme c'est le cas pendant les processus de plasticité synaptique.


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The therapeutic efficacy of anticancer chemotherapies may depend on dendritic cells (DCs), which present antigens from dying cancer cells to prime tumor-specific interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing T lymphocytes. Here we show that dying tumor cells release ATP, which then acts on P2X(7) purinergic receptors from DCs and triggers the NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing-3 protein (NLRP3)-dependent caspase-1 activation complex ('inflammasome'), allowing for the secretion of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). The priming of IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells by dying tumor cells fails in the absence of a functional IL-1 receptor 1 and in Nlpr3-deficient (Nlrp3(-/-)) or caspase-1-deficient (Casp-1(-/-)) mice unless exogenous IL-1beta is provided. Accordingly, anticancer chemotherapy turned out to be inefficient against tumors established in purinergic receptor P2rx7(-/-) or Nlrp3(-/-) or Casp1(-/-) hosts. Anthracycline-treated individuals with breast cancer carrying a loss-of-function allele of P2RX7 developed metastatic disease more rapidly than individuals bearing the normal allele. These results indicate that the NLRP3 inflammasome links the innate and adaptive immune responses against dying tumor cells.


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We purified from activated T lymphocytes a novel, highly conserved, 116-kDa, intracellular protein that occurred at high levels in the large, dividing cells of the thymus, was up-regulated when resting T or B lymphocytes or hemopoietic progenitors were activated, and was down-regulated when a monocytic leukemia, M1, was induced to differentiate. Expression of the protein was highest in the thymus and spleen and lowest in tissues with a low proportion of dividing cells such as kidney or muscle, although expression was high in the brain. The protein was localized to the cytosol and was phosphorylated, which is consistent with a previous report that the Xenopus laevis ortholog was phosphorylated by a mitotically activated kinase (1 ). The cDNA was previously mischaracterized as encoding p137, a 137-kDa GPI-linked membrane protein (2 ). We propose that the authentic protein encoded by this cDNA be called cytoplasmic activation/proliferation-associated protein-1 (caprin-1), and show that it is the prototype of a novel family of proteins characterized by two novel protein domains, termed homology regions-1 and -2 (HR-1, HR-2). Although we have found evidence for caprins only in urochordates and vertebrates, two insect proteins exhibit well-conserved HR-1 domains. The HR-1 and HR-2 domains have no known function, although the HR-1 of caprin-1 appeared necessary for formation of multimeric complexes of caprin-1. Overexpression of a fusion protein of enhanced green fluorescent protein and caprin-1 induced a specific, dose-dependent suppression of the proliferation of NIH-3T3 cells, consistent with the notion that caprin-1 plays a role in cellular activation or proliferation.


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Activation of cultured hepatic stellate cells correlated with an enhanced expression of proteins involved in uptake and storage of fatty acids (FA translocase CD36, Acyl-CoA synthetase 2) and retinol (cellular retinol binding protein type I, CRBP-I; lecithin:retinol acyltransferases, LRAT). The increased expression of CRBP-I and LRAT during hepatic stellate cells activation, both involved in retinol esterification, was in contrast with the simultaneous depletion of their typical lipid-vitamin A (vitA) reserves. Since hepatic stellate cells express high levels of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor beta (PPARbeta), which become further induced during transition into the activated phenotype, we investigated the potential role of PPARbeta in the regulation of these changes. Administration of L165041, a PPARbeta-specific agonist, further induced the expression of CD36, B-FABP, CRBP-I, and LRAT, whereas their expression was inhibited by antisense PPARbeta mRNA. PPARbeta-RXR dimers bound to CRBP-I promoter sequences. Our observations suggest that PPARbeta regulates the expression of these genes, and thus could play an important role in vitA storage. In vivo, we observed a striking association between the enhanced expression of PPARbeta and CRBP-I in activated myofibroblast-like hepatic stellate cells and the manifestation of vitA autofluorescent droplets in the fibrotic septa after injury with CCl4 or CCl4 in combination with retinol.


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Chronic stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system induces an elevation of blood pressure and the development of cardiac hypertrophy via the actions of its effector, angiotensin II. In cardiomyocytes, mitogen-activated protein kinases as well as protein kinase C isoforms have been shown to be important in the transduction of trophic signals. The Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin has also been suggested to play a role in cardiac growth. In the present report, we investigate possible cross-talks between calcineurin, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in controlling angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy. Angiotensin II-stimulated cardiomyocytes and mice with angiotensin II-dependent renovascular hypertension were treated with the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporin A. Calcineurin, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase activations were determined. We show that cyclosporin A blocks angiotensin II-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in cultured primary cardiomyocytes and in the heart of hypertensive mice. Cyclosporin A also inhibits specific protein kinase C isoforms. In vivo, cyclosporin A prevents the development of cardiac hypertrophy, and this effect appears to be independent of hemodynamic changes. These data suggest cross-talks between the calcineurin pathway, the protein kinase C, and the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling cascades in transducing angiotensin II-mediated stimuli in cardiomyocytes and could provide the basis for an integrated model of cardiac hypertrophy.